DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 30, 2017
A Message From Salisbury Independent Volunteer Fire Co
The right decisions were made, wisdom prevailed tonight. Salisbury Independent Volunteer Fire Co. has its county territory or response district. Can't wait till July 1, 2017 we will go in service and when history is made. We are recognized by and members of The Maryland State Firefighters Association, the Wicomico County Volunteer Fireman's Association and Wicomico County Fire Chiefs Association. Again We would like to thank everyone for their faith, support and kind words. It is greatly appreciated.
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Glad to hear that! the city fought this only to justify there worthless exsistence
This is great news .
At least public service was put first . The only thing the city has put first is the money .
Best wishes to all!
Congratulations! You will succeed beyond all your expectations! Your brevity will pay off a hundredfold!
Congrats, well deserved!
Jake day to pull nuclear option . Good job wicomico county . It was time to stand up and shut the city of Salisbury down . Stop using our tax dollars to fund boy day . Wicomico county has a excellent fire service to us and these volunteers will continue to provide the excellent service they have for years.
Looks like you guys put Hopped manhood in the dirt. Do you really expect them to work with you now?
Vol have been around longer than your paid A.. and I ama PAID FF your comment is disgusting to ALL FF.
PS my bet is you failed at getting a paid FF JOB then got REJECTED as a Volly lol Low Life sitting in mommys basement X 45 yrs ?
MAKE SURE you dont Respond to city calls.
Awesome news!
I am a paid FF in another state good luck too you all and who ever your mayor is needs to be Fired for there disgusting treatment of you , Volunteers Helped Built this country.
The county will act when alerted to assit in the city . They will not stop services like the city would .
Good work by the county chiefs association. I'm sure Bob will try to trump this action. This would not be in the best interest of him self or the county council.
Strong work .
I was a Paid FF from out of state helping a friend put out his house fire before SFD showed up i was wearing a jacket with FD Patches on it when SFD FFs walked next to me and spit on the ground i wanted to wrap the fire hose around his punk A.. neck he had Absolut total disrespect for a out of state FF trying to help absoulutly disgusting POS and i am Ashamed to call them fellow brothers and also to treat volunteers like shit is a disgrace and the upper management should be waxing the trucks and polishing the chrome and then the cleaning the head as far as the Idiot mayor well what do you expect from a bunch of Snowflake welfare voters.
Make sure the city is BILLED the Next Day.
They need a STFU Department.This nonsense went on way too long.
yep sounds about right they have terrible attitudes they wouldnt last a week in baltimore ,ny , chicago a real firehouse.
I live in nutters crossing and I am delighted to hear the volunteers will be providing services to my house . Mr black has cause all kinds of up roars in this development. The paid staffing from the city has went door to door in here as well . I don't want somebody just hear for a check to attempt to provide services to my house. I want somebody that's devoted and could care less about a check to help others. Strong work to the county volunteers.
yes 100% correct.
Thanks for your service and bravery.
Glad to see the volunteers will be providing services to my house . The paid members of city of Salisbury fire dept. We're very disrespectful when my mom went non breathing and they were very rude . They are about their pay checks only . Proud to see so many volunteers in this county. Thanks for what you do. Mr Culver stand behind these fine individuals so willing to provide there services .
There is more lies in these comments than what comes out of a politician's mouth. Just pathetic.
hey folks lets remember they are firefighters and yes we need them. But truthfully how many have ever run into a burning building to save someone? very very few! no disrespect but they are not kops and certainly not military!
hero's? maybe some day!
this country was built on volunteers!
11:03 Maybe you need to go wax Truck 16.
Now the other two stations need to follow suit with station 1. They have blazed the trail, put it all on the line ahead of you, so they have made it easy for you. I'll bet volunteers from the other stations in the city will be jumping ship be the dozens. Lol, Hoppes got what he deserved and that pompous arrogant kid mayor as well. You keep kicking people in their butt and after a while they have enough and turn on you. Old saying comes to mind. Be careful of who's ass you kick on the way up, cause it might be the ass you have to kiss on the way back down.
Way to go to the county chiefs assn. its about time somebody supported these firefighters, cause they have sure been ragged on, spit on , kicked in the dirt and names assulted. But I have always routed for the underdog. Good luck to Independant Vfc 1 . Now show them what you can do.
Good job Chief Polidore ! And congratulations to your firefighters.
You must be one of those nasty FF.
This country was built on volunteers? Might want to go back through your American history books. Hell, check out a couple grammar books while you're at it.
This is the best decision. The county needs to vote to take the rest of the territory from the city . Stop paying the city with our tax dollars .
"Wisdom Prevailed". By stating this you are calling the chiefs who abstained and or voted no un wise.
County executive Bob .Culver has stated many times he supports volunteer firefighters in the county and city. Let's see if he supports station 1 , it's easy to talk the talk, see if the walks the walk. All the county volunteer stations are watching to see if he does right or if this is political games.
County chiefs have always decided territory
Bob wants to be re elected he probably should support the county fire company's. Going against there vote and giving into the city would not settle very well .
Jake day is out spreading the word that the station 1 volunteers that left will be receiving no territory at all. He said all they had to do was agree to the agreement and they couldn't . Why is the city running the county and telling them how it's going to work .
I hear independent station is filing suit against the city for over a million. Now is time to negotiate. According to laws the city is going to loose alot . I under stand the city did not buy any of it that they have claimed which means the city dosent own it . Might wanna work on this guy's.
Guess the fat fire chief for SFD will go down in history . Money hungry scum .
1:15 let me assure you no one thinks of them as un wise, your political tactics here are un welcome, every one has our upmost respect for however they voted or abstained for there are reasons for their decisions. We respect them and their vote. And have absolutely no hard feelings over it. It's done and over with, so let's move on in a positive way.
Signed , Salisbury Independent Vfc.
I am glad Boy Day makes the decisions for the county fire service, don't know who he thinks he is but he ain't squat outside of the city limits. Who the hell is running this county anyway ? Jake Day or the county government ? I didn't realize he had that authority.
Chief Hoppes met with the career firefighters this morning and said he doesn't care what the volunteer fire chiefs said. The Salisbury Fire District is ours and no one is going to take it away.
Anonymous said...
"Wisdom Prevailed". By stating this you are calling the chiefs who abstained and or voted no un wise.
April 27, 2017 at 1:15 PM
Who abstained and who voted against this? Name names?
What is left of the Station 16 and Station 2 volunteers need to jump ship as well.
What good are they as volunteers in Salisbury? They never get to do anything except mop up after the paid guys messed up. They no longer have funding from the county so they don't have purchasing power. They went from a volunteer fire department supplemented by a few career firefighters to a career fire department that ran off the volunteers. This happened almost overnight and under the watch of Chief Hoppes and Mayor Jake Day!!
Shame on those 2 POS!!
The way I see this is that the city don't own the territory and this is a done deal . Only reason the city will cry is cause of the money. Mayor stated he could care less about the county .
Hey Bryan Records, here is a story that you can tell when you are pontificating on the "history" of Salisbury Fire Department:
Once upon a time, in 2017, the paid firefighters and worthless Chief Hoppes mistreated all of the volunteers in the city. We huffed and puffed and tried to push the volunteers away so that we could hire more paid firefighters and preserve our jobs forever. The load guys even went door to door to try to suppress the volunteers. But the volunteers would have none of this foolishness. Like David vs Goliath, the volunteers rose up and formulated a plan. They made smart tactical decisions and eventually won their independence and took over part of Station 1's fire district. This is how Station 1 lost part of their district
Station 16 and 2 soon followed. This was the beginning of the end of Paid firefighting in Salisbury. The paid firefighters were demoralized and couldn't believe this happened especially after they walked with the original fire bell when it was transported from downtown to its new home on Cypress Street. The end.
See, I even added in your favorite story about the bell to help you out.
This is proof positive that wannabe chief Rick Hoppes and Boi Mare Jake Day have absolutely NO RESPECT in Wicomico County. This should send a clear message to those 2 that they need to do what is best for everyone and step down.
Anonymous said...
Guess the fat fire chief for SFD will go down in history . Money hungry scum .
April 27, 2017 at 1:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Jake day is out spreading the word that the station 1 volunteers that left will be receiving no territory at all. He said all they had to do was agree to the agreement and they couldn't . Why is the city running the county and telling them how it's going to work .
April 27, 2017 at 1:31 PM
Jake Day doesn't run the county, but he does control that idiot John Cannon!
I would be interested in knowing how they voted. The people want to know which side of the fence their local fire chief sit on. Anyway to let the public know?
Anonymous said...
I would be interested in knowing how they voted. The people want to know which side of the fence their local fire chief sit on. Anyway to let the public know?
April 27, 2017 at 2:30 PM
I'm waiting to hear who voted which way? Was Darrin Scott there?
Fat A$$ Hoppes had a meeting with us career staff today. He is disappointed and thinks he has power and authority to change this.
Those that will leave will be the ones that didn't do anything when the vollies were strong and are just looking for another opportunity to be free loaders. The only thing keeping station two alive is the three young boys they have living there and the help of career drivers. The death of the majority volunteers has been brought upon by themselves. On a daily basis their is career and volunteers working together, as ONE TEAM.
Hoppes is done, his authority stops at the city limits. He has destroyed the volunteer fire component of SFD. That will be his legacy, finished what Brezler started. Bullheadedness will destroy anything, to be a good leader you have to constantly assess and re assess the situation and make appropriate changes as needed. My way or the highway attitude will fail always.
3:15 Whatever....it's your ferry tail tell it like you want to hear it. It's obvious the ones who carried the load left, cause your fail rate increases daily.
When didn't the volunteers act like ONE TEAM with the career when the tones dropped? It was the career that were consistently bad mouthing about the volunteers and not wanting to help improve on their complaints where they thought volunteers lacked certain skills!
Typical uneducated paid man. It's "fairy tale" not "ferry tail". You really should learn English before posting to show how stupid you are.
For crying out loud, make the county responsible for fire services and follow a thousand other counties where this is totally functional and immeasurably cheaper for the taxpayers.
Stop being such weenies!
The chiefs association has not and does not set territory. Fire chiefs have always worked out their borders among themselves at to where the lines are by use of a map. Unless Hoppes, Day, and fire chiefs all agree there will not be a change and the first two will not happen. Like it or not Hoppes is the authority having jurisdiction over the Salisbury fire district both city and county portions. It's the Salisbury fire district period so don't get to exited.
don't any of you ff's realize that you sound and act like little babies? One thing is certain, 'vollies' and career ff's don't play well together in smallsbury.
At around 3:17 am on 4/28/2017 Wicomico Central(David Pollitt) dispatched Stations 16, 2, 1 and Station 5 for a reported Structure Fire at 611 Booth Street. Again it wasn't a real fire. Has anyone else noticed that Bob Culver's 911 center is constantly dispatching the Salisbury Fire Department for structure fires and they are not really "structure fires." Bob Culver needs to start firing these dispatchers for the fake fires. Maybe it would be best to fire the department head for this problem!
Anonymous said...
The chiefs association has not and does not set territory. Fire chiefs have always worked out their borders among themselves at to where the lines are by use of a map. Unless Hoppes, Day, and fire chiefs all agree there will not be a change and the first two will not happen. Like it or not Hoppes is the authority having jurisdiction over the Salisbury fire district both city and county portions. It's the Salisbury fire district period so don't get to exited.
April 27, 2017 at 11:13 PM
Hoppes is NOT the Authority Having Jurisdiction in Wicomico County. You clowns that keep saying that have no idea what you are talking about. The standard in Wicomico County is to allow the radio committee to make the recommendations for the fire districts and the county chiefs association confirms if they agree. This time they agreed because there was a dispute and the Station 1 volunteers are getting the county fire territory that THEY always had.
You AHJ HOMOS if you don't like that then TOUGH SH!T!! Get over it!
To you dumb, uneducated and illiterate paid firemen who keep saying Rick Hoppes is the "Authority Having Jurisdiction." Please stop embarrassing yourselves and your paid Salisbury Fire Department. Here is the definition of Authority Having Jurisdiction by the National Fire Protection Association as defined per standard NFPA 101. In no shape or form does Rick Hoppes fit any one of these definitions and no where close. In no shape or form is your use of "Authority Having Jurisdiction" what you want to believe it is.
"Like it or not Hoppes is the authority having jurisdiction over the Salisbury fire district both city and county portions."
AHJ = Authority Having Jurisdiction
NFPA 101
The authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) is that person or office charged with enforcing the
Life Safety Code. In many states the AHJ is the state fire marshal who has local
inspectors work on his/her behalf. In some cities, fire department fire prevention division personnel fulfill the role of AHJ; sometimes it is the building official. For some
occupancies, there is more than one AHJ; each AHJ's approval must be secured. For
example, the authorities having jurisdiction for a hospital might include: state fire
marshal; building official; fire department fire prevention officer; state health care
licensing agency; The Joint Commission; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
– Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); and the facility's insurance carrier.
If you're unsure who the AHJ is, contact your state fire marshal.
Now go back to bed TICK!
You people from Salisbury just amuse me. When the City annexes property from the County you state that you are the governing authority and are responsible for the annexed area. I will agree you on that. But then you say you are the governing authority of the County also. Someday you will realize that Culver has that authority and not the City. While I'm at it why are the volunteers so damn arrogant. You came to the County Association meeting with a complete redo of the Bylaws when you only needed 2 articles changed for you to remain a member of the association. Why not be up front and ask the Association to consider changing those 2 articles? No you arrogant asses think you are so much smarter than the other members and pull crap like that.
Dang, these 2 almost sound verbatim!! Did you mean "exited" or "excited?"
Jeff Bell said...
How are the volunteers being ripped off? All the Salisbury volunteers do is manage money given to them same as every other department in the county. Said volunteers don't wish to use that funding which is tax payer dollars they would rather bank it or waste it on stupid crap. Remember that's the peoples money not yours! Last nights county chiefs vote means nothing so don't get exited. In order for a change SFD chief, Salisbury Mayor, fire chiefs must all agree. Fire chiefs vote is only one and the other two wont happen. How do you think those residents will feel when their insurance skyrockets from the ISO going from a now 2 to a 9? That's a 7 point swing that's going to cost every home lots.
April 27, 2017 at 9:34 PM
Anonymous said...
The chiefs association has not and does not set territory. Fire chiefs have always worked out their borders among themselves at to where the lines are by use of a map. Unless Hoppes, Day, and fire chiefs all agree there will not be a change and the first two will not happen. Like it or not Hoppes is the authority having jurisdiction over the Salisbury fire district both city and county portions. It's the Salisbury fire district period so don't get to exited.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You people from Salisbury just amuse me. When the City annexes property from the County you state that you are the governing authority and are responsible for the annexed area. I will agree you on that. But then you say you are the governing authority of the County also. Someday you will realize that Culver has that authority and not the City. While I'm at it why are the volunteers so damn arrogant. You came to the County Association meeting with a complete redo of the Bylaws when you only needed 2 articles changed for you to remain a member of the association. Why not be up front and ask the Association to consider changing those 2 articles? No you arrogant asses think you are so much smarter than the other members and pull crap like that.
April 28, 2017 at 6:05 AM
WTF are you talking about?
Anonymous said...
don't any of you ff's realize that you sound and act like little babies? One thing is certain, 'vollies' and career ff's don't play well together in smallsbury.
April 28, 2017 at 2:33 AM
No, the paid firemen can't stand the volunteers.
Anonymous said...
PS my bet is you failed at getting a paid FF JOB then got REJECTED as a Volly lol Low Life sitting in mommys basement X 45 yrs ?
April 27, 2017 at 8:27 AM
Anyone that got a paid fire job in Salisbury is a reject anyway. Real firemen get paid jobs in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, PG, Howard, Frederick Counties, etc. Real fire departments unlike the wannabe paid fire department in Salisbury who scrape the bottom of the barrel to hire low lives like Gerald Brinson, Danny Hill, Chris Truitt, Ron Wismer and douche bag criminal Rob Hull!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Bryan Records, here is a story that you can tell when you are pontificating on the "history" of Salisbury Fire Department:
Once upon a time, in 2017, the paid firefighters and worthless Chief Hoppes mistreated all of the volunteers in the city. We huffed and puffed and tried to push the volunteers away so that we could hire more paid firefighters and preserve our jobs forever. The load guys even went door to door to try to suppress the volunteers. But the volunteers would have none of this foolishness. Like David vs Goliath, the volunteers rose up and formulated a plan. They made smart tactical decisions and eventually won their independence and took over part of Station 1's fire district. This is how Station 1 lost part of their district
Station 16 and 2 soon followed. This was the beginning of the end of Paid firefighting in Salisbury. The paid firefighters were demoralized and couldn't believe this happened especially after they walked with the original fire bell when it was transported from downtown to its new home on Cypress Street. The end.
See, I even added in your favorite story about the bell to help you out.
April 27, 2017 at 2:23 PM
This is a classic... I love it. You should have included the part where that moron was going through the neighborhoods in his white Ford pick up truck harassing citizens.
It was in there. It was the part where the paid men went door to door to try to suppress the volunteers.
I bet some of you that leave these ignorant comments, would be very embarrassed for your children, parents or other family members to know what horrible comments come out of your mouth. To the ones that submit the terrible comments, you ought to be ashamed. I wonder if you would say these things in front of your family, who you want to look up to you, or even at a town meeting? Would you really want everyone to know how hateful you really are?
I don't understand how "speaking the truth" is hateful. But, whatever.
Anonymous said...
Those that will leave will be the ones that didn't do anything when the vollies were strong and are just looking for another opportunity to be free loaders. The only thing keeping station two alive is the three young boys they have living there and the help of career drivers. The death of the majority volunteers has been brought upon by themselves. On a daily basis their is career and volunteers working together, as ONE TEAM.
April 27, 2017 at 3:15 PM
BULL SH!T!! The death of the volunteers in Salisbury started with Steve Brezler and approved by Barrie Tilghman. The torch was carried by David See, Bill Gordy and now Rick Hoppes. Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Jimmy Gladwell, Brian Records, Chris O'Barsky, Mike Donaway, Jay Jester, Rob Frampton, Chris Truitt, Aaron Colegrove, etc. and the rest of the paid firemen in Salisbury. This is the culture that was created and continues today.
Speaking the truth is fine. But, it does not have to be filled with so much hateful and degrading words. A lot of the comments posted would probably never be spoken in front of others. A person that makes mean comments must have some serious issues about themselves. They must be so miserable, they lash out at others, like a bully would do.
The vote was illegal to start with plus it means nothing. SFD fire chief is the authority having jurisdiction over the entire SFD fire district period. If you went through the same battle in 2002 you would know that. Stop arguing when you don't know what you're talking about. Finally the Nutters development will not have that bunch of useless untrained ticks servicing them.
Yeah...well...unfortunately, some people think they are a tall glass of cold champagne when, in reality, they are a lukewarm cup of piss. Those people need to be slapped with reality.
There hasn't been a agreement in years so u need to get educated Rick dose not have say .
The salisbury fire chief has authority in city of Salisbury limits . Culver has the county . The vote was legal by all means and a roll call was made . Now who voted what idk but it doesn't matter all that matters was the outcome. The vote was approved. Also if you do some reading you will see Gordy is the reason why station 2 didn't leave you clown . He told them they would loose there retirement and exc . Doug and Bill went around getting members to back down cause they were scared . The fire chief has drove the volunteers out and he will get what he deserves . Best possible solution is mayor day pull the nuclear option . He talks a big game so mayor just do it .
Darrin Scott must be on here. He got his truck taken by the repo man and no house . He is living in his camper in his daughters drive way . Can everybody guess why . He is a drunk . Thats who you want while your house is burning .
Anonymous said...
It was in there. It was the part where the paid men went door to door to try to suppress the volunteers.
April 28, 2017 at 8:38 AM
What was in where? Some comments are not making sense?
Anonymous said...
The vote was illegal to start with plus it means nothing. SFD fire chief is the authority having jurisdiction over the entire SFD fire district period. If you went through the same battle in 2002 you would know that. Stop arguing when you don't know what you're talking about. Finally the Nutters development will not have that bunch of useless untrained ticks servicing them.
April 28, 2017 at 7:01 PM
I live in Nutters and I know for a fact that the Station 1 Volunteers have been serving my development for years and I want them to continue doing the same job they have been doing since 1986.
I know many of these volunteers and some of them have career experience in real fire departments with real training so I know for a a fact they ae more trained than you are.
Your nasty comments are what we at Nutters don't agree with and we don't want you or Brian Records in our neighborhood again.
For the record YOU DON'T SPEAK for US at Nutters so quit running off at the mouth.
Anonymous said...
Speaking the truth is fine. But, it does not have to be filled with so much hateful and degrading words. A lot of the comments posted would probably never be spoken in front of others. A person that makes mean comments must have some serious issues about themselves. They must be so miserable, they lash out at others, like a bully would do.
April 28, 2017 at 4:22 PM
The comments made that are mean are made by the paid....oops, I mean "career" firemen. These are the clowns that are threatened with their job security.
I've been talking around and I'm hearing Marc Kilmer and John Cannon and possibly John Hall doesn't support the Volunteers at Station 1. Now tell me why these elected leaders wouldn't support volunteers over paid firemen. Why wouldn't they support the taxpayers with free over paid? I thought they were conservatives or are they RINO's?
I'm curious to know who all went to FDIC this year? Who are the career firefighters who went to this conference?
Fire Department Instructors Conference
April 24 - 29, 2017 // INDIANAPOLIS, IN
There are 109 likes and 5 shares on their FB page. There are a lot of people that support this decision because they can't stand Rick Hoppes, Jake Day and the rest of the paid firemen in Salisbury.
Anonymous said...
I'm curious to know who all went to FDIC this year? Who are the career firefighters who went to this conference?
Fire Department Instructors Conference
April 24 - 29, 2017 // INDIANAPOLIS, IN
April 29, 2017 at 2:19 PM
I know Jay Jester is there again this year. How does he get to get off work at the Salisbury Fire Department every year to attend this conference??
The county council will be replaced. If they show there support towards the city it's clear they have no care for the county so why keep them. Mr cannon is a conflict in my opinion because of all his rental houses . The word has it that John cannon has a deal with mayor with his rental houses .
Anonymous said...
The county council will be replaced. If they show there support towards the city it's clear they have no care for the county so why keep them. Mr cannon is a conflict in my opinion because of all his rental houses . The word has it that John cannon has a deal with mayor with his rental houses .
April 29, 2017 at 3:18 PM
This is the dumbest comment I have ever heard and proves you are to stupid to vote. There are over 100,000 people in Wicomico County and you don't speak for all of them. You have no idea how they will vote so STFU you dumb MORON!!
Anonymous said...
The county council will be replaced. If they show there support towards the city it's clear they have no care for the county so why keep them. Mr cannon is a conflict in my opinion because of all his rental houses . The word has it that John cannon has a deal with mayor with his rental houses .
April 29, 2017 at 3:18 PM
"If they show there support..."
Did you mean "their?"
Your grammar is pathetic and you should have finished Middle School.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I'm curious to know who all went to FDIC this year? Who are the career firefighters who went to this conference?
Fire Department Instructors Conference
April 24 - 29, 2017 // INDIANAPOLIS, IN
April 29, 2017 at 2:19 PM
I know Jay Jester is there again this year. How does he get to get off work at the Salisbury Fire Department every year to attend this conference??
April 29, 2017 at 2:45 PM
Jay Jester goes to FDIC in Indianapolis every single year at the tax payers expense in Salisbury. Rick Hoppes should be fired for allowing this to happen.
BS. They dispatch by guidelines and what the caller tells them. If the caller says the house is on fire they have to dispatch as that. Another clueless scanner squirrel who thinks he knows it all.
And when Salisbury doesn't send him, he simply steals it from Ocean City. Yes, he went again, another drunkfest.
This is the hate in today's fire service. If not hate, it's unions.
Cant we all just get along....
If you want to stay anonymous you should change your MO. It's not hard to tell this is you Justin Elliott. These are the same names you always complain about. It's funny you call them low lives, yet are still friends with Ron Montgomery. I mean if my wife gave a "friend" of my a dose of her oral fixation on fire department property, I may add the both of them to the low life list. Or maybe those same friends that engaged in sexual activities with your underage (at the time) sister in the boom boom room. I mean, those are the people I would hold a grudge against...
Anonymous said...
This is the hate in today's fire service. If not hate, it's unions.
April 30, 2017 at 9:15 AM
That is correct. Salisbury Fire Department has a Union and they promote hatred against the volunteers.
Hatred against volunteers was never promoted by the union. However the promoting of getting the facts to the public about your fail rates did occur. You had one job. Show up and run calls. But only did that 49% of the time you were alerted. So don't pin your inability to serve the public as hatred from the union. I just want to know how you are going to make your calls now without other stations to carry your fail rate?
Wrong again!
There are volunteer and paid that work great together. These are the ones that care about helping the citizens. That is the truth.
Anonymous said...
Hatred against volunteers was never promoted by the union. However the promoting of getting the facts to the public about your fail rates did occur. You had one job. Show up and run calls. But only did that 49% of the time you were alerted. So don't pin your inability to serve the public as hatred from the union. I just want to know how you are going to make your calls now without other stations to carry your fail rate?
May 1, 2017 at 8:32 AM
Aw... Some Butt Hurt paid union Farmin running his mouth because he is scared to death about job security. Since Salisbury now only has 2 out of 3 volunteer fire departments that means they will lose almost 1/3 of their "fire district" so they won't be running as many calls. Since all those paid Farmin they now have I wonder if they will lose 1/3 of their paid Farmin? Scary isn't it Mr. Union Man!
Anonymous said...
Yeah...well...unfortunately, some people think they are a tall glass of cold champagne when, in reality, they are a lukewarm cup of piss. Those people need to be slapped with reality.
April 28, 2017 at 8:17 PM
You must be speaking of Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott and Jaimie Gladwell(Shawty).
Rodney King said...
Cant we all just get along....
April 30, 2017 at 12:49 PM
Anonymous said...
BS. They dispatch by guidelines and what the caller tells them. If the caller says the house is on fire they have to dispatch as that. Another clueless scanner squirrel who thinks he knows it all.
April 30, 2017 at 7:58 AM
WTF are you Babbling about?
Anonymous said...
Hatred against volunteers was never promoted by the union. However the promoting of getting the facts to the public about your fail rates did occur. You had one job. Show up and run calls. But only did that 49% of the time you were alerted. So don't pin your inability to serve the public as hatred from the union. I just want to know how you are going to make your calls now without other stations to carry your fail rate?
May 1, 2017 at 8:32 AM
This is utter Bull Manure because you know that paid firemen and unions hate volunteers because it is a threat to their job security. It's in the fire union's bylaws of the IAFF.
Career Firefighters Causing Problems in Volunteer Firehouses ...
Here is evidence that paid fireman don't like volunteers. This is a national fire magazine.
Fire Engineering Training Community
Why are Volunteer firefighters hated so much???
by Jason Petalas
Aug 20, 2011
Why are Volunteer firefighters hated so much??? I have been wondering this from the day I started. I never thought is was as bad until we had lager 100,000 sq commercial fire. We where on seen with in 5 min and when I pulled on scene the building was already burning from one side to the next. We had 6 towns helping us. We never sent anyone in because the building was empty and we knew the building was not safe. When the fire hit the papers the bad mouthing started online. Call us scabs and it burned because we are volunteers and if we were full time it would never happen. But the 2 full time depts up north from me lost a appt building and the other lost a larger home, they got "great good". It really makes me mad we have the same training and certs and we fight the same fire. My town has been vol from day one, we have been trying to have some full time but the state keeps cutting money. Don't understand their problem, in my eye there are a disgrace to the fire service. I could understand if my town was w full time dept and they went to vol but thats not the case. What do they expect when town don't have money to run a vol dept how the hell are they going to pay full timers. The funny thing is all these full times that talk crap moved to a vol town, go back to your full time city. Why can't we get a lot and help each other.
Career vs. volunteer battle has no place in future fire department
Mar 17, 2014 - I can see fire departments in suburban or smaller urban areas opting ... be to find a mechanism to include non-career firefighters in the union.
Hundreds of stories online about paid firemen hating volunteers.
Opening a discussion on why pros keep arguing against volunteers ...
Dec 18, 2014 - News and issues affecting firefighters and fire departments. ... Some of us (not me, I have other goals) do wish we were pros. Some of us (a friend of ... I'm fairly active on here and never see any hate on volunteers. Maybe .... Apparently the city unions were not fond of FDNY guys volunteering, but whatever.
I am submitting the first comment to the next Salisbury Fire Department post. Rick Hoppas is a fat ass unqualified Chief, worst thing that ever happened to the SFD. Darren Scott is a broken down drunk, worst thing that ever happened to the SFD. The carrear guys hate the volunteers, worst thing that ever happened to the SFD. Jay Jester is a two faced scam artist, worst thing that ever happened to SFD and OCFVC. Polidore is a come here that can't be trusted, and is the BEST thing that ever happened to the SFD! Oh, and Culver and Day are idiot's. Now, that covers 90% of the comments, maybe the remaining can stay on topic.
Anonymous said...
If you want to stay anonymous you should change your MO. It's not hard to tell this is you Justin Elliott. These are the same names you always complain about. It's funny you call them low lives, yet are still friends with Ron Montgomery. I mean if my wife gave a "friend" of my a dose of her oral fixation on fire department property, I may add the both of them to the low life list. Or maybe those same friends that engaged in sexual activities with your underage (at the time) sister in the boom boom room. I mean, those are the people I would hold a grudge against...
May 1, 2017 at 12:02 AM
You mean like Jimmie G. did with the Deputy or what Rick H. did with the underage (at the time) student rider?
Anonymous said...
I am submitting the first comment to the next Salisbury Fire Department post. Rick Hoppas is a fat ass unqualified Chief, worst thing that ever happened to the SFD. Darren Scott is a broken down drunk, worst thing that ever happened to the SFD. The carrear guys hate the volunteers, worst thing that ever happened to the SFD. Jay Jester is a two faced scam artist, worst thing that ever happened to SFD and OCFVC. Polidore is a come here that can't be trusted, and is the BEST thing that ever happened to the SFD! Oh, and Culver and Day are idiot's. Now, that covers 90% of the comments, maybe the remaining can stay on topic.
May 1, 2017 at 12:14 PM
Ok what is the topic you want to discuss?
Oh I have one! Learn to "speel."
Then I can agree with you on everything else.
No it's not scary. I feel safer at work now with you liabilities gone. Since you checked out we now have two 24 hour crews. An increase in volunteer participation. And are staffing all three stations 24 hours a day with a COMBINATION of career and volunteer personnel. These kinds of progressions can take place when the cancer of an organization is gone. And it won't take long before we'll be covering your calls at realert anyway. And that's gong to be costly for the taxpayers after all of THEIR money you are spending on your little field trip. Good luck boys. I'll wave as we go by your station, covering your calls (like we've been doing), and you're standing on the front pad waiting on more personnel to make a crew.
Anonymous said...
No it's not scary. I feel safer at work now with you liabilities gone. Since you checked out we now have two 24 hour crews. An increase in volunteer participation. And are staffing all three stations 24 hours a day with a COMBINATION of career and volunteer personnel. These kinds of progressions can take place when the cancer of an organization is gone. And it won't take long before we'll be covering your calls at realert anyway. And that's gong to be costly for the taxpayers after all of THEIR money you are spending on your little field trip. Good luck boys. I'll wave as we go by your station, covering your calls (like we've been doing), and you're standing on the front pad waiting on more personnel to make a crew.
May 1, 2017 at 3:23 PM
These kinds of progressions can take place when the cancer of an organization is gone.
The only "cancer" is Rick Hoppes and the rest of the paid Farmin.
Poor Darrin Scott! Poor Darrin got his pick up truck repossessed! Wah Wah Wah! My wifey left me for another man Wah.
Anonymous said...
Poor Darrin Scott! Poor Darrin got his pick up truck repossessed! Wah Wah Wah! My wifey left me for another man Wah.
May 1, 2017 at 4:57 PM
What the Heck!! Darrin Scott is a paid Deputy Chief and he can't pay a truck payment on that salary?? He is too stupid to pay his bills but Rick Hoppes and Jake Day put him in charge of the day to day operations of the Salisbury Fire Department!!! DAMMMNNNN!!! That IS scary!!
Pay attention and you would know it was a response to a comment about dispatch
Well when they boast having 50 members only about 59 organic likes exist. Should be in the hundreds.
The volunteers from Station 1 are of no threat to my job. Their failure to respond necessitates it.
Anonymous said...
The volunteers from Station 1 are of no threat to my job. Their failure to respond necessitates it.
May 1, 2017 at 10:03 PM
Not hardly! The hatred from Rick Hoppes and the rest of his paid rednecks ran the volunteers off. Now the Station 1 Volunteers has their own territory back that Hoppes (I'm the Authority Having Jurisdiction) didn't think he would lose. LMAO!!
Now with a loss of all that territory there will be a massive reduction in calls so the paid Farmin Rednecks will get to sleep all night long, uninterrupted.
Is it true that Darrin Scott, oops I mean Deputy Chief Scott, living in a camper these days?
Anonymous said...
Is it true that Darrin Scott, oops I mean Deputy Chief Scott, living in a camper these days?
May 2, 2017 at 6:56 AM
That's what I heard. It's a family affair...
Rick Hoppes is telling everyone that he and the fire department don't have to honor the territory boundaries because he is the fire chief and the "AHJ" what ever the heck that is. He says it's in the fire service agreement that Bob signed.
The entire issue of carrear members hating or running off volunteers comes down to one thing, the Chief of the Department either allowing it, or worse, in this case fostering it. I real Chief of a "combination department" has a zero tolerance" policy to allow the children to piss, moan, and fight. Thanks for where we are, the last 3 Chiefs, SFD. His little minions Scott, Tull, O'crashski, Jester, just follow his lead.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The entire issue of carrear members hating or running off volunteers comes down to one thing, the Chief of the Department either allowing it, or worse, in this case fostering it. I real Chief of a "combination department" has a zero tolerance" policy to allow the children to piss, moan, and fight. Thanks for where we are, the last 3 Chiefs, SFD. His little minions Scott, Tull, O'crashski, Jester, just follow his lead.
May 2, 2017 at 8:55 AM
O'Crashski - Bahahahahahahahaha!! That little TURD has crashed 2 chiefs buggy's that I remember and on both calls he was driving way to fast and responding a calls that he wasn't dispatched on. The first one was a Crown Vic on Naylor Mill Road in the area of the Sheriff's Office and he was squirrling and ambulance call with a laceration to someones hand. The last one was the brand new $100,000 assistant chiefs buggy in the area of Gordy's Tigermart on Rt. 50 when he was squirrling an MVC of Station 1's. He was spying on the volunteers at the time. Almost killed that woman. One of these days they are going to kill someone and the City of Salisbury and the Salisbury Fire Department is going to be held liable.
Anonymous said...
Rick Hoppes is telling everyone that he and the fire department don't have to honor the territory boundaries because he is the fire chief and the "AHJ" what ever the heck that is. He says it's in the fire service agreement that Bob signed.
May 2, 2017 at 8:09 AM
He is not he Authority Having Jurisdiction. I thought that was already defined!
Darrin, Darrin, Darrin why can't you pay your bills? What happened to your house? What happened to your truck? What happened to your ole lady?
Chris isn't a pimple on a real Chiefs butt. He kissed his way to his position, he can't buy a friend with a stack of thousand dollar bills. Even Jester can't stand his little man syndrome.
History books checked. Facts verified. Conclusion: This Country was built on the VOLUNTEER fire service. Parting response: Crack your books back open & not only read the history of the US fire service, but learn it.
"In 1631, Boston's Governor John Winthrop outlawed wooden chimneys and thatched roofs. In 1648, the New Amsterdam governor Peter Stuyvesant appointed four men to act as fire wardens. They were empowered to inspect all chimneys and to fine any violators of the rules. The city burghers later appointed eight prominent citizens to the "Rattle Watch" - these men volunteered to patrol the streets at night carrying large wooden rattles. If a fire was seen, the men spun the rattles, then directed the responding citizens to form bucket brigades."
"On April 1 of 1853, Cincinnati OH became the first professional fire department by being made up of 100% full-time, paid employees."
Well how is Darrin Scott getting to the Market Street Inn if he got his truck Repoed?
Anonymous said...
Chris isn't a pimple on a real Chiefs butt. He kissed his way to his position, he can't buy a friend with a stack of thousand dollar bills. Even Jester can't stand his little man syndrome.
May 2, 2017 at 1:05 PM
Chris O'Crashski?
Anonymous said...
Chris isn't a pimple on a real Chiefs butt. He kissed his way to his position, he can't buy a friend with a stack of thousand dollar bills. Even Jester can't stand his little man syndrome.
May 2, 2017 at 1:05 PM
None of those paid clowns with chief next their name wouldn't make a pimple on a real chiefs buttocks.
Anonymous said...
Well how is Darrin Scott getting to the Market Street Inn if he got his truck Repoed?
May 2, 2017 at 1:38 PM
I guess it's a good thing Darrin Scott gets a free city car and gas from the fire department then.
After watching the Wicomico County Council Meeting last night, 5-2-17, I couldn't believe how rude some of the County Council members were to the volunteer firefighters. Matt Holloway, John Hall and Joe Holloway were extremely rude.
Councilman Matt Holloway was so rude that Chief Joe Morris, Jr. had to put him in his place. What was funny after that Matt Holloway cowered down like the little Snow Flake pansy that he is.
Those county council members should be ashamed of themselves and how they handled their lack of respect for the volunteers.
Those county council members did nothing wrong.
It is Friday night, actually Saturday morning on May 6, 2017 and the Salisbury Fire Department Station 16 EMS was alerted to respond to Executive Club Drive in Delmar for a second call in Delmar's territory at about 1:45 AM. Delmar's ambulance was already on a call so Central had to alert next due for a serious medical emergency which was the Salisbury Fire Department Station 16 EMS. Guess what happened? The paid firemen were sleeping and slept right through the ambulance call and had to be re-alerted several times.
So much for Salisbury's great response times that they were ragging on the Station 1 volunteers about. So much for the Salisbury Fire Departments great ISO rating of 2 which we all know was fudged by their former chief and Rick Hoppes.
Not only was Salisbury Fire Department Station 16 EMS re-alerted several times so was the paid firemen now assigned to Station 1 because the volunteers were locked out by Jake Day and Rick Hoppes. At 12:17 AM Salisbury Fire Department Station 1 EMS was alerted to respond an Ambulance to Pine Bluff Village. Guess what? It was after midnight so the paid firemen were sleeping and slept right through a call. The paid firemen at Station 1 slept right through a serious medical emergency and had to be re-alerted several times. This is a serious issue and in Ocean City the paid firemen and paramedics lost their gravy 24 hour shifts because an ambulance crew slept through a call just 1 time.
So much for Salisbury's great response times that they were ragging on the Station 1 volunteers about. So much for the Salisbury Fire Departments great ISO rating of 2 which we all know was fudged by their former chief and Rick Hoppes. So the next time you hear a paid firemen saying they are better that the volunteers in Wicomico County you can laugh your butt off. The next time you read something great about the Salisbury Fire Department in the Daily Times you will know that Susan Hargreaves Parker is in bed with Jake Day and the City of Salisbury. The next time Brian Records shows up in your neighborhood demanding that they write letters to the city and county council telling them you don't want the Station 1 volunteers you will know that the paid firemen aren't any better. The next time you hear scare tactics from Rick Hoppes and Jake Day you will know that it is just fake news. Speaking of scare tactics it's the paid firemen of the Salisbury Fire Department that you want to be scared of. They are liars, scammers and cheaters. They a scared they will lose their jobs when the volunteers take over the Station 1 fire district. You need to be more concerned about the paid firemen than you do the volunteers. The volunteers that do it for free because it is coming from their hearts and not their wallets. Be scared, be very scared of the paid firemen of the Salisbury Fire Department.
Get a life and learn to tell the truth.
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