Three suspected terror attacks happening simultaneously in London going on right now. One on the London Bridge, which involved three suspects stabbing people with 12" knives. One involving a car mowing down people in Borough Market and another incident in Vauxhall. All three incidents are being investigated as terrorism as per Prime Minister Theresa May.
President Trump has been briefed of the situation and has issued this tweet of condolence to Londoners.
In a separate tweet, President Trump did state this is why the Travel Ban must be allowed to go forth to ensure Americans' safety.Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the U. K., we will be there - WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 3, 2017
This story is developing.We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 3, 2017
The Borough Market and London Bridge incidents have been confirmed as terror attack but the Vauxhall is not at this time.
There has been one death but no word as to where this death occurred. Several wounded and there is word may be another fatality in addition to the first one.
Several casualties are reported. The new map has also added Parliament but no known incident being reported at this time.
London Police: At least 20 people have been taken to 6 local hospitals.
US State Dept has issued statements for Americans in London.
Emergency message for U.S. Citizens - please read + share:— U.S. Embassy London (@USAinUK) June 4, 2017
Update: On the London Bridge a white van going 50mph swerved and went on the sidewalk mowing down people. They're speculating 4-7 people run down. Suspects jumped out with 12" knives and stabbed an unknown amount of people. In Borough Market, suspect(s) started stabbing people indiscriminately in the busy marketplace.
Homeland Security: No credible threat at this point for the US but officials are closely monitoring this situation.
Just in from a commenter:
Three suspects were shot and killed by London Police.Muslims laughing and yelling Allah Ackbar in London after #LondonBridge attack— Tanya Tay 🇺🇸 (@GoTTdiva) June 3, 2017

Overlooking the Borough Market Area on Live Stream (Image is stat not video)
The number has now risen to at least 40 victims transported to local hospitals, many in critical condition.
Couldn't pay me enough money to go to Europe right now. It's too dangerous and the governments there don't seem too concerned about stopping the terrorism killing it's citizens.
Yeah according to the Mayor if London, muslims are "peace loving people"
When is it okay for us to stop feeling sorry for the UK's bought with terrorism. They opened the door to this, allowed citizens with known terror connections to travel back and forth to countries where these training camps are located and then these incidents occur. This is four incidents in a matter of two weeks. FOUR! When do they take responsibility for allowing these people to continue coming into their country unfettered and allowed to roam about unchecked?
759 right there with you. Nowhere overseas right now is safe to visit. Targets on anyone whose not Muslim. It's time everyone started taking their countries back. Religious tyranny is what made the original (northern) colonists come to America. It's time for all of us to stand our ground and fight back!
Blame the ENGLISH LIBERAL politicians wgo allow radical muslims to wollo in areas unchecked.
Well allow Muslim to run the street and this is what you get. England is not the country it once was. If America keeps it up, it will be just like it.
Religion of peace my arss
Will London begin making their immigration laws stricter? Probably not. Agree with commenter above. When is it their responsibility for these incidents happening? This is five terror attacks now in less than a year. Remember the London Bridge was involved in front of Parliament a couple months back.
Remember when I was in high school there were summer trips abroad for students at a severely reduced rate. Don't imagine they're doing that kind of thing anymore. Would you send your kids to Europe right now, especially unsupervised? Such a shame. I learned a lot from my travels through Europe on those trips. Kids get the ultimate shaft any way you look at it.
Nights like this I thank God Trump is my president.
Mohammedan's get extra credit for killing non-Muslims during this holy time of year!
Just waiting to read: “known to authorities” and they were "monitoring" them.
Amen, me too!
Brits swinging into action. Massive flower memorials being immediately organized.
It was heart-warming but it grew old with Paris in 2015.
All the flowers and candles in the world isn't going to solve this problem. It's Mr. Smith & Mr. Wessons' time.
Arianna Grande went over there to visit with victims from Manchester in the hospital. From the pics on TV it just looked like a photo op for the singer who hates America and sympathizes with Islam. Supposedly she's having a Love Manchester concert this Sunday. Bet it ain't free. Some people are such PR whores it's absence. She's one of them.
What happened to you England?
They stood up against Hitler.
But now have invited an even greater evil into their home to murder them in cold blood.
And the man who stood the tallest, Churchill, warned the world of Islamic savagery and it's threat to humanity.
You get what you ask for sorry for the innocent people that have died but coexist is a fairy tale.
Yes and more We Stand Withs and hashtags. I’m sure the jihadists are beginning to feel the trending strain.
London isn't learning to deal with this very well. What's up with that? Thought this is why they elected their Muslim mayor who celebrates these terrorists! Multiculturalism is working out really well, ain't it.
1040 did you change your profile picture to have an overlay of the British flag on Facebook yet?
New York Governor Cuomo directs increased security at high-profile locations across the state
— BNO News (@BNONews) June 4, 2017
But you best believe most of the security that was increased was around his house.
One guy on Fox said that 70% of the Muslims in Ireland want Sharia Law. He said this was insane to let them stay there because they have enough trouble with the Protestants and Catholics trying to coexist now adding Islam is just suicidal. My money's on the Irish Republican Army to take care of their muslim problem. They fight terror with terror and don't apologize for it either.
This is how it’s done…….
Create “no-go” zones in the country you have successful invaded. Those are are now conquered territory.
Begin to change the cultural mores – i.e. have the Mayor of London ban any advertisements that display women in swimsuits.
Rape and beat women. Make then afraid to go out in public alone without a burka on.
Execute terrorist incidents in the largely populated areas – i.e. NYC, London, Paris. At some point the natives of the country will be too scared to come into those areas at night. Continue incidents around in the countries of the Western world until all natives are afraid to come out at night.
Continue to work on exterminating the culture. Destroy places of significance, from restaurants to bakery’s to legendary buildings to what newspapers can print to places of worship to art museums. This leaves the frightened populace with nothing in their country to hold on to.
Begin to implement Sharia law.
The worst part about this is that we have been warned over and over for a great many years exactly what they were going to do…. and what do we do.......light candles.
Governments want all the authority without any responsibility over citizens lives. For the last 40 years, Britain systematically removed citizens rights to lawful self defense, removed capital punishment and wonder why Islamic terrorists don’t mind murdering people.
London police told their citizens to run, hide, and tell.
The American says "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition…"
— IntellectualFrogLegs (@SmartFrogLegs) June 4, 2017
I know right! Here it will go again. More flowers, candles, vigils, hand holding, and nice little Teddy bears to show them terrorists we really mean business.
Mr. Smith & Mr. Wesson will handle it better than teddy bear love.
9:55. They're still doing it There's one in a couple of weeks to Europe.
So tired of hearing about those Amish killing all of these innocent people in London. They need to be watched, and maybe put on a list so the authorities can be on the lookout for trouble. Of course, this is going to piss off liberals, it is Profiling, and Racist.
"That's what you expect in a large city". London's muslin mayor
What's troubling is we've had four more terror attacks since actually five including Manchester. Egypt and Kabul then another one. None of them had any coverage in the media but in London, it's been wall to wall. There was over 350 injured and 80 killed in Kabul, 20+ in Egypt were killed. Don't know what happened with the third. Only person to mention it was Trump during his Paris speech. That's a lot of people dying in the name of ISIS and media doesn't say a peep. Nothing.
Thank God Donald Trump is our President instead of some tree hugging Liberal. At least he's got backbone to do something.
12:39 he's got the backbone but he also needs congress and the courts and he needs to expose any Rinos and Democrats that resist his efforts to keep us safe. It is time to declare war on the muslim religion because they have declared war on us. Kick them out of the country,execute them or what ever it takes but we need to get completely rid of them ALL of them. As far as I'm concerned if you are a muslim you are my enemy and that also goes for any muslim sympathizers.
144 yes, he does have a backbone and no, he doesn't need congress or the courts. His trump card (pun intended) is he could declare martial law which will circumvent everything. Have to say, of all the presidents we've had since Reagan, Trump is the only one I would trust to declare martial law and not take advantage of the situation, so I say Brooha! Let's roll!
ROFLMAO. You really think that any terrorists, muslim or homegrown, have their sights set on Salisbury or the eastern shore? There is not a high value target on this side of the Bay. The only threat you have is fallout from an attack on DC or calvert cliffs.
3:04 is spot on. There ain't a newspaper or tv station that is viewed/read by anyone west of kent island around here.
Remember this, you "lets all love each other" bozo's.
Your leaders (and theirs, too) KNOW that somewhere in the middle of all those thousands upons thousands of peaceful muslim men (women and children didn't come in the same numbers), there would be killers intent on harming innocent citizens.
They rolled the dice with YOUR life to prove to everyone that they WEREN'T racist or islamaphobes, or what have you.
They KNEW some of us would be killed and maimed. They also knew it wouldn't be any politician or any of their families. THEY have armed killers to protect them 24-7 while they do everything they can to disarm US.
Their NUMBER ONE JOB is our security. Not the health and welfare of murderers that live 5000 miles away.
I loved it when Trump said "I represent the citizens of Pittsburg, not Paris".
Its about time we had a man who thought of America FIRST, not just how much of our lives and treasure we can distribute to people sworn to kill us.
Maybe they need to be shown what killing is really like, as in carpet bombing the home towns of every killer involved. Until even the rocks have been reduced to sand. You can't wait to die?? We'll speed it up for you.
Let the pedophilic, fake, gay god they worship sort them out.
3:04 is not "spot on" 4:08. High profile targets are not the norm with Islamic terrorists.
Ohio State
Pulse Nightclub
San Bernadino
99.9 percent of Islamic terrorist attacks were on places like restaurants, hospitals, wedding parties and on and on. Place and things everyday people go and do in every town everywhere.
London took away citizens guns years ago. HELLO
829 you show the level of simplicity and ignorance of the readers here. Please google the number of muslims that have been killed by terror attacks this year, then readdress you statement.
Isn't it time we just evicted all Muslims? This is getting ridiculous and if we do what London does by letting them remain without assimilation and practicing Sharia law, this is exactly what we'll have. Why do we allow them to stay? Why continue to let them into the country at all? Just ridiculous.
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