Joe what do you think about this idea?
This is clearly one example of a town or municipality could and should dissolve it's charter and let Wicomico County take over the day to day operations.
Responding to above:
I completely agree that Wicomico County should take over the Town of Pittsville. I have lived here for over 20 years and have not seen any problems fixed (as we have many)and there needs to be a clean sweep done. I have been to the office on numerous occasions for not-so-difficult things that never were resolved. We need a strong governmental office and this small town needs some big guns.
January 12, 2017 at 6:21 AM

6:21, I firmly agree. I can tell you the Town of Pittsville is being watched very carefully.
Let me explain something to everyone, I think you'll be quite pissed off when you read what I'm about to say.
I, Joe Albero, was the one who got our Annapolis Officials to piggyback Worcester County's distillery legislation and it PASSED.
Now, let me explain WHY.
You know the building I own next to the old Fire Station. I/We had a BUYER who owns a distillery licence who wanted to put a manufacturing facility there. They were going to completely rebuild the structure, employ 25 to 30 people and even committed to bring back the Strawberry Festival to Pittsville at their expense.
HOWEVER, it was Denver Moore who refused to allow this to happen, claiming I didn't have enough EDU's, (water and sewer) to allow such a facility, which was total BS. This company USES the water and the discharge was extremely limited.
Considering this is a COMMERCIAL property, Moore and the Council denied it and the deal fell through.
So 30 residents lost good paying jobs and the taxable income for the Town would have been perhaps the biggest taxpayer there.
So do I think the County should absorb the Town, absolutely. You people need to wake up and get these Idiots out of Office.
Sounds like the Trump rebellion is having a domino effect as it should , enough is enough. I predict a lot of this in the near future.
The problem is the power,it goes to their heads. It should always be about the town and it's people nothing more nothing less.
Drain this swamp .
Joe that should be a lawsuit if they cannot provide a substantial reason for keeping you out!
Mmmm , guess that would be the lesser of two evils.
I agree.
Wicomico county is run by a bunch of over rated good old boys who haven't got a clue how to run a business.
Worse of two evils is correct.
Maybe the county should clean up its act first.
Just saying.......
Go to town hall or call them 4108358872
There should be another opening on town commission since ms Jones died also.
Did they ever think since there were two openings to have a special election?
All of you sound as if resources are endless.They are not.Things become this bad when County and State resources are already maxed out,which leaves small towns to fend for themselves.No one is coming to save the day.
8:26, Did you know that Wicomico County taxpayers pay for police protection and the INCORPORATED Town pays back NOTHING? Salisbury is incorporated too and they have their own Police department, as it should be for ANY incorporated Town/City. So I'd say Wicomico County taxpayers have been "coming to save the day" for many years.
Going along just to get along has long been the leaderships attitude in many of our small towns. Nobody likes changes but to sit back and watch the towns dry up and disappear is not leadership. Progressive ideals and jobs are the foundation of the eastern shore and someone needs to set up and push for change. We need to make all of America great again!
It's why the Sheriff's office is called Wicomico County Sheriff's They provide protection for all small towns not just Pottsville......That doesn't save the day.
8:53, The City of Salisbury is in Wicomico County. Ocean City is in Worcester County. When you choose to incorporate you place your community in a position where, by law, you can be liable for your own police department. The County Executive can cut you off in a New York second and probably should. Get your facts straight.
If it were one of the good ole boys it would have went right through.
In related subject just checked Maryland records and pittsville cemetery hasn't filed personal property taxes and has forfeited it's status as MD Corp. Does anyone know how to contact retired judge whitehead as he is listed as resident agent. Denver moore controlled this too.
I think Denver Moore recently passed away.
I'm from Pittsville Joe. Kiss my ass, and Dead Denver's cold ass.
9:11,good to know Joe,that is why they can pick and choose who builds there because they don't need the extra revenue to pay for services.
Nothing happens in that town that Cathy doesnt know about start there.
I think you will find there are alot,of things very crooked between pittsville and willards. I lived in the area for many years, you find between the two towns if your last name isn't one of the several,big names it's over for you.
Yes he did now is a time for the states attorney or appropriate agency to investigate the town further as well the lions club and cemetery funds.
Joe he ain't that dumb.....Although close, he likes the tax revenue. If he didn't want to assume the responsibility he shouldn't have run! Mike will protect the small towns regardless of his boss!
The town over the last year paid thousands of dollars to have the town ditches cleaned. This was the biggest waste of money I have ever seen. A crew of jail inmates could have done a better job with hand implements. Simply sickening.Also the street where the Lions Club is located which is zoned (R-2) Residential only. NO commercial business or vehicles there are 2 rollback trucks(one has a 30 foot body on the rear of the truck) residing there and zooming up and down all hours of the night and day.I really wish Joe Holloway would take care of this for the peace and quiet of the neighborhood. He really is our only hope here and I know he gets things done.
Same thing in other areas. Only supposed to have one portable storage shed go look at strawberry village and see how many have multiple onesources but they denied my second one. Denver and the town are scared of Pete richardson.
Lol. Love it
Thank you Joe for getting the distillary bill passed. Your work on that was truly monumental. We owe you a great deal, as that allowed the creation of many other good jobs. We salute you sir!
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