Publishers Notes: Salisbury News did not make a mistake in our original article. Perhaps this student, (and others) were not aware that another situation had happened, all of which are unfortunate.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 30, 2017
A Viewer Writes: Gay Flags At Bennett High School
On Friday April 21st at Bennett high school students were threatened with suspension for having a gay flag wrapped around them. You reported that it was a rainbow flag which was false. One student has made a Facebook post which now has over 100 shares. We would love for awareness for what happened at Bennett high but we wish what you posted was true. Students were rudely made to break their oath of silence by talking to the admiration about how it was "teacher dress as student day not gay day" and their flag was taken. When a different student who owned the flag went to get it back they were told that they were offending other students and their for couldn't have it. That student was then pulled out of class multiple times during the day to be told how if it were a kkk shirt it would be made to be taken off also. They then told the student that if they were being threaten by other student why would they then still go around with their flag. The students, with the flag, through out the day had been called "faggot" and told "this is America the straight" and they were threatened with suspension and not they students who threatened them? This is the news we would like shared not the story you were told third hand. I was there and I was part of this all. Thank you.
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So a gay flag and a kkk shirt are viewed the same. Interesting.
Disgusting !!!! gay sexuality has no place in the school system.
Why do some people feel it is necessary to flaunt, advertise, march and impose their own sexual preferences on others? Who cares? It's almost like they want to brag about being gay, trans, etc. and then wonder why others don't embrace their views.
So wait You can be offended if I do not agree with your lifestyle yet I cannot be offended if I do not agree with yours???
Good Grief. Can't children go to school and focus on learning?? Get over yourselves. You all need to get an education and stop all of this.
When you draw attention to yourself, expect to get just that - attention.
If making political statements helps your self esteem then go for it because free speech is a right. However, there are rules in this world that must be followed in order to avoid uncomfortable consequences. Or, you can keep your opinions to yourself because the majority doesn't care to hear about it and focus on getting some work done.
School is NOT EVER the time nor the place to make any statement political or otherwise. It is a place to get an education-PERIOD. As stated above when you seek to draw attention to yourself and show off expect consequences both positive and negative to happen. Suck it up! If being called a faggot is the worst thing that happens to someone in a day be thankful! People and children are being diagnosed with fatal diseases and are dying ever hour. That's something to get upset over! Not controversy of your own creation.
I'm sorry I don't usually like to be cruel but please pay attention to your teachers in school. Your grammar should be better for a high school student.
Why not focus on making the school system a safe place to learn before you start molesting them with this crap.
School Code of Behavior.
Learn it, live it, love it.
Don't adhere to it - suspension!!
After so many suspensions - failure.
Continued failure - expulsion.
Very simple - follow the few rules and the world (LEARNING) is your oyster.
Don't follow the rules, be a trouble maker, eventually you vanish so others can continue to learn.
YET there is always difficulty with following the rules or teachers, administrators, school boards, board of supervisors, law enforcement.
Why do they want to parade it at school. Go out in the world dresses as you like, AS LONG AS THERE IS NOT A DRESS CODE, where you are going. Follow dress codes. It will not help your cause by pushing it on everyone. After all "EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS".
Was this post written by a high school student???
Lord help us all..
It's to honor their substitute teacher....Ireton......
Liberal teachers don't want children learning they want them socially responsible.
Obliviously by this poorly written letter learning is not a priority. 😕
If heterosexual students decided to wear a certain color in a show of solidarity in their high school, the outcome would be ugly and the event would get nationwide coverage.
Agree. Keep your political and personal views out of school. You are there to learn, not flaunt your sexual preference.
Flaunt being gay, you have to take the backlash.
Boom! Well said! Enough of this one-sided BS. 1st amendment goes both ways.
Wow! She is able to have a sexual orientation but I could hardly understand what she wrote. Is this the fault of the wcboe with their common core crap or is she just too busy thinking about lqtb stuff and not paying attention in school? There are too many things going on in the world for anyone to care about this nonsense. NOBODY CARES! I do have a question though. In what you wrote ......"You reported that it was a rainbow flag which was false."...... Then, throughout your letter you keep referring to "the flag". What was on the flag, if it wasn't a rainbow flag?
Why always political? Most teachers are Republican at JMB, INCLUDING ME YOU MORON
So this was a 'so called' High School student? Looks more like it was written by my 3rd grade niece! Not that she would support any of what was attempted to be said
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Obliviously by this poorly written letter learning is not a priority. 😕
April 25, 2017 at 2:13 PM
Did you mean "Obviously?"
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why always political? Most teachers are Republican at JMB, INCLUDING ME YOU MORON
April 25, 2017 at 7:09 PM
Most teachers are Republican at JMB?? Bullsh!t!!
Those kids are learning one of life's GREAT lessons --- you can be whoever and whatever you want to be!
Another lesson --- no one else gives a crap about you or how strange or deviant you wish to appear...we don't have to like it, admire it, or think it's normal in any way. We are truly not interested in your sexual desires.
BUT, if you want to parade around in a pink thong, or put your sexual desires in the forefront of everything you do, here's another lesson --- some people are not going to put up with it and there can be "backlash".
Thank God you are in America. In other countries, under the rule of people you admire so much, you'd be set on fire, thrown off a roof, or hung.
Keep advocating for them. MORE strange and deviant crap.
The world is awash in it.
Put up a Southern Flag !!
Thank you! I thought I was the only one!
And you would know how?
Kids i work w/ were talking about it and felt like it was being forced on them. Disgusting.
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