Joe your a business man. If you had employees that were failing to show up to work over 70 percent of the time at one of you businesses and over 50 percent at another; what would you do ? This is the situation that the Chief is facing. There isn't any grand scheme to eliminate volunteers. The volunteers are eliminating themselves. You owe it to yourself to dig deeper into the situation. You know people on the other side that can tell you what is really going on.
February 21, 2017 at 9:52 AM
JoeAlbero said...
9:52, Yes, I am a business man. Let me school YOU on business.
You see, I have VOLUNTEERS here on Salisbury News. Do they moderate comments 24/7, no. Are there times when I could really use the help and they aren't around, absolutely. HOWEVER, let's NOT FORGET they are VOLUNTEERS.
I appreciate every single thing they do and I MANAGE my business obviously a lot better then the highers ups at the Salisbury Fire Department.
If I treated my VOLUNTEERS like crap, without the respect they deserve and earn, (in your case) they'd be eliminating themselves too.
So there's the difference between someone in a government job and a professional business man.

9:52, Yes, I am a business man. Let me school YOU on business.
You see, I have VOLUNTEERS here on Salisbury News. Do they moderate comments 24/7, no. Are there times when I could really use the help and they aren't around, absolutely. HOWEVER, let's NOT FORGET they are VOLUNTEERS.
I appreciate every single thing they do and I MANAGE my business obviously a lot better then the highers ups at the Salisbury Fire Department.
If I treated my VOLUNTEERS like crap, without the respect they deserve and earn, (in your case) they'd be eliminating themselves too.
So there's the difference between someone in a government job and a professional business man.
I wanna be a moderator
If I had volunteers that weren't showing up on a regular basis then I would ask them why and find a solution.
Bye Felicia. See you in a couple days.
11:11 EXACTLY, Volunteers are a unique breed, however treated with respect and appreciation, their still there. The problem is the SFD doesn't want them. Their a treat to their wages, and new jobs. Not to mention, Hoppes, Tull, Obarski,Gladwell, can't stand the ground a Volly walks on. Losers that have no interest in serving the public.
The idea is to get rid of the volunteers so they can hire their buddies and keep the good'ole boy system going without having to deal with outsiders.
They are trying to get rid of the volunteers so they can have paid crews at all three stations. That's why they want more funding from the county. Which I disagree with as the city does not pay their bills to the county example the government bldg etc etc. SFD also has too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Hoppes and fake Day are pushing this agenda. Day so far has proven to be untrustworthy and not a very good leader. Example selling parking lot downtown and putting up section 8 housing, downtown is dead this will be the nail in the coffin. And putting up bike routes instead of upgrading our infrastructure OR using that money for the paid SFD crew. At this point I say dismantle the "city" fire department and make them county stations. I'm tied of the city trying to rob the county.
I remember when Hoppes was a proud volunteer. Then he became an ass kisser that does not speak or acknowledge you when he sees you out. This tells you that you have a lot of acquaintances but very few friends.
As I said, there is no grand scheme to eliminate the volunteers. If the was such a plan then why does Salisbury still accept applications and hold academy classes twice a year ? Chief Gladwell and other officers are the instructors in these classes for volunteers, so how are they against volunteers ? I will leave you with this thought Joe. If things are so bad, then why are the leaders of this small group of volunteers in question still members ?
3:51 PM
Are the remaining volunteers waiting around to be hired?
Because they wanna provide service and help the community. Face it they don't do what the chief wants. The volunteers will operate with or without the city . That chief has destroyed them . It's about time they stand up. Chief runs scared now anyways . Doesn't station 1 have a lawyer that put him in his place and could of had a law suit against as well. The chief violated personal rights of members of that station . His ability to run the Salisbury fire department is not there and won't be .
I am so sick and tired of the anonymous cowards dogging the SFD. It is the coffee club and the rompus room cry babies and some career, and I know who most of them are' If things are that bad go join the moose or elks, and I know some have tried joining other departments and were not voted in, I wonder why. Well I will tell you why, 80% of the vollies in Salisbury wouldn't make it in a real volunteer company because you have to really work, carnivals, bingos, dinners, and you don't get wide screen tvs at Christmas,and for certain Career personnel if you don't get promoted go take a good look in the mirror and who you see is why you didn't get promoted. I was a vollie for 6 years in Salisbury with real vollies, F.Bagwell, S.White. T.Pruitt, M.Broyhill, and T.Gibb. I served in the career division for almost !& years and have seen change but kept doing it for the people I was sworn to help, and now if anyone wants to dog my brother, D/C John Tull have the balls to go to his face to tell him, but I know that wont happen, so heres a deal, tell me I will take your comments, dissatisfaction or just your little bitchy comments to him. I have nothing to loose anymore that I retired with pride from SFD.
Richard Tull
Richard Tull is correct. He served on both sides, both volunteer and career and knows what the real story is. Proud of you Rick for speaking the truth and standing up for your Brother. You both are fine men who have served the City well.
Aww ricky defending your sorry brother again . We're proud of you Rick your finally standing tall . Last time I checked your shift didn't like you either .
Back in October Rick Hoppes explained his staffing plan to the Station 1 volunteer membership. The President of the station 1 volunteers stated "They should be hiring more paid men" I thought I would fall out in the floor, but that's what he said. What does that tell you ?
It tells you that the volunteers are not gonna Staff the station. Why would they. There treated like dirt and they only staff now cause they want to ride. Before they staff they have to get permission. Good thing they love to do it or I'm sure they wouldn't. Salisbury is a joke and hopefully the county will draw the line and cut ties with the city . First of all there should not be County volunteers working with a agreement with the city to operate. That's just stupid and should had been fixed a long time ago.rick has stated multiple times that the volunteers will be gone by the time he retires and the SFD will operate like a well oiled machine. Well looks like he is on track . These volunteers should not be treated like this .
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