DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Electoral Map for Election 2016 Per County FINAL
For all the commenters on a prior post, here is a purdy picture to illustrate why your brash statement about Maryland being pure Blue is seriously flawed.
As you can see from the MAP, the large amount of Hillary Clinton votes did not come from the landmass but the people concentrated in urban areas of Maryland. Therefore, the urban areas not the rest of the area sets the tone of who gets the electoral votes. To say that all of Maryland is Blue is incorrect if you weigh number by counties. Hillary Clinton only won by 38,728 votes (not even enough to fill up Merriweather Post twice) because 150,709 voted for Trump, Johnson, Other and Stein.
Hardly a huge amount to warrant that Maryland is True Blue!
You peeps seem to forget, pollsters have access to all these spiffy maps with color coding and such -- as well as anyone smart enough to use Google to SEARCH out the information!
Incidentally, if voter rolls were purged and cleaned of dead people and illegal aliens voting, seriously doubt this map would have as much blue as it has now being that most of the voter fraud is found in urban areas because it's easier to pull off the big heist. Common Sense, kids, is golden!
Have a nice day!
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Pay attention HOGAN.
Hogan has not been dazzling as he should be given his position. He should be sticking closer to conservative roots and working to get jobs back to Maryland, bringing the state to a healthy economic status. Given the fact there's still a lot of folks still looking for employment, he's been underwhelming in this area. People are still leaving MD and with this sanctuary state garbage, even more will exit due to the fallout to come in its wake should it pass.
In 1990, Depeche Mode played the Rose Bowl before 90K people, that's twice as many people as those voting for Clinton in Maryland in 2016 and some here think that's a huge margin? LOL. Thanks for the laugh.
Well there you go. Six counties, out of 23, get to make all the decisions for the state. That's why it sucks (politically) to live in Maryland, if you live in the other 17 counties. Some things will never change. Those votes in those six counties are all bought with the other 17 counties' tax dollars. It must feel the same way to upstate New Yorkers.
Can't even begin to take anyone serious that refers to the band depeche mode. Thanks for a hood laugh this morning
Very well done analysis.
I know that there are some very liberal people in Maryland, but most are like me: a middle of the road, not ultra-conservative republican voter who, sometimes in the past, voted for a local democrat.
To 8;32 , no you should pay attention. What do you think Hogan is up against. The map tells all
Would you prefer Brown? Or another flaming liberal like O'Malley.
916 it was a comparison in crowd size. Common sense and you are strangers. I'm sure you laugh at a lot of irrelevant crap that adds to your meaningless nothing.
"Anonymous said...
Can't even begin to take anyone serious that refers to the band depeche mode. Thanks for a hood laugh this morning
March 20, 2017 at 9:16 AM"
What a special kind of ignoramus you are 9:16. So glad your low IQ self got a laugh. Fun for you simple minded comes to mind. No doubt a democrat to ignorant to comprehend and accept you are nothing but a product of the dumbed down US public "education" system. Now imbecile go back and reread the comment you speak of again and maybe just maybe you will comprehend though that is doubtful.
As stated above the comment wasn't about a band you rank dumb arse but giving an example of voter turn out. What a moron you are. What a fool.
Maybe we need a state version of the electoral college to determine where our state's electoral college votes go during the presidential election.
Like most conservatives, I despise having my tax dollars buy dumbocrat votes with the dole of welfare...
The entire Eastern and Western parts of the country are aligned against the Baltimorons and Annapaholes!
It's the same everywhere that Hillary won, taking a few counties with dense populations. In Maryland, the voters of 6 counties plus Baltimore city made the decision for the 17 other counties.
Dense pop full of dense welfare peeps.
Common sense says people vote, not land, so a map like this doesnt really matter.
The blue area are where all the people are. Red areas have very little population.
The blue counties that surround DC. All those government workers and people that work for government contracts are NOT going to vote for Trump because he wants to cut their budgets. These are the same people that want Maryland to be a sanctuary state. How will that work for them? The state will lose billions in federal funds and they will also probably lose the new FBI building that they want built in Maryland.
lol guess what TRUMP IS going to cut them.
Not when there totalled together.
Maryland isn't going to get the FBI HQ. Why would they want it? The FBI is everything MD lawmakers are against! Who cares if it would mean more jobs and people moving to MD area. Screw that. Politics can feed your families, pay mortgages & car payments as weep as provide healthcare insurance.
1:04 "they're"
s t u.
But a decent Dem. candidate -- say Biden - would have gotten closer to 250,000 votes.
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