DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, July 16, 2016
A Viewer Writes: About the "Lives Matter" Movement(s)
I have a question that I think You'd be interested in knowing the answer to Yourself.....in the case of the opponents to the " Black Lives Matter" movement.......do they also feel the same when and if asked.......Do Black Police Lives Matter? I'm willing to certainly expect the Flip the Script answer......it wasn't Black Cops who were Killed.........But that's Not the Question......I Truly wonder in my naive mind......just how many of your readers would be Bold enough to say....No or more probably....Hell No !!.....It would really reflect the core of what people really are saying when they take a stance against the BLM movement. Joe, as a rule....I'm Sure You want to express the Truth of the issue....some I've read....You stand more toward the opposite of being a Liberal, called The Right....but I won't call it the Right because it sounds like a pun and some folks actually think that....but I digress......would You be willing to find the True Heart of Your Readers.......it's an open question.....Do Black Police Lives Matter........it will cause your readers to at least examine their Real Thoughts about the Race issue.......I bet....You'll be surprised enough at the raw exposure of it all.......to Speak Out against....Naked Racism......America's Cancer
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The truth is Black lives matter is nothing more then a political hack group started and funded by a rich white guy Gorge Sores. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. So what is the End game? My guess is 1 disruption of our political process 2 declare Marshall law 3 federalis all police and have them over seen by the U.N.
The answer all depends. To those of us who are color blind ALL lives matter. The inclusion of the word "police" is just a gotcha question. The point is when you include race in everything, you are only tearing down bridges, all ready built. It will take generations to rebuild them if ever.
It's not whose lives matter, or what race's lives matter only that if you want to live in a civil country -All Lives Matter.
Maybe I am too educated or maybe I am just too stupid...but I can't even make out...what this person...is trying to say...compose your thoughts...and try again...ALL LIVES MATTER!
Yes, Black police lives matter, because all human life matters. Created in God's image.
Until the black community starts addressing black on black killing and lives like BLACK LIVES MATTER, that movement will be seen for what it is: trying to blame and attack whites. You don't empower yourselves by taking others down. You become part of the problem.
To the writer of this post, as a black man myself, it appears to me that you are infected by the cancer of racism. All lives matter. We as a community need to face the real problems of fatherless homes and a lack of God fearing in our community. Giving our boys something to model after other than the thug culture and world holding me back mentality they brainwash us with through the music and tv.
I don't need to know or hear about anyone's life mattering. I already know they all do. It's blacks who have failed miserably with this point too. They kill each other in record numbers including little children getting their brains splatter in the streets caught in the crossfire. It's only gotten worse with the black lives matter nonsense. Blacks without fail always end up eating their own with their sheer and utter stupidity.
All Lives Matter and No Lives Matter. For the people of the world, ALL LIVES MATTER. For the planet and the universe in general, NO LIVES MATTER. Nothing really matters. If people would focus more on themselves and their community, then they'd shut their mouths and participate in their community. More can be done by action than by inaction. Words are just that, a bunch of noise. Joining the police force and community outreach to do good is better than standing in traffic creating havoc by hindering those that serve and protect. Get out of the streets and get a job. If you are home sitting on your butt watching the tv, then volunteer to help somewhere. If you'd volunteer to stand in the streets and demonstrate how stupid you are, then you can volunteer to help in a hospital, nursing home, school sports, or anywhere else there is a need. You can all be leaders in your community by not focusing on only the negative in life and instead focus on the good that you can bring to your life by helping others. It's hard to be positive when you focus on the negative. If you only worry about dying, then you're not living. Same is true for these so-called movements. Stop complaining and start helping. Don't dwell on what you think is getting you down, which is you by the way. Instead, think of all the ways that you feel people should be helping and start doing it yourself and others will follow. Surround yourself with positive people and be the difference your community needs. Set the example and you will be heard. Set in the streets and you'll continue to be nothing. Now go be the somebody you need! It's up to you.
I don't agree w/ it. Anything associated with BLM is an insult to the decent, moral, honest people of this country.
I agree 10:09 except before worrying about being 'leaders' in the community start focusing on being 'leaders' in your own home. Far too many of these supposed 'leaders' have dark family histories themselves. Look no further then locally. Both Mary Ashanit (NAACP) and April Jackson (city council) have criminals within their own close blood. You can't be a positive role model to anyone else when you have failure in your own family.
H...e...Y.... B...u...D. Stop with the ellipsis. You could write the meaning of life in your letter, or even the cure for cancer, but due to the ... you are doing nothing but pissing people off. People on this blog, both writers and readers don't very well tolerate bad grammar, spelling, CAPITOLIZATIONS, personal grammatical styles. I hope you won't do ... in a resume. Makes you look stupid.
Anyhow, yes black cops lives do matter. Just as much as anyone else's. We, on this blog, look at the content of character. Not what a person looks like. Would I be indebted to a white cop as well as a black cop who stopped a bullet for me? Or, would I be cool, calm and collected if pulled over? Yes.
The only time someone else's life is less than mine is if they attempt to take my life. Then they are then lower than a gnat and I will destroy them to the best of my ability. I took an oath to protect and defend, and that includes myself as an individual.
By the way, why do you want the commenters to say that black cops do not matter?
Racism is a double standard. A double standard that the people in an uproar about it do not see, or choose not to see. For example, to be equal, there should be a NAAWP, or a Congressional White Caucus, or affirmative action for Caucasians, or White Lives Matters group.
Again, I wish you would have written your letter just a little more legibly, so we wouldn't have to waste our brainpower trying to piece together what you are trying to say.
Black lives matter doesn't have anything to do with Black On Black crime. What about white on white crime. The problem you don't want to address is police accountability. They are never charged for their criminal acts of murder of black people. That's what BLACK LIVES MATTER is all about. People kill were they live 84% of White people killed are killed by White People. Why is it that in over 95% of the time its always a white man (cop) doing the killing Black cops don't act like a bunch of Yeah Who Cowboys ready to shot. You already know how Racist You are , I have overheard some of your racist statements against the Black Community you call it having fun.
To the person with the small mind attacking April Jackson and Mary Ashanti, look at your own Family and far that matter your own race you are a race of criminals everywhere you live and everywhere you been you have raped, murdered, and stolen everything you have all in the name of Jesus and white supremacy. Check your Blood trail. The criminal element your are looking at was caused by the white race.You are a race of DEVILS!!!!!!
1040 how misinformed you are. If anything, BLM is promoting racists attitudes not doing anything to stop them. With the ugliness going on, they have created racists out of people who didn't think one way or the other before. This is regressive rather than progressive. It has dialed some back to pre-Civil Rights days and it's a shame because many people fought and died so you could live in a society that was free from Jim Crow attitudes and laws.
You have systematically spit in the old Civil Rights leaders' faces while alienating yourselves from the public. This does nothing for our society as a whole and certainly is damaging to the black community that has to work in said society.
Perhaps it's time for this BLM renegade force - weak as it is - to sit back and take stock in their damage. The racial slurs on BLM's part only bodes to embolden racists minorities to say, "See look. Now you wonder why I don't like em?"
By the way, you're uninformed about the black community and their thoughts towards BLM in general. From what I hear directly from black people, most are unimpressed and sickened by BLM and it's actions. It appears that only a small population within the black communities throughout America who actually support their cause. Go on Facebook and look up the various chapters, very few have anything close to the numbers needed to actually be a serious movement.
Uh, they're a hate group financed by Soros. Need I say more? 😱
They are a love GROUP that loves themselves, and want to see some justice .
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