DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 26, 2016
BREAKING NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Cecil County States Attorney Arrested In Ocean City
Cecil County States Attorney Ed Rollins was arrested this week at the Clarion Hotel in Ocean City for Indecent Exposure.
Two women from Pennsylvania, (along with many other witnesses) witnessed Rollins and a female giving him oral sex and or masturbating at the beach front hotel.
Other guests from the hotel could easily view what was going on as well as people on the beach. Some even took pictures, (above).
This didn't happen just once. Witnesses have stated it happened Wednesday evening around 5 PM as well as two additional times on Thursday.
Ocean City Police had nothing to go by as they hadn't seen anything until one woman allegedly said, just stand there and watch this. I'll start stroking my hair and he'll go right at it. Low and behold she started stroking her hair and away Rollins went as Police witnessed it themselves. Rollins was arrested immediately.
Another witness stated that the female in Rollins room had her head in his lap, "if you know what I mean" right in front of the whole world. People were very upset as there are thousands of children visiting Ocean City and frontal nudity is not taken lightly here.
Mind you, this is a STATES ATTORNEY. We have not been able to find the charges on Maryland Case Search but we have in fact confirmed the information from the proper authorities.
Should Mr. Rollins be found guilty he would more then likely be inducted into the sex offender registry in Maryland. One can only hope he is removed from his position immediately as States Attorney. Pictures do not lie and there are plenty of them.
Originally posted at 6:00 PM on 6-24-16
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When I lived in Maine I worked at a hotel and conference center. We had the Maine states attorneys come for a week. They were the worst. Heavy drinking, destruction of property, theft and sexual perversion took over their floor that week. We had countless complaints and witnessed some discussing scenes. I'm sure they went home to throw people in prison for less than they did that week.
Well, he can make a good deal like Wicomico States Attorney did a few years ago. Ruark should have lost his job, and went to jail for carrying a loaded gun while intoxicated, but just got a DUI. It is all about who you are.
Well, there goes that Circuit court judgeship.
This man should be fired immediately. What is it with these states attorneys any more.
If you only knew what Roark got away with.
I bet his pants are on fire too.
How do I read this chart? it shrinks when I click on it.
7:22, I'm no doctor but YOU NEED GLASSES.
so why are people looking into hotel room windows?
That should be LO and behold! Sheesh....
If he was arrested on Wed as noted in the incident report image (6/22), why does the story say this went on Wed & Thu? Something isn't adding up.
Well State's Attorney's in Maryland aren't getting any good news lately. Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby can't get a conviction and this guy does this. Well there may be two open sports for the next election coming up. LOL
Who do these people think they are. He should be fired and his license taken away. He want to behave like scum them he should be treated as such. Makes me sick to my stomach. smh
He doesn't look healthy anyway. Maybe, this is why he's acting so strange.
7:31, Many hotels in Ocean City face each other. This is one of them. Meaning, if you're sitting on your balcony and you look across the street that's ALL you can see, (for the most part). This is why people close their blinds/curtains for PRIVACY. This jackass not only got naked with them open, he stood right at the sliding glass door putting on a show. He should be in jail. The Commissioner in this case should be investigated for letting this sicko out in the first place. Like I said, there are a ton of children in the hotel across the street and no woman should have to be subjected into seeing this fat pig get his rocks off while staring at women across the street. Therefore I think your question/statement is just plain stupid.
Oh, he is a nasty looking dude.
I need new glasses...
The blurry blob looks like the outline of The Penguin from the Batman movies. Maybe he paints black and white stripes on his willy and helicopters it for days he forgets his umbrella!
Watch how the double standards work! Do as i say not as I do! Doesn't matter who it is . If they're a government employee,they can do whatever! From cops to the President!
Pervert. I can't believe he did this in front of children. Completely sick. He should have never been released by the commissioner.
This guy has done nothing more than what Bill Clinton has done and is still doing. This how politicians are, PIGS. This is why everyone love Trump, he is not one of them!
7:15 it was Ruark. Learn how to spell next time
Charges may never be on case search, do you remember the state trooper that wrecked his truck on super bowl weekend while driving drunk and his name never appeared on case search either. I wonder why?
11:02 same thing with the delmar cop marzac
I bet he never sees a day in jail and a deal has been cut already. I bet he says he qas drunk and on perscription meds. Go to rehab and bamm judge or maybe gov in this fuxxxx up state.
There is no law that states you can't have a gun in your car while drunk
Was that his wife with him or mistress lol
Of course they did they all think they are above the law!! They need to start cracking down on these people, of course if you ever had to go to court at least you have something to hold over them unless they are already disbarred!! Lol
Not surprised at all. Rollins is scum & this is karma. Let this be the end to the long reign of 'good ol boys' in Cecil County.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
When I lived in Maine I worked at a hotel and conference center. We had the Maine states attorneys come for a week. They were the worst. Heavy drinking, destruction of property, theft and sexual perversion took over their floor that week. We had countless complaints and witnessed some discussing scenes. I'm sure they went home to throw people in prison for less than they did that week.
June 24, 2016 at 6:18 PM
Discussing = to talk about something
Disgusting = to offend the good taste, moral sense, etc
Anonymous said...
June 24, 2016 at 11:30 PM
Ok how do you put an emoticon on these posts?
Blogger Unknown said...
There is no law that states you can't have a gun in your car while drunk
June 24, 2016 at 11:49 PM
Thank you!!
But there is one that states it is illegal to carry a loaded gun in your vehicle.
A fine example of a "dirty old man".
Yes there is. Maryland law has a provision that states you cannot. MD 5-314.
What goes on in Ocean City does not stay in Ocean City.
Glad some people with good sense reported this wacko. Crazy Times
There is a law. MD 5-314. Definitely not new...
Sick, sick, sick! Btw joe you are the only one reporting this! Unreal that this is not being covered by other news outlets!
Right now there are only crickets chirping in Cecil County. You probably won't hear anything quickly on this case because of who this person is....his family has been entrenched in the legal community for decades and he (himself) is/was being considered for a Circuit Court appointment from the Governor. Bottom line, Rollins is representative of the historical reign of Good Ol Boys in Cecil County and now their little pyramid is tumbling down....bye bye.
To the Idiot who just sent in a comment calling everyone names and saying he should not lose his job, HE'S A STATES ATTORNEY. He prosecutes sick SOB's just like him.
Of course he should lose his job/career. If this jackass figured he was above the law, karma is in fact a bitch.
Welcome to the new world of news.
Trying to find any other reports online and can't find any. Once again, SBY news rules BUT when the msm finds out he's a Republican, this will be viral.
You can be sure State's Attorney has a permit to carry so the loaded in the trunk part is irrelevant. Carrying while "loaded" however....
You can be sure State's Attorney has a permit to carry so the loaded in the trunk part is irrelevant. Carrying while "loaded" however....
Not sure if everyone got the point that Rollins trip to OC was paid for by the tax payers (us) and Cecil County is the only county in the state who pays for the secretaries to attend too. I have extreme sympathy for his family but this is sickening in to many ways, I struggle to take a family vacation I really do not want to pay for someone to go do such things!
8:45, Don't let the comments fool you. I'll have a post in the 9:00 hour explaining just how viral this post has gone. It is being picked up by multiple news outlets but it will take them at least two days to publish it. The news outlets just cannot access my sources, so they're going nuts. The authorities refuse to comment on this matter but they will confirm or deny that it in fact happened.
@Joe A.- did Mr. Rollins use poor judgement? Absolutely. Is he a "sick SOB" who thinks he is above the law? Absolutely not! Would you like all of us to judge you on the poor journalism/blogger skills you are demonstrating on here? I don't think so, I''m just going to assume you got up in the heat of the moment.
9:17, WOW, you must be related to him. Do the rest of you agree?
Joe, keep the news coming....the comments from people who feel sorry for Rollins are most likely his cronies, not to mention supporters of his perverted behavior. Someone I know works for the local rag newspaper and their only comment is that they need to verify the story before they publish. That's a big laugh. The local papers don't want to report something about one of their own. I would imagine if you scratch the surface of politics and news up in Cecil County you will find a treasure trove of disgusting behavior that has been ongoing for years.
Good grief. Who hasn't typed on their phone and autocorrect mangles the intent? Geez. I'm a grammar nazi and I can tell that's what happened.
One time is a mistake. Two or more is a CHOICE.
Time for spin control. STAT!!!
Marla Maples
Why is this not published in the Cecil Whig? Election is coming up and Cecil County have a right to know who they are putting in office. Just saying.
His grandfather was MD Attorney General in the 50s, then Circuit Court Judge in the 70s-80s. his father wa put on the Circuit Court bench by Harry Hughes.
My apologies... I unfortunately hit the wrong button on several recent comments and deleted them by accident. Sorry
Too funny!
He was not and still has not been charged with anything. I'm assuming this is because he was in his hotel room. Had he been outside of his room, he could be charged with obscenity, public nudity, lewd and lascivious behavior, etc. This is probably the argument his counsel made on his behalf. Bottom line here: no charges, a stay in rehab, no judgeship and years of embarrassment
I hope you stay on this story Joe... needs to be spread far and wide. Let the news outlets in so it can be well and widely known! This guy is such a dirt bag
10:57 AM
Maryland criminal law prohibits standing in front of a window exposing oneself, to public view, whether in a hotel room or even your own home. Wisneski v. State, 169 Md. App. 527 ( 2006 ).
I hope you stay on this story as well and I hope the Cecil Whig will do the right thing and publish. If the Whig can publish everything else about Cecil County...why not this!
Karmas a bitch I had him for my divorce lawyer he sucks i got screwed bad. I fired him filed a grevience nothing happen to him.to f-ing funny bye ed. Lmfao
"Maryland criminal law prohibits standing in front of a window exposing oneself, to public view, whether in a hotel room or even your own home. Wisneski v. State, 169 Md. App. 527 ( 2006 )."
Even if, for some reason, law did not prohibit this plain commons sense does. Not only is he a law breaker, he is a stupid law breaker.
Anonymous-This SOB deserves whatever he has coming to him. KARMA is a bitch and he gets what he deserves. Although, I'm sure he'll have a way of getting out of it just like he lets scum in Cecil County off.
Shame on you Ellis, shame on you!!
True story. Lots of skeletons up here in Cecil. Truly disturbing.
Why aren't the Baltimore news stations all over this ??
The newspaper was able to validate the facts before they published. Are they trying to hide this story??
This is pathetic behavior from an elected official. Just pathetic !
For those of you wondering why no other news source picked this up, I'll repeat, the sources and witnesses came exclusively to Salisbury News and no one else.
As for the lack of formal charges, you'll have to ask the OC Police Department why they chose not to put the charges out there for the public to see. Clearly doing such a thing is indecent frontal exposure.
Finally, I have been contacted my more news outlets then you can imagine. They all want my sources and my sources do NOT want to be identified. That being said, I recommended to each media source to LINK to our Website and every one of them said that was not their policy. My reply, well, then it's your tough luck then because NO ONE is going to give a statement. Not any time soon anyway.
As for more pictures, REALLY? I think the one that we published is enough and I'm not about to put up anything else for obvious reasons.
He needs to serve community service in a dunking booth in January.
The Ocean City Police department better think twice about making an exception for this man and not having the full info published. Everyone else has the reason for their arrest listed why not this man for exposing himself. When this story goes national they will have to answer questions to why they tried to cover up the charges.
Yeah like you know...you can't even sPell his name.
The Rollins Have Ran Cecil County For decades. Nothing will happen to him. But if he is going to be that stupid. At least get a gym membership and get that carcass in shape. Just because you have money doesn't mean you have too look like a freaking PIG!!!!! THAT GOES FOR YOU TO MATT!!!!
They still have 2 answer to God
Cecil County is corrupt top to bottom. This will get covered up but at least there is no way that Hogan makes him a judge. And let's be clear people it's not an election. The governor is set to interview him for an appointment on to judge on July 6th.
He was not just inside, he was out on his balcony in broad daylight.
This is just sick. Absolutely sick! He's a sick twisted pervert who belongs locked up in an insane asylum for the rest of his perverted life. He is an adult. Adults who aren't perverts know to not stand naked holding on to your genitalia while in front of a full length cutain-less window when there are probably a 100 people who can clearly see you! As a member of the Republian party myself this degenerate needs to resign and forever fade out of the public eye. He has no business anymore as SA because either he has proven he used no good judgment and is void of any thinking skills and/or he is no better then those he prosecutes. Get rid of his putrid sorry arse now. No need to figure out if he's guilty or not. His judgement is so bad he has no business even being a lawyer.
Um... He's elected... You can't "Fire" him immediately!!
WTH is a "Roark?"
Umm... Again, he is elected, you can't "Fire" him and he doesn't have a license he has a law degree. SMDH at stupidity!
If that is what I looked like I would go back to eating lettuce only. Plus... I wonder what the girl looked like?
DUDE!!! STHU about your fetish with that Trooper, we are getting sick and tired of you trying to hijack the thread about your Man Crush!
How do you put the emoticon on here?
Huh? He does so have a license 6:27. FYI you need a license to practice law. I would advise before shaking your darn head at stupidity that you refrain from engaging in it yourself.
LOL 4:34 if the actions weren't so sickening the picture would be a riot. What's even funnier is the perverted doofus actually thought the woman stroking her hair was really into him. She set him up and the doofus fell for it.
Ok please explain how the tax payers are paying for his trip and for his secretary? It was the week for the Maryland State Fireman's Association, not lawyers or States Attorneys.
More pictures? I think MORE PERVERTS just want to see him naked. There are so many men around here that are swingers and share their wives just so they can watch other men. I had a FWB type relationship with a woman that had pictures of their swinging parties and she explained that was the case for many men.
It was already small enough that cold water in January won't make a difference.
4:34 Matt is getting a little chunky isn't he. At least he is doing a decent job and loves what he does. I know he wants to be the next judge, but I don't want to lose him as a prosecutor. I would prefer that MJ gets the job as he ran for the position and got many more votes than the people that are being interviewed. Like him or not he has the experience and deserves it.
What makes you think Hogan won't appoint him judgeship? Hogan is dumb enough to take Sons of Confederate Veterans vanity tags away from them. Hogan is dumb enough to admit publicly he is supporting Hillary by not supporting the presumptive Republican Nominee for President. The list goes on and on.
It just did hit the Cecil county papers
No law states can't have a gun while drunk.... can't have any weapon during the commission of any crime!
Davis Ruark let his highschool friend get away with molesting his step kids! Put away a cops family member that was innocent because that cop told on other cops and alot of his cases had to be heard again or was overturned! Davis ...... truth is Davis was a tyrant states attorney who threw his weight and was as big a criminal as any in the county!
This story needs to headline on foxnews
6:45 June 19th-22nd was the MD State's Attorney's Association's summer conference. Just for the record room rates for conference attendees started at $195/per night plus 10.5% tax.
If this man doesn't resign and he may very well not, he should at least be voted out of office next election. That is exactly what happened to Ruark and also Somerset county SA Hickman. neither of them would resign but the people were smart enough not to reelect them.
It was a state prosecutors convention, the entire Cecil County Prosecutors Office shuts down for these events, and the state of Maryland pays for this. Cecil County is the only county that brings their entire office staff who also attends at our expense. Is this explained clear enough this time? Further I did not single out his secretary I stated they all get to go.
All the good old boys get nervous when one of them gets close to getting in trouble! Maybe the Gov should get his head out of the good old boys behinds he's starting to act just like them!
All the good old boys get nervous when one of them gets close to getting in trouble! Maybe the Gov should get his head out of the good old boys behinds he's starting to act just like them!
The states attorney in OC ordered Rollins released.., Really when are we going to stand up and get these self righteous SOB's gone? If u smoke in the wrong place down there you get fined, but he can carry on like that in front of families?
I thought the same thing. That person must be related, maybe his son or son-n-law one works at circuit court with him and the other has their own law office with daddy.
The trooper, Dize, is on case search. And he's on case search with a conviction for that DUI. Do a little research before you post. Took all of 5 seconds.
For the rest of us,
the good ole boys are the Freemasons.
Hope that clears everything up.
Hello stupid... just because you graduate law school doesn't make you a lawyer. You have to take a Bar Exam and pass to be LICENSED to practice. That license can be revoked for ethical violations such as breaking the law.... it's called getting disbarred. Before you call someone else stupid, you may want to check yourself... MORON
His cronies trying to spin it into something normal and human.... GUESS WHAT, IT'S NOT! it's NOT OK to be a pervert and wax your whistle in public! No matter which way you spin it....
I applaud SBYNEWS for their coverage of the Ellis Rollins' fiasco. What will be interesting is how the story is covered by Mr. Rollins hometown newspaper, "The Cecil Whig". Many people do not know that the reporter for the Cecil Whig, Carl Hamilton, is married to an Assistant State's Attorney in Mr. Rollins'office. Thus, for years his coverage of criminal cases in Cecil County has been little more than press releases from the State's Attorneys Office. The Whig stated they have not been able to confirm the story. Why doesn't Mr. Hamilton just ask his wife for the details? Ellis Rollins has been out of control for years. He hired his ne'er-do-well son as an investigator in his office. He also attempted to get the Judges to hire his wife. His sexually inappropriate comments have raised eyebrows in the courthouse. Perhaps this explains his name throughout the courthouse as "OINK".
6:27 Rollins can most certainly be fired. In MD a states attorney has to be a member of the MD Bar which can toss members for ethical violations, etc. Doesn't have to even be a crime they committed. If that happens then he's gone as in FIRED. I won't even go into the license issue since it's been addressed 2x's already.
4:53, the Whig called me the night the story went up on Salisbury News and they did in fact do a story about it.
Did you read the Whig article it made it sound as if there is not as solid evidence as you have stated. I was not surprised by the down played read, as this is normal up here! The entire thing is dirty had anyone else been caught, with pictures and witnesses they would have been charged accordingly. The states attorney down there is just as guilty for letting this go!
Very big double standard! I truly hope witnesses come forward so this does not just get swept away! Thank you Joe for stepping up very few people like you out there!!!!!
7:42, I did read it. Here's the deal. As I mentioned earlier, I had a lengthy conversation with the reporter Friday evening. Just like the rest of the reporters who had called me from around the east coast, none of them could find a contact anywhere to confirm the story. In the case of the Whig, because they had no solid information outside what we published they had no choice but to play it safe. I thought the article was very well done. As for the witnesses, there are MANY. I know of at least three and from what I was told by others there are many more.
Whig now reporting quote from his wife that they were on the tenth floor? True or untrue?
8:03, Not according to my source.
Figured. It's all a spin... tx
I cannot resist a little humor here. This guy doesn't look like some young Italian stud by any means. If he whipped his snake as many times as this article suggests than he must have taken a truck load of Viagra to Ocean City with him.
Maybe he wasn't with his wife. Oh please This idiot will be released. I hope and only pray people will come forth. I'm so tired of real criminals getting off.
It's his son-n-law who is the investigator not son. But either way.
Someone can always call the hotel to find out. Although by now they've probably got word and would lie.
Why would his wife say they were on the 10th floor? Seems pretty easy to confirm or not.
She probably wasn't even there. And if people were watching them like she said, 1) why wouldn't you close your dang curtains? And 2) why wouldn't they have called the police themselves? Sounds like a major cover your arse/cover up to me. Trying to make themselves the victims instead of the people who had to see that crap! I call BS. Question though... if there were plenty of witnesses, why haven't they filed criminal charges themselves? It's my understanding that people can do that. I think they should since at the moment they seem to be trying to sweep it under the rug. Joe, if still in contact with the witnesses, could you tell them they can file the charges themselves?
According to your article this woman was performing sex acts in public view also, so she too should be arrested and charged!
This was a MD State Tax Payer Paid Event - so we paid for wives to attend also?
I have been going to OC for 38 years senior weeks, car show week, biker weeks, and I have never seen a man, woman,or couple put on a display such as you detailed in your article, had I been there with my family and this was going on this would have ended differently. If any other man/couple had been caught by OC police they would not have called the states attorney to get advice on how to proceed!!!! Looking forward to your follow up story and sure hope you are permitted the latitude to bring the entire "true story" to light!
That last comment was probably posted someone who is trying to get Rollins judgeship. He deserves it. His whole family were judges.
I am NOT going to allow commenters hiding behind anonymous and call people out by name. Either use your own name or know your comments will be rejected from here on out.
I wonder who the girl was. She should have been charged as well.
I will not post this anonymously. My name is Michael Halter. The hubbub from this disgraceful incident has died down. I, as many people that have been long time residents of Cecil County, know what is going to happen at trial this Tuesday. Politics.
certain car dealers in cecil will lose a friend in the court house
You will draw more loyal readers to your site and keep your
readers coming back because you are sharing the best with them.
Furthermore, a keyword should never feel like it is forced awkwardly to fit into content.
You need to check that they are qualified accountants as many will not be.
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