The driver of the truck, who was not struck, drove the victim to the Fresno Police Department's headquarters in downtown Fresno and alerted officers. The victim later succumbed to his injuries.
Authorities said Muhammad walked westbound and encountered another man and opened fire on him. Officials said the shots missed.
screamed "Allahu Akbar" while being taken into custody, according to authorities
Why is that idiot still alive?
Not a concealed carry state. Sorry citizens thugs criminals and sickos rule your hoods
These MFs are being brainwashed in PRISON on ISLAM.
WHY wont hogan do what SC did if u pass a background ck you get Full concealed carry.
This has to be fake, every where you turn you hear how a cop killed someone... Now they don't shoot at people with guns and who are shooting people???
Maybe it is only policy for cops to shoot unarmed innocent people perhaps, since that is all they do and, according to the investigators who investigate, say they never broke the law or policy...
He was arrested and the gun has not been recovered. Only had ammo on him.
The crescent moon is the most common Islamic symbol. In fact, it is found on the top of every Muslim mosque around the world and on the flags of many Islamic nations. The crescent moon represents the god of Islam, Allah, who was the pagan moon deity of Mohammed's tribe, the Quraysh of Arabia. When Mohammed conquered Mecca in Saudi Arabia by force in 630 A.D. he destroyed all of the 360 pagan tribal deities in the Kaaba and set up his tribal deity, the moon god, Allah, as the chief deity of Arabia. Later, when he tried to convince the Jews and Christians of Arabia to worship Allah, they refused, knowing the true identity of Allah, and Mohammed then began his bloody conquest of the Arabian peninsula, slaughtering thousands by the sword, the very same Islamic sword celebrated on the Shriner's red fez!
Kinda makes you Wonder why a religion of peace is so supported. Its because allah is not god but satan himself. He is deceiving many.
He yelled I hate white people and killed 3 innocent unarmed white men like a coward and when armed white men showed up he gave up.
Satan does not come after you with red horns pitchfork and tail he comes at you disguised as everything you ever wanted.
Anonymous said...
Satan does not come after you with red horns pitchfork and tail he comes at you disguised as everything you ever wanted.
April 18, 2017 at 7:30 PM
He comes disguised as a Muslim.
It requires legislative passage. Hogan is governor. Remember Civics class?
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