By Thornton Crowe
Noticing the Left's temper tantrum continuing into the third month of Trump's presidency, something occurred to me the other day as I watched the so-called Feminists like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) go off on the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB) operation launched on ISIS base camps last week.

In reality, if these feminists were in the predominantly Muslim countries, they wouldn't hold elected offices, be wealthy in their own right or even be able to divorce their abusive husbands. We've all seen the stories coming out about Muslims' abuse of women but feminists appear to have turned a blind cheek and decided to ignore the ugly truth.
What will they do when it becomes a reality in America should judicial activist judges get their way? Will they want their daughters dowsed with acid or set on fire? Are they prepared to attend their daughter's funeral after she's been stoned to death for being raped by her husband or his friend(s)?
At what point do the Feminists in America wake up to the cold reality of what Muslim women have endured for centuries? Do they really think these situations are just isolated?
Look at Germany and Sweden right now. If the refugee violence against women in those countries were merely isolated incidents by a few bad eggs, why would their governments specifically instruct their news to censor the real crime statistics? Why would they attempt to mislead their own people and the world about the situation while the statistics for refugee crime continue to surge beyond the terrorist attacks that have high profile status on all news networks?
Liberals believe the general public is relatively stupid and they don't understand the reality of what's really going on with groups like ISIS. They want us to believe that Islam is a religion of Peace, when even Thomas Jefferson back in the 1800s understood, Islam is an entire belief system where religion is only a small, tiny fraction of a massive political system. And yet, the Feminists continue to rally against the Trump's administration in order to promote an ideology who sees them as expendable slaves and would kill them in a heartbeat!
Feminists live in this victimization where they have no equality in their minds, yet they flagrantly ignore real victims who have nothing close to what they enjoy here in our society! Does this hypocrisy at some point, bleed through all the high-brow rhetoric and balderdash?
Thought I'd add this graphic (2011 before mass refugee spread through Europe) so you can see the seriousness of this issue. Note the countries with highest rape/domestic abuse rates. It is no accident that Mexico and the Middle East have a high volume of Rape and Sexual Assaults on Women! Do your homework, you'll learn the truth is truly the Ugly Truth!
I implore local Feminists to take this opportunity here to explain themselves in the comments below. Would be interested to hear their explanation for their brazen complicity in this horrendous violence against women while touting equality here in America.
Something tells me, none of the feminists will take me up on this offer...
It's the same with gays. How can they support this I'll never know.
Mr. Crowe ,
The Obama administration had 8 years to brain wash the left , of course he had help from some ladies such as Hillary. Having said that , we will have a tough road ahead to re-educate and prove the truth to these people.
We have a political cancer in this nation which is defined as the left , liberal or even democrat. They are everywhere even in my family(the young ones) . This should be an easy conversion if all families would take the time to explain with truth and proven facts. The media will be tough to convert Anyway , a very good post , as usual.( it's all about the $$$$$ (media))
Of course liberals believe the general population is stupid; this is a basic tenant of liberals. They believe that only the "educated", the "experts" know the correct answers and are the only ones capable of making the correct decisions for everyone.
"We have a political cancer in this nation which is defined as the left , liberal or even democrat."
9:15AM you are absolutely correct in your assessment, it is a political cancer and it's about time it was ripped from its comfort zone and exposed to dose of reality. It's staggering the way women tout about equality yet they applaud the inequality of other women throughout the world. Supporting terrorists of any kind is about as low as anyone can go in human existence.
Thank you for your comment as well as 9:01AM. I knew this would probably not be popular subject matter; however, it must be addressed all the same.
In a world of chosen ignorance, 918, can you ever really have educated experts with correct answers or political operatives with agendas against America? Once you embrace Liberals hate America and her citizens, everything they do and say makes perfect sense. My question is, why don't they go to a country where their ideas are more readily acceptable?
At first when I looked at the picture I thought it was just a Muslim woman but looking closer she hides a black eye. Is this why they where outfits that completely cover them? To hide all the wounds and bruises?
Makes women like Meryl Streep look ridiculous to the many who have listened to her ranting and raving against Trump. He's the only person in DC who seems to be concerned about getting rid of ISIS and the evil they bring to any society they invade.
My brother's wife is a big liberal feminist who complains constantly about Trump and everything about inequality for women. She also bitched about bombing Isis. Go figure.
Will Molly and Jackie weigh in here?
After reading this post I decided to google domestic abuse in the US. What I read about the US statistics on domestic abuse was positively horrifying. This is another ugly truth that some don't want to acknowledge. Have a look for yourselves.
Feminists are too concerned with killing babies than worrying about the land of the living. They're absolute hypocrites and their mental disease is ever-present in the garbage they spew through Planned Parenthood and other fronts for mass genocide.
I know many liberals in my church who are against any talk of deportation and doing away with Sharia law in America. How can someone claim to hold Christian values but think torturing women is fine? WOW!
Simple...liberals think emotionally. The live in a snowflake dream world.
The time for popularity and political correctness (aka censorship) is over. It's time to stare evil in the face and call it what it is and deal with it.
Maybe some ladies like to be dominated to the point of battery. Just maybe !
Molley appears to be one of those idiots.
Looks like liberals aren't taking Crowe up on his offer. Figures they don't have the guts to answer for their idiot ideology.
Because today's society lacks a fundamental conviction in their ideals.
I've found most liberals I know are more concerned about their microcosm even when it comes to green initiatives than what's happening with anyone else. They're not tolerant people and will demonize anyone who doesn't hold their beliefs as universal truths. They expect everyone around them to conform to their way of thinking and couldn't care less who they offend while bullying. I have a brother whose an atypical liberal bully. He's good at dishing out morality even though his own family is a complete mess of dysfunction. They get off telling everyone how to live but can't get their own house in order and think nothing of crying victim constantly!
No feminist takers yet.
What part?
1243 that's one thing you can count on with these blowhards, they don't have the guts to back up their mouths with facts. They sit in judgement of everyone else and claim they have all these big values and morals but when its called on them to reply with any explanation for them they go mute. What's wrong, femies, too tuckered out from your terrorist acts posed as protests yesterday in cities around the country?
there is NO excuse for rape to be prevalent in America!!!
256 rape isn't about sex, it's about domination over another human being.
After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men. In at least one case, he advocated that they be raped in front of their husbands. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers. There are four Quranic verses in which "Allah" makes clear that a Muslim master has full sexual access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits rape. The Quran gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience, but nowhere does it order love in marriage (although it does say that "love" exists). The verses plainly say that husbands are “a degree above” their wives. The Hadith says that women are intellectually inferior, and that they comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants.
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