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Sunday, June 11, 2017
Radio Shack GONE!
By Thornton Crowe
It's official: Radio Shack is gone!
A college town with no Radio Shack, no Apple store, no place to find electronic trinkets you need for things like your digital cameras and other little things you take for granted every day. Now you'll have to go to Easton to buy your electronic fix-it needs.
Salisbury's had this company since the old mall but now it's a memory - like so many other companies other towns and cities have that we don't have; but by God, we have a Krispy Kreme (finally) so who cares. Right?
While it's not the city's fault the company decided to close this store, it shows how this area isn't sustaining retail the way it used to back when we were a prosperous town. We've lost a lot as others have indicated in comments on other articles.
Wonder why? Could it be because there's no more Chris Craft, Dresser, Crowne, et. al who've left their area for better towns. The creeping liberalism has continued to kill Salisbury until it is no more. As one commenter wrote on What Went Wrong, the fix is in and people like Day, Gilkerson and others will continue to rape the community until they've made bank, then split to Florida like so many former Salisbury's movers and shakers of yesteryear.
Happy trails, Salisbury. Your boy mayor is doing a grand job, isn't he?
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I didn't know they closed that place down. I knew it was in a dud of a shopping center over there on College but had no idea it was that bad off. Wow.
Jake Day is a Douche Bag just like his father Randy Day is. I have lost so much for Jim Perdue and his wife and son for even promoting some libtard like Randy and then letting Randy put his son on the pay roll with a full time salary as some sort of Government Rep. and never even show up for work. This was done mainly to grab any and every tax incentive, rebate, or what ever from the City of Salisbury.
Shame on the entire Perdue family for allowing this city to run down.
Come to think of it, as much as this kills me to even think this way, I might just jump on the Kathy Phillips and Maria Payan freight train to help run the chicken industry out of this town.
Most people didn't shop those stores anyway. If Walmart doesn't have it, you order it from Amazon.
Good job at what? Ruining what's left after Barrie and Jim? Yeah. If that's what you call success. Just whose side are these people on? Like I gotta ask.
Be careful what you ask for. With Perdue gone, what will Salisbury have left? You got it.... Section 8 and college rental housing.
We don't need brick and mortar stores anymore than we need the USPS. They both need to be replaced with a new concept but ghetto isn't what I had in mind. Amazon is one source for goods though I prefer eBay (less tax collection).
Nobody fixes electronics anymore except for the stores that replace cracked phone screens. There are a ton of those in every major city. That is why radio shack went out of business.
1020 a better option than Amazon is Jet.com. They have the same items, most times cheaper pricing and no sales tax like Amazon now charges. They do two-day shipping free with any order over $30 with no nonsense like Prime membership fee every year. 6-months of Advantix II for dogs is much cheaper than even buying it at Walmart if that's any indication of some of the savings. They also have a fresh service for grocery delivery just like Amazon.
I've used it and it's very quick. Very happy with it because the owner doesn't indulge in forcing his politics on the customers like Jeff Bezos. Worth checking them out.
Radio Shack could have changed their business model, we'll never know because Salisbury isn't a place they want to do business. Who can blame them?
They Did Nationwide Closings, not just Salisbury..... There is only 72 Stores Left in the US. The Only 2 Stores Left in Maryland are Fredrick and Bethesda.... Not Just a Salisbury Issue FYI
Ever since Super Fresh closed down, that mall there has been like a black hole. Most of those places don't get any traffic, the Mexican restaurant closed along with the sub joint. GNC never has anyone in it. The only place I ever see full there is the gym, Ace Hardware and Post Office. That's it.
Wonder how long that store will remain vacant? Will it be as long as the old grocery market part, still vacant after how many years?
Yo dingbat 1028, did you bother to read the article? Thornton said it was not because of Salisbury the place closed. Think he's saying it's one more place gone leaving another vacant store and more people out of work. Why don't you f-ers ever read stuff before posting? Are you that damn ignorant?
Thornton, how can you think downtown will get businesses when the county storefronts are just as vacant and they keep growing because morons build new building which stand empty? The downtown is only a part of the big problem with this area. When its all put together, the whole area is depressed as all get out and no one in our government city or county gives a bean enough about it to do anything.
What does it have to do with liberalism??? Like Radio Shack Isn't the only company that is failing due to poor planning, JC Penny, Sears and etc... To just say Salisbury takes all the blame is just kinda getting old when it's also happening nationwide... Just Open Your eyes once and get out more often.
The crime is so high everywhere in Salisbury, the place is just a dump. Jake, Babbs Duncan and all their happy clams are complacent, biding time until a better deal comes along. They don't care about you. You're just a step to another place. They could care less about the town or residents. Haven't they made that abundantly clear at this point? What do you need? Written instructions? How much clearer could they get?
I get out plenty, pop tart 1042. Fact is its just another indicator Salisbury is dying on the vine. But we do have a Krispy Kreme now after everyone else has had one for decades, so all's well in Smallsville.
Let's Say IF Apple comes, then you complain that it's just minimum wage jobs....
Damn Thor, they can't even get a Cracker Barrel or Red Robin or Boston Market. You really think it's any big deal that another retailer has left? We can't get a whole host of retailers here: Whole Foods, Harris Teeter, Trader Joes. None of those cats will come here. This market is dead. Flatline. No resuscitation required. What difference does it make? Nobody here gives a crap.
Oh I'd love to have a Boston Market here. That would rock. Red Robin is awesome, too. Why can't we get these places here? Instead we have Planned Parenthood ChiChi's. I've never even been to ChiChi's nor will I after that whole mess. 10:49 you forgot our Target isn't even a food Target like Easton. We just have short straws everywhere here.
PopTart Really? That's all you got? How about you put your Real on your next Post. FYI, I don't eat PopTarts and You can read why in my Link below.
Yadda Yadda Yadda, James P. We're all going to die. We're all being poisoned. We're all getting cancer. Jesus H. can't you all come up with better garbage than this unoriginal stuff. Yawning. Yawning. Yawning.
I'm dying here. James P and 1101 are like a comedy duo. A twisted Hannity and Colmes mash up. Too funny. Poptarts aside, think Thornton was just commenting on how more retail is going bust in the area. Not that Jake caused it directly, but indirectly Salisbury isn't a plausible market anymore. 1049 and 1054 have good points. We have to drive to Easton to go to TGI Fridays, Annapolis to go to Red Robin and some place in the middle of nowhere (Selbyville) to go to Harris Teeter. Pretty sad if you really think about it. Salisbury used to be somewhat of a nexus but now it's just blah.
How is this an example of the city not sustaining retail? Nationally, Radioshack has been packing it up and closing the doors. Not to mention overall industry trends in retail. You seem to have issues with logic and compiling facts to obtain a conclusion.
You all seem to want new places to spend your money to move here, yet NO ONE has suggested any company to move here where we can EARN money to spend!
1) Horse
2) Cart.
Got it?
Where is there a ChIChi ?
you got questions? radio shack won't be there to give you the answers.
And perdue is a privately held $! billion company that pollutes our environment and and ravages our countryside just so perdue can keep making money. When your grandkids have nothing left to enjoy you'll figure it out!
All a matter of demographics and technology. Over time when the real jobs left so did the support structure for retail. It's trickle down, no wages so no service industry. Also, Salisbury is experiencing what other cities have, people are leaving and being back filled by section 8 residents who have the entitlement mentality. What use do they have for anything other than Wal Mart and a pharmacy? As for Radio Shack electronics are disposable and again replacements can be bought cheaply at Wal Mart or on the internet. Salisbury holds no attractions and alas becoming unsafe so not surprising it is folding.
They are old people with nothing else to do. Who has time to drive a couple hours to east at a fast casual restaurant or would even want to? This is part of the problem in this area. Back when everyone says this area was great, there was McDonalds, Arby's, Ginos and Burger King. Every other place to eat was locally owned, cooked real food and employed locals for years not a few months. Eventually, a few chain restaurants came to the area like Ponderosa. Now everyone wants all the crappy chains from the big city but don't want the big city problems. It doesn't work like that. You get big enough for those chains to come here, you get everything else too.
It's funny you mention this, because just yesterday I was trying to go to the one in West Ocean City and noticed that it was gone too. The sign in the window said go to Salisbury. Guess I can't go there either. What a shame.
Anyone thinking about moving to SBY, for business or personal reasons, should take a daytime tour: up and down Smith St. and then Rt. 13, through downtown and the neighborhood and across from Bennett, and then park in Walmart for an hour, then imagine how much worse it is at night. Ignore the blight, just look at the people. Nobody is coming here unless they're part of the ECI family tree.
Although everything seems like its in the poo bucket - a positive note is the repaving project done inside the city along Route 50 business (from mill street to East Main).
LONG overdue!
sounds like you need to pack up your home and grandkids and skedaddle on to a happier place that doesn't have these horrendous problems. Call me when you get there and tell me about all those businesses located there - that are not there, to keep making money. Baby you are in a terrible funk. Stop moaning and go find the good life that you know is not here. God helps those who help themselves.
I can count on one hand how many times I bought anything from any Radio Shack, and I've lived my sixty-plus years within a couple of miles of over a hundred of them in U.S. cities. The selection was limited and the prices always high. I'd say that it became a dinosaur about the time the internet became useful, when suppliers of the same products could sell at half the price, with free shipping and no tax thrown in for good measure. Radio Shack evidently didn't get the full meaning of that message.
Stupid Salisbury builders keep building mall strips and they can't even fill superfresh building, primo hoagie, now Radio Shack. another shopping center going up across from the college. Now Wendys bear the college is closed. Wake up people Salisbury is dying!!
When the stores in Easton, Frederick and Bethesda close -- probably real soon -- will you trash various folks and "creeping liberalism" in those towns too?
Primo Hoagies moved into that new place on South 13, where it died from bad timing, bad placement and high rent.
Radio Shack is a relic that is being killed by e-commerce. Plain and simple.
Primo Hoagies died because they used quality meats and ingredients which results in an expensive hoagie which cheapskates in this area won't pay for. In PA, where people have good jobs, there is a line at Primos at lunchtime. To make it in this area all you have to is be the cheapest meal. Look at Daytons/Golden Corral/Red Lobster.
And CHOICES Alternative School gets a NEW building under the guise of a community center. The insanity continues. The east side of town was promised a high school years ago and those kids don't have a community center that isn't located in the city!
10:32. You know they will. Haven't you figured it out, liberalism is the end all of everything. 🙄🙄🙄
Retail stores pulling out of the area is not a good sign regardless of their national decisions. Thornton said it was a national decision. People. Really. Should. Learn. How. To. Read. YEAH~
Radio Shack sold junk products anyway. It might be ok for kids but not for dependability
I order 99% of my stuff off amazon prime. Personally I don't care if/when these stores close because I haven't used them in years. There are millions more like me, so I wouldn't go placing blame all over town. Majority of the blame lies with the consumer.
Beginning to think the Salisbury area is done. Finished. Beyond return. There's no saving this area anymore. It's just a burned out shell no better than Dresden after the Second World War. Sad. It used to be a nice place to live. Now it's nothing. Not because Radio Shack left but because people here are too blind to see what it all means to them.
Radio shack is gone because they are way over priced.
Apple wouldn't locate to this two bit town, lol.
So sad but what do you expect when half the residents live in the ghetto and don't have jobs.
Yep the Wendy's closed next to the college. Wonder how long Hardees and Arby's will survive. Both have no people in their restaurants ever and their drive thrus never get packed like CookOut. They are like desolate wastelands of what use to be. Like McDonald's they'll probably either move closer to a Walmart or just shut down altogether. South Salisbury is just pathetic. You'd think with SU right there, these places would have booming business. On a side note, more people unemployed. Yep, Jake Day's really doing a fantastic job isn't he?
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