DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 03, 2016
An incident occurred on January 3, 2015 at the Center City Exxon in Salisbury, located near Peninsula Regional Center. A Sheriff's Deputy, David Crowell, stopped Miguel Santos for suspicion of drinking and driving. Mr. Santos, who is of Mexican national origin, but is here and employed in this country legally, admitted that he had been drinking on the night of the incident. He told Deputy Crowell, at a certain point, that he did not want to take field sobriety tests. After this point, Mr. Santos was pinned up against Deputy Crowell's police vehicle (the large, black and white SUV model). A physical altercation occurred (the specifics of which are still disputed), but ended with Mr. Santos being "aggressively taken to the ground," according to Crowell in his police report. Santos claims he was lifted and pile-driven to the ground for no reason. Crowell then got on top of Santos punched Santos in the face at least once, and perhaps several times. Santos was then "tazed"or drive-stunned in the back. Mr. Santos suffered the following injuries: broken hand, broken lower vertebrae, and severe swelling, cuts and bruising to his eyes. (Photos above) Mr. Santos was then charged with crimes including 1) Assault of a Police Officer; 2) Second Degree Assault; 3) Resisting Arrest; and 4) Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. Deputy Crowell was not injured, and received no medical treatment as a result of the altercation, nor did he ever claim to be. (Strangely, the arrest photo in the Sheriff's Department's press release showed an old photo of Santos, one without the cuts, bruises and black eyes he received as a result of this incident.)
Approximately 3 days later, WMDT did an interview with Mr. Santos and Sheriff Mike Lewis after the incident. The entire interview, with video, can be found above.
In the Interview, Sheriff Lewis was asked about the incident, and volunteered the following comments:
A. "He [Mr. Santos] would have been a lot more banged up if it were me."
B. Sheriff Lewis "applauded" the efforts of Defendant Crowell.
C. Defendant Crowell "actually restrained himself."
D. "[I]f lethal force were used it would have been completely justified."
Mr. Santos had a criminal jury trial in the summer of 2015. The charge of Assault of a Police Officer was dismissed. Santos was found NOT GUILTY of Second Degree Assault (an offensive touching of Deputy Crowell). He was found GUILTY of Resisting Arrest (resisting or refused to submit to arrest). He was found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol (which he did not dispute). Other lesser charges filed against Mr. Santos, including traffic charges, resulted in convictions. Mr. Santos was sentenced to prison as a result of the incident. His injuries are generally untreated and permanent.
A civil case was later filed by Mr. Santos to recover for what he claims was excessive police force, that was unnecessary and caused his permanent injuries, including his broken back. On June 14, 2016, Sheriff Lewis was subpoenaed for a deposition, to explain and elaborate on facts related to his comments above. He refused to voluntarily appear. Rather, Sheriff Lewis, through his attorney, stated:Rather, Sheriff Lewis indicated: [I] am not willing to [appear voluntarily]. If you [Mr. Santos] decide to subpoena me, [I] anticipate [my lawyer] will file a motion to quash or for a protective order.
It is almost unheard of for a person, no matter what his or her status, to simply refuse to appear for a deposition. Therefore, on June 20, 2016, Sheriff Lewis, through his attorneys, did in fact file a "Motion to Quash" the Subpoena. According to Sheriff Lewis' attorney, his comments "were entirely of his own opinion" and Sheriff Lewis "does not possess any potentially relevant information about the case." Likewise, according to Sheriff Lewis, "he has no personal knowledge about the case" and was simply "provid[ing]" a media statement supporting his subordinate."
According to Mr. Santos, however, if Sheriff Lewis has no knowledge about the case, why say, without any reason or provocation, that "[Santos] would have been a lot more banged up if it were me?" Also, if he knows nothing about the case, why say "if lethal [deadly] force were used it would have been completely justified." According to Mr. Santos, these are either the remarks of someone with specific, unique knowledge of the case, or someone who is literally out of control and dangerous as a Sheriff of a law enforcement agency. No one, at least in Mr. Santos opinion, should be "banged up" or "killed" if you do not know the facts, simply because you support other deputies in your department. That is not law enforcement, but murder.
Salisbury News would like to know the thoughts and opinions of its readers on this issue. Is Sheriff Lewis correct? Or, alternatively, do his comments demonstrate a deeper problem with his Department and maybe others, one where they may believe they is above law, and can use force (deadly or otherwise) without any accountability whatsoever. History is full of such examples where trouble has followed when things rise to this level-see Los Angeles in the early 1990s, for example. There are no "right" answers to this issue; readers please opine.
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I support Mike Lewis--Obey the law and everything will be fine--otherwise pay the price
I feel safe with Sheriff Mike Lewis.
That deputuy needs to be arrested ,mike your a disgrace.
Don't get into any type of physical altercation with a police officer, ever. The officer does not know what type of weapons or what this criminal is capable of. No offense to Mr. Santos, but he is lucky to have his life.
Lewis was out of line and performing for the cameras. Now it will cost all taxpayers.
No one is above the law.
Sheriff Lewis for president
This is another case of Law Enforcement believing that their job is to control the masses - not serve and protect the Citizens and Constitution they swear an oath to.
To Law Enforcement: If we, as citizens are behaving badly, you have legal methods of controlling the situation. The badge and gun are NOT licenses to behave as badly (or worse) than the citizens who pay your wages.
Excessive force is not just unprofessional, it is criminal.
Law Enforcement is employed by the citizens, not the other way around. We must establish citizen review boards (with firing authority) in every jurisdiction and provide for changes in venue for prosecutions to avoid collusion by the prosecuting attorney.
Police MUST be held to a higher standard of behavior than everyone else - not a lower standard - or they need to find a less destructive line of work.
Our freedom as citizens is far more important than anyone's taxpayer funded job, benefits or pension.
Anonymous said...
That deputuy needs to be arrested ,mike your a disgrace.
June 30, 2016 at 9:15 AM
You are obviously a cop hating liberal.
Way to go WCSO!! Keep up the great work!
Lol, this criminal will not receive a dime of taxpayers money.
An old mugshot!! LMAO!! Proof that this illegal alien is a career criminal and should never have been in this country. Deport him now.
There is nothing wrong with what Mike Lewis said and btw this is old news!!
Anonymous said...
Lewis was out of line and performing for the cameras. Now it will cost all taxpayers.
June 30, 2016 at 9:16 AM
If he was out of line and performing for the cameras then you would have seen the video. Keep hating you Keyboard Pussy!
We stand with and support Sheriff Lewis and all law enforcement officers.
Anonymous said...
This is another case of Law Enforcement believing that their job is to control the masses - not serve and protect the Citizens and Constitution they swear an oath to.
To Law Enforcement: If we, as citizens are behaving badly, you have legal methods of controlling the situation. The badge and gun are NOT licenses to behave as badly (or worse) than the citizens who pay your wages.
Excessive force is not just unprofessional, it is criminal.
Law Enforcement is employed by the citizens, not the other way around. We must establish citizen review boards (with firing authority) in every jurisdiction and provide for changes in venue for prosecutions to avoid collusion by the prosecuting attorney.
Police MUST be held to a higher standard of behavior than everyone else - not a lower standard - or they need to find a less destructive line of work.
Our freedom as citizens is far more important than anyone's taxpayer funded job, benefits or pension.
June 30, 2016 at 9:19 AM
I can't wait till one of these illegal aliens or muslims attempts violently to take your life. I bet you cop haters will be quick to call Po Po then.
Joe you need to quit hating, there is nothing out of line here.
The police have become militarized! Looks like a case of excessive force. The guy should have obeyed and not resisted arrest. I'm afraid the days of officer friendly are over! They are now trained to act this way from training at the police academy.
Conduct unbecoming an officer on both counts. But most have no worries...unless your mexican....or have been drinking....or stand up for your legal right to refuse sbobriety test....or any other legal right....or any other pet peive he or his officers might have, that they feel just in beating or killing you over. Isnt that obstruction of justice too? I dont think I can vote for Lewis again.
You know how a guy breaks his hand in a fight? By throwing a punch. Apparently, he threw a punch against a superior opponent and got his butt handed to him.
Santos was intoxicated, but we're supposed to believe his version of the events...because why?
Why didn't you march in Ferguson for "that angel" Mike Brown? You didn't post any support for the baseless accusations against Ofc. Darren Wilson. Is that because Mike Brown was black, or in this case, because Santos is Mexican?
Common sense show police respect when you have done something wrong and this will not happen.
Don't do the crime if you can't to the time....
It's a fine line between what is right and what is wrong but cops do tend to use excessive force and exceed there authority. Mostly because they are not held accountable.
Anon 9:19 It appears to me you have never been in harms way. I stand behind our men in blue. They put their life on the line protecting you every day they go to work. Unless you are in the situation described it is hard to know exactly how it happened. Especially in todays world where as every time you put on that badge you are putting a target on yourself. The criminals get away with to much bulls--t today. As a police officer all you want to do is do your job and go home each night to your wife and kids. And if that means you are in an altercation with a criminal you have to use whatever means necessary to assure your wife is not a widow and your kids still have a father. So you should lighten up on our boys in blue every .time there is an altercation people are quick to take the side of the criminal. That is just wrong why not stand up for our men in blue and say he made the best of a bad situation. The world is upside down today when we always believe lying criminals over good decent men just trying to make a living and do their job. good job officer you wemt home unharmed that night and nobody got killed.
Just another entitled immigrant. Mike Lewis can say what he wants, when he wants. Free country and he is entitled to his opinion on any issue. If he was such a bad Sheriff why does he run without opposition.
I guess we all are to believe every word this Santos criminal utters. Is he in case search and if so why is he still in America.
you bleeding heart liberals would be the first to pound that drunks face if he, God forbid, hurt or killed one of your family members driving while drunk.
9:28 AM - Why is a citizen who expects the police to follow the laws, do their jobs as Constitutionally mandated and be held accountable for their actions a "cop hater"?
"Our freedom as citizens is far more important than anyone's taxpayer funded job, benefits or pension."
You would not have freedom as a citizen if there were not any taxpayer funded jobs. You would be scared sh-tless to go outside of your dwelling.
I am a civilian citizen that appreciates LEO's.
Not many commentators were there or have witnessed what the law has to deal with at times.
I don't see anything incredible about this article, I guess maybe because I remember this statement from Sheriff Lewis and saw nothing wrong then or now.
This is the opinion of a reader as requested.
Beyond excessive, especially when cops deliberately instigate and exacerbate the situation.
I've seen a "perp" that was clearly no threat whatsoever to everyone but the cop who was yelling stop resisting while the man was convulsing from being electrocuted.
Hey Mike, stop this nonsense. If you support your officers and trust them, believe they are acting in the best interest of humanity then give them body cameras that stream video publicly in real time. Then people will see the truth and you can't make up your version that supports the evidence you also made up.
Problem solved.
Albero why do you keep hating on Lewis? Grow up already. He does a great job. You are just mad that you could not beat Jim Ireton in a City election. You hate the City and County that rejected you. Rejection hurts but you should not take out your rejection anger on our wonderful Mike Lewis. He is 10x the man that you are.
9:28....I belive the Deputy was absolutely serving and protecting the residents of wicomico county! The guy was under the influence(found guilty)and fought back (found guilty). Now...let's say...he keeps driving and kills your family...now what? You wanna call the sheriff's dept. And have them press charges! Thanks to the sheriff's dept!
He wouldn't have been the first unarmed person that Mike Lewis has killed.
Just started viewing the video and reading the article. Notice I said started, couldn't finish after seeing a prior arrest.
I don't care what department beat his butt. These repeat offenders are looking for a payday.
He never mentions he could have killed a person while driving drunk.
I would love to have a shot at him myself.
Mr. Santos is guilty of being hispanic and "here and employed legally". It probably would have been a fair fight between Lewis and Santos since he is the same size as most hispanics - short.
You just don't pile drive people for DWI
I can see all sides and I support Sheriff Lewis. I just have no issue with this nor do I particularly care if a criminal gets more than a hug & cookie - regardless of race or gender. I can't help but wonder if there was a little more reverence and fear (yes, fear, it's an amazing motivator) of police would people be less likely to act out? Maybe so, maybe not. I know I'm not always perfect at my job. Sometimes I go too far and sometimes I don't go far enough, but for the most part I'm good at what I do (to clarify I'm not in law enforcement, just making a correlation). I'm also thankful to not have to explain or be under public scrutiny for every single decision I make, especially those under duress. If we gave LEO's a little more leeway and a little less micromanagement would tyranny ensue? I kind of doubt it. Would there be those that take advantage? Yep. But that's always going to be the case regardless. I'm so tired of the current climate of siding with criminals. Maybe that's the real underlying issue here?
A professional Sheriff would never threaten people with force in such a manner. Obviously, he was feeling let down after Fox stopped putting him on the national news during the Baltimore riots, and he needed to make himself feel relevant again.
Takes one to know one mr anonymous , lol. E - thugs crack me up
1. Santos got what was coming to him, ten fold! Sorry for his luck. Pay his medical bills and be done with it.
2. Talk is cheap, the Sheriff has a personality like it or not. If you don't like it, vote him out. I'm thinking most that don't like him probably can't/don't vote, so who cares.
3. Don't break the law.
4. Do whatever Deputy Crowell asks you to do!!!
Amen.....if you do what you are asked and don't resist all will be fine....if a sheriff feels threatened by you more than likely the results won't be in your favor....
9:59, First of all, if you actually believe Jim Ireton won that election you are a fool.
Secondly, I have no hatred toward Mike Lewis. This is a fair article that asks you the public, do you agree or disagree, yet you come after me personally.
As for rejection, do tell me this. Salisbury News has tens of millions of people visiting this Website. That's far from REJECTION, period. I can do far MORE from my Website then I could have ever done as Mayor.
I think it is people like you who are just upset that so many people I've gone after no longer work for the City or County. I think you are upset that it was Salisbury News alone who supported people like Bob Culver, Carl Anderton, Larry Hogan and yes, even Mike Lewis. I think it bothers you that Norm Conway and Rick Pollitt, (as an example) no longer misrepresent our districts. Meanwhile ALL of your local main stream media supported the Liberals and they lost.
So thanks for the chuckle this morning. Good luck in the next elections. I will say this Folks, don't think for a second that just because the candidates we supported are republicans is the only reason we supported them. I truly believe in voting for the best person for the job, period. GO TRUMP!
It is possible to SUPPORT THE POLICE AS WELL AS HOLD THEM TO A HIGH STANDARD. I love our boys in blue. Having not seen the event unfold I cannot comment on what did or did not happen.
1)I do think Sheriff Lewis' comments are out of line. You can support your subordinate without making generalized threats. Be professional.
2)I find it odd that he states a use of lethal force would have been justified then later claims to not have any "potentially relevant information about the case".
3) Officers have a very difficult job. We have to remember that their life could be on the line at any moment. This does not excuse officers from using excessive force. Let's get some dash cams or body cams and if they were being used let's see the footage. These technologies are for the protection of both officers and citizens. I have 3 friends that are cops on the mainland and they welcomed their body cams with open arms because they performed their duties correctly.
"Anon 9:19 It appears to me you have never been in harms way."
Sorry you think that. I am a Veteran of our Armed Forces (combat) and have many friends who are law enforcement officers.
I am also a black man (tax-paying business owner) who has been treated less than fairly by police in various jurisdictions.
10:12 AM - "I'm also thankful to not have to explain or be under public scrutiny for every single decision I make, especially those under duress."
If you don't want to be held accountable for decisions that affect the life and liberty of the citizens, don't be a cop.
I should have written a statement in behalf of the deputy.He was given no other choice.
10:44 AM - As I stated, I'm not a cop. However, like many people, the services I offer do affect citizens and I do the best I can. But I'm not perfect - as LEO's aren't either. Furthermore, I don't believe putting people in any profession under the microscope for every little thing makes them more perfect, in fact it usually does the opposite. It's so easy for people nowadays to be Monday morning quarterback things that they have zero experience with and I think it's crap. Opinions were asked for and that's mine.
There are good cops and bad cops,
Why am I not surprised to read in Santos case files he has a history of breaking the law.
Why am I not surprised to read another SBYNews posting where comments are against the LEO actions.
Why am I not surprised this is just another put down of Sheriff Lewis
Why does it matter that Santos is here legally. Does that give him the right to drive drunk or not to obey LEO?
Like it or not - every move you make and everything you say (when LEO faces you ) determines YOUR outcome. It sure is easier to do as an officer says for a few minutes than to end up in jail.
I totally support Sheriff Lewis. I am not offended by his remarks and do not feel his comments were important to the case. He has been a good Sheriff and he gets my vote. (Even though people threaten on here all the time they will never vote for him again) IMO he is a winner.
Watching the video did not turn me against Officer Cromwell. Santos is where he belongs IMO. Perhaps next time he chooses to drink and drive he will remember this life changing experience.
One more I am not surprised. Why am I not surprised to see LUKE ROMMEL is Santos Lawyer.
Mike Lewis is a bully with a badge. He got picked on as a child and now has little big man syndrome. He has never met a TV camera he didn't like.
Just like a young man who was shot and killed for running away ! Planted that gun! I bet Lewis told Ben,no worries! I would've shot him twice! Then put a weapon on the ground that the dead didn't even have!
This is the proof Mike Lewis is an out of control leader! He thinks it's ok for his deputies to do what ever they like! There is more law suits than this coming! I can guarantee it!
Regarding the legal right of refusing a sobriety test it is a loss of driving license if you refuse to take the test
Luke has to take cop cases. Cheaper to settle out. He gets no other work. He is like an ambulance chaser. He reminds me of the slugs in Baltimore running around before prelims handing out their business cards. I guess one has to make a living I just Luke did not do it on tax payer's backs.
MeeeeeeeeeeeeeeOw Baby
All you idiots here think that if the time comes an some deputy arrested you for no reason or a reason you thought was wrong,and you start to question it,then get instantly slammed and beat up, that you will be ok with it? You won't question this? Just hang your head and be cuffed? Hell no! You would start to question the deputy as to why and try to look him in the eyes! Does that mean you deserve this treatment? Does he deserve this just because he is an illegal or a Mexican ? I'm a White male. Republican and patriot. And I say no!
Lewis has a Napoleon complex.
We wouldn't be having this discussion if Santos had hit someone and killed someone while driving DRUNK and this deputy had kicked his butt! He was breaking the law! We all know drunks like to run their mouths and fight, he had a criminal history. I could care less this happened, great job Deputy Crowell!!
Never I mean never resist an officer of the law. They get off on busting people up and have the wall of blue behind them.
yeah, feel free to resist arrest, attempt to flee, and get taken to the ground. Then roll around and try to start choking a deputy. remember they're here to protect us all.
I love how cops tase people and then while they are being tased and convulsing on the ground, with their muscles locked and tense, they say stop resisting lmao that is funny... Not funny for the guy being tased but funny because cops know the effects of tasing and know it locked you and your muscles up and that is why they tase you and sing the stop resisting song... They even have a dance where they fist bump each other after wards... a nice little song and dance, kind of like monkeys...
I also find it funny how cops think they don't work for you because they get their money from either the city, county or state, which comes from taxes we pay... And how cops think city, county or state property paid for by us with tax payers money, is considered private property...
I support Mike Lewis and our police force. That said, it is my right to refuse sobriety and breathalyzer tests (although you will pay for doing so). That does not mean I should be pinned against the vehicle and assaulted. That said, I feel like there's more to the story here. Things that make you go hmm?
I like mike
I agree that people should not break the law, I believe that people should respect the police. That being said, doesn't the court system dole out the punishment in accordance with the law? Why is it acceptable for the police to beat the $&%+ out of you, then you go get sentenced. If this is the case let's save a ton of money, eliminate the court system and when you are stopped by the cops they give you whatever beating they determine fits the crime.
Mike Lewis thinks he can say and act anyway he wants because he is an elected official and knows he will be re-elected again. Even if you agree with the way this incident was handled Lewis should have never made that comment - lets put him in a ring with Santos for a fair fight and see who comes the winner - Lewis is a big mouth bully!
I think Mike Lewis's comments were out of line...were they worth suing over is a different question. But it makes me wonder about the language and rhetoric used behind closed doors. Someone who talks "big" in public will continue to swagger behind closed doors as well.
Mike Lewis looks like the kind of guy that only wears Harley Davidson dealership t shirts with the sleeves ripped off
He broke the Law now send him back to Mexico
Mike Lewis will back any officer no matter how wrong they are!
Appropriate conduct ? He supported his officer , that's a good thing , he says what's on his mind and doesn't hide behind his badge , that's a good thing . Yes he is right in my opinion , sorry about you cop haters . It's going to get a lot worse and you guys will start loving the police.
9:19 Never and read dumbass he was here legally.
9:29 Hating? You must be a cop.
11:59 What a dumbass comment. Yeah he refuses and he loses his license not beat down
9:35 release the video
9:43 yeah because cops don't lie. Oh and by the way he went to his girlfriends house first and then went home to the wife and kids.Facts
So let me get this straight, you guys are siding with the police officer just because they are a police officer? Mr. Santos was found "Not Guilty" of assaulting the officer. So the "don't get into a fight with officers" claims are pointless. If Sheriff Lewis has no knowledge of the situation, why make such inflammatory comments about it? Is he that out of touch with his department that he does not know when one of his officers are involved in a law suit that pertains to their job? I typically side with the police in most matters, but this seems way over the top. The officer had no injuries what so ever, not really consistent with an assault. Sheriff Lewis is way out of line with his comments and actions in this case.
If he does not have any information about the situation, he should not comment plain and simple.
10:00 please re-read the report and then come back and correct your errors
10:03 FACTS
10:18 spoken like a true serf. Deputy Crowel "bend over" annonymous 10:18"yes sir"
12.38 Guess what? This did happen and he didn't kill anyone so your comment is worthless. What if,what if
10:03 FACTS
This is simple! The man should't have resisted arrest and he has been found guilty of this crime. This looks like another case from some liberal lawyer who wants to make a name for himself.
Not hiding behind his badge?!
Threaten someone with bodily injury and see what happens to you. He can only do that BECAUSE he is hiding behind the badge.
I agree 100%
Joe, why are you bringing this up now, a year and a half later?
This is an obvious attack on Mike Lewis and David Crowell! They are good people and I support them both. I agree with what they said and what they did. I support Mike for trying to squash this.
The charges should not have been dropped on the illegal alien. Look at his hand bandaged up. It didn't get that way because he fell, it got that way because he used it to attack the Deputy.
Sound like Santos didn't comply with the deputy and now regrets his decision.
wow Wicomico county citizens are just completely blind I feel sorry for you all. This is really sad until it's one of your children smh.
I can not stand that people keep saying this man could have killed someone driving so he deserved this. He deserved to be pulled over, jailed, and subject to the penalties of the law as is any other citizen. He was wrong, yes. He was under the investigation of the officer, good work. That's where anything lawful or just about this ends. The fact that so many adults are stuck with the juvenile mentality believing that "he did it so why cant i" is ok just saddens me. You are applauding actions that could have been equally deadly. The officer could have killed Santos just as Santos could have killed someone else. Santos is of color. Not too long ago a young woman, with a criminal history as well, was arrested for a dui with a young child in the back seat unrestrained and there were many people defending her. She was white. The kid attacked at the gas station, he deserved it... Why can't adults almost beat the life out of teenaged boys? At least that's what everyone said. He was of color. People should respect law enforcement, they have a tough and honorable job. The problem is that these good ole boy attitudes and disrespectful encounters with its citizens are causing a distrust and lack of respect in the communities. Until people like Mike Lewis are no longer allowed to lead we will continue to be stuck in this vicious cycle.
No Santos was found guilty of resisting arrest. Mouth breather. The bottom line cops are taught to serve and protect. That does include themselves. Look ass wipes you do not pay the cops to take a beating from a drunk. I don't care if he is from mars the cop needs to control the situation. The cop at no time should be spit on or struck. You do that you get what is coming. You grab the Bull you get the horns. That is why I have be polite with police when I have been contacted by them. Never got beat or arrested. O.k> once arrested lol
I say you swing it the cops will bring it. They are not out there if they are puss*** people. Its like punching a boxer not a good idea.
Get the in car file your report legally and sue if you have to. As far as I am concerned Luke Rommel is the Marilyn Mosby of Defense Lawyers. Everybody settles out SPD? Matt. I bet WCSO does not settle out and Puke Rommel gets nothing. Luke has a man crush on maost officers. He has awesome parents I am not sure if a hammer at ACE fell of and struck him in the head.
Just like Baltimore you want to believe a convicted criminal again.
Joe must get a cut from Luke. One word for you Joe PUSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You lost to Jim Ireton and can not except that you are less liked then that hissy throwing sheman. Must really suck to be you. lol
Cops pay taxes too cry baby. Lol Libtards get dumber by the second. I support the police. Sorry where are you guys when the thousands of police get assaulted every day. Pulling your puds as usual. There are wish bones and back bones. Cops and soldiers have back bones. As do Fire Fighters. The rest of are on puss patrol. Sorry it is what it is.
Bob Harris for Sheriff.
First of all a pile driver by a uniformed deputy is pretty much impossible, and ridiculous. Second him being if Mexican decent is irrelevant, and mindless dribble to spark sheep to believe it was race related. It was a DUI stop. You don't have a choice about submitting to tests. He obviously resisted, and faces injury doing so, so cry to yourself for that.
If he had not resisted his arrest he would not have been injured. I guess you think the officer should just stand there and be accosted. The girlfriend basically said he did resist and tried to choke the officer,but didn't think her boyfriend deserved the result of his own actions. I have no problem with the officer defending himself. And it had nothing to do with his color! He drive drunk got stopped and resisted those were his own bad choices! I do have a problem with a person of color crying the blues when they get themselves in these situations and blaming it on their color, I say BS. Look at the stats they use this as an excuse for their bad choices, man up and quit trying to get out of the trouble you're in from your own doing. Sick of that crap.
This is going to get ugly and someone will be made an example and lose their job. Oh yeah.
Unfortunately for the Sheriff, many of us know for a fact that he is a liar.
Don't we Mike?
According to Mike Lewis all of his law enforcement officers are right! Didn't they lock one up for child sex abuse? They are people, they are not perfect, they are known to lie under oath! They have no right to treat anyone in this manner! The problem is Mike Lewis! He condones overstepping their authority! This will never change until he is gone. He is the worst Sherrif Wicomico County has ever had! I have never been arrested and I don't hate cops! Their are good and bad cops! As long as he defends the bad actions of his deputies there will be more bad cops!
1:46 he likes you too 8==) ():
Mike Lewis is an insecure bully who knows that a bunch of rednecks will reelect him. Cops are not always correct. Did his personal attorney represent him or was it on the County?
I support Sherrif Mike Lewis and all law enforcement.
There is a huge tort claim law suit filed against Sheriff Mike Lewis and Cromwell and assistant states attorney Brueckner
They think they are above the law trust me they are not above the laws of our country and our state. My entire family has served in the military with honor and dignity to protect our constitution. Sheriff Lewis cares about one amendment and thats it. He and his merry men have violated the wrong person this time. I don't know this but I sure have a feeling they have never served a day in the military. They need to go and re read the constitution and the amendments. By the way did anyone see the law 98 before the general assembly were Assistant states attorney for Wicomico County Rich Bruckner said he defends THE OCHOA CARTEL CRIME FAMILY if anyone wants the link let me know you got to see this. No wonder salisbury has problems who hired him anyway?
I think it is time for Mike lewis to retire when he can't make good judgments about the law and uphold the constitution of the United states
No one has mentioned the transfer of Sgt Owens from wcBI to road patrol
We support you and the Deputies Sherriff Lewis.....looks like to me the guy learned a valuable lesson.....next time do the sobriety test...LOL Would be a hell of a lot easier on the face and eyes!
I am not pro cop. Often they deserve to be prosecuted.
However I do not see that here. Mr Santos admits he did not submit to arrest and fought instead. He was convicted of this offense and was driving while intoxicated. So regardless he was not of sound mind to even be a good witness of his own actions.
We have trials for good reasons.
Sheriff Lewis has no knowledge of this case. The claims he does do not pass the smell test. He was just using his professional judgement that his Deputy did his job properly and used restraint.
The old photo. Come on what good would be a photo of a face that would not be recognizable for identifying the man once he healed. The photo is not taken for evidence of abuse rather identification. The old photo did that better than a new one would have.
In this case the thug got what he deserved seems to me. I detest drunk drivers who refuse to cooperate when caught. Take the sobriety test or just say I admit I am drunk driving. Or peacefully submit to arrest. This thug did not do that. Maybe most of the time he is a great guy when not drunk. That night he was a thug. Is he always a thug when drunk. Do not know. I know many are. Why it is against the law.
Lewis is doing a good job.
At a jury trial I watched Crowell lie under oath about a DUI arrest. He sat there lying and smiling. How can you get a fair trail in our country. It is very sad when some of these men have not served a day in our military but want to be Officers of the law without any dignity at all. It is a shame there are a lot of good cops out there but when I hear a 24 year old say I want to be a cop but I am going to be a good one. I think we do have a problem.
Can someone tell me what happened to Sgt. Owens
The days of officer friendly are over because the days of "respectful compliant citizens" are over. They need to do what ever it takes to stay safe and I support them 100 percent.
8:08 The days of "respectful law enforcement" are over! Fortunately you sound like you have never faced a court hearing and watch these Law Enforcement Officers lie under oath. When and if this ever happens you may have a different view or opinion. Police today will instigate not like before when they didn't serve under the Mike Lewis egotistical power. You sound like you back Leo all the way. For the most part some do an excellent job, however when they get out of hand as they sometimes do they need to be dealt with as you or I would. This never happens at the WCSD. The leader is not a leader when his ego overrides your constructional right. You are aware of your constitution right? This guy was found not guilty of assault on a police officer! This means he is innocent of those charges.. Did the officer make this up? Fabricated? Do you remember when Davis Ruark was charged with DWI in Ocean City? Didn't Mike Lewis get out of bed and go get his friend? I bet he was slammed around and thrown against a car or on the ground. I bet you backed him as well. If you think all law enforcement are top notch you are sadly mistaken. I support law enforcement! I can't support them 100% because they are not always professional. They are not always truthful! Just because they wear a badge does not mean they deserved it or wear it with pride and professional character.
Remain ignorant if you want or educate yourself.
Want to learn more? Read this…
Here is a snippet…
“With respect to the assault and battery claims, the court noted that police officials are not responsible in inflicting injury on a person being arrested, unless the officer acts with malice or gross negligence. Because there was a genuine dispute as to whether the police officers lacked probable cause in arresting plaintiff for trespass, and taking the facts in the light most favorable to plaintiff, the judge denied summary judgment on that basis because a jury could find malice in the defendants’ (Officers Phillips and Alessandrini) actions. On a similar reasoning, the court found summary judgment inappropriate as to the false arrest, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution allegations.”
Personally I have never had any problems with law enforcement officers, Why because I try not to break the law. I have had speeding tickets but I did not get angry and attack the officer. If you are not breaking the law you will not have to interact with officers. if you do break the law yes you will have to interact with officers and the way they treat you is dependent on how you treat them. If you are respectful and comply with their orders you will have no problem. But if you are disrespectful and try to resist or fight the officer then you get what you deserve. Just because you are drunk does not give you the right to make a punching bag of a police officer. Is the officer just suppose to take the beat down and not defend himself. I think not. Anyone of you no matter what your job if you are working and someone drunk gets in your face and starts to swing at you or fight with you. I think you too would try and defend yourself, So I wish everyone would stop jumping to conclusions and take the criminals side all the time. These officers are doing their job and protecting you and your family. Lets start standing up for what's right and stop standing up for criminals and law breakers.
10:14 you are assuming that cops are not law breakers also. You know the saying when you assume. This is the second article about Lewis running his mouth in less than a day. Lewis thinks he is above the law plain and simple and the time is getting closer that will show him he is not
There again...if the dislike is this high for Mike Lewis-show your face at voting time. It's incredible to me that we have so many keyboard warriors. Oh, yes, and also: apply for a law enforcement position, go through the academy, and do the actual job. I have a feeling that once the tide turns against you for doing YOUR job, you will understand why law enforcement has had to change the way they've done theirs. Comments SUPPORTING a drunk driver.....I've seen it all. Wow...what if said drunk driver had killed your loved one? You'd be complaining that law enforcement didn't stop him...just wow.
IMO, after watching the video, I actually support Deputy Crowell in this. Santos apparently tried to choke Crowell and then when santos was on the ground, santos again tried to resist. I do feel that Deputy Crowell was a bit excessive pile driving santos into the ground, however if someone was trying to choke me out, I can't say I'd try to do much different. Santos has a history of run ins with the police, violent or not. He should not have been driving in a suspended license in the first place, let alone driving intoxicated. I wholeheartedly agree that Sheriff Lewis does not need to be making those remarks as they are very unprofessional and show a lack of restraint on his part. I love our sheriffs office but I'm sick and tired of Mike Lewis thinkin he can do and say whatever and get away with it.
Ever seen a pat down? Where they put you up against the vehicle and check you for weapons and substances? Yeah, that may be why he was pinned up against the car. He resisted arrest by trying to choke out the officer at which point he was pile driven to the ground, which I agree is excessive, and then santos still tried to fight back.
I don't know about you, but I don't necessarily take kindly to any notion, let alone the actual action, of choking me, just as I don't take kindly to the notion of somebody slamming me into the ground. But that's why I also comply with the police.
More delicate dainty little sissies complaining about somebody's ittle face getting hurt.Trump for President,Mike Lewis for VP.
Yeah, travelling & teaching. He is rarely, if ever, at the sheriff's office, or even in the county.
Seek help, 8:58 AM
Traveling and speeding
8:58 another 5'2" sissie cop with a gun running his lips like your bad
The majority of this counties sheriff department are a bunch of goons!! They have a sworn solidarity to one another and trust me when contact is iniciated their first matter of business is to provoke confrontation, PERIOD!! some of these guys endulge in as much if not more of EXTRA curricular activity than the ones they try to arrest. I happened along on a local business motorcycle ride one Sunday afternoon not knowing what to expect and 90% of the riders were law enforcement and let me tell you they were law a pack of Wolves and yes they were operating vehicles under the influence that day all the way to a bar in Kent island
Little crybaby wimps that were failed by their parents who grew up with no accountability are suddenly faced with reality and when they are held accountable they cry and play victim. You will never amount to squat.
1131 I know you!!
I have been concerned about Sheriff Lewis since he received so much publicity last year over the Baltimore riots. It is very easy for that kind of attention to go to the head of the sheriff of a little county on the Eastern Shore.
Maybe the good Sheriff needs to do some soul searching.
Maybe Americans should do some soul searching and draw a line in the sand and take a stand instead of letting the government take away your rights one piece at a time like a sheep.
@2:39 you don't know me!!
11:21 You are 100% correct in saying the WCSD officers "provoke"! They instigate until they can provoke the situation and then they throw in the assault on a police officer charge if you move your hand! This kind of behavior will indeed continue until Mike Lewis is gone. Just look back at the statements he makes! He wasn't there so he is basing his opinion on a report the officer completed. How does he really know what happened? The gentleman who was drinking and driving still has rights (well at least he should have) Nobody has a problem with the Officers that do their jobs! It is when they provoke a situation and then add 10 charges that never happened! This happens with the WCSD! They need cameras! Once they know you have this on tape to have in court this behavior will end! Problem Solved.
Mike Lewis is part of the problem
Well I read every post. It was hard but I had to do it. Santos placed himself in the position to have contact with the police. First and most important fact. Driving suspended and intoxicated. I have a legitimate concern. My family and I travel we do not drink and drive. I do not want to risk the lives of fellow Americans or my family.
Clearly the officer was attempting to pat the subject for weapons which is a realistic issue. The man turns and tries to choke the officer. That officer has a gun on his hip. I would not want to lose that fight either if I am wearing a gun. I do not expect any officer to put themselves in that position. We don't pay them to get killed on the job. Especially with their on gun.
With that said this Sheriff has every right to defend his staff verbally and physically. If he offends you every four years his job is available and up for grabs.
Thank you Sheriff Lewis and all your deputies that go out there every day and serve. Thanks to all police who go out there and serve. If you are a coward or one these Libtards you should never apply to do this kind of service. This aint no place for SISSIES.
Also if this Santos is here on a work Visa he should have been deported when he committed his first crime. Agreed there is no issue if you liberal bastards lived by the laws of the land.
M.F. in Delmar
I hope they stop me and start pounding on me! I do have a camera in my car!
At 9:22, whose money do you think will be used to take care of him while he is put in a cage? Speaking of which, people see a problem with an animal put into a cage but see no problem with a human being put in one?
Animals have no choice in the matter. Humans do. Do not violate the laws of the land. You will have no issues with the police.
Sheriff Mike Lewis is a Very Courageous man...when he dons his uniform, gun, and badge.
Ordinary plain-clothed unarmed Civilian Mike Lewis? A Napolean-Complexed-Narcissitic-Coward!
I'm confused how man should be killed for in all reality is drinking wile driveing their is no justification for take a man from his family over drinking wile driveing police are a fucking joke
The officers under him are the same way. They will provoke you, just so they can use extreme force.
Bull shit
I'd like to see that link
It says that he was here legally its crazy people like to try to blatantly lie
Lewis should have been gone he has gotten away with soo much in this town. This is not a surprise.
Mike Lewis is a Crooked MF whose time will come.
Mike Lewis is a disgrace and does not represent this entire community. He shoukd not be in a position of power or even be allowed to wear a badge. He is the type of cop who is the problem in this country.
And you people wonder why cops have a bad name while you all support racist and police brutality
Body cam or dash cam videos? How about a voice recording? Anything? It's hard to make a call without any evidence other than a beat up, gazed dude with a broken hand that's been drinking and an unharmed deputy. If they don't have any type of recording device, can we make that happen from here on out? It would solve a lot of confusion.
I think you're under the delusion that police want more oversight and accountability.
Feeling really fortunate that I only had to be in Salisbury for four years to get a degree. It's sad that the area can't retain people, but it is the reality. The cops are really disappointing, along with everyone who agrees with their behavior. Unfortunately the major thing keeping the region alive, Salisbury University, won't be able to retain people either if things continue down this path.
We all need more Jesus
The guy said he was drunk driving. What case are you talking about? He resisted arrest while drunk and lost the fight.
The "assault on a police officer" requires the cop to be injured. This is why the defendant beat that charge.
Read the whole case. The Sheriffs office won and the attorney filed a counter suit.
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