DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Salisbury Fire Department Station 1 & Mayor In Damage Control Mode
The City of Salisbury's Mayor Jake Day is currently holding a press conference in front of Station 1 on Beaglin Park Drive. I mean, what can they say. The Wife has left and the divorce papers have been filed. Typical of Liberals Leadership, the men won't let the Volunteers in to get what is rightfully theirs. More to come...
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Fire Fake day Now.
What, exactly, is in there that is rightfully theirs? doesn't it all belong to the tax payers?
Mayor Day has been a huge disappointment.
I would be willing to bet, the city of Salisbury will be depending more and more from the County Volunteer firefighters due to the loss of their own volunteers. I think they just shot themselves in the foot. I fear for the residents of Salisbury and look for county to be forced to take up the slack!
Maybe I just don't know how modern government works what, with all the "free" money being thrown around. Can someone explain to me how the city has the balls to take all of this donated time and piss it away while at the same time making long term commitments to hire more paid firefighters using money they dont have.
Jake you may be many things but business minded you are not. You have allowed the relationship with these volunteers to sour. These are people that are looking to make a difference in their community. You claim to be community minded. You claim to have a true desire to turn this community around. Well here are citizens that are walking the walk not just talking the talk.
Fake news conference.
Damn picture 1 you must have used a "wide" angle lens....fat boy took up space for 3 people....LOL
If he didn't go you'd be writing "Typical liberal mayor doesn't care about our hardworking firemen" what a joke
Salisbury is like a live version of the Jerry Springer show. LOL
And this is far from the first time the Boi Mare and his ilk have turned citizens trying to contribute to Thier community
Impeach Day.
Atleast he is out joe aimt allowed out.
Never let a crisis go to waste Jake!
Does he really keep that podium in the trunk of his, er I mean, the City's car?
My bet, they're gonna throw the vollies under the bus, rather than work with them
The city has 2 other stations with volunteers that show up and do something
4:52, aka EBT Blogger, The funny part about this comment is that every comment he puts up here he always spells my name joe instead of Joe. The second fact is he can't spell worth a crap, hence his word aimt instead of ain't. It's coming Jonathan, it just takes time to put all the paperwork together, but it's coming.
3:45, A clean change of street clothes, workout sweats,shaving kit and some toiletry items,and pictures of their wife and kids in their lockers is what I'm guessing.
Who's that big fat pig under the "R" and where's his little scooter?
The problem with Day and the fireman is that they are not young millennials nor are they gay or they are not trans genders. They at what people like Jake Day despise, older white males that work for a living and want to help the citizens of Salisbury, they are not going to kiss his ass and buy into his bullcrap.
Government sucks. The bigger it is the more it sucks. The longer it's around the harder it sucks. The people that are attracted to Big sucky government are the antithesis of a volunteer. The big hard suckers in this world are attracted to government while good people that would do something because they feel obligated are not attracted. If you don't understand what I'm saying than you've never pulled a boy's body out of a burning car at 2 o'clock in the morning went to work the same day and cried on your pillow that night without pay or much thanks
salisbury doesn't need volunteers, they are just a social club anyway. Now maybe three trucks won't show up at a heartburn call
Is the good mayor asking them to mark off a bike lane in the driveway, to draw in student volunteers?
Should be safe on weekends, with the trolleys hauling drunk vollies.
Glad the Volunteers have made a move. See and Gordy was the ones that initiated taking over the Volunteers and their equipment. The paid did not like the fact Volunteers were more qualified for promotions. SFD is not required to or refused to go into the County unless they had to. So now the Volunteers are not required to go into the City. Let see Hoppes and Day now when the Volunteers get their money back in their own account and the City loses this Volunteer money. Hope the Volunteers take back their stations also, i.e. Naylor Street new building for one. Go Volunteers. Don't back down. Make the paid ones do some work and earn their pay.
This city,county or country for that matter needs to put some type of qualifications to run for public office like some background in business or finance,these elected officials are worthless.
Sounds like a highly educated professional fireman, NOT!
6:19 Excuse me? Born here, live here will die here. I do plenty for this City and the County and get nothing in return but personal satisfaction. I am tired of you and people like you. Dont think your the problem? You and all the disgusting people sucking the money out of our pockets ARE THE PROBLEM. Extra fireman and police are a solution that is only necessary because of the garbage sponging off tax payers, bureaucrats looking to spend money that is not theirs and an absolute disregard to the community.
Not sure what I mean? "We all could've give a f*** less what you say anyway." is what you say to the people you SERVE. Got it? You serve us you entitled POS. Do your job and hope you keep it.
Does anyone know if there are any African American firefighters here in wicomico county or do you have to be a good old boy
You know it. Why is the need for that type of experience so devalued by our elected leaders?
It is baffling. Unless they feel threatened or maybe just don't get it.
Maybe 'yes man syndrome'
Station has 4 in its station and they are volunteers for station 1
Joe .. Jake said the volunteers failed but if I'm not mistaken are they not staffing every weekend almost one night for 7 or 8 hrs. Station 2 hardly can get anybody to show up according to the sheriff in there station which I trust. Station 1 has done the right thing and I will stand behind the county chiefs as well . The county chiefs just don't make bad votes they see the picture . It appears station 1 has copys of the emails between the lawyers providing that the city is in fact the ones that has denied everything and that there news press is 100 percent lie . Hoping to obtain those letter to be posted .
6:55 Some have tried but were run out by the rednecks. There are a few man like women in some of vol depts.
Look at the city budget. For years questions were raised about why the volunteer company was making the lease payments of the equipment. Also, scrutinize the fire service agreement. Shine some disinfectant light under the rock!
Look at the city budget. For years questions were raised about why the volunteer company was making the lease payments of the equipment. Also, scrutinize the fire service agreement. Shine some disinfectant light under the rock!
Yes there are. Don't make this a racial thing. Most African Americans do apply for this type of job. Their are several throughout the County.
Curious--Salisbury is in Wicomico County. Can the Sheriff Dept. require entrance for removal of private property? Maybe Sheriff Lewis can pull rank for some civility in Salisbury?
Look carefully at the city budget detail and the fire services agreement for your answer.
Look carefully at the city budget detail and the fire services agreement for your answer.
There is SO much County owned property within BLOCKS of existing Salisbury fire stations, and all the surrounding areas. This is a GREAT opportunity for the Volunteers to put their marks on the map for their services to be recognized and paid or. Three $50k pole buildings would give them a start, and growth after that.
I'm all for it!.
The city issues a cheaper plastic fire helmet with the turnout gear, most all departments do. After a few years, many volunteers buy their own leather helmet, which is around $600 brand new. Many also buy higher quiality rescue gloves ($30-50) and fire fighting gloves ($70-100).
Did the mare ride his bike to his press conference?
I think every body should just give them a chance . Maybe it was the fire chief and mayor . We will all find out as soon as they start getting dispatched. For now everybody should sit back and watch and be professional cause the stuff you write isn't.
Which county stations are going to give up funding and territory for the new station 1? Thank You Parsonsburg FD for stepping up to the plate and offering to run ambulance service in this new area. When does the new used engines from Delaware arrive? Last but not least, where do I apply?
Such a sad pathetic mayor. Why anyone voted for that munchead is beyond any reason. He's a joke like his predecessor. Salisburians got what they voted for.
Utility 16 racing across town to get engine tanker out of station 1 because the city won't allow the volunteers of station 1 to ride is ridiculous. The fire chief has a great way of running things . Fire him.
Reference to the working house fire on cherry way
Records asking central was the tanker from 1 on the street yet . Priceless did that dummy forget there not alerting 1 volunteers
County volunteers to cover up the city but don't use there own volunteers that said they would provide services till July 1st boy this is smart wow
Chief 1 is on scene to get pictures . As we as deputy chief 1 . Chief 1 never runs calls .
Volunteers with the city of Salisbury were alerted and responded to the structure fire. Thank you for showing up. You are a valuable part of this department
For God Sake!! Chief 1 was called due to a fire related injury of a resident of the house. He serves as the Public Information Officer for the department. The second reason he was called, was due to personnel on the scene being evaluated for injuries received at the scene (burns). Get your idiotic stories straight!
Funny never heard station 1 volunteers alerted oh wait there locked out . And that dumb chief asking was the tanker on the street yet priceless.
Dummy doesn't need the Ex Volunteers. Dummy was smart enough to have made arrangements earlier with other volunteers to handle that task. Even smarter to call for additional tanker from Delmar. A Volunteer group that he can depend on.
In that top picture who is that big wide dude that is blocking the view of 3 people in front of him?
Anonymous said...
What, exactly, is in there that is rightfully theirs? doesn't it all belong to the tax payers?
February 23, 2017 at 3:45 PM
Not the City. Much of it was paid for from the County Funds. NOT Rick Hoppes or Jake Day!
Plus the volunteers have their personal belongings in there.
Anonymous said...
Mayor Day has been a huge disappointment.
February 23, 2017 at 3:48 PM
You said that right. Especially after this Cluster F***! Then his childish comments and likes on Bryan Records social media comments.
Anonymous said...
I would be willing to bet, the city of Salisbury will be depending more and more from the County Volunteer firefighters due to the loss of their own volunteers. I think they just shot themselves in the foot. I fear for the residents of Salisbury and look for county to be forced to take up the slack!
February 23, 2017 at 3:53 PM
They just lost 1/3 of their support so you are correct. Jake Day has already stated he wouldn't be running Mutual Aid with the Station 1 Volunteers if the County allows them to become a county station. How childish. I pray this works out for the Station 1 Corporation.
So if the Station 1 Volunteers become a county station then how many paid firemen will have to be let go?
Maybe Station 2 can become a volunteer station and take over the county district.
Then Station 16 volunteers should separate and become their own station and take over that fire district in the County.
That would be Awesome for the volunteers because they are not wanted by Jake Day and Rick Hoppes.
Press Release - Maryland State Firemen's Association
MSFA Remarks over Salisbury VFD Lock Out
The Maryland State Firemen’s Association (the MSFA) was formed in 1893, and its members include over 300 volunteer fire, rescue, and EMS companies throughout the state. "The mission of the Maryland State Firemen's Association is to serve, promote, advocate, and represent the interests of the Volunteer Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services of Maryland."
Adhering to our mission statement, we the MSFA, intend to help any volunteer fire company and protect what is rightfully theirs as provided to them through the trust of our fellow citizens. Allowing a paid or career fire department to simply take what is not rightfully theirs is unacceptable and irresponsible.
On February 22, 2017, approximately 10 volunteer fire fighters from Salisbury Fire Department Inc., Company No. 1 (Salisbury Station 1) voted to end their affiliation with the City of Salisbury as of July 1, 2017, and to move out of city owned facilities into a new facility outside of the Salisbury city limits. There are three volunteer fire companies within the City of Salisbury. Each of those fire companies is a separate corporation and each of the volunteer fire companies receives financial assistance from Wicomico County and the State of Maryland, including funds provided by the Maryland Military Department to volunteer fire companies. Upon receiving notice that the volunteers would be leaving in July, the City of Salisbury immediately evicted the volunteers from the Station.
The President of the MSFA, Michael A. Davis, has reached out to the Maryland Military Department, Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver, and the City of Salisbury. Maryland Military Department has been responsive and is researching the situation. Mr. Culver has expressed sincere interest to assist in this matter. Two calls to the City of Salisbury have not been returned despite expressing the urgency of this matter.
President Davis states “The Maryland State Firemen's Association does not condone the actions of the City of Salisbury locking out the volunteers and seizing the property of Salisbury Station 1. We kindly ask the City of Salisbury to allow the volunteers to have what is rightfully theirs, specifically equipment which was paid for by Salisbury Station 1 with county and state funding. We feel it is very unfortunate that the volunteer department wants to separate from the combination system but it is their right to do as they see fit to provide much needed emergency services to their citizens.”
60.5 % of fire and emergency services are provided by volunteers in the State of Maryland (data provided by usfa.fema.gov). Volunteer firefighters save counties an average of more than $60 Million annually. In this day and time, with declining volunteerism, an increase in training requirements, and average homes with 2 working parents, actions like these are detrimental to serving and protecting our neighbors. Volunteer Firefighter's, EMT's, and Rescue workers dedicate their lives to protecting their fellow man, woman, and child no matter the situation, economic status, or political interest.
The MSFA fully intends to use all available local, state, and nationwide resources available to help the Salisbury Station 1 with this matter, just as we would with any of our volunteer fire companies.
For additional information please contact: Michael Davis, MSFA President, mdavis@msfa.org
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