DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 26, 2017
It's No Wonder Wicomico County Is Asking For An Assistant Internal Auditor
On Tuesday the Wicomico County Council met with Sheriff's Department representatives at the Council Meeting. Their intent was to ask the Council to approve the $66,000.00 of drug money they had collected over time.
The Sheriff's Department stated that they wanted to use the funds to pay for the 4 Harley Davidson Motorcycles that were currently in the Shop having equipment installed.
Mark Kilmer was very quick to start questioning, you already had tens of thousands of dollars worth of things done to these Harley's, where did you get the funds. Their response, drug money.
Mark said, wait a minute. You are here right now asking IF we'll give you those funds, it hasn't been approved or allocated for these motorcycles. He admitted they'd probably vote yes to give them the funds but... The Sheriff's Department admitted that they used funds allocated and approved by the Council for equipment for their new CARS but that the company was delayed, so they used the money on the Motorcycles instead.
The point here is, the Sheriff's Department illegally spent money on Motorcycles with funds meant to pay for something else and the Council had not approved anything to do with these Motorcycles.
While I firmly disagree that the County needs an Assistant Auditor, if the Sheriff's Department can break the law and misuse funds, maybe they were right after all. Or at least the County's Auditor should be investigating this matter, since the Council is claiming they're finding all kinds of fraud in the Wicomico County Government and an assistant is necessary, their words, not mine.
Now I don't care what the Sheriff's Department says to defend this, they were caught red handed, thanks to Mark Kilmer. Go back and watch the PAC 14 video and see it for yourself. Fast forward to 1:15:44 when the Sheriff's department speaks to the County Council about motorcycles
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If the actual purchase was approved why wasn't the additional equipment required to convert to Police bikes approved at the same time? Sounds like a paperwork issue out of the gate.
Oh come on...you were a business person, probably prepared budgets and from time to time had to move the dollars around from one department or project to another. The Sheriff should be able to massage the numbers any way he sees fit....as long as he keeps the budget totals within the approved amount! I think they are well within the legalities of the budget process.
And while they are at it oversight for the almost 4 million dollars allocated for ems and fire operations. County provides funds for hiring of ems staff with no oversight as to how the money is spent. Volunteer fire company members employed as ems in their companies. Direct conflict with Fair Labor Standard Act. By the way Hopped looked like a beached whale.
11:00, You are an Idiot. Yes, it was MY businesses and NOT owned by the Taxpayers. Man, you people will do and say anything to try to get out of stuff. They broke the law, period. There are NO excuses, period. There are checks and balances to stop these kind of things from happening and trust me, there's a TON of illegal spending in government. You do NOT move money around without formal approval in government. Nice try.
OPM = Other Peoples Money
So, let me get this straight...we increase the budget to pay for more sheriffs and equipment, salary, benefits, pension, etc. so they can confiscate drug dealers stuff. Then, they sell it and can use the confiscated money for THEIR purposes? Shouldn't it go into the general fund, if it is taxpayers money paying for their salaries?
That's like giving the people in the finance dept. a bonus for getting a better rating for our municipal bonds, and using the savings for bonuses. You get a bonus for doing your job? NO ONE ELSE SEES AN ISSUE WITH THIS!!!???
Each of these agencies need a lesson on how to be better fiduciaries for OPM, especially Limelight Lewis' department. They're spending it on expensive toys. This pisses me off to no end. Do they really need 4 Harley's?? Seriously?? I guess it's easier to spit the chewing tobacco that they chew while on the job. Come on Mike, clean up your department. Get your guys in order, get them in better shape, stop spending so much money on toys and no chewing on duty.
I agree 100%, Joe. These guys in government feel like they need to spend every cent in the budget and spend it like their parents just gave them an extra allowance. It is totally irresponsible the way they spend OUR money. The test should be: if you wouldn't spend your own money that way, don't spend other peoples money that way, either.
Sorry - I don't have a problem with how seized drug money is used within the Sheriff's Department. Maybe the naysayers should be making traffic stops and trying to stop all the drugs flowing in to this County, if they don't like how the seized funds are being used. You couldn't pay me and most people enough to do what law enforcement people do!
As I write this, President Trump is speaking at C-PAC saying "we will support our law enforcement". I agree. If they want a few goodies with the seized drug money - go for it and God Bless them! "Seized drug money" being the key words - that is not money that came from taxpayers.
By the way, moving around funds is a common practice. I bet most departments have done the same thing, including the Executive's office. For example, not filling a position and using the unused salary dollars somewhere else. Is that illegal?
Hope this gets posted.
It may not be illegal if there are the same loopholes in the county budgeting/department expenditures as the city. I'd be curious to know. In the city there is much moving money around within a department once the budget is struck. Capital expenses approved in the CIP are the exception and require a budget amendment.
We don't need Damn Cycles to RADAR our roads ....
There is more than enough RADAR going on around here !!!
Put that money in the schools > not fancy Vehicles for cops
I have no problem with the Sheriff's Department receiving this drug money. Mind you, this was agreed upon when Rick Pollitt became County Executive some 10 years ago.
11:13, "By the way, moving around funds is a common practice." BS! First of all, THE FUNDS WEREN'T THERE! Even the Sheriff's Deputies admitted time and time again it was paid for with drug money, but the Council hadn't approved them getting the drug money they were actually at the meeting for Tuesday. The money had already been spent.
As far as President Trump stating he supports our Law Enforcement, SO DO I. I support LAW ABIDING Law Enforcement who don't steal from Peter to pay Paul, especially when they must ask for the approval of SEVEN Council Members first.
Kilmer called them out on it publicly and he is right. Not one Council Member challenged ANYTHING Kilmer said.
By the way, who wants to bet PAC 14 mysteriously misplaces or has technical difficulty with this broadcast?
They are going to be used for RADAR to sneak around !!
The next thing they want to buy is BOOM trucks to RADAR you
from the air and hide !!
Then Drones with RADAR guns on them Next !! you won't see
them coming ........
They need to CHILL and return to paper serving like in past
11:13 First of all, if you tell someone you're going to spend the money on 'x' and then spend it on 'y', you better get permission first. It's not about the spending, it's about what you said you would do. This is how embezzlement starts. Not saying this is the case, but when there is no oversight (see Bennett and tipping fees), things get out of control in with the entitlement attitudes.
Yes, they get drug dealers and their stuff. Then they use it to buy stuff in their department.
THE POINT IS.... WE PAY THIER SALARIES, BENEFITS, etc. Whatever they do on OUR dime is part of their job that WE are paying for. Therefor, the money should go into the general fund. Otherwise, the sheriff department will spend more time and energy on confiscations than on other issues that may be important. How about saving the money and using it for pensions and benefits and save the taxpayers some money, instead of spending it on expensive toys.
Can someone explain to me why we need these motorcycles in the first place?
Somebody call President Trump!
Put the money out of the conversation for a moment. What is the reasoning for four HD M/C's. MSP covers highway patrol, if anything occurs off road, call in the Nature Resource Police to assist with off road vehicles. Now bring the said money back in the conversation. Put that money in the general fund of MD. If they want the WCSO to have it, give it back to them and it can be used for everyday patrol units to give the taxpayers a break. As mentioned earlier OPM. Get it. Do you hear me now.
They don't need Fancy cars either > like those costly
Dodges ...all hopped up !!
What's next ?? Fararris / Hummers / corvettes
Joe: Thanks for bringing this up. I watched the rebroadcast on PAC14. I was so impressed with Mr. Kilmer. He asked the questions that really needed to be asked. I agree with your comments above however when Richardson was asked who gave them permission to do this he stated the Sheriff had been in discussions with the County Executive. What really got my goat was when the question was asked what will these motorcycles be used for? Special Event Parades was the answer. I'm pissed!
I saw a Wicomico Cop car with lettering peeling off the other day...pretty disgraceful if you ask me...
Finally maybe now people will start to see Mikey and his goons for the thieves they are. Mikey has thought he is above everyone from day one. Time for him and his good Ole boy's to go and the motorcycles too.
The only difference between men and boys, are the price of their toys.
Don't let Carla Moore find out there is money anywhere, or her braindead sister. You know them two would snag is up so Carla can take her kid to DisneyWorld again. All Trash.
Maybe they can use those motorcycles to weave in and out of the cars parked in front of any Food Lion and give those turds some tickets!
Why dont these bike coos ride around in the drug areas and start rolling up on the drug dealers cars?
Love Marc Kilmer, he does an outstanding job on the county Council!
Frankly, there is far bigger waste than worrying about this. Turn Marc Kilmer loose on the county budget by line item.
That Richardson fella seems overtly nervous...indicates criminal behavior..somebody call for a K9 check plz
OMG,that could be very scary..drug dealers cars. ..OMG
I worked for a state agency and the waste was sinful. First of all....you get a budget....then you must spend ALL of that money in the budget or it will be cut smaller. If you find that you DO NOT NEED all the money you have to get creative and find ways in which to spend the money so it looks like it was legally spent for things that were needed. It is all about juggling the books to keep the funds so they don't get cut and then when they increase the funds ....find more creative ways to hide the money. Goes on in EVERY state agency!!!!!!!
1:34. Yes, we know that. And that is exactly what needs to change. Can you imagine telling your spouse, after completely remodeling your house, that we have to do it every year just to get more money?!? It's crazy, but bureaucrats think it's normal.
My goodness Joe , they need some exhaust that you can hear , take out the baffles , high lift cam and lifters , polish the heads . stereo with head phones . All in the game of drugs.
It's the government , it's screwed up from top to the bottom , Trump is right , what a mess!
I've been told that in the 4th quarter funds can be moved.
If you watch the video and see what Mark Kilmer said, (what we based this article on) he was not accurate.
This begs the question, WHY didn't any of the other 6 Council Members correct Mark Kilmer's line of questioning?
Is it that none of the Council actually know how the County works?
Nevertheless, because we went by what Kilmer stated and the fact that no other Council Member corrected him on the spot, I/we are wrong.
1:45 I was the one you answered and good luck with that. I handled money and when I questioned why we needed luncheons in different towns to discuss nothing having to do with our jobs I was told to clam up or be demoted or fired. I HATED how the government was using the citizens money and wanted very much to stop it....but wanted even more to hold on to my job since I needed it to feed the kids.
Schools get enough money, but it goes to administration
it was said they bought two now asking for monies for four total .
this kind of spending without funds being allocated needs to stop regardless of where the money comes from or who it's for.
Not a breathing soul wants to jump into a fight over misappropriation of funds for fear that the whole thing will fall on them personally. I government when one hand is washing the other you don't dare pull your hand away and break that cycle. "Lose your job you will" Yoda
I have no problem with them spending money siezed from actual drug dealers. However they determine whether or not you are a dealer simply by how much you have on you or by you not cooperating. Civil asset forfeiture is not as good as it sounds and is being challenged in courts nationwide. When cops can sieze your assets without charging you with a crime, that is not constitutional or moral or ethical in any way. It needs to end. The fact that the sheriff said "we figured we be given the money" that's a real problem. What if that money was needed for something else? What then? Would they be responsible personally for that money they spent before they even had it? And on something other than what they said they needed it for. So what about that money? Where does that come from now? Just more incentive for them to find more things to sieze.... see where it gets slippery? This needs to be investigated, and got under control. If lawsuits are filed over siezed assets illegally taken and they have to be given back,what then sheriff? Where will you get tour money from then? Lots to think about with this topic. Many angles.
The Council is made up of a bunch of fools and lazy men. NO ONE with any true integrity wants to be involved in government. Those who try to clean it up, end up getting sucked in by all the freebies/perks. They back off because they want to get re-elected. Culver was going to clean things up - right??!!. It is rumored he and a couple "trusted" employees uncovered a lot, but they are too spineless to expose it. The "good old boys" took the taxpayers to the cleaners. Very few, if any, in Wicomico County government have clean hands including those serving now. We need people with guts to run and to stay true to their principles.
This Richardson guy is as full of himself as the sheriff is. We really do not need all these motorcycles. I saw on the bid sheet where all of them had hi performance tuner programs installed on them. What a total waste of money. This auditor needs to go to i have read some of his department reports and cannot even count how many employees each department has.Lets hire a auditor to audit him.
Still got your whiskey whistle?
ANYTHING over $1000 you cant prove how you earned it after a drug seizure needs to be SEIZED PERIOD.
NOWAY sheriff Lewis can reach the foot boards on the Harley's. Just saying
Joe, it's only February. The budget year ends in June. These bikes were purchased last year sometime. That's a long way of saying that they weren't purchased in the 4th quarter of the budget year.
Sounds like a lot of hate for mike Lewis and his office. Better be glad we have them. His would you like to depend on just SPD for protection
3:14, Each department can move funds from one department to the other in the 4th quarter, so I'm told.
The Sheriff's Department came to the Council asking for TEN new cars, the Council approved it. When it came time to order the vehicles they only ordered eight and bought the Harley's instead, WITHOUT telling the Council or getting their approval.
So why wasn't anything said, because it's Mike Lewis and no one challenges Mike Lewis. Then they took money to dress the new vehicles and applied funds to dress the Harley's instead.
Here's another tidbit for you too. The Sheriff's Department also has TWO more Harley's no one knew about. They are Surplus Diesel Harley's that some are saying may never be on the road. I, for one, have never heard of a Harley Diesel but I'm assures it's true.
Since it sounds like these are pieces of crap, imagine how much money that will be going into fixing, painting and dressing these pieces of crap too.
Sheriff Lewis NEVER asked the Council if it was OK to purchase all these Harley's. That's just amazing!
To be clear, the Sheriff's Office now has SIX motorcycles in total.
I watched the meeting of the Sheriff's and Trump, I heard Trump's reply about sezurs...but he's totally oblivious that your sezing money and property with no charges of crime.
I'd love to know if those 2 foreign nationals were charged with anything, and if the vehicle was seized also. Stating "noone claimed it" is not acceptable. Clearly the money belonged to the owner of the vehicle, whether they knew it was there or not. If I by property and later find oil there...are you entitled to seize it? NO. If I buy a house and discover antiques hidden in the attic...are you somehow entitled to it?
If there were no charges or guilty verdicts....you have stolen someones property. Thats wrong in many ways. I dont want our Sheriff's dept committing criminal acts, not to mention this shady procurement mess. THE LAW IS...the leo must prove laws were broken....not the accused must prove their innocence!! WTF is wrong with you people?!?! Have you become the thieves?!
As for Kilmer, Its clear to me he simply stumbled upon this, not exactly what Id call "called them out" on it, more power to him tho. There's a whole lot of explaining that needs to be done here including why Culver is giving the "nod"
Bad enough we have to worry about the bad guys, now we have to hide our wallets when we're pulled over?!?!
Wait....so now we have a motorcycle gang with guns that takes your money if you cant prove on the spot how you got it? What the Ell kinda crooks are runnin this County?
1:58 You should be commended for saying something. See something, say something. But, I guess that doesn't apply to that, huh?
At least you tried. The role of government is bigger government and the role of politicians is to get re-elected by making government bigger. The bureaucratic glacier has been moving for so long, it's almost impossible to divert it. But, if we as a large force keep telling our elected officials how f'd up it is and how wrong it is and how angry it makes us, maybe they will figure out a better way to fund budgets without penalizing department heads who use money wisely.
I know. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real, too. But a citizen can dream, can't he?
and one of them has training wheels for Mikey....so he does not roll over...Honestly, most of them there continually violate the Constitution....just wait till the class action lawsuit makes it to DC Federal Court
Wow, no wonder WiCo residents are so screwed. They don't have a clue how things are SUPPOSED to work in gov't. They think just because someone in 'authority' says it and/or does it, it's totally fine, legal and proper. And/or they just don't care.
It doesn't matter if anyone cares what is done with seized drug money. It DOES matter that proper procedures are followed and adhered to. The council's job is to approve or disapprove the purchase, which funds are used and so forth.
I could go on and on but Joe has it well in hand and I think it is falling on deaf ears in some cases.
So how many cycles do they actually have? The put two on the road and now want 4 more or is it only (?) 4 total?
If these cops are getting paid by taxpayers money any money or articles seized should be sold and put in the general fund.
Your argument is crazy. Your comparing finding oil on property to smuggling money. ...
Sounds like gravy for the Sheriff. It should go into the General fund.
I don't think we should be buying new police cars... I think just fixing up the current ones would be cheaper.... I bet I will never see the bikes be driven.
The school and court division vehicles are the worst most have big flakes of paint missing all over. Most have over 170 thousand miles on them and those court deputies take out of county transports with those rags,but they want to spend money on motorcycles
Come on people, it's all about money. It's a shell game. When will the community stop being played. Law enforcement gets millions of dollars in drug busts on the bypass. The community never hears where that money goes. Wake up!
If seized money fully funded the sheriff Dept, I would have no issues with them buying 2 wheeled toys. That would be an internal issue. But that is not the case. The county taxpayers are paying for all of the sheriff department obligations - salaries, health care, pension, etc, so whatever they do on taxpayer paid company time, including the booty and bounty they acquire, should go back to the county general fund, not for discretionary equipment, like nonessential Harley's.
This is not an emotional or judgement issue, it's logic and common sense for the taxpayers of wicomico county.
I'm not saying the officers should not be rewarded for a good job, but keeping ALL confiscated booty is not right.
The drug money belongs to the taxpayers. Put the money in the general fund to house these prisoners. It's not money to spend on toys. Who was paying the cops, judges, public defenders, lighting and maintenance to the courthouses and jails. Where does the cops retirement money come from???? what's next, raise taxes because we can't pay retirement. Top dog is already getting state retirement and has county retirement in his sights. That's where the money belongs.
Wake up tax payers and you to Bob Culver. You have made a left since you have been in there.
But, but, you just dont understand. I really really need those votes
no...think..the citizens are benefitting..not the sheriff....
Although the bikes look nice, as a tax payer I say...
Most of the patrol cars I see look to be in bad shape, but our sheriffs office just bought four bikes that can't be
- driven in the extreme cold.
- can't be driven in the rain.
- can't be driven in the snow.
- can't be driven in strong winds.
- can't be driven in icy conditions.
I think the bikes should have been two new out fitted patrol cars. But what do I know. They will look great in parades though.
Ticket writing Cycles ... that's why they got them
8:29 you left out: can't be driven fast without someone pulling out in front of a motorcycle. ..... think about that. We all know how dangerous it is to drive a motorcycle the speed limit, ask Mike Maul..., imagine a chase on a motorcycle. Splat then a police funeral.
I thought that is what they use the trikes for - police funerals
This is like a bunch of kids at ToysRus
Yeah, regardless of how they were funded, those motorcycles are absolute folly. They are unnecessary, cannot accomplish anything more than a patrol car, but are much more limited.
I wonder how much essential equipment the deputies are going without so the sheriff can have his toys. What a joke.
-can't transport prisoners....
Time to get out of here. Go to somewhere far away from local governments that feed unwanted needs because a big cheez wants some toys.Money for fire and police over and over new vehicles big salaries for old cops who cannot run 40 yards and sit at a desk making 70k plus to send emails and do a weekly schedule when a 30k person can do the same work.I did not realize just how much money in this county is wasted on unneedful things until I come to this blog to be informed. Never any of this on the local news or newspaper either.I am just tired of funding all this and time to go.On the video I heard Dodd say he supported Bike Week so i guess that event justifies new motorcycles to parade around for 4 days at taxpayers cost.
Just crazy unaccountable spending.
$10,000. Missed a 0.
Diesel Harley's? You are wrong.
Don't like how the Sheriff spends the Sheriff's Office $? Run for Sheriff. He can do what he wants with his budget until he is voted out. He will never be voted out.
9:53, I am not wrong.
Have to chime in again , this was an unwise expenditure , the ability to stop a vehicle is limited . Drivers do not respect bikes these days , however they would have the ability to call for back-up with a car . If so , then they don't really need a bike.
I realize Lewis is a bike fan and you also Joe , maybe this has something to do with the decision.
The Baltimore police will take drug money and pocket it . Many police retired from Baltimore are setting pretty!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Diesel Harley's? You are wrong.
February 25, 2017 at 9:53 PM
do a search. there are harley diesels out there.
new speed trap vehicles.
Where was Lewis at this meeting? Why were these two left to do the meeting when it's sheriffs job?
None owned by the county though.
Tickets being written by cycles as we speak !!! Look Out
I am not taking up for the Sheriffs Office in these complaints I just want to make a point we might have overlooked. I know the Sheriff's office puts a lot of $ back into their department to buy things that they have seized and used them for their officers. Salisbury could do the same but they don't use it in house they spend it on unnessary items, if they watched their pennies the $ would watch themselves. Poor management from the top.
Knew this day was coming ... cycles for tickets !!
Wheels for Tickets Program !!!
Waist of Money !! Not needed !!! buy some Drones instead
Use them to Patrol where the Rapes took place near Rt 50 story and K-mart
Catch those Damn criminals ....forget radar !!
Police departments in MD have to use seized drug money on either training or equipment. It can't go into the general budget.
Need safety and security patrols, Not radar cops , waisting
needed officers........
1:38. Then change the damn rules. We are tired of hearing why it cant be done.
1:38 Their budget should be reduced by the amount of money the seize. Cuts costs without going into GF.
Are they installing a hydraulic lowering kit on one of the bikes for lil Mikey?
Mike Lewis is a Trooper first people. Do not expect Mikey to catch the local rapist preying on our women. Mike is the best highway interdiction guy I have ever met. He is not however a criminal investigator. The Bikes are a joke bottom line. It make absolutely no sense. I did get an e-mail with a picture of Mikey hugging all over Marilyn Mosby in Baltimore last week. The man is a fake. I am sure the Baltimore Six enjoyed Mikey hugging all over that racist bitch. Sorry Joe I just called her what she is. Mike Annapolis is not in your future stop kissing the asses of people who hate you. Get busy looking for these clowns raping our women. WTF man. I have lost all respect for your two faced narcissistic little man self. Enough said. Joe just post it on here if you want the picture of Napoleon kissing the witches butt.
Should be patrolling around K-Mart /Rt 50 were Rapes occured in Article ..........find those evil demons
That is what the LEWIS MOTORCYCLE GANG is about to find out in Federal Court in DC...property confiscation falls under the 5th Amendment....the Sherriff and his gang regularly confiscate property wo receipt or returning the property to its owner....take for example CIVIL CITATIONS from his other gang in the District Court...they take Eastern Shore persons weapons all the time without proof and refuse to return said property when persons are found not guilty.
people make left turns in front of bikes all the time and come into their lane. it won't be long before one of these bikes is wrecked.
Here's the thing with these bikes. Mike Lewis likes to ride motorcycles. He has a huge ego. He runs a mini state police barrack rather than a sheriff's office. The bikes are a feather in his cap so he can tout he has motor patrol. But really the other writers are correct. For a county department to have motor cycles in such a small are makes no sense. They are useless on patrol. They are good for highway traffic and responding to accidents in tight traffic areas. This is not CHIPS. Bikes are expensive to outfit and maintain. A stupid investment. It's all to serve Mike's unchecked ego.
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