Unique Opportunity to Learn or Rediscover the Sport
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources invites residents to participate in the state’s three, free fishing days in 2017: June 3, June 10 and July 4.

They provide a unique opportunity to fish the state’s waters without obtaining a fishing license, stamp or registration.
“Maryland has a wealth of public fishing waters, where anglers can catch anything from cold-water trout and striped bass to tasty white perch and more than 60 other species,” Fishing and Boating Services Director David Blazer said. “Free fishing days are a great way for any Marylander to learn or rediscover the sport.”
Anglers must adhere to size and catch limits. Convenient fishing spots can be located on the department’s free mobile app and the Angler’s Access map.
There are nearly two dozen License-Free Fishing Areas located throughout the state, where anglers can access prime fishing areas with a free angler registration. Any angler under the age of 16 is not required to have a fishing license.
it is so kind of our great leaders to allow us to fish for free
Agreed, 4:43. Even North Korea does not require a license to fish in their waters.
Tax on the poor. Don't need a license to fish from your waterfront property.
come on 519...another N Korea reference...Move there if you don't like it here in the US.
We take your rights and sell them back to you in this "free" country. Keep thinking you are free, youll be happier than the people who have realized the truth about this system at play in this country.
I'm good with the fee for the license. Helps pay for the ramps and fish stocking. As well as many other things. Just like a toll road. Pay for use.
9:25 The license fee is not the issue. The license is the key to negative contact with LEO. DNR or NRP initiates contact to determine if said fisherman has a license and uses that opportunity to look for potential violations including but not limited to life jackets, boat registration, alcohol in cooler, running DL numbers for warrants, search of personal property, etc. Same slippery slope as seat belt law. Just a reason to initiate contact and investigate/interrogate.
They can do all that if you don't have a license. If you don't have anything to hide then your good. I wear my lifejacket at all times. I don't have any alcohol when I boat, it's dangerous. I have no warrants. If someone did have warrants I hope they do get caught. Everything you mentioned is to protect our safety. Keep looking over your shoulder 9:42.
Smith and Wesson protects my safety. Those aholes chased me down once and admitted they were pulling me over because I had a fancy boat. Had done nothing wrong except for driving a go fast boat with big 454 engines. Just another reason why my vehicles and boats are registered in another state now. MD can kiss my tax and fee revenue bye bye.
9:49 yep boat registered in De. and trailer tagged in Maine. Suck it Md.
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