Flag Raising at Iwo Jima February 1945 |
By Thornton Crowe
A holiday to celebrate our victories and losses but also one to reflect on just what America means to us...
In our times of high political correctness, it is not an outrageous thing to entertain, given Obama's 'almost' apology for Hiroshima speech, will our holidays honoring military become extinct? It is surprising that over the last seven years, this hasn't been entertained or discussed. Given the current president and his strong dislike for the founding values of America, it is quite surprising he hasn't tried to outlaw our cherished holidays like Memorial Day, which honors our soldiers whom have given their lives so we can continue to be a
free nation.
Prisoners of War in Japan, WWII |
One thing about Obama's Hiroshima speech that he failed to mention was the horrors Japanese soldiers exacted on American prisoners of war during the Second World War. The inconvenient fact that many of them had contests to see how many POWs they could behead or the starvation in their detainment camps. Yes, he forgot to even mention the biggest reasons for the US official engagement:
Pearl Harbor. It's inconceivable that at any other part of our country's history, our military's commander in chief would forget such facts. Furthermore, it's an insult to every soldier who fought and died for this country so we could continue to live as a free nation.
From a recent riot |
Looking at the contrast between young Americans serving in WWII and the ones wearing hats saying, "AMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT," it's a abysmal commentary on just how much American Pride has disintegrated over the last few decades. With our president vilifying our history, it's no wonder Millennials have no respect or appreciation for the price many paid so they could riot in the streets, airing fictitious grievances, unfettered. They have no clue what it is like to live under oppression or socialism like the people of Argentina and Venezuela or to engage in actual combat in hostile territories as their peers in serving in the armed forces, shield them from such atrocities and horror.
V-J Day, 1945 - NYC Times Square |
Beginning in 1860s, many local areas performed rituals and parades, honoring fallen war heroes. As a tradition, they gathered on specific days to celebrate those who gave their lives for our freedom. It wasn't until 1971 when it became a federally recognized national holiday and since, has become more an official beginning of the 'summer' season for many local beach towns; thus, its real meaning becoming clouded or lost altogether.
This weekend, more so than probably any other year before, our military's history and sacrifice should be remembered and honored because without them, we would not be free.
Additionally, in this pivotal election year, it's a time to reflect on a pertinent question regarding our country's tenuous future: Isn't it time we elected people who possess respect for those who have served and protected us rather than damning and apologizing for it?
The choice is yours.
How say you?
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Hurricane Sandy |
To my ancestors and all the men and women who fought, served and continue to serve in our armed forces to keep us free, I Thank You for your Service.
Amen, Thornton, Amen. Those under 40 don't have a clue. May God show mercy and bless our country. We need it. - the Kilbirnie Kid
I do believe the ones that serve in the military develop a love for their country because they're usually well-traveled as a result of their service. They see other countries and realize America is truly the last free country on the globe. However, ones that sit around playing their games and rioting for cash don't generally have the savvy or travel experience to know other cultures as they surely don't learn it in school - even on a college level. Thank you, Kilbirnie Kid.
I agree 9:33 thank you for your service from all us Americans and our Country, God Bless them and their families for all sacrifices.
Sadly, the ones that don't have a clue, are allowed to vote! They helped put Obama in office, and look at all the damage he has done to our Country. And parents are not raising their children to have any values of any kind...it's a gimme, gimme world. Hopefully, Trump will start turning this Country around. If he can't, then our Country is gone, and our veterans have served and died for nothing.
How I wish I could just show this new breed of anti-American citizens just what their options are. The military has allowed me to see a lot of other countries and how they operate. There is no way I would want to live in those countries. People now do not realize just what they are blessed with. We need to cherish this country now, because if we continue to go like we are, it will be gone real soon.
"Obama's 'almost' apology for Hiroshima speech,"
It didn't come close to an apology.
"will our holidays honoring military become extinct?"
"Given the current president and his strong dislike for the founding values of America, it is quite surprising he hasn't tried to outlaw our cherished holidays like Memorial Day"
He has been there for the return home of our fallen warriors and to honor their sacrifice. There is no evidence for anything you say above.
"the contrast between young Americans serving in WWII and the ones wearing hats saying, "AMERICA WAS NEVER GREAT," it's a abysmal commentary on just how much American Pride has disintegrated over the last few decades."
How dare you or Trump question American pride. Don't forget trump's hat MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Less than two decades ago we saw on 9/11 what happens when our enemy attacks us on our own soil. We saw the finishing of rebuilding during this president's 2 terms and we saw this president overseeing the death of bin Laden. just the other day a drone strike took out another leader of the Taliban. The battle against tyranny is not perfect, Thornton. But let's see you do better.
"It wasn't until 1971 when it became a federally recognized national holiday and since, has become more an official beginning of the 'summer' season for many local beach towns; thus, its real meaning becoming clouded or lost altogether."
When I was a kid before 1971, Memorial Day was always the beginning of summer for me, Thornton. It was the last holiday before school let out. It was the day they ran the Indianapolis 500. It was the day we had a picnic on the farm, and it was the day we put flowers on my WWI grandfather's grave. The national holiday in 1971 didn't cloud a thing. It is the same holiday.
"This weekend, more so than probably any other year before, our military's history and sacrifice should be remembered and honored because without them, we would not be free."
Since 1996 there has been a national Moment of Remembrance on Monday at 3 pm for one minute when taps is played to help assure Americans do remember the sacrifices of our warriors. Remember to do your part and keep silent for that minute. I hope I am somewhere that I can actually hear taps being played, my family too.
We are a great country and we will be a great country into the foreseeable future. This will be true even if some how Trump gets elected. Like every president before him his time will be limited do to our founding principles. he will only be able to do so much damage or so much good, depending on how you look at it, before he is dismissed.
May all of us come to terms with the lies and deceptions of our evil government, while remembering those who chose to give their lives for one of its wars.
Home Depot woman with her hate selection didn't need to be mentioned or referred to during this emotional holiday. Her 5 seconds of fame are over with.... Memorial Day and remembering those who did MATTER will never be over with.
God bless those we remember and always God Bless America!
Wow, 10:50, who pi88ed in your corn flakes this morning?
Well 1050 you sound like you're just an abundance of retorts all of which are categorically wrong. Obama has spent the last seven plus years apologizing to everyone who bothers to listen to him for America and the values we used to hold dear. Sounds to me like you're a paid troll for the loopy left. Go pitch your bs somewhere else. Most people are on to the dog and pony show that has been ruining this country and the spirit of the citizens who are here suffering while the DC elitism is more concerned with the illegal aliens pouring in through holes in our borders. Please spare the Dudley do right speech for someone else. Thornton wrote a nice piece. If you don't like his work don't read it. That simple. Now go enjoy your three day holiday honoring no one but your embittered self.
Looks like they let another anti-Trumpsters off their leash again. 1050 made an absolute fool out of themselves for all of Salisbury to see. Can't fix stupid no matter how much we try.
Actually 10:50am you are wrong. As per the History Channel's website http://www.history.com/topics/holidays/memorial-day-history
Memorial Day, an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer."
As for the rest of your rant, you're way off base and missed the entire point. Have a wonderful day.
1050 your big comment is stupid. Sounds like you have some serious mental issues.
Amen, thank you to all who have served, and honor to all who have not survived! God bless and keep your families!
The big problem with Obama is he is a foreigner, and knows nothing about this country.
1050 never blog drunk. Ha!
Seriously 846. You're right on there.
As Ohbammy leaves America and goes to Japan to honor all theirs killed by the A-Bomb. Did he come home for Memorial Day and pay respect to ours. I did not see him but he may be back for Monday's services. I sure hope so. I guess he does not remember Pearl Harbor. Sleeping soldiers ambushed by a terrorist attack. We just gave it back ten fold. I get he wants no more war. We all want that. He needs to show some respect to America. I have never seen a man more or less show such lack of patriotism. I just don't get it.
Pres Osama is honoring our troops today by playing golf in hawaii
Drinking and blogging yields nothing but nonsense. Sober up! That fundamental change Obama was talking about has happened. The country is more divided now than any time in our history with the exception of the pre-Civil War era which led to the war. Sad that some simply don't want to admit it but cé là vie
Such ashame Obama showed up at Arlington. Was hoping he'd skip it. Considering he doesn't truly honor American Military or the country why was he there? He certainly galvanized his disingenuousness. That's for darn sure.
Believe me 9:42 when I say I never blog drunk. I don't drink or use other drugs. That is one thing we can admire about Trump too. He does not drink or use other drugs legal or illegal.
7:45 President Obama is not playing golf today. He is at Arlington placing a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier. It is obvious: misinformation like yours misleads less intelligent Americans.
Most, if not all the posts about what I said yesterday are nothing but ridicule and name calling. Not a rational comment in the bunch.
Let me comment that Decoration Day now known as Memorial Day was the day The first Indy 500 was held at the Speedway May 30, 1911. Every race since that time has been held on the holiday. In recent years after 1971 the race has been held on Sunday. This is only one indication that Americans have always mixed their solemn remembrances with fun.
Having a Memorial Day weekend hasn't weakened the remembrance. It has strengthened and extended it. One example of this is the National memorial Day Concert held Sunday night. Today many other solemn ceremonies will take place along with the fun activities. There is no reason to denigrate America and fellow Americans.
1050/1104 why do you keep posting? You have made it clear you don't like the article so why bother going on about it. There are many more things to admire about Trump other than his sobriety. You're just using this article to spew your Trump bashing and it's not appreciated in the least. I for one, am disappointed that Obama was at the Memorial Day Ceremony considering he's made it abundantly clear he neither supports our troops nor America in general. He has constantly berated this country for the last seven and a half years and people, me included, are fed up with it. So please just quit. If you want, ask Joe if he'll let you write your own rant but stop commenting here. No one is impressed with your veiled attempt to use Memorial Day as a way to slam Trump. Thanks.
Obama's actions here have spoken more loudly than his words. Just look at the condition of our country since he took over. Not just economically, but he has weakened our military to the point many commanders have said they feel we are not prepared to protect the US in case of an attack. What's happening now is not Bush's fault but failed liberal policies. The first and main priority for our federal government is to protect its citizens (which Obama has not, by allowing illegal immigrants into our society, some of which are terrorists)and their properties. Liberals, including Obama and Hillary, want to disarm Americans to the point where we cannot protect our families and our property. Thank God there are still some brave souls who are willing to enter the US military today under these politically-motivated, weakened conditions.
Just as many are lined up to elect Hillary.Never overestimate the intellect of Americans.
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