DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 26, 2017
New City Administrator, Ms. Julia Glanz
Salisbury, meet your new City Administrator, Ms. Julia Glanz! Julia has served the City since April of 2015. She is a Salisbury resident, and a graduate of Salisbury University, having received her undergraduate degree in Business Management in 2011 and her Masters in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution in 2013. Before coming to the City, Julia worked for AFSCME representing Maryland State employees. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the Salisbury University Alumni Association, and gives her time to volunteer to support veterans with the America’s VetDogs.
Julia has been the Acting City Administrator since December, 2016. On Tuesday night, in closed session, Mayor Day sought the advice and consent of the City Council, per City Charter. Julia's appointment was approved unanimously.
#SBY #SBYNEWS Julia Glanz
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She can't be 30 yrs old.
AFSCME is an organization with communist roots. Says it all.
So? What does that have to do with anything? She's a woman too. OMG. Can't be having that.
When you hire a child for a Mayor, this is exactly what you get. Unbelievable!
Did I say anything about gender? no! Youth and inexperience go hand in hand. Don't put words in my mouth.
experience is so overrated. almost as much as history.
who needs to "know" if they have the power to "do"
SU graduate, I guess that means all you local yokels have to hate her huh lol
4:36 PM I hope that is a joke. Because there is nothing like having a know-nothing telling you what to do when you know it is not going to work.
Day thinks you can polish a Tard.Sorry but its still a tard. She volunteers for Vetdogs to cover her libtard commie leanings.
Is this a F*n Joke!!!
This woman has never had a job before. Her so called experience with AFSCME is nothing but volunteer work just like community organizer Obama.
Just like the Libtards in Wicomico County to tow the Obama line! Sick people! Wow, Just WOW!!
Congratulations to Ms. Glanz. It's a tough job, one that will test her skills and commitment. Best of luck!
4:19 Tell that to Zuckerman or Patrick Bloss (Ford motor). Oh, i know something that will fit in your mouth. You are just a miserable under educated local that has never stepped up to the plate to fix or change things
I thought the Mayor was voted in by the people.
5:04 Typical local mentality. Again, that is just one of many reasons why we never hire locals and no companies want to move operations here.
5:09 PM Test what skills? She has no formal experience.
Same can be said for know-it-alls telling you what to do.
5:28, he ran unopposed.
Come on Jake Day, what happened, tell the people the truth. My guess, NO ONE with experience, with a family, would EVER consider moving their Family to one of the highest crime Cities, (per capita) in the country. Of course we all know assaults get called "falling" and you know the rest. Salisbury has now become the absolute worst area in the country to apply for a job. Just think, new City Administrator decides to WALK from the GOB to the parking lot across Rt. 50 and gets the crap beat out of his. Heck, look at what happened to former Councilwoman Rachel Polk. She leaves the building and gets the crap beat out of her in the parking lot.
This is some really funny crap any more.
5:29 PM I am not a local but do have some experience with idiots that think they know it all and don't. It can be quite amusing once you get past their irritating overbearing arrogance. Oh but then the know-nothings were locals. Go figure.
5:32 PM I would rather gain knowledge from someone that has experience and knows what they are talking about than someone who doesn't have a clue.
5:29 PM No companies want to move here because you have a population of overbearing know-nothings.
5:54 / 5:57 Either way, you lose and end up working fast food or retail catering to the those that own businesses or have professional degrees. Good luck with that. Still not going to hire you.
Nothing against Julia but she was USELESS working with AFSCME. She talked a lot, but nothing was ever completed so . . . Good luck Salisbury.
I know her: is is truly a wonderful girl. Smart, hard working, and caring. That said, she is too inexperienced to be a city administrator.
I feel bad that people are saying mean things about her: she really is a great kid. Please try to seperate the inexperience vs the personal attacks
Her lack of experience is fair game, but she really is a wonderful kid. Let's be civil, and smart.
You can't make this stuff up...but the boy mare and his predecessor have successfully ratcheted down the skill and experience level of those they have chosen to run the city.
Folly upon folly, but at least they are paying their bobbleheads well.
For shame.
6:16 PM
Honey, I wouldn't work for you, so don't worry your narrow little mind with it. Slinging hash would be a picnic compared to working for you. I can easily tell. I have years of experience. Not that fake know-nothing experience.
6:16 PM LOLOL there seems to be a lot of those with so called "professional degrees" working retail lately.
Ever consider that YOUR attitude just might be the real reason companies do not come here? I mean really, you outta take a good look in the mirror. Your local yokel slip is showing.
Your typical liberal insulting a group of people. Are you holding a sign protesting the sun because it burns your skin? Have you blocked an ambulance lately in the name of health care?
6:26 PM , nice comment, but they will eat her alive. This is no place for the inexperienced. Her boss is a clueless fodder who doesn't know how to properly vet and hire the appropriate people, so it falls him 100%
This is unbelievable. Jack Heath, I thought you would do a good job & make good decisions for us city tax payers. Where were you? Didn't they advertise? If this is the best there is? With Jake Day & her we are doomed!
You know what really pisses me off (and im not local)is the come heres who seem to think the locals are backward yokels. Word up...STFU you big city loving fools your nothing but ignorant morons. Go back to the cesspools you left
7:08 #1
I don't know any lawyers, CPAs, doctors or dentists working retail. Could be your definition of professional degree might be a bit off.
When I am approached by other business owners at professional conferences and asked about the workforce here, I usually just ask them if they have seen the Beverly Hillbillies and leave it at that.
You would think you know, wouldn't you?
Get used to it people. The ruling class are so insecure and paranoid they dare not hire experience. The king must be entertained and catered to never risk being shown up.
The truth is experience doesn't need credit for anything to be validated. Their experience has already done that and everyone benefits from a win - win.
There is more coming , unfortunately. And includes the county.
This is truly disappointing and will cost us all
How many local born surgeons/oncologists do you know? Dentists? Lawyers other than the few "family" firms? It would be an even better place if all the come-heres left.
You say you want jobs. Who do you think is going to run any company that relocates here? It is going to be a group of management people that come with the company and from day one they are going to be ridiculed and belittled by the majority of the local hires. The sad part is that the area is too far gone now. Beyond hope of being revitalized.
Anyone that comes here and is in a position of authority is automatically vilified. President of SU, PRMC, HSB. Even locals that have managed to be successful are hated. Look at the comments about Mr. Parsons, Mike Lewis, John Cannon, etc. Just to name a few. A bunch of success haters that won't do what it takes be successful and come on here to whine about it.
7:42 PM - We don't seem to think, we know. We have real experience in that, not the know-nothing kind. And your local yokel slang is showing, so I call you liar lair.
8:41 PM BUT we want to preserve our ghetto way of life and how dare you come here and try to teach us anything or try and make our community better! What would we do with our day if we didn't sit around and complain, gossip, ridicule and mock. Because that is the Salisbury way!
Your small town minded labels for people are come heres and born heres, and you rubes have the audacity to mock others?
What a pathetic cesspool of ignorance.
7:47 PM professional conferences - you mean downtown bar where all you small town know it alls hang out and get drunk and gossip on a regular basis?
Seen it, heard it, not impressed by it.
Mirror mirror on the wall.....
Pathetic. The millenials applaud victory when one of their own is promoted and then they wait to ride the bus home to live in the basement of mom"s and dad's home.And of course pay no rent.
Yep. You are the shining proof of how successful your peers arr in stsbilizing and growing this arra. Not! You have them to thank or replace if you want your opportunities
Honest and we'll said. This position is payola for Julia helping Ireton with his mayoral campaign. No ethics investigation...really?
Yes, congratulations, her previous job was scheduling for Bay Runners Shuttles. Hilarious.
Par for the course. Narcissists don't want people more knowledgeable or qualified so the hire place holders. Sad for our city.
No advertisement, payola for helping Jim Ireton with his mayoral campaign. Do the research
Yes it will. Can we spell 1950's boys and girls?
Not every principal of a company partakes in the local tradition of imbibing in the local drinking establishments. In fact, I have not had any alcoholic beverages other than a ceremonial toast at special events and holidays. Alcohol and success are rarely found in the same place. If you were to educate yourself, you would discover that the president doesn't drink alcohol either. BTW, it is almost lunch time where I am - do the math if you can.
4:48 AM No one care, and you can pull the stick out of your behind now. It was fun chuckling at your overt arrogance and overabundant self love.
9:04 You dont know squat. Nor do you know my background. Im a educated, employed,Navy vet who has lived seen and worked all over this country(57y/o) I married local. So I have knowledge on both sides of this issue. Most come heres as we are called. What to drag their crap from the cesspool cities they came from. Most locals are intelligent enough to know they want no part of it. DO i miss big city life, yes but i like it here. Its a free country if you dont like it here MOVE BACK!! WE DONT NEED ANY MORE LIBTARDS HERE!!
The best thing that needs to happen is her ability to obtain the necessary resources to do the job. Resources includes not just money, but the ability to hire (if necessary). If she's on this alone and no resources to tap into.....oh my.
7:57 AM Goes both ways.
It was rather ignorant of you to assume I was uneducated and unemployed. You have no idea who I am or what my history is, but you had the arrogance to assume just so that you could be a troll on a blog.
Your perspective is twisted to suit your agenda. Most did not "flee" the cities to live in this uneducated, un-enterainted backwoods over gossiped gang banging hud community.
You know the say, if it quacks like a duck.. And this community does, as its reputation precedes it.
Dude you need a reality check, for real.
7:57 AM No actually:
We would like to have some form of entertainment that doesn't include grilling chicken in the mall parking lot and calling it a festival.
We would like our emergency workers to not take cell phones pictures of us and our homes at our moment of need and plaster in all over the news and social media.
It would be nice if the hospital was staffed with local personnel and not traveling nurses and doctors that have no vested interest in the community
It would be nice if land preservation grants were not awarded to council members family members (which should have been automatically excluded)
Its an ugly, no culture, back door, who you know who - you blw community. An example would be ousted Bank President Gregory Johnson from Hebron Bank and his cohort of board of directors and all their back door secret deals.
You have to be one of the more "less educated" come heres, because you know so very very little about what is going on behind your back.
What I find so amusing about Salisbury and it's fake elite, is, once they cross the county limits, they are, nobody.
But it is fun to watch them act so self important and self absorbed. And even more amusing to watch those that know them act like they are related to royalty.
Legends in their own mind.
Life is amusing.
9:03,8:52. You both need to go back to hence you came. You are walking contradictions. Take your loser big city attitudes and GO!
One down one to go next should be Jake Day can we impeach him? Or do we just have to wait for Joe Albero to win the next election? Good luck to the young lady we will see what the future holds.
I think she may have voted illegally in at least 1 election. She has very close ties to Ireton.
Yikes -- she's even less qualified for that position than Tom Stevenson.
Gotta believe that John Pick is laughing his _ss off about what has happened since he was forced out by Ireton.
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