DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 07, 2017
Beaver Run Update
I want to thank everyone for sharing this post and all the support that we have received on Hayden's behalf. After contacting the child advocate this amazing man accomplished in a few hours what we as parents could not in 3 weeks. The boys have been transferred out of my daughters class and the school is attempting to find another bus that may be able to transport my daughter. We will still be meeting with the BOE tomorrow to voice our concerns about how this situation was handled. I would also still like to speak with the news about this man who helped us if given the permission by him so other parents are aware this compassionate soul exists in our community and truly does have the best intentions of our children in mind.
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Word association game: wcboe
"Don't tell" Donna- like Obama, no change just more of the cover ups
I had a problem with Beaver Run last week. I called to tell them I was picking up my kid an not to put him on the bus. I was told if I wasn't there by a certain time my kid would be put on the bus. I told her I was in my way an I would not make this deadline. She told me they'd put him on the bus if the deadline wasn't met. That pissed me off. I told her she can put my kid on the bus if she wanted but there was no-one to get him at the bus stop an the bus driver will have to bring him back to the school. So in order for me an her not to have a problem it was in her best interest no to put my kid on a bus. Her response " I'll see what I can do ". I know one thing when I got to the school my kid was there.
Glad things are starting to happen. Your daughter never should to have gone through this. The BOE is only looking out for themselves. They will hide weapons and assults to bring down their numbers. I guarantee that what these two boys did was never recorded into record like it never happened. They will tell you our referrals are down and our schools are safer. So their looking for a bus for the girl. Why not make the boys parents figure out a way to get them to school? Put them out for what they did, not the girl.
Yup, were these boys of the liberal kind
6:36 🤥
What these boys did was horrible. However, two things come to mind.
1. How did this go on with no adult to intervene and stop it. (twice). Have the teachers been reprimanded as well?
2. This is not normal behaviors for boys this young. They have witnessed and learned this from some other source. Maybe their households need a visit from CPS as well.
We must be ever vigilant! Liberals have infiltrated every level of government. In order to make YOU feel like you are insane, they tell you up is down, left is right, insane is same. VOTE OUT ALL LIBS
Weren't these children on the playground supervised during recess? If not, why not?
Too much goes on in school that parents are not made aware of!
I agree. The victim should not be punished with a new routine. The boys should lose their bus priveledges and the family deal with it.
Anon 6:36 Sorry, your child would have been placed on the bus if it were I. Maybe prior warning may have helped but can't you see the problem if this were to happen from multiple parents. There is accountability, sorry it's on you!
I am happy that the situation was handled and hope that discipline is handed out to the boys. No child should ever be disrespectful.
BUT the idiot pos MIKA BRZENSKI has been on Tvs Morning joe questiining Trumps Mental health X week now she is winding up the Idiot Elizabeth SnowFlake Warren on Trumps Mental Health ....Hey Mika Do you and the Dems want a Civil War in America ? Because you wikk get it if Anything happens to President TRUMP.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease! Media attention to this got results. I don't believe they would have done anything otherwise if this wasn't posted on SBYNEWS. I know this is read by BOE officials and county government.
I'm quite sure that very few people will agree with me, but these were 7 yo kids. One of the things kids learn while growing up is: what is and is not appropriate. Clearly, what the boys did was not appropriate. In my day they would have been taken to the principals office, would have been scolded, would have had to sit in the office for the rest of the day, and had a note sent home to the parents. Unless these boys were habitual trouble makers this would have been enough to get the point across and with-in a few days ALL THREE would have most likely been friends again !!!
I do not agree with the overreaction on the part of the parents or school (unless their is more to the story)!
When you contact Joe Albero, requesting help, he allows you to tell your story in YOUR OWN words, and does not twist the story as he may interpret it like the news does. You get to explain the whole incident as you see fit, and the news will overlook or leave out certain details. It is because of this that people understand the magnitude and importance of things like this, and it is not just a headline that is overlooked. I LOVE that you responded to the original post with the update, and it would have been much more difficult if not impossible to have made the progress you have without Joe's Blog, allowing it to be posted. If this had not been posted as it is written in your words, then your meeting with the board, and possibly even the police would be kept hush hush, as they do not want to tarnish their reputation, and put funding in jeopardy for the schools. The schools, as you are aware, do not get certain funding if they have too many office referrals, suspensions, etc. Joe, you deserve more credit than anyone will ever give you, for allowing us to have a voice.
Believe me, there is.
8:31-DID you READ the post? It said she called Child Advocacy! Child Advocacy is a Deputy..................Here's your sign................
8:53, That's very kind of you to say, thank you. We take a LOT of heat from the rest of the local media because I refuse to publish the name of the people sending us such information and claim it is not credible. No, it's more like extremely convenient they demand such to place them in fear of retaliation from elected officials.
Know this. When we publish a letter to the editor, (such as this one) I have that persons name and contact. I do not publish anonymous information as there is no accountability. So what we do deliver is just as strong as other media sources, we just protect people.
I will agree with you, the reason Salisbury News has grown and far surpassed everyone else is because we keep it real. While this comes back to bite me in some cases, the TRUTH is getting out there. We will NEVER be like other media sources who feel the need to claim they are far from "fake news", not "bias" like other social media sources and whatever else WMDT like to claim, yet these are the very people who created "the council of no's" and so many other FAKE NEWS information. I love the "our business has increased 75% since advertising with so and so, PLLLEEEEEASE! That's funny because guess what, you NEVER see that companies AD anywhere. My favorite is Captain Willy standing at his home selling some kind of gutter shield and if you look close, THERE'S NO GUTTERS on the house!
Anyhow, thanks for letting me go on a rant. Thanks for supporting what we do.
They should find another bus for the ones at fault and keep the girl on her bus.
Overreaction? Nope! This kind of behaviour is a troubling view of what these children are being raised to think is OK; if left unchecked, they will be abusers & rapists when they are older. The anti-women attitude in some cultures is absolutely sickening.
8:27 I question your mental health. You are unable to complete a coherent sentence.
Obama's reptilian brain
What happened?
This is the policy in all schools. How do they know you are who you are in the phone? Unless it's in writing or you are there in person beforehand, your child gets on the bus. End of story.
Well said. Liberal parents want to make an issue if everything.
CPS in Wicomico County 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Dear Readers,
I was dismayed to review this posting, and while I am thankful there was some resolution (given the services of the advocate), this could have all been avoided if the Principal was permitted to completed a 'UPC' (Suspension until parent conference) on both boys along with the completion of the required forms and call to Child Protective Services. This undoubtedly would have made the two parents of the offending children quite upset, but would be the correct course of action (along with moving the boys to other classrooms and making busing changes for the boys as well).
We will have no way of knowing if these actions have occurred(due to confidentiality), and I would like to give Principal Twilley the benefit of the doubt. With this being said, I have every reason to believe that Mr. Twilley would have notified his superiors (most likely Susan Jones, Director of Elementary Education) for direction on this in light of the DOJ situation. I surmise that she referred to her superiors as well (likely Dr. Margo Handy, Asst. Supt.) The readers should know that Mr. Twilley most likely had no real decision to make and was required to follow his directives. For those outraged by this, I would suggest that your ire be channeled to Mrs. Jones and Dr. Handy.
No there isn't!
WCBOE wants to have full control of your child but then not be held accountable when they don't do their jobs. Really remarkable anyone puts their kids in public school anymore. Good thing that climate is changing and public schools will now have to step up or lose out. No more fall back on the government for their dereliction of duty. The bottom line is this situation shouldn't have been brought to local media to resolve. Common sense dictates it needed resolution but because it was done in a public forum it's like the school system was 'shamed' into finding resolution rather than making an equitable resolution of their own accord. Shameless waste of taxpayer money.
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