A number of people have died during a "serious incident" at the Manchester [ENGLAND] Arena following reports of a "huge bang".
A police statement said: "Emergency services are currently responding to reports of an explosion at Manchester Arena.
"There are a number of fatalities and others injured."
Witnesses reported hearing a "huge bang" at the venue during an Ariana Grande gig. A spokesman for the US singer has confirmed she is okay.
Videos from inside the venue show fans running, while footage from outside captures emergency services arriving at the scene.
Catherine Macfarlane, who was at the gig, told the Reuters news agency: "We were making our way out and when we were right by the door there was a massive explosion and everybody was screaming.
"It was a huge explosion - you could feel it in your chest. It was chaotic. Everybody was running and screaming and just trying to get out of the area."
Lou Dobbs on Fox Business is saying authorities are stating it looks like it's another terrorist attack. ---
Confirmed by Manchester officials, Ariana Grande was unharmed and this is now being confirmed by UK police to avoid the area and this is a terror attack. ---
19 Dead over 50 Wounded as per UK Police and Fox Business. Police investigating a suicide bomber suspected at concert. While a device was found, it was not another bomb. ---
Police confirming shrapnel wounds coming into local Manchester hospital from bomb suspected to be filled with nails. Location was by the box office not in the lobby. A press conference is forthcoming. Big part of the audience was young teens. --- Developing
Major cities like New York are tightening their security for mass transit systems due to Manchester Bombing. US Officials have been briefed by UK Officials, evidence including body that this is a suicide bombing at the arena. No report of organization taking responsibility at this point. (9:45PM)
There have been attacks on this day, four years ago. This could be related to that incident was tweet out by Terror Expert for Trump Administration, Sebastian Gorka.
News Conference has been delayed by forthcoming. ---
Even though the bombing happened four (4) hours ago, they are still taking victims away to the hospital.
Press conference. 19 confirmed dead and 50 confirmed injured. They are treating this a terrorist incident. They are working with local and national agencies.
Update 20 dead and 59 wounded. News speculation is most victims are young girls.
Now confirmed it is a terrorist attack and is being treated as such. MO is the same as prior terrorist attacks throughout Europe, Israel and America. --- Developing
From Department of Homeland Security:
Click to Enlarge |
Some news sources are reporting that there was a loud bang rather than an explosion and people were injured in a panic driven stampede.
Reported 20 dead as of 7:30 our time.
Weird. Last night I watched a concert on MTV with Eagles of Death Metal. They were the band that was at that Paris nightclub in November 2015. Just f-ed up!
727 Blood everywhere is not a stampede. There were two explosions and Dobbs is already reporting Manchester officials are looking at it as a terror attack. Please quit spreading fake news. This is the very reason people should be careful what they're watching.
There are life periscope feeds online..scary..
741 the Club was Bataclan. A lot of people died there that night including the band's merch guy. Sad.
Problem with 24/7 news. Everyone reporting without facts. Nothing but speculation.
This is what happens when you allow radicals to take over your country England is a ticking time bomb.
This will happen in America and you can thank the Snowflake Liberal JUDGES.
england got out of Brexit but there liberal politicians have let there country be over run by radical islam and tgey are doing NOTHING ABOUT IT.
I agree American dems and judges want to keep letting these radicals UnVetted into america this WILL happen here bc of DEMOCRATS.
836 so how did 9/11 happen?
Allowed radical saudis into the country foool.
Videos on twitter show it was a nail bomb
Report of body parts, blood, guts everywhere! People slipping in the gore, and being stepped on. Wounded with nails and BB's crying out in pain, and bleeding as they stagger out.
Possibly all victims from a bomb exploded by those members of the peaceful Obama religion!
dems need to be reclassified as radical muslims.
852 sounds like a radical islam lover.
Trump shut down our boarders and ARREST ALL LIB JUDGES UNDER OBAMA.
That's what they get for cowering to the damn Muslims. This Country deserves the same thing. If you don't like that comment, then you obviously condone Muslims taking over our country.
Weak England and there open boarders.
Anonymous said...
May 22, 2017 at 9:01 PM
Only Dems are Snowflakes you dumb POS!
Anonymous said...
england got out of Brexit but there liberal politicians have let there country be over run by radical islam and tgey are doing NOTHING ABOUT IT.
May 22, 2017 at 8:49 PM
There ≠ their
This is a tour manager's nightmare.
Never heard of this artist but I've been to that arena to see the Foo Fighters. Looks like the place was packed. It's a huge arena.
Young kids at the concert. Brilliant. Just what every parent wants to see. Open borders are for people on crack!
England ALLOWED over 1000 KNOWN RADICALS BACK into their country the dems need to hung for treason.
849 Aka Loserrrrrrr
obama hillary maxine waters al sharpton cnn
England has no-go zones meaning places where no one other than Muslims go because those areas are violent and the 'immigrants' have taken over the areas. One could say Michigan is becoming like one of these zones. England shouldn't be shocked about this event. The GD mayor of London is a Muslim whose more than ISIS friendly. They are seriously warped.
IT'S "BORDERS", Knucklehead!
Boarders live in a boarding house and pay rent for that. You want them "closed"????
Smart as a box of hammers!
obama is to busy with his RICH 1%er friends he is a pos hypocrite.
wow we have a snowflake teacher onboard.
At the ENGLISH FOOLS allow it.
Barely hours had passed since reports emerged of an explosion at Manchester Arena when Boston-based journalist David Leavitt took to Twitter to write: 'Multiple confirmed fatalities at Manchester Arena. The last time I listened to Ariana Grande I almost died too.'
'Honestly, for over a year I thought Ariana Grande was something you ordered at Starbucks,' he continued, oblivious to the insensitivity of his first tweet.
Cnn is doing a SPD Cover up it was just car that back fired and spread small pieces of metal.CNN aint going to like hearing trump tommorrow blasting these liberal traitor dems WE TOLD YA.
Here's an idea. How about we let these radical Islamic sh!bags know that moving forward, for every one of our people they kill we let loose an an air strike guaranteed to kill 1,000 of theirs...MINIMUM!!!!
All this talk of piece in the world by politicians globally is horsesh!t. You can't reason with people that hold no value to human life so let's stop trying.
Yes you do. One that can spell!
"Anonymous said...
836 so how did 9/11 happen?
May 22, 2017 at 8:52 PM"
One word-CLINTON that's how 9/11 happened! The FBI was aware for years that suspected terrorists were taking flight lessons but Clinton's
FBI director Freeh ignored the threat. Also the liberal immigration of Clinton allowed them in. He like obama and every single other democrat would sacrifice their own child so as not to offend a voter base. Democrats are very very very evil people.
9:28 she is a young Disney star. Her audience is young girls. they are preying on our children now!!!!
I've heard the audience is young girls ages 6-20 years old. They're now targeting some of the most vulnerable, kids. Such disgusting POSs is what these people are. How can you target little kids like this? You'd have to be soulless assholes.
It's ironic that Grande was publicly critical of President Trump's refugee ban and her concert is the site for a major terror incident. I wonder if the Hollywood pimps will now see the danger. We will be told this was committed by a citizen of UK but very few UK citizens speak Farsi so well.
Why are they still calling it a "possible terror attack"? A bomb kills 19, what else would you call it?
Hope all those Trump-hating women and gays realize ISIS will do away with women and gays first! You people need to wake up. You're ignorant to a point where you're endangering your own lives.
1048 that's usually how it happens. As for the terrorists, moving on to little girls is indicative just how sick these people really are. Show no mercy on them. Snag 'em, bag 'em and tag 'em.
Sorry to say, but all four of my grandparents are from different European countries. The United States had to bail Europe out in WWI then soon after in WWII. The leaders of Europe are again leading their people to disaster. Some of our own elected officials are trying the exact same suicidal policies here. Watch, Europe will continue its path to destruction and then ask us to save them again. How stupid are they? And how stupid are we? We know islam is murderous cult - all of them either do it or condone it - yet some of us strive to put all of us at risk. It's time to actively condemn and defeat not only the murderers but their apologists and sympathizers and enablers as well. Do you really think they are going to spare you when the chips are down? They want you dead just like they want me dead. Read their books, infidels. They mean business.
Once again Geraldo Rivera, so-called self-proclaimed friend of Trump's just tried to blame Trump for this terror attack. When will Fox News fire that hack? He's such a dick.
I haven't heard there's been an official claim yet but #ISIS accounts they are celebrating the attack.
one thats a snowflake smart A..
She was also on tape two years ago hating on America.
England were you can leave to go to a Known terror country and come back to england NO questions asked.
Cnn and msnbc are not covering the terror attack that much i guess they want to keep there snowflake transgender crowd calm so they wont piss in there pants like the cowards they are.
Ariana Grande - Pro refugee, Pro Muslim, anti-Trump, anti-American, Women's March organizer and raging liberal! I bet she wishes she was in the safety of the USA now.
The situation, of course, is horrific.
Also horrific is the fact that (as reported) the majority of attendees were "girls between 6 and 18 years of age".
Google the lyrics of Ariana's newest song, "Everyday". I'd post them here but knowing Joe he wouldn't allow it. Watch the video. Who voluntarily buys the tickets and subjects their children to this?
Parents of these young girls...Are you crazy??
Why do you have to make this about YOU? Who cares what you watched on TV last night? Seriously?
Again, why do you have to make it about YOU? Obviously, it's a large arena. Reports say it holds 21,000 people. Approximately the size of Verizon Center. Nobody cares if you've been to that arena. It isn't about YOU!!
Send her to Iran.
Death toll up to 22: more than 200 people injured, mostly kids.
Last night the usual Terrorist Apologists Enablers were tweeting that moslem cabbies were giving free rides, so islam is all good!
PR Theresa May hasn't uttered these ridiculous words "nothing to do with Islam." Let's hope she stands her ground.
Watch next will be the dumb teddy bears, flowers and stupid candlelight vigils as if that is going to do anything. Take the teddy home for the next attack. The Europeans needs to gets some backbone and angrily march down the streets demanding this murdering stop by any means necessary.
Back at the beginning of this month the Mayor of London said something along the lines of terrorist acts are a part of living in a big city so basically get use to them.
The left longs to normalize islamic terror.
The democrats can't wait to say, "see I told you we need gun control" with every mass shooting. The entire Left has no qualms about "I told you so's on every tragedy you can imagine.
I'd love to see President Trump troll those Leftist with an actual, legitimate "told you so"…."What in the hell do you expect when you force 3rd world barbarians into civilization, give them welfare so they have nothing to do except plot evil, and kowtow to their entitled ideas about their ‘right’ to impose their miserable culture on their hosts?”
Arian how is that Anti american pro muslim attitude working out ? you POS.
100% Correct she should be sent to Iran and see how long she lasts on the streets.
The United States was run by a Muslim President for 8 years. England is not the only dumb*sses.
This terrible tragedy is direct result of Failed Policies of British Liberal Politicians. Yes, their citizens finally voted for Brexit and tight border security, but it was too little, too late, hords of Muslim Jihadis already snuck in the country. England, France and rest of Europe have been mostly ruled by Liberal Socialist Politicians who allowed Flood of Muslim Invasion to come in, under the disguise of "Refugees" and "Diversity". And the same Socialists and Globalists here in U.S. calling themselves Liberal Democrats, pushing for Open Borders, Influx of Unvetted "Refugees" and using Taxpayers $$$ to pay for it. They organize and finance these so called "protests" against President Trump and his Travel Ban on 6 Muslim countries, which were red flagged before Trump took office. So, message for those Slimey Crooked Democ-rats, who proclaim Islam is religion of peace, while the Muslims are killing anyone who they believe is infidel. The question is:" Who do you represent, the tax-paying citizens or your party leaders agendas? Do their words match their Voting Records? Folks it's time we the the People hold these politicians accountable, and demand for the Hypocrites to resign. Because our lives and our children lives depend on it.
100% Correct England has promoted Islam AND SHARIA for years they also ALLOW there Radicals to leave and get more radical and RETURN and put on Watch lists which the CLUELESS Liberal english do NOT follow up with Hey England you vote for Liberalism you GOT IT.
1000% Correct and then England voted in A MUSLIM Radical MAYOR.
She made it easy for the Terrorists.
Also 10:31 the failed policy of the democrat party which can (if they are honest but none are) would admit they are on the same level as Hitler and the Nazis. It was because of obama/clinton/rice and the democrat party as a whole and their meddling in both Egypt and Libya that both are now terrorist strongholds where people including Christians are getting slaughtered on a daily basis. obama admin made the mess and the slaughter. Just like the Nazis are the democrat party and if they deny their are either liars or clueless as to what is going on in the real world.
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