DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 18, 2017
City Welcomes New Deputy City Administrators
Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day and City Administrator Julia Glanz are proud to announce that Alison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow will be joining the City as its new Deputy City Administrators. In line with the Mayor’s recently adopted FY18 budget which mandates reorganization in some areas of City government, the formerly singular Assistant City Administrator job title has been reimagined to better handle a growing workload.
“The Assistant Administrator position came into being as part of the FY ’07 budget,” said the Mayor, “and it has been the office where the rubber meets the road on our most important fiscal and planning documents ever since. As we have taken on more and more event planning and production, with all that is laid out in our Master Plan and with the National Folk Festival now a very big reality for us, the position’s scope of responsibility has become large enough that a second person is needed as we move forward.”
City Administrator Julia Glanz said, “We set a high bar for this group of applicants, and there were some very strong interviews. It’s a unique situation to have to search for two ideal candidates to fill matching positions like this, but we were fortunate enough to have met a couple of interviewees who really ‘wowed’ us.”
Alison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow will each bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to bear upon their new assignments. Currently, Alison serves as the Communications and Special Events Coordinator for Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services. Andy is the Recreation Superintendent for the Wicomico County Recreation and Parks Department.
Alison’s experience is grounded in government and public relations. Throughout her professional career, she has served as the Legislative Director for Delegate J.B. Jennings of the Maryland House of Delegates, as well as the legal assistant for a Kansas State House Representative. In addition to her service in various political capacities, Alison has also served as the Military Community Liaison to the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce and as the Leadership Manhattan Coordinator. Locally, Alison is the Race Director of the Hero Day 5k, and one of the driving forces behind the Rotary Club’s “Flags 4 Heroes” displays across from Shorebird Stadium in Salisbury.
Andy has worked as the Recreation Superintendent for Wicomico County since 2011 and has experience in activity planning and personnel management. Throughout his time with the County, Andy has coordinated efforts within the community to encourage citizen activity and program participation. Andy has also managed multiple special events with a multitude participants. He is a Salisbury native.
“I’m excited to welcome Alison and Andy, and I look forward to each of their contributions as we move our City forward,” said the Mayor. “The expectations for these positions are high, and that was made abundantly clear during the interview process. These individuals will be leading our City team as we make historic progress over the next few years, and I’m confident that we’ve found the right people for the job.”
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Maybe they will be smart enough to see the city is loosing money with the county and pull the nuclear
Which one is gay? Not that it matters but if we're talking a government position then, of course, we have to have inclusiveness at all levels. Also, which one identifies as a minority? I'm not seeing much diversity in the leadership here folks.
my curiousity ... do either one know what a hair brush is, or how to use one?
More cronies hired by Fake Day.
10:46 I wish the Mayor would pull the nuclear option. Then maybe Mr. Culver would finally tell the Mayor to go suck an egg and end the affiliation with the city concerning this matter.
They look like they just came out of a homeless shelter! One has serious bed head and the other looks like they are wearing clothes from the Salvation Army thrift store!
where the rubber meets the road
he is such a cliche'
does this guy ever have an original thought?
My guess is that they were both thoroughly vetted to ensure that they held firm far-left political beliefs, to ensure the continuation of progressive policies in your local government.
I would like to know how someone who doesn't do accounting is qualified for an accounting position.
More like friends doing friends a job favor.
Alison Pulcher
Communications & Special Event Coordinator
Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc.
Salisbury University
And our "friend" Andy was previously a Rec Super? And now he is an Assistant City Admin?
They set the bar high? Is that a joke? I guess what they mean they set the bar high for everyone - who was not a friend or buddy.
Wicomic County
Recreation & Parks Staff Directory
Recreation Superintendent
Andy Kitzrow
Alison was an event planner for the Jake Day for Mayor campaign. Thats why she got the job.
Campaign Manager
Company Name
Jake Day for Mayor
Dates Employed
Mar 2015 – Nov 2015
Employment Duration
9 mos
Salisbury, Maryland
Managed every aspect of winning Mayoral campaign. Event planning and execution, volunteer coordinator, donor coordinator, media assistant.
Media assistant? 1254 thought most media people were supposed to be camera-friendly.
Not that much of a win working on a winning campaign when you had no one running against your client. A trophy is not a win, it's empty experience. There's a lotta nothing in that nothing.
Wow Salisbury residents this should pi$$you off!
1:03 🙌🏻
One is Jewish - doesn't that count for diversity?
Evident cronyism. And more expense to the taxpayers without any assurance of deliverables.
Sad, really sad.
Bread and circuses. More low value festivals. More bikepaths. Less convenient parking for actual shoppers. Yippee!
Children of the Korn!!!
Alison’s experience is grounded in government and public relations. Throughout her professional career, she has served as the Legislative Director for Delegate J.B. Jennings of the Maryland House of Delegates, as well as the legal assistant for a Kansas State House Representative. In addition to her service in various political capacities, Alison has also served as the Military Community Liaison to the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce and as the Leadership Manhattan Coordinator. Locally, Alison is the Race Director of the Hero Day 5k, and one of the driving forces behind the Rotary Club’s “Flags 4 Heroes” displays across from Shorebird Stadium in Salisbury.
WOW - Notice that DAY and his chippy's fail to mention the fact that SHE RAN HIS CAMPAIGN. I wonder why they felt it necessary to lie and omit this fact?!?
Clearly there is no way these two individuals are at all qualified for the jobs they were handed.
I would love for someone to ask Kitzrow about the duck and toilet plunger episode. Guarantee he'll say he doesn't know what you're talking about, but he knows. Fun times!!! It was a few years back when he was younger.
"Anonymous said...
Alison’s experience is grounded in government and public relations. Throughout her professional career, she has served as the Legislative Director for Delegate J.B. Jennings of the Maryland House of Delegates, as well as the legal assistant for a Kansas State House Representative. In addition to her service in various political capacities, Alison has also served as the Military Community Liaison to the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce and as the Leadership Manhattan Coordinator. Locally, Alison is the Race Director of the Hero Day 5k, and one of the driving forces behind the Rotary Club’s “Flags 4 Heroes” displays across from Shorebird Stadium in Salisbury.
WOW - Notice that DAY and his chippy's fail to mention the fact that SHE RAN HIS CAMPAIGN. I wonder why they felt it necessary to lie and omit this fact?!?"
Wasn't his campaign in trouble for unaccounted for money? Or missing money? Something to that effect?
- I am sure each who have made a comment actually lives in Salisbury city limits, otherwise why would you waste time commenting. You all could have nipped this in the bud. Why did you all not put someone on the ballot with your own values and concerns for your hometown, to run against Mr Day? You all handed the Mayor's job to Jake Day on a silver platter. Don't be a looking for sympathy now that you Salisbury voters screwed up.
2 Trolls.
Is this an educational day for middle schoolers where they see what its like in the typical day of a city administrator. What a great teaching program. Congrats to the City.
1:47,I sure am. Children hiring children!
I think you guys should recognize that Alison Pulcher is a person that rolls her sleeves up and gets to work. Military spouses are a tough breed and I think that your criticism of her is unfair. She has also worked for Republicans which is why they referred to her as having public relations experience. If you want something done, give it to a busy person. Alison is one of them. She is more than qualified for the position and the low blow criticism is uncalled for.
1005 her qualifications are she's buddies with Glanz and Day. End of file. She's a college dropout or flunk out. I know one person who applied for these positions who had exceptional credentials who didn't even get an interview because they don't go partying with Day and Glanz. Not even a letter saying piss off.
This must be an example of the Day spin machine. Glad you let this one through so we can see it for ourselves.
10:05.... (Likely one of the folks being criticized in this article). Good at rolling her sleeves up? Sounds like she'd be a great event planner. But, that's about it. Ms. Pulcher uses the "I'm a military spouse" excuse like it's a handicapped parking placard. She can do the job because "military spouses are tough," she should get the job because "military spouses are tough," she doesn't need credentials or experience because "military spouses are tough," she should get a free pass because "military spouses are tough," she should write a blog about how she doesn't need any acknowledgement for her service as a military spouse because "military spouses are tough," and don't forget she's a military spouse who is tough... as nauseum. I was a military spouse for 16 years and never once did I rest on my husband's laurels. Make a name for yourself. Stop relying on your friends and calculated social climbing. Being married to someone in the military might make you worldly, but does not mean a hill of beans when it comes to job experience for such a high profile position.
Here here 1152. Absolutely truth. It's also despicable to use her husband's military status as some kind of gauge for her own competence. I've known many military spouses who didn't have a plug nickel worth of ethics or good morals, so that's not saying anything. Just fluffy feel good liberal garbage.
She's pushing 40 and has barely 5 years total of work experience in unrelated things (and that's being generous). How does that make her "more than qualified" for this position?
Rebel Without a Clue said...
Which one is gay? Not that it matters but if we're talking a government position then, of course, we have to have inclusiveness at all levels. Also, which one identifies as a minority? I'm not seeing much diversity in the leadership here folks.
June 15, 2017 at 10:54 AM
I think they both are, but I am pretty confident Andy Kitzrow is!!
I guess with Jake Day, Jim Ireton, Julia Glanz, Alison Pulcher, Andy Kitzrow and Chris Demone all identifying as female and gay that is where you get your diversity from?
Anonymous said...
10:05.... (Likely one of the folks being criticized in this article). Good at rolling her sleeves up? Sounds like she'd be a great event planner. But, that's about it. Ms. Pulcher uses the "I'm a military spouse" excuse like it's a handicapped parking placard. She can do the job because "military spouses are tough," she should get the job because "military spouses are tough," she doesn't need credentials or experience because "military spouses are tough," she should get a free pass because "military spouses are tough," she should write a blog about how she doesn't need any acknowledgement for her service as a military spouse because "military spouses are tough," and don't forget she's a military spouse who is tough... as nauseum. I was a military spouse for 16 years and never once did I rest on my husband's laurels. Make a name for yourself. Stop relying on your friends and calculated social climbing. Being married to someone in the military might make you worldly, but does not mean a hill of beans when it comes to job experience for such a high profile position.
June 16, 2017 at 11:52 AM
Thank you for pointing that out. I thought it was just me who noticed that she has absolutely no experience other than being "a military spouse." Just like Jake Day these clowns have absolutely NO EXPERIENCE!! I thought things were bad under Barrie Tilghman, but they definitely got worse under Jim Ireton and by far the worse under Jake Day.
Since Jake Day is no more than a community organizer on the Left it fits the narrative to hire more left wing community organizers.
I'm looking at the pictures and trying to figure out which one is Andy Kitzrow?
"Alison Pulcher and Andy Kitzrow will be joining the City as its new Deputy City Administrators."
Jake Day hiring more of his Millennial Homo buddies along with Julia Glanz. Between all 4 of them you can't find enough leadership to run the City of Salisbury. I'm confident the leadership in Annapolis and the Maryland Municipal League is laughing at us and making us the Butt of All Jokes. This city is such an embarrassment to all of us.
What were the degree requirements for the Deputy City Administrators position?
Andy Kitzrow was nothing but the Program Director for Kids Klub. An after school baby sitting job that Wicomico County Parks and Recs put on. That does not give you the "Wow Factor" that Mr. Glanz quotes in the the news release.
Anonymous said...
my curiousity ... do either one know what a hair brush is, or how to use one?
June 15, 2017 at 11:17 AM
Exactly!! How unprofessional can they get for the high ranking positions they will now employ.
"“The Assistant Administrator position came into being as part of the FY ’07 budget,” said the Mayor,"
This quote came from a fluffed up press release as if Jake Day was being interviewed by journalist. It's designed to catch your eye and distract most people from the fact that these clowns have no experience just like Jake Day himself.
I noticed that Jake Day didn't post where Alison Pulcher went to college, just like Jim Ireton didn't post where Tom Stevenson didn't go to college. They know how to use trickery to get one over on the dumb, unsuspecting tax payers and voters of this low informed city.
Nothing but the good ole boy system going on here.
It's sad that Salisbury with just a population of 33,000 people thinks they are big enough to have 2 full time Deputy City Administrators and a full time City Administrator.
What's even more sad is that those 33,000 people have allowed that to happen without even a whimper out of them. Because Salisbury is now a thriving city with 3rd Friday and now a "Folk Festival." Give me a damn break. We have a Mayor and all his secretaries and a PIO, a City Administrator and now 2(TWO) Deputy City Administrators and they can't handle a "Folk Festival?"
Ladies and Gentlemen this exactly how Democrats think and that is why Democrat Cities go bankrupt!
Apparently, the only requirements were excelling at beer pong and brown nosing.
What qualifications do they both posses besides being friends with Jake Day? What happened to diversity & inclusion?
Andy supervised a day care? And, if I'm not mistaken, Alison worked at one too. So I'm confused. Does the city need leaders or babysitters??
11:38 AM you are absolutely correct. Andy was in charge of the after school program called Kids Klub. There were not many employees and now he is responsible for supervising the entire city. WTF!
What kind of degree does Alison Pulcher have? Sounds like what they did with Tom Stevenson who wasn't qualified to run a lemonade stand.
I didn't see the job announcement with qualifications. Was it even posted?
I don't know either one of these people but from the looks of them I don't think they represent Salisbury well if they can't look clean.
Too bad both these positions are illegal and shouldn't be paid until they are legal. Are they going to start working without a guarantee of getting paid? I sure as hell wouldn't but the city's credit is no good in my books.
Who decided kindercares were eligible to be deputy city administrators? What a joke. Funny.
City Hall is full of children
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