DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Another Week, Another Rape In Salisbury Maryland
Yeah, you people just listen to the Boy Mayor and his rubber stamping Police Chief, women are in serious danger in Salisbury, Maryland.
And how about the rest of your Main Stream Media covering it all up!
WHEN are you people going to finally get fed up? WHEN are you going to stop listening to their BS. How many women have to get RAPED before the Red Flag goes up in your heads before you demand answers?
Put a BOY in a mans job and this is what you get. Remember, this is documented. Last week they called another crime a sexual assault on a 90+ year old woman.
IMAGINE one of your family members, (mother, grandmother, great grandmother) being sexually assaulted or raped, especially that late in life.
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To politicians who are democrats, the only thing that matters is them being in power.
What can we do about this??
What the he'll is wrong with this city ???
Joe, the sad thing is, it is going to take all the women in SBY to get rapped before anyone gives a darn... At least by their in-action and how the SBY PD wants to cover it up and how you have the Mayor who won't let anyone mention it... Hell you can't even talk about it around him...
Can't the city and the SPD get sued over all of this? Since people are being put in danger for the sake of numbers???
Oh remember the ass cheek sucking cop lovers argue cops are here to help you, so explain to me how covering up raps and other crimes, and the in-action to help these victims helps anyone?????
90 years old? Dear Lord. These kids go to our schools, with our children. Can you imagine?
Rape by force? Is there another kind?
So when will Molly be protesting against rape of women wearing a pink hat ? Oh yea she won't be because she only pretends to care about women when she thinks she can use it for political advantage.
I doubt the rap (your word) was done in front of cops. I do agree it shouldn't be covered up, although it is not being covered up by the working cop.
Jake day needs to be ARRESTED.
Sad my wife and I both live in Wicomico County. We both work for the local government. If you people really new what all goes on you would GO CRAZY literally. We are considering selling our home and moving to Worchester County. Our leaders (so called) are not prepared to do what is necessary to restore order in Wicomico County. There for it's lost.
I got out 2 yrs ago.
Along with the chief.
Joe since you know hogan y dont u ask gov hogan to do a investigation by the IG.?
BOY OH BOY if this was my grandma there would be hell to pay in thugville.
5:05, Each and every one of you have a voice. You need to start calling your legislators. When enough of you care and enough of you call, then and only then are they going to take this seriously. Governor Hogan's Staff keeps tabs on Salisbury News, so don't think he doesn't know.
I wish harm on know one. But let his wife or a family member get attacked an I bet he'll do something. He's a POS. Does he do anything other than smile for the camera ?
Chief Duncan is more than half the problem. She needs to leave the department, the city, the county, and the state. Go back to New York.
5:39---Jake will never do it. He is way to concerned about losing votes bc certain part of the salisbury population like her thug hugging methods. It's about votes and he won't do it. We all have to ban together and vote against him before there will be a change.
How can a woman chief of police not put a full staff of cops on rape cases and not come down on suspects with every bit of venom it possible to muster. Shame on her,I wonder how she would feel if it was her or her daughter or mother?
I was informed by a LEO that my tazer was illegal! My reply was....so is rape and murder! I would rather me answer why I fried him with my tazer than my parents answer which casket to put me in!!!
Carry a gun...rather be judge by 12....than carried by 6
You are correct, and she is racists against her white officers, white staff, and white supervisors
Won't matter even if they make an arrest. With Hogan's Justice Reinvestment Act, the perpetrators won't go to jail anyway.
They are illegal in certain countys and wicomico amd dorchester they aint so LEO needs to get her facts straight.
Wonder why Molly the activist isn't picketing and marching because of this? She claimed she was raped but we don't hear a peep from her on this issue in Salisbury. What, Molly? No rally? No social discord? Is it only rapes that happen to you that mean something? Why not be a real activist for all rape victims instead of using it to excuse your own idiotic behaviors?
Where does the Sheriff of the entire county stand on this. Is he even in town?? Why are all the detectives not under one roof. Makes no sense at all for them to be so fragmented. Strength in numbers the powers to be should be ashamed. What a mess.
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