By Thornton Crowe
This morning while trying to figure out this week's musing, I came across an old article in the Daily Times from the day after Jake Day's election on November 5, 2015. Interestingly, this article about Jake's big plans for Salisbury illustrates just how much voters were lied to during his election.
A brilliantly horrific ruse of so-called development for Downtown Salisbury was amusing to read as it contained all the fantasies fairy tales are made of - so much so, it put pulp fiction to shame. You know, the same downtown where community leaders and Salisbury University president make idiots of themselves by saying "It's all happening," in some dippy, waste-of-taxpayer money commercial even though its been a hot bed for crime.
One quote really summed it all in a spectacular package:
"City officials have said they want to see a multi-use development plan for the 3.5-acre site that includes retail space, apartments, park areas and parking," states the Daily Times article.Low-Income Project disguised as 'apartments'
Incidentally, in the same article, Day brags how he has a passion for home ownership. If this is true, why build 'apartments' at all in a town that already has a 80% rental rate? Isn't this a contradiction of purpose?

Did Jake not see all the vacant retail space along West Main? Buildings like the old Vernon Powell are decaying from lack of use but we're gonna build new spaces!
Given the low-income housing (Project), I can't fathom Betty Sue from Nithsdale will be able to convince hubby Biff to invest in some chi-chi store in the middle of the "Hood." Therefore, it's safe to assume this so-called retail space would be filled with unsavory businesses, bringing yet more crime to the 'it's all happening' neighborhood.
Everyone in Salisbury, at one point or another, has dealt with its parking ills so how does anyone think we will get more parking with less parking areas? Are they going to build some 50 floor parking structure?
Day told one of my sources a couple months ago, he's only obligated (by law or statute) to provide one half of a parking space per low-income apartment in his spiffy new housing plan. What about all the shoppers he sees coming coming to downtown and the courthouse workers and participants? All this means is now the low-income residents will be fighting lawyers to park their junkers next to shiny Mercedes in the hood. Talk about a scratch & dent extravaganza!
Arts & Entertainment
Day's dream don't stop at housing and retail either. He claims he wants to compete with other small Maryland hamlets like Frederick's "lively downtown arts and entertainment district." We've watched Headquarters Live crash and burn along with several bars opening and closing in short amounts of time so its safe to assume that pipe dream won't ever happen. Who wants to party in the Hood?
Who needs bank when you have dreams?
Nowhere in the article does Jake address Salisbury's job shortage, creating some incentives for new businesses to open or the fact that SU gobbles up property around Salisbury, leaving even less taxpayer money for his grand schemes. Those details are just too inconvenient to mention. Besides, in Day's world, voters either think money will fall from sky for it or don't care about their property taxes (the 20% who actually own) will escalate. Right?
In essence, Salisbury, you elected an illusion -- Jake Day, a man whose grand dreams never factored in a thing sane people refer to as, reality!
Just another day in the Delusion a la Jakester... Ain't life grand?
Is Jake on drugs? His plan doesn't even make sense. It's physically impossible to put any apartments downtown in the parking lots and expect to expand parking.
You can put apartments downtown but then the thugs trash your car...Not worth it.
916 the apartments are Section 8. That's the point in the article. Reading comprehension escapes you.
There's so much history in our community that will be destroyed by Democrats like Jake Day. We've lost so much already. City Hall should have a town historian to keep track of these old places before they're destroyed by Day's great society begins bulldozing our history.
This is what happens when people run unopposed. We get stuck with this garbage instead of having a mayor who actually cares more about Salisbury than his own self-interests, wallet and ambitions for higher offices. When was the last time we had a mayor who loved our town? It's been so long I can't remember.
What baffles me is, no one is man enough to step up to the plate, (like President Trump) to run for Mayor and do what's right for the entire community.
When I ran for Mayor I delivered a platform never introduced to this area, well before its time, (like President Trump). The only difference was, I didn't say drain the swamp.
The establishment, (Good Ol' Boys) could NOT have a Mayor who was going to put the brakes on all the inside deals at taxpayer expense. Jake Day is just a boy, no business experience and is controlled by nothing but special interests.
Back in the day we had "The Dirty Dozen". We were a group of citizens exposing and calling out all of the BS legislation and deals, (Fire Palace, WWTP, etc.) doing everything we could to educate the public about all of it. We were retaliated against in the most illegal ways, lawsuits filed against me and they did everything they could to shut down Salisbury News.
So what did I do, I ran for Mayor. I think we'd ALL like to know, who else is man enough to run for Mayor? I think it would be hilarious for someone to challenge Jake Day at forums and compare his limp wristed rainbow platform verses someone wanting to talk about economic development/jobs.
For those of you who continue to ask ME to run for Mayor, I'm no longer a City resident. HOWEVER, there's nothing saying I can't be the next City Administrator.
Joe, maybe it's because people have become inert due to the overload of liberalism in our society. They don't seem to understand the corruption right in front of them. They stand complacent while their towns get destroyed by the renter class slumlords instead of taking back their communities. Then, they sit around bitching about their taxes going up to pay for all these feel-good programs which usually amount to nothing due to misappropriation of funds. (Code for the money ends up in theirs and their buddies' pockets without producing anything.)
It won't be until the citizens have enough crime and decay will they actually rear up but then it could be way too late to dial back all the damage. We've watched Salisbury's fall into dilapidation for two decades, yet the citizens still vote for the same garbage, different name politicians. They destroy the area's economy by driving our business and failing to court new business. They are blatant in their self-interest but voters, like the infamous followers, just sit back and buy the hype.
People are gullible as they look for politicians to fix situations, not realizing or acknowledging the same people they hold disdain for in the community come from the very class they elect their representatives from. Just inertia.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Its completely applicable in Salisbury. Shame because it used to be a cool place to live. Those days are well behind us.
Idiots that suggest people move away from Salisbury don't realize loss in population only makes matters worse for them and the community on the whole. Seems they don't understand that people are what makes a community which makes their idiotic notions relay their complete ignorance.
Have you ever heard "If it is to be, it is up to me"? If you all are truly concerned you need to FIND someone to run for Mayor. Sitting back, doing nothing but moaning "woe is me" comments does not solve your problem. Don't start in on me, I don't live in Maryland. I gave been reading the same old comments on here for 5 or 6 years now. Not a thing has changed.
Thank you for another well written article.
Just one connection (I think):
It is the residents of the section 8 housing who drive Mercedes - right?
Thanks again.
That's a good one, 11:03AM. Touche indeed.
1102 who wants to run for office in this area when candidates are called up by their opponents and cussed out because the caller is in some drunken stupor? Why would anyone want that kind of harassment? Maybe if Liberals acted decent towards any opposition, you'd have a lot more people running for office. Until then, you'll get garbage like Day (and his father) as mayor.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Isn't the City Adm an appointed job? So if Dems keep running the city you will not be appointed.
Thornton, why, because PATRIOTS stand up to these bullies, just like President Trump did, just like I did.
Stop being such wussies and letting these bullies scare you. Pick them up and body slam every single one of them.
And why did the city dismantle the video surveillance cameras in parking lot 1 ? My wife's vehicle was vandalized last year right across from library next to toll booth @ 9 pm. Thugs just smashed in driver side window, didn't even go inside. So sad.
I still want Debbie Campbell as Mayor she fought hard for the city her and Terry Cohen watched the pennies and dollars always. They really cared but once we had Shanie Shields and Donoway in the mix they took over the two of them together could not run a snow ball cart on the plaza. Salisbury changed and changed the districts until Debbie lost the vote in the last election, her core group was not hers anymore. I think the only people possible are on the County Council, we need the bean counters, and those who research every line item that comes up for votes.
1140 just so you know Debbie Campbell lives in the county now and Terry Cohen moved to Florida so both are out of the running for mayor.
While I'm not one for violent gestures, Joe, I'd have to agree that liberals today do need body slamming. Their ignorance has permeated our society to the point where good common sense is foiled by Tom Foolery and insidious rhetoric, indeed.
What happened to Day's group that tries to discredit truthful articles about his stupid activities and plans? They haven't been trying to post silly comments today. Are they sleeping? Thought those kids worked 24/7 to keep the mayor's Ed Haskel image pristine?
Limonade, there's probably all in Rehobeth having boys' day out.
Day is nothing more then a mere fool. He lacks thinking skills. He's compared Salisbury time and time and time again to areas that are not one bit comparable. Frederick is now not only a suburb of DC but has close to a million people within 30-40mi more people then are on the whole Eastern Shore. To compare the 2 cities is beyond asinine.
I just want to say to everyone who said when some were saying how dumb the idea of Headquarters Live was they were being "negative"
It wasn't being "negative" at ALL. It was being realistic and that is why Salisbury has been and NEVER will be anything other then-------
The Crotch of the Eastern Shore.
Stooges and clowns running the show.
11:12 forget it. There is no hope for Salisbury. It's been stuffed full of loser type people who vote democrat. When that happens there is no recovering.
You keep referring to Trump. You fail to mention that he will accomplish nothing. The dumbocraps are the party of No, and the GOP doesn't have the balls to stand up to them. They can go nuclear on every option but they refuse to do it. We have 2 parties by name, but they all have the same plan.
OBAMAS Legacy, the Crazed liberals is to Destroy and get The Idiots - mindless ones! To get rid of Freedoms *MsM has coupled the Liberal Dysfunction together with Their Thoughts ! Say No!
12:13, That's a load of crap. Trump is already getting a lot done. Liberals are simply crying their eyes out because Trump was elected to reverse their corrupt damage against the majority of Americans who work too hard to keep giving things away to the pansy, dependent Liberals who only want things that come easy while living in their parents basement, collecting food stamps, welfare. Then there's some of them who actually break away from their parents and vote for jackasses like Jim Ireton and Jake day so they can get apartments downtown for pennies on the dollar. Ireton and Day's pals LOVE it because the City will relocate to their projects and rent the entire first floor, under contract that will eventually pay off every single penny those good ol' boys spent to build the facility.
It's time to drain the swamp.
As I recall, Mrs.Campbell and Mrs.Cohen were the best people the council has seen in my day. Been here a many year too.Hope they are both enjoying the good life. Oh, don't want to forget Mr.Tim Spies....thank you all for trying your heart out. They too were like out great POTUS, meant with resistance all the way.
He's an IDIOT!
Indeed ,Trump has accomplished more in 4 months than obama did in 8 years.
The city of Salisbury is in severe trouble because of its failed leadership.
All of the council are not fit to make decisions for people of that city.
Mr. Day is by far a dreamer who displays hope for the people of Salisbury , having said that , his mind is clouded and full of deception . If you want to compare his legacy so far , just take a look at obama , guess it's just a load of BS in a fancy bag.
1213 people like you think it's all add water and mix which shows you're more ignorant than the average idiot voting for people like Day. You're much worse. You haven't one clue what it take to run a government office. You're microwaveable generation is just pathetic. Beyond pathetic.
Is there's cash for Jake to make from these stupid ideas he's all for it. Don't you people know corruption when you see it or are you really that stupid?
Jake Day is the biggest joke of a mayor Salisbury has ever had. Unfortunately that's what you get when you idiots don't run any opposition. Dunn just wet his panties watching his little buddy win because it's someone he can manipulate like a man whore. Salisbury turned into a dump a long time ago. Why do you think people move farther and farther out of the city limits? It's not because they don't want to pay the exorbinate water and sewage bills alone. They moved out because of idiots like Tighlman, Ireton and now Day who are bent on making the city one big ghetto.
Liberalism is like cancer once it attaches is grows and kills the host, The best thing to do is leave Salisbury and move to a conservative area and spot Liberalism early and stomp it out.
Disagree 141. Liberalism is more like a virus that goes into a host and then forces it to change instead of assimilating to the host environment. 💁🏻♂️💁🏻♂️💁🏻♂️
Ivanka reportedly does not love life in Washington, DC, and Jared is reportedly 'miserable' because he is unable to accomplish all the things he wants to do under his father-in-law President Donald Trump. Besides their six-month review, the couple also chose to rent their DC mansion instead of buying, which some have said gives them an easier out back to New York City.
1:33pm...nicely said!!
Surrender? NO!! We hold our ground and fight!
Donald Trump is considering a massive overhaul of his White House staff in Washington DC that would see top strategists from his campaign brought back into the fold.
I did read a comment that said to body slam the liberals. Now we are getting down to accomplishing something. I think we are a little past the body slamming , however I'm very game for a civil uprising or even a civil war.
Did you know that a militia is legal? It's not just the Salisbury city it's the entire country. Don't get me wrong , I'll try the body slam to see if it's effective. That's an assault charge at the least. Power comes with people or crowds , so don't expect much with a few people doing the body slams. I say we need to form a militia of sorts . Just thinking out of the box , does that scare anyone , sure it does, even me.
Just sit back and watch the democrats murder more people and the MSM ignore it.
At least a body slam is a start I guess.
The place just needs a few Korean owned liquor stores where you can sell your food stamps for cash. Maybe a Walmart downtown too so you wouldn't need to travel so far to shoplift.
The problem is, most business owners don't live in the Salisbury City Limits. In the old days people like Bill Morgan who owned the Pepsi plant here, lived in town, donated to the community and cared about his fellow citizens. Now days, the only rich live within the city limits are the landlord class who is responsible for much of the problem in Salisbury. The rest live out in places like Nithsdale because they don't want to live among the riff raff we see here on Salisbury News in the wanted posters. Who can blame them? Until people like Duncan do their jobs, there won't be quality people for the most part living in the city limits. The whole city needs a reset and dial back so there can be a chance of getting new blood in City Hall. Until then, the only people eligible will be those who are intent on ripping off the community, making every dime they can scam off the poor and basically, making Salisbury inhabitable for law abiding citizens.
The President's accomplishments thus far have surpassed what obama did in 8 years. The democrats will never admit this because they are nothing but bottom feeding filth who unless are getting everything for free will be miserable.
Everyone knows the stock market has been phenomenal. A&P broke $20 trillion 1st time in history.
US Manufacturing Index soared to a 33 yr high
the US debt decreased by 100 billion. Compared to obama who increased by this time in office by more then 560 billion.
In his first month alone President Trump added almost 300,000 jobs and unlike obama didn't have to give any fly by night companies like Solyndra tax payers money.
Housing sales are much better. Average time on market 45 days. In 2011 it was 84 days.
Illegal immigration is down by 67% because the boarder agents are now allowed to do the job they are paid to do.
Pre the President's trip abroad NATO announced allies spending is up by 10 billion because unlike the useless liar obama President Trump called out the freeloaders-like a BOSS.
There are more but this is just a sampling of the facts for the low information and the democrats who since all are liars won't tell any of this.
With 80% rentals I bet many of them aren't registered to vote. So a very small number of city residents are actually controlling the government
It's always comical when some make comments they know won't get through but try to chastise people on the staff. Always proves there are bullies in the world who love to talk crap about others because they know they're losers and it's the only way they can get some momentary fleeting feel good. All it makes them look like is dicks who so impotent even their comments are limp biscuits. Just saying.
I miss Campbell and Cohen. Good, decent people who were there for us and not themselves. They exposed much corruption from the Tilghman and Ireton administrations. I hope they are doing well and thank them for their tireless service to the city. They should inspire us to make the same sacrifice if we really want things to change in Salisbury. If we can't change them in our own community, how do we expect to change them nationally.
Salisbury Maryland is full of Department of Correction released misfits, Drug Dealers, Addicts, Thieves, Gangbanger, Illegal Immigrants, Rapers, Pedophilers. Why waste the money on this town. For every Walmart's and prisons in the area, those to business have DESTROYED towns and city's across the country. Why spend money on something that can't be fixed.
Personally I think if you work in Salisbury city limits, you should live in Salisbury city limits. Does the Mayor? Does the Police Chief? How about those people on city council? Do any of these people live in the city of Salisbury? If not, they should not be in their positions making decisions for those of us who do live in city limits.
The mayor cannot even run for the position without living in the city limits. Anyone in the county is ineligible to run for mayor. Please do your homework 756. 💁🏻♂️🙄🙄🙄
You should be ecstatic about the street openings since I realize from your posts that you genuinely care about our area.Great things are coming!!!!!
Everyone needs to look at Stalag Pemberton apartments. Barbed wire fences and a guard booth. That is what the planned Section 8 housing will look like in a few years. They can build a nice facade but the "roaches" will always be the tenants.
Lil Baltimore.
923 do you think there's anything great about being a 'lil Baltimore?' Shouldn't Salisbury aspire to be a better place to live for its citizens and prospective residents? It's attitudes like this that continue the downward spiral of our city.
11:07 it's NOT attitudes like 9:23's. Start using your head. Someone can have the most optimist positive attitude in the world BUT when the majority of politicians are dishonest low life's that attitude will get you no where. The problem is Salisbury is overloaded with want mores. Those who aspire to nothing other then what the government gives them. This leads to poverty and poverty leads to crime. Salisbury for the most part is a slum. Sure there are pockets of nicer areas but overall it's a not a very inviting place for anyone to want to live anymore.
1130 and yet you continue to vote these corrupt politicians into office year after year. Whose not using their head?
The good ole boys elected boy day because they can buy up property like the old firehouse joe tried to buy at almost double what the gilkerson boy got it for. i have watched them do it for 40 years.I would like to agree the jail in princess anne release those mongrels into the area ,also hudon health brings those fools into salisbury from baltimore,can we say crime ridden.
2:33 why didn't you run against him?
"If this is true, why build 'apartments' at all in a town that already has a 80% rental rate?"
It's actually closer to 95% but at least 80% is more realistic than the 65% they have been claiming for the last 20 years.
One thing that people don't like to talk about is the fact that with rentals comes high crime. With high crime comes the need for more police officers, courts, court staff, jails, medical staff, medical care, parole officers, and on and on and on. It's a vicious cycle that goes around and around and around costing tax payers billions of dollars annually.
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