DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Petition: Put Salisbury Super Pet store Out of Business
One specific Salisbury Super Pet store, like many pet stores, is mistreating their animals by not providing proper medical examination and by ignoring the source their puppies come from (Hunte puppy mill was the last name i saw on breeder sheet). Many, if not all, are malnourished and ill that come from puppy mills. Many consumers have complaints about the pet stores quality of product/service, as well. After long research and investigation into the pet store, it has come to the attention of myself and many people that it would be best to revoke this store owner's license and shut his horrible business down. These animals do not deserve to live in agony hoping that someone pays a fortune to buy them and further pay their costly vet bills. Too many people and animals have been subjected to disturbing issues that have stemmed from this business and its apathetic owner.
By taking this action, many animals' lives will be spared the torture of crowded cages and living in their own waste.
Click HERE to sign the petition
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This is absolutely atrocious. Why isn't the State Attorney looking into this? They went forward against that Eden puppy mill, why is Super Pet any different? They are abusing animals if what this blip says is accurate. Where's Sheriff Mike?
This store is in the Salisbury city limits. This has been reported to Salisbury animal control and chief Duncan numerous times.
So, knowing absolutely nothing, you are all in on calling the S.A. and Sheriff and go full attack mode?
Is this true? Because I seriously doubt it. Having personally known multiple Super Pet employees over the years, all of whom are pet lovers and pet owners.
Now, maybe things have changed, but I have to see hard evidence to believe it. I've personally never bought a pet, only adopted, so I agree with that legitimate point of contention.
1:39PM becasue they want mom and pop shops no matter what it is, to go away... As bad as the puppy mill is/was, it is all about the money remember? And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you understand how things work in govt and the people who work for the govt...
Like you have Gay Day, out here doing photo ops for random acts of kindness, but do you think for one second that he acts like that or does that every day of this life? I would bet NO he doesn't... Just like to had the last LT governor who had to put make-up on to have a photo op of him playing with his kids... That shows it isn't genuine...
I never seen sick or abused looking pups there.
yes please show me the proof don't just take a persons word maybe they had a problem with the store and trying to get revenge i got 2 cats from there and what i saw was they were well taken care of (SO SHOW ME YOUR PROOF) and if you have it then ill sign
I would never buy a dog from a pet store...there are many reputable breeders that you could/should research in order to get a quality animal....Rescue animals are also an option, but make sure they are properly vet=checked. I have nothing against any pet store...just wouldn't buy a dog from them.
have dealt with super pets for the last 25 years, cant tell you where the pets come from but never seen any mistreated or abused. this trolls name is rebecca lederman out her for the libturd she is! If she's so concerned about the animals then why don't i see here in front of the chicken factories protesting?
2:31 PM Because she choose to change this situation. You cant fix the world, but sometimes you can fix a small part of it.
I have came into this pet store and seen sickly animals there is a video of a bird that was mistreated by them and I have bought a kitten from them about 2 years ago or longer and it was very unhealthy. I believe this pet store needs to be investigated thoroughly
I believe in supporting a local business, but the last few times I have gone in there, the Odor and cleanliness of the store drove me out. Been going to Petsmart now to get my pet supplies. Got tired of trying to hunt someone down to help me at Superpet.
I personally know 3 people that bought sick animals from them. 2 died and 1 was saved by its new owners. I think Pet Smart ended up paying the vet bills, as they should have. There are enough reputable breeders and rescues out there so animals shouldn't have to be mistreated just so someone can sell them for a premium price.
A petition to shut down a private business?? really?? if you have a problem don't shop there. get a life people
248 255 How bout u fix ur messed up life before counseling others?
Peta people eating tasty animals
Can speak from experience that their pups always seemed healthy. Doesn't mean they weren't from a mill. They push designer dogs. Owner is an absolute nightmare but that doesn't warrant a witchhunt. Show some proof or go sit down
They litterly take Cats & Kittens from anyone off the Street!
Close them down! We don't need jobs around here. Maybe the vacant space could be used as a needle exchange/pawn shop/methadone clinic.
I know the owner has plowed thousands into sick dogs he wound up with. I think interviews with employees my shed more light on this.
Waste of time signing a petition. Take any concerns to the USDA who regulate retail pet stores. If no satisfaction then contact the HSUS who years ago in an undercover investigations did find this particular store not in compliance. No information was posted on the cages regarding the state in which the breeder is located or the USDA license number of the breeder.
Perhaps we should take away the writer's ability to make idiotic petitions like this.
The original article is nothing but empty accusations - Where's the proof. Remember you can't just make up the facts as you go along. If you have an ax to grind with Salisbury Super Pet there is a right way to go about reaching that end. Just making general negative statements does nothing but detract from your credibility.
I know 2 people who purchased puppies there and the puppies were fine. I believe they were from local breeders who brought the puppies there in the AM and picked them up at closing.
I also know of some people who used to live at the trailer park in on Rounds Rd. They didn't have a pot to take a leak in and were forever buying puppies like at tax refund time or whenever they got a few 100 at that place 3 or 4 that I know of. When the puppy got older and became a pain in the butt to them they just left the dog outside until finally the dog would wander off. It never concerned them one bit that the dog was missing. This bothered me that the place would just keep on selling to them.
You may not like my comment, but I am in that store on a regular basis to get supplies for my pet. I have never seen an animal that looked malnourished or ill...NEVER!. They are way over-priced, but they all look healthy. I know what sick dogs and cats look like, and I know what a malnourished critter looks like, and I have never seen one like that in that store. That petition sounds like a personal beef to me...just a disgruntled customer with a vendetta.
"Anonymous said...
2:31 PM Because she choose to change this situation. You cant fix the world, but sometimes you can fix a small part of it.
February 22, 2017 at 2:48 PM"
Well then she can start by being honest. On her petition it says "Hunte puppy mill was the last name i saw on breeder sheet" The correct name is the Hunte Corporation. Making things up to create hysteria isn't going to fix anything.
Agree with those critical of poster. People who launch these nasty uninformed diatribes have too much time on there hands and not enough good sense or common decency.
The chicks starting this, did so a few years ago and has not been back in since. The place has been under new management since then. The animals are well taken care of. As for the smell verses pet smart, our animals are not locked in air tight enclosures. Animals smell, get over it. As for the puppy mill crap, PLEASE do the research first and know what you are talking about before you open your mouth. The kittens, yes we take them in from people who do not want them and we find them good homes. Customers are told before they buy that there is no guarantee on them and why. These people can adopt a cat with a guarantee but choose not to. As for sick puppies, things happen. And the owner covers any meds needed.one reason puppies get sick is from people coming in just to play with them. They are like people and can get a virus from others. Now before anyone wants to run their mouths without having facts please go get a life. Any questions come see the store and animals. Yes I work there,I am sick of people talking about things they know nothing about.
"Where's Sheriff Mike?". Riding his MRAP across the bridge for another Fox news appearance.
Why would Petsmart ended up paying the vet bills of Super Pet?
Been shopping there for years. Great service and never saw any evidence of animal cruelty.
Are you trying to push ANOTHER locally owned small business out?
I did see a husky puppy there some years back that was pitiful due to a fever. It broke my heart and I have not been back in there since. Puppies from puppy mills are so repeatedly mated their offspring are never well.
I've visited the store for years. I never saw signs of abuse of any animals there. These petitions can be baseless. I know the owners take good care of sick puppies. One Maltese pup was hospitalized for a good long while at owners' expense. It's a business and they try to stay humane. As for the idiots that buy pups at tax time and neglect the dogs they turn into, I hope the local animal control is alerted on them.
I just noticed the petition is by PETA. You realize they euthanize thousands of dogs and cats each year in the name of humanity? Sickos.
This is crazy! This girl Rebecca Lederman has been on this rant for years now. I've shopped at the store for over 20 years and have never seen an animal mistreated! I think she should be held accountable for false information. Another small business under the microscope because of someone that has probably had their feelings hurt or felt like they were done wrong in some way. Point blank if you don't have the proof and start this kind of hysteria then you should be held accountable for false information. As far as PETA terrible organization she should do some research on that also. How can you be fighting for the rights of animals and support PETA? Come on really!
Maybe you've all been going to the wrong law enforcement arm. The county issues and monitors this sort of business. The city sells it a license just to do business, with little to no oversight. I would say that it's in Sheriff Lewis's territory. Give him a call and see what he thinks.
7:13 The petition is to be delivered to PETA not by them. Also I noticed it's a year old. WTH
8:18 Retail pet stores are regulated federally-USDA.
For those on here who defend Salisbury Super Pet Store for their treatment of their pets, you're missing the point. These precious animals come from PUPPY MILLS. It's the Puppy Mills that must be stopped! Their treatment of animals is cruel and inhumane. Until pet stores STOP purchasing these precious animals from puppy mills many dogs and cats will continue to live a horrible inhumane life. None deserve that!
I caught the flue for Saturday through today. I'm sure if you came over to see me you wouldn't want to adopt me either!, LOL! People and animals get sick, then they get well.
Get over it.
Yes, I'm all better now, so don't call the Law!
PETA people are plain old crazy but so are the people that think their dog is a human or their baby. In my book they are just as crazy as the snowflakes that need safe spaces. It is a dog or a cat. Pets - animals - not human. I don't swerve off the road for a skunk, deer, dog or cat. There is no pleasure in hitting any animal but my life and any people in my vehicle are more important. No animal should not be abused but this pampering of animals is getting out of hand.
Why do people need to bring a dog to the grocery store? People driving with dogs in their laps, why?
Took a 10yr old dog to a vet and was told most likely cancer based on symptoms. Need to run a bunch of tests/cat scan. Would cost $750-1,000. If cancer, treatment could be a couple grand minimum. Said thanks. Dog lived 6 more months until it was clear that it was in pain. Put the dog down just like any other livestock. Was very hard to do but had to be done.
Instead of complaining about the animals adopt one or all of them!! I wish I had the space to take them.At least in the pet store they are not out in the cold and starving. Someone is giving them attention, food and a warm place to stay. Maybe someone is just jealous of this business because it has been around so long!
Instead of trying to get yet another local business closed down, how about pressuring them to start offering homeless pets for adoption like Petsmart and Petcp do?
Never have seen unhealthy animals, but I will say this, quit often they have kittens and have a sign, if you buy (i think) $ 20.00 worth of kitten supplies the kitten is free. I have been told by Wicomico Human Society that type of activity is illegal and Super Pet has been told to stop. Employees are very helpful.... Love the Store
@ 10:54 pm- they SELL these animals for thousands of dollars! they are overpriced and not available for adoption!
We do. Lol
We have cats from Somerset humane society for adoption. Research people, research.
ADOPT DON'T SHOP...there are too many homeless/shelter pets and no one should EVER go into a pet store to buy a pet.
The person doing this petition works at Petsmart the competition awful weird that they would even allowed ian employee to do something like this. great way to get rid of the competition
1104am adopt don't shop no one should EVER go into a pet store to buy a pet
REALLY??? Do you pay my bills?? Do you work your butt off everyday to pay bills??? WHO are you to tell me where I'm going to shop and that I have to adopt??? I WILL BUY WHAT I WANT FROM WHERE I WANT!!! That's the problem with this society because they don't agree they think everyone should think like them!! Honey you don't pay my bills and you won't tell me where to purchase anything. When you grow up instead of starting turmoil with people that have a life maybe you will understand. Go continue to be in college and live off of mommy and daddy and keep your mouth shut!!! PERIOD!!
If you want to adopt good for you. I would adopt also. However your views on this could be different from others. People have the right to make a choice. You can't tell people what they need to do. It's their choice that's what makes living in this country great. We have choices and just because your view is different than someone else's doesn't mean you have the right to tell anyone what to do. To me this petition is a sign of immaturity from someone that has not lived in the real world. Trying to Destroying a business and bashing a business is not the proper way to make a change. This only makes enemies. You need to live by your words and spread your views but not like this. This is a witch hunt that is only going to hurt you in the long run. I've read the comments I even know the young ladies name that started this. This is not a good way to get your name out there. Just understand everyone has a choice and you will not ever be able to take that from them. If you succeed with this witch hunt what's it going to get you?? Lots of angry employees and lots of other business owners that now know your name. Do you think they would ever hire you?Doubt it. Do you think this is going to make you popular? Doubt it. Will this get around the community and in the long run make you look bad? Absolutely!
John Darling:
First of all posting such information without any evidence is purely nonsense. I've been in this store many many times and have seen the puppies, etc which are obviously well cared for and looked after. What you need to do is go get a self-examination of your hideous brain and find out why your cognitive functioning would allow for such ignorant statements. Ill be at Super Pet on Saturday 2/25/17 at 1:00 PM if your moronic self would like to discuss it further. Ill be the one with the white/black Siberian Husky...see ya soon...
I personally have had my nightmare with them. We got a puppy did research on it and the papers were fake , fake breeder and the puppy died after 2 weeks . Fish are always sick with ich. And new management no lmbo still the same people quite a few people quit but still the same owner. And you dont see sick dogs because they are in the back. But as far as fish go its ok because there is going to be a new store opening soon in salisbury. I know the people that are working on opening.
I can give you an 800 bill from PET ER that shows a kitten I had gotten there and she had feline aids. I didn't know what was wrong with her. I rushed her to vet and they tried everything to save her. NEVER again. Screw those people. I hope they are out of business. Instead of buying from pet store rescue from humane society. I got a cat and dog there and they are healthy. They are loves of my life and I'm so glad I rescued them
Someone needs to go digging around out back near the trees thats where they put all the animals that die in the store. Cats, dogs, bunnies you name it you'll find it. I have seen employees putting them in the ground out back of the store.
Lots of cats have feline leukemia. That's what it is btw figured you just couldn't spell it. So you are the type that only adopts perfect pets not pets that TRUELY need our help because no one else wants them. Your type makes me sick!!!
Excuse me, but why in the world Super Pet of all stores? I have gotten almost all of my animals there, and they were happy and healthy when I purchased them. Also the staff and I have made a personal connection and from my knowledge they take their job very seriously and put the animals at the top of their priorities. So, in regards to your, incompetent statement, I will not be signing anything.
Because there is no
I used to work and I am absolutely not some disgruntled ex employee,there and the things I seen there still haunt me to this day.
1. 100% the dogs come from puppymills( they got caught for it in 2017). We use to have to lie about where the animals come from and reused serial numbers of same breeds. The dogs always came in sick and malnourished. The owner had them checked over by vets and all the dogs with kennel cough shared medicine to save money, therefore we knowingly always sold sick dogs from puppy mills.
2. All the animals come from mills! Rabbit mills, Chinchilla mills, Lizard Mills, mice amd rat mills ect.
3. The dogs are walked maybe 5-10 minutes a day max. They are lying about volunteers doing it every day.
4. Birds got loose every week and died hitting the glass, sometimes (like several actually the birds drowned in aquariums.
5. SERIOUSLY snakes escape there all the time, one time a tank with over 10 boa snakes in it escaped and instead of closing the store and searching for them they kept it open and just ordered more. I almost got bit because of this negligence. The managers and owner found nothing wrong with this.
6. They mixed the sexes of all the rabbits , chinchillas, hamsters, ferrets ect not caring you could be buying a pregnant animal. Thry know this and deny it.
7. The animals do get daily care but with the limited resources because a p.o.s. owner could care less about the animals well being just lining his pockets. There is someone in back that cleans small animal cages daily amd puppy cages every few hours. But its not enough because of lack of resources and too many animals.
8. When animal shipments came in the crates would have several dead animals in each from the long exhausting ride. I'm talking lizards, rabbit's chinchillas, hamsters, mice, rats, gerbils ect. I mean lots every time. Even sadder the puppy's rode in on those trucks so they were always sick.
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