By Thornton Crowe
Mainstream Media and Liberals are making big hoopla over the first 100 days as if this is indicative of presidential success, but is it? Actual history would beg to differ.
Starting in 1933 with Franklin D. Roosevelt, this myth has continued throughout the decades as some kind of marker that every president must hit; however, the fact is, FDR's first 100 was largely overturned by the Supreme Court within his first term. This is the very reason why during his second term, he attempted his court packing - a move that fell flat and garnered much criticism.
History proves most of the First New Deal (and most of the Second New Deal) was overturned because it was unconstitutional; some initiatives came back but they were watered down version and largely ineffectual as many historians (and economists) will verify the New Deal actually extended the Great Depression an additional decade due to the on again/off again temporary employment offered by government projects. Very little had staying power which is what's need to build a healthy economy.
Like with most urban legends, the first 100 day marker was built on a misperception of what actually happened during FDR's first three months.
How's Trump Really Doing...
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Unlike FDR, President Trump has been madly successful in his first 100. However, even with these fiscally sound achievements because healthcare and Border Wall haven't passed
yet, the Media is having a field day, claiming he's somehow let us down and is a liar.
In reality, healthcare lays squarely on Paul Ryan's shoulders because the President doesn't control Congress; the Speaker is in charge of that negligent band of impotents. Second, regarding the Wall, its been funded since 2006 but everyone inside the Beltway has forgotten this fact, including our buddy Ryan. Surely, the Trump Administration is looking for ways to unlock those funds and put them towards what they were intended in spite of the Speaker.
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All things considered - his enemies being everyone in the Democrat party, a lot of Republican establishment goons and the Media - Trump's first 100 has produced some stunning changes that many Americans have already begun to feel in their wallets and attitudes. Consumer confidence is up higher than it's been since 2001, the Tax Plan he proposes will bring more money to Middle America than we've had since Reagan's in 1982 and Wall Street has responded in kind. He's done this largely by dialing back on a lot of the business-raping regulations from the Obama era and started the wheels moving again in American Industry.
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While his attempts to keep us safe via travel bans and monetary sanctions on sanctuary cities, have been
temporarily halted by judicial activists in the Nineth Circuit, once on the Supreme Court level, those injunctions will be swiftly overturned. Why? Because both Executive Orders are within Presidential Purview and no judge can eradicate the president's abilities to govern as long as its within the scope of the US Constitution.
Additionally, Liberals would have you believe some fable that his initiatives will somehow bring about the end of the earth. Yet in spite of their cautionary tale of foreboding woe, since he took office, the sun still comes up in the East and sets in the West everyday without fail. Therefore, all the hysterical hyperbole has done nothing but make the Democrat Party look ridiculously irrelevant and out of touch with mainstream America.
The Real Problem..
Simply put, President Trump is here for the People. This thought terrifies Liberals and they've shown this fear through their behaviors since his election (as well as before.) He truly believes to his inner core in the
America First policy. Apparently, he's not alone because 80% of the public agrees and wants him to succeed!
Bottom line: President Trump remembers who answers to:
We the People.
How say you?
Yes. And thank God Obama is gone.
I hope President Trump will get down to some past Earmarks to different states an Senators in the last few years.
That should make some interesting read for us.
In the mean time, we will be watching the distractions develop.
My children, thank you for hearing my words. Obama, and his minion Hillary, lurk at every corner. His brain implant, as Hillary's, is malfunctioning because he can no longer give out free money. My children, Obama and Hillary conspire but trump has shown, with his steadfastness, how Obama's reptilian brain tried tries to control the sheep.
The reason why Hillary almost fell over in that video was because her hardware malfunctioned (reptilian implants).
Obama must control you and your every move. When people rebel, it causes him extreme machine- induced malfunctioned because it cannot compute the rebellious behaviors of freedom- living citizens.
Thanks again for an excellent post as always. I hope you keep this up on Sundays , it revives my thinking and gives me hope for my grandchildren and my great grandchildren . I was just looking at the death rate in Korea during my stay as an infantry soldier ,it was many , maybe happening again. People need to know that we are still at war with north Korea, the war has not stopped it was called a cease fire that never happened . Well over 50,000 casualties and mounting to this day .
Spot On...however my concern is how some of the globalists are now 'close to him'...many 'deep state' people are still in places that could continue to cause damage to his administration and America.
Right now, Paul Ryan is undermining the president over and over. ObamaCare MUST be killed totally. I would not care if the government didn't replace it with anything and let the private market take care of it, BUT since this is not going to happen, I would like a bill/law that would give us full competition across state lines, a limit on suits and freedom to choose what WE need for our particular case. Lastly whatever the POLS pass and the president signs into law, the POLS MUST use this system, NOT their own that they are currently using. If they make a law, any law, they must follow that law as well.
We need to rid ourselves of the one man that is a threat to our country , problem solved , Sorros is a terrorist with bags of money and should be eliminated. Trump has done well so far putting up with all then BS.
Wait for current Head IRS leaves and then will be for both parties going be sorry for mess with Trump and his people. While for them pay back mass amount of taxes for 20 to 30 years worth.
Trump is the one savior our great nation needs to secure victory over the insane liberals who have infiltrated our nation dui g the 8 years of terror known as Obama's "presidency." We know Obama to not be a citizen, so all he did is illegal and should be treated as such. While in Kenya, his hardware (I'm his brain) was updated to be able to communicate and control the thoughts and actions of Hillary once she was coordinated. However, true American heroes saw the evil machine- programmed Hillary for the cyborg she was and voted for a real, live patriot.
Holy cow, people calling us "my children" bringing up Reptilian implants, cyborgs, birthers, unintelligible sentences about paying 30 yrs of back taxes? Chemtrails are thick today...
Theres alot of fake news reports, some even make their way here on this site, they've gone to great extents to try to further brainwash the masses with their lies. There must be some accountability for the liars, the lying cheating politicians, ect. They must be punished, held responsible for their terrorist acts. Accountability now will deter future liars and thieves!!
12:13PM, the Founders were concerned about the Press generating fake news. Yes, they did that back in the day as well; however, to do that would usurp the First Amendment. Therefore, it's up to us, the voters, to learn discernment and ferret out the real from the fake. You can't just take everyone's words at face value. At least, with Wikileaks, we've had many MSM outlets exposed for their collusion with the DNC and their actions have verified as such. Just stay diligent and be aware of what feels true from actions versus what's fake news. Being that President Trump is a pretty out-front guy, you can tell his ingenuous attitude verses the Democrats disingenuous statements. They keep beating dead horses to pulp because they're embarrassed. It's really that simple.
My child, hear my words. Hillary, Obama and their puppet master soros have just gotten started. Believe this- it won't be long until the democrats create a terminator- like army. Look at inner cities for a preview.
Great Post!
Boy ,The libs cannot take the shoe on the other foot.
We eliminated 8 years of ill fitting Walmart fish heads.
And these Trump New Balance feel 100% better.
My children? Just who are you? Unless your name is Bob or Donna, I think you need check your privilege. Why do you properly address Obama and Hillary but not "trump"? So Obama has a reptile brain with a malfunctioning implant? I think you're off the rails a bit.
Not to fret, this very warm stretch will end in a day or so. By weeks end, low 60s again...enough to COOL off some who are a bit out there with their continued Barry and Hillary fascination.
EVER FORWARD with TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!
The gene pool is very shallow around here.
347 don't see anyone forcing you to stay here. If you don't like the gene pool around Mayberry, move. No one will weep, rest assured!
10:36AM Agreed but remember President Trump isn't daf. He's well aware of people working against him. Look for some changes soon.
Pressure is being applied to Congress to repeal Ryan. We'll see how it shakes out. He's a nuisance but not insurmountable. Like mosquitoes on a hot Shore night, he'll be dealt with.
As for repeal of Obamacare only, it can't be done because Democrats decimated the pre-ocare insurance business. They will have to do something in order to regenerate that industry in the beginning because it's gone as of this point. Other measures need to be implemented like Tort reform and pharma negotiations to get the inflated pricing down. The prices are inflated because the Democrats also screwed that industry, too.
Democrats might not be business minded but they can sure Shanghi and destroy companies with their nonsense. That's about all they're actually good at if you really think about it. Thanks for the input.
3:47. 🤣🤣🤣. It's because they keep sharing the same one!!!
My rebelliois child, heed these words. President trump, the one and only, is here to save you from the implanted ones.
Why are you calling us your children? Weird.
Bill Clinton on his 100 days said he had tied JFK's record of bedding 7 women in the Whitehouse in his first 100 days.
3:50 Already did. Much happier. Beautiful waterfront home, no state income tax, republican state, CCW, clean water, no section 8 apts along the water and predominately educated upper class neighbors. Still like to read about all you fools whining and complaining about how bad everything is - no jobs, no real estate recovery, gay mayor/boy mayor, crime, murders, rapes and lazy cops/sorry excuses for firemen. You must really love it there.
Not your child. What's your deal? You clearly are out in left field. His name is Trump. Not trump. I don't think I will "heed" a single word from this nut.
6:11 Obama had in his first 100 days had screwed over 100,000 working white people!
Ah, my word has been heard! Remember, Obama could not speak without a teleprompter. You know why, his reptilian brain computer chip!!
634 already plotting my own escape from the Shore! This place is dead for those wanting a life.
8:44. I'm right behind you!!! GOODBYE GHETTO LIFE!!!
850 it's like a warped Peyton Place ghetto style. Way too controversial for me. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Jim Jones wannabe
I think you're the one with the malfunctioning computer chip! Your word has been heard? Go back to la la land.
People expect everything to be done instantaneously when it took literally decades to implement the corruption that goes on now in DC. Fair weather voters need to get a clue that its going to take more than 15 minutes to clean up whats taken decades to build. Trump will do it. No doubt. But we we need to be patient as well. I've heard a couple who voted for him doubt that he'll get it done based on the first 100 which is ridiculous. Patience is a virtue and a fixed government will be worth the wait.
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