DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 11, 2017
A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Housing Inspectors
They are now going around with a ruler about height of grass and grass in curbs, they should look at their own back door; the grass (weeds) in front to Bennett High School are about 2 feet tall but people get citations when their is moss or stubble grass. I just got 2 citations for the same thing dated 1 day apart with one written on the first of June with a compliance date of the 3rd. They. Sby Housing, mailed it on the 2nd. It seems they hire a bunch of misfits. They also target rental property of owner occupied properties.
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Bennett High is on county property. The city can't cite them.
will they ck jake days hair height ?
google Rosie o donnel now is raising $ for the NSA leaker.
Joe u need to post ALL the county councils cell # so people can call them about the confederate issue ?
ATTENTION someone please go around DaBury and get pics of CITY PROPERTY with high grass and poat the pics on SBYNEWS.
To the author of this thread get your camera out and ride down tower st from college ave end to south boulevard and take pictures of that jungle growing within and take it to city council meeting
what needs to be done is to take photos of all the city property in violation and post them
HONEY, they have been harassing the E. Side neighborhoods for over a year now. It started with the new person they hired. She is the king of BS, making it up as she goes along. It all depends on who you are. My one neighbor has knee high grass and she turns a blind eye. I've got 3 pieces of curb grass and she's plastering my front door with her BS.
Yep and ANYONE who gets a SUMMONS pull out the pics of CITY PROPERTY with HIGH GRASS.
Thats bc ur tax paying REPUBLICANS.
Just seen that wow.
6:25 PM and you can't do this yourself because???
Useless jobs. They just sit around in their trucks all day wasting gas. Trying to make neighborhoods that no one drives through look good. More wasted tax dollars
yeah what's the matter with those people? leave the ghetto alone! Better bring some pizzas along with your citation! where's babs?
I don't live on the city and never will, you city dwellers need to take pics to city council meeting and let your voices be heard.
Ride down Elizabeth Street, church Street, Maryland or Ohio Ave. and look at all of the code violations at rental homes that are tanking property values in our city and tell me how on earth they can worry about tall grass in the sidewalks of owner occupied homes. When the cite something like tall grass in the yard of a homeowner, of course, the homeowner will comply. They can count that statistic. Slumlords with slummy properties are much harder to get to remedy violations, especially in a sustainable way. It's been going on for years. Day, the council and the department heads and minions who preside over this all need to go! The city's had decades to fix this and yet the decline is allowed to continue thanks to political insiders and the "good 'old boys." GSC, SAPOA, Chamber...are you listening? Also, look at who's not paying their taxes. ..rental company, after rental company.
The city needs to purchase some goats to eat the grass and weeds and pen them up at the artists hotel on the river.I forgot a goat in that neck of the woods would not last long.
Wasn't this part of the great restructuring Jake day held a big news conference about?? Everyone was being placed in jobs that would utilize their strengths. Tom Stevenson was supposed to be on the job cleaning Salisbury's streets up and the new administrator would be an asset not publicizing and glorifying gay marriage on downtown plaza. What a freaking sideshow
He (6:25) can't do that because he is just like most of the people commenting. They won't do anything - vote, run for office, volunteer, support a good candidate, or move. All mouth no action.
Why not just get some pride and cut your grass and shut up and then you can go find something different to bitch about. Geez!
Fight bsck with your vote.
Oh, and look at the uncited old mall property.
The old mall with the big fat Tax Increment financing deal from the city thanks to Mike Dunn and company!
It's not that difficult to fix. The problem is the people who hold office. Cowards, corrupt, lazy ... no matter the underlying problem with our "leaders" if people who are smart, honest and solution oriented would run, Salisbury could prosper. First, clean house. Second, enforce the laws already on the books. Third, fix or remove laws that aren't working or aren't needed. Forth, work with the county and state to bring the resources for a big push to drive out crime and blight, Fifth, make our school system one of excellence. Simultaneously, make Salisbury business friendly ( and I don't mean the businesses of slumlording, pawn shops and payday lenders). Capitalize on the assets we have like the SU and Wor/Wic. Create training programs for skilled trades and use the classrooms at Parkside around the clock to ready people for good paying jobs. Finally, if you embark on this journey, avoid the temptation to feel more important that you are and become part of the problem, rather than the solution.
Call it a small hay field or a food plot for endangered birds...
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