DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 26, 2016
A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Christian School
How about the story of the headmaster of SCS being suddenly fired and escorted out of the school by police. The board refuses to say why and states that he resigned suddenly .. He was given a choice resign or be fired. He says he was fired ...Why cant parents know what he did.. ? Was it a financial, legal, moral infraction? Something that put our children in danger?? We have no idea and the board wants to keep this quiet!!!!!
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Lots of companies have a policy that if you are fired, you are escorted off property. It is safety issue.
When I was little our Pastor got fired and I wanted to know why. All of the grown-ups were talking about it and my curiosity got the best of me, so I asked one of the ladies what happened. She told me that what happened wasn't important and that she wasn't going to tell me because if she did, then I would only remember him for his one lapse in judgement and not for all of the wonderful sermons he'd preached and the amazing things that he'd done. And she was right. Now that I'm an adult, I think back on that man and I am very grateful for all that he did for our church. I know that this situation is very different and, as a parent, I'd probably be demanding to know what happened as well. I just thought I'd offer a different way to look at it. :)
The parents are the constituents. The school is ignoring their obligation to you.
He was not escorted by police. But by board members. Also, everyone knows these matter must be handled carefully. The board will notify in the appropriate way in the appropriate manner to protect all, including the headmaster, involved.
Actually ,it's none of your business.
It's the business of the parents who's children attend the school.
I agree 12:05, the parents should know.
I think if it was anything involving a student, then there would have been a public complaint by the parents and everyone would know by now.
12:05 - Why? What harm or damage will be prevented by the parents being informed of the circumstances of what is obviously a personnel matter? Parents have their jobs, the Board has its job, the Headmaster had his. The only reason it would be business of the parents is if they are sticking their nose in someone else's.
With what parents pay for private school, they have a right to know.
I have a right to know .. If he stole moneyvthe parents will have to replace it .. If he is facing a lawsuit the school /parents will pay in increased tuition.. there needs to be accountability from the school and board as we are the ones paying for all of this ...
I get the legal obligations but they wants us to trust them when no one does.. They appoint each other.so no one with opposite opinions can be placed on the board. The board members change position without informing the parents. They have forgotton that they serve us.. Those paying to keep the school open.
There was an English teacher there that I had heard had a thing for him
I understand that and as children that is a wonderful answer but as adults in this day and age I want to know what he did enough to get him fired! I need to protect my financial security and my children
I was and am under the impression that the check I recently cut for nearly $7k for next school year entitled me (and by extension, my child/student) to the education promised by admin/staff. Should my expectations not be met, I would feel more than comfortable bringing my concerns related to the education I paid for to the attention of admin/staff. What was not included in the cost was a % ownership of that school. Payment for services rendered is not a share of stock. It does not entitle the payer to shareholder-esque rights or privileges. I don't recall reading anything in what I had to sign before enrollment indicating such. Anyone feeling as if they are owed an explanation about this matter should consider just what they are paying for. Please also consider your current satisfaction with what you have received in return for payment. My personal satisfaction is quite high. This HR matter likely has little bearing on the education of students. Here's hoping.
Just because you have made a choice to pay for a private school tuition, that doesn't give you the right to know about HR and personnel issues/decisions. Just as giving or tithing to your church doesn't give you the right to know about decisions that are made with the congregation in mind behind closed doors. There is a big difference between your desire to know the details and your right to know!
As a parent of an SCS student, I feel we have the right to obtain more info. All details do not need to be disclosed.
YES The check you cut pays for a responsible and moral board.. Staff.. Facility and an education. I as a parent feel that MY responsibility goes beyond writing a check and hoping for the best. We are consumers and if we decided to "buy" elsewhere then the school would no longer exist. So according to 1:04.. If money is paid the seller has no responsibility to report any issues with the product ? Like car recalls?? Once you write the check and they cash it they have no responsibility to listen to those writing the check? These are our children! And its sad if you think writing a check is enough
When someone gets escorted off property, it is usually over theft or inappropriate behavior. The Board has a responsibility to the parents to explain what happened.
If the situation leads to what could become a legal issue, nothing can be said until the school actually filed charges against the individual. If no charges are filed, the school can not make any comments as that could easily lead to a libel cast in court.
If charges are filed, it will become a public matter and anyone will be able to search for the documentation on the case.
I have seen this first hand in another private educational institution. It was not pretty, but charges were filed. Some restitution was made and the family left the area.
Just sit back and wait...
As someone who has served on and even chaired boards that have obligations related to personnel decisions, and one in particular where a decision was made that was very unpopular with a great many individuals, I understand the intense desire from other individuals outside of these boards to know everything. However, the SCS Board has an obligation to not only make personnel decisions that are in the best interest of the school, but to maintain a strict level of confidentiality as it relates to personnel matters. If the board would put any type of confidential information out to the public to appease parents who feel they are entitled to this "pertinent information" (some might refer to it as wanting to know the "juicy gossip"), and that actually resulted in a major lawsuit being brought before the school for improper disclosure, I would imagine that most parents would then express outrage (justifiably) that the board would disclose that information publicly and put the school at even greater risk of litigation and possibly financial ruin. In other words, most people want to know what happened themselves on an individual level, but don't want the information to get out into the public (i.e., tell me, but not everyone else). For the record, I am not (nor do I really know) anyone on this particular board. But I do know that maintaining a strict level of confidentiality, even in the face of outlandish or even false accusations towards the board members (individually or in general) is of paramount importance. We may never know......but we must trust that the individuals who have agreed to serve on this board made the decision based on what they felt was in the best interest of the school (whether the decision was from a simple majority or if it was unanimous, or anywhere in between). Yes, it could be argued that parents who pay tuition have a right to know everything related to confidential personnel matters. But it could also be argued that parents who pay tuition have a right to be represented by board members who will put the good of the entire school above the temptation to "cover their @$$" by trying to justify to an angry mob why they made the decision that they made. They are the individuals who had all of the information available in one place at one time so they could deliberate and come to an informed decision (that's a key term there). Anything else is mere speculation.
Really 1:04 it doesnt bother you that some of that 7000.00 check may go to clean up this mess and not put into needed computers? The facilities?? Teachers??? I have a right to know where money is being subtracted in the budget to pay for the new headmaster seach.. His supposed severance.. Any lawsuits..
Bravo, 1:04, bravo. If you, reader, got fired, and it was over a difference of opinion, NOT legality or danger, would YOU want it spread all over? Be kind; he has school age kids. And if there were pending legal action, they would HAVE to let you know.
I suppose I would feel differently if we the parents had any choice in who the board is but we dont!!!! The appoint who they want and no one can complain.
There is a differce between breaking a confidentiality agreement and calming the parents maybe just a simple statement that no child was injured in any infractions etc
How about we get a choice of who is on the board!!!!!!!!
Who knows what these board members do? They rarely report to parents.. Explain nothing.. Appoint themselves.. I know nothing about them and their moral compasses. How can I trust they will do the right thing when they disclose nothing!?
The truth needs to come out. The board needs to come clean to help students, staff and the Community know if statements are rumors or facts. I have walked through the hallways of this school, have met faculty and they deserve answers. They are the best people.
Rumors are not always rumors, and stem from somewhere.
12:05 here, the parents have the right to know they pay for there children to go there. They should know that there Childer and the financee are protected by the school. The school should be willing to tell parents why.
The head of the Board is also the spouse of an employee. I find that to be a problem- no independence. It makes that employee in the know, more than others, can be manipulated by others. I dont know who is on the Board. I dont know the financial status of the school or even how it is run. Do they have stockholders? Is it for profit or nonprofit? As a parent, I feel some of this should be distributed for the benefit of all.
Hmmm. All you whiners and yet you bash public education. Those that cast stones...lol
Someone typed in entitlement... Oh boy this really is the 21st Century.
In due time folks...Instant/immediate social gratification has spoiled us all. The system will work properly, protect the innocent, pound on the guilty and even if official channels never tell us exactly what transpired, someone else will spill the beans. Been that way for 100's of years - eventually someone talks, its human nature! That's what helps our LEOs out there - someone always opens their YAP!!
Send your children to public school. It is free except that you are paying taxes just like you are when you don't send your children. They also have a board everybody can and does complain about. Its a lot cheaper and just as cathartic.
No one is bashing public education @2:05. There is nothing wrong with public education. Just a personal preference about where you choose to send your children. And understand this blog is regarding questions about a well loved Headmaster loosing his job.
2:03 - the list of board members is on the website for you and anyone else to read. The head of the board is NOT a spouse of an employee. There is only one person on the board with a spouse employed by the school, and she was employed long before he went on the board. Your assertion that she might be "manipulated by others" couldn't be further from the truth. These folks are true professionals and act accordingly. They will give what information needs to be given when they can. I choose to pray for the entire SCS community in yet another season of change and transition.
It's very sad. Dr. Burris was a wonderful headmaster. Regardless of the circumstances, which none of us will ever be truthfully told, it's a shame that the board has made such a rash decision. At least we had him in our lives for a short time and for that we can be grateful. Godspeed Dr. Burris!
This is not the first time they have done this. They did this back in the mid 90's also. Mr Auld (I believe that is how you spelled his name) was a great guy. All of a sudden he was not in charge anymore. It was soon after he left we left as well.
Wow following like a sheep ..no checks
Or balances? Thats when things go bad
Most are happy with the departure .. Just some transparancy from the board would be nice but then again who even knows who they are and how they got the position???how can we blindly trust people thatnwe know nothing about?
Yeah but I can
Pretty much guarantee that my
Kid wont get raped in the hallway or jumped in my private school
Based on the email the parents got, which explained who would be the chairman of the board, his spouse is an employee.
Ironically, the board selected parents of the school to elect Dr. Burris, and to interview potential candidates, when this position became avaiable. Is it not weird, that none of the student body was selected, or even offered a questionnaire, to reflect on the school's satisfaction with his progress?
Does this not lead SCS parents to believe that something terrible happened, because the school was COMPLETELY blindsided!?!?
Why were everyone's opinions so valued with his hiring, yet, so unimportant with his firing!?!
Let's not forget....this school was JUST elected best school in Wicomico County, underneath his reign. Clearly the man was doing something right!!
3:27--according to the emailed letter that the parents got, the chairman who is taking over does have a wife who is employed by the school.
If you read the email they sent the board chairman has changed hands.. It a man named brumbly who has a wife in the lower school.. Another change they informed no one about until they had to send out info regarding this issue.
I am a student and all i know is he didnt have any relations with teachers or students and he didnt steal money. The only problem is he was stuck up and nobody liked him. So all parents that have nothing better to do then sit on this blog just chill out.
How do you know they are professionals? How do you know what kind of board they are? And NEW board president is married to a teacher.. Conflict of interest! There is never any disclosure from them. Yes praying is wonderful but also god helps those who help themsleves..
Its always the same select parents they chose for anything regarding representating the opionion of the parents..And look at Dr. Burris's history..never in any of his previous schools for more than 3 years and had been fired from his last position when the school hired him (google it ) so maybe the board needs to go or they need to ask different parents to help them select the new headmaster. Their judgement was off in hiring him in the first place.
443 must not send their children to the abundant church on hobbs rd
PSA this stufent not an example of the education at SCS
@5:19. People DID like him. A lot. You are clearly swayed by the opinions of your own parents. Do not speak for the SCS community. And at this point, NO ONE knows why.
First he was not escorted out of the building by a police officer. so right from the get go the poster of this blog is lying or was lied to about what happened. if you are unhappy about the way the school is run, get involved in the school. don't sit on the internet and complain with an anonymous next to your opinion. The school isn't very big so if enough parents voice that they are unhappy with the board it will get noticed. The job of the board members isn't to appease a minority of parents but to look out for the well being of the school as a whole and the future of the school. They are don't what they believe is best. if you don't agree you are not forced to send your child to SCS. SCS is a great school. The headmaster of the school does not make it a great school. The teachers and faculty members as a whole, that impact the lives of the students every day are what make it a great school.
3:12 but all you private school parents always bash public school and think you are above everyone. From why I hear from kids is that "the privileged" are worse than a lot of others in public because they have access to things and think they don't "stink".
It's called transparency
Said anonymous ....
This. One thousand times, this. Whether you agree with my post at 1:04 or not, if you send you children to SCS and you do not believe in this comment to which I am replying - it's time to reevaluate where you seek education for your children. The notion that the school is dependent on the will of some desenting parents isn't only misguided, it is absurd. If you affirm the quality in and of this school, you must abide. Equilibrium will be achieved. And one headmaster does not a school make. Agreed. Board members may displease you. Processes may displease you. Equilibrium will be achieved. The timing may not suit you. In life we face trade-offs. Choose as you will.
This. One thousand times, this. Whether you agree with my post at 1:04 or not, if you send you children to SCS and you do not believe in this comment to which I am replying - it's time to reevaluate where you seek education for your children. The notion that the school is dependent on the will of some desenting parents isn't only misguided, it is absurd. If you affirm the quality in and of this school, you must abide. Equilibrium will be achieved. And one headmaster does not a school make. Agreed. Board members may displease you. Processes may displease you. Equilibrium will be achieved. The timing may not suit you. In life we face trade-offs. Choose as you will.
I don't believe this to be true as I attend the school.
I don't believe this to be true as I attend the school.
As long as nothing inappropriate happened with your children then you shouldn't worry about it! If it bothers you that badly and no one is answering your questions, remove your child and find another school! It is not always "your right" to know the goings on in management, unless you are the owner/opetator! Just because you pay tuition, which usually pays the teachers pay, does not entitle yoy to know everything! That's a BIG problem with people today!
It's called nosiness!
I'm sure they will explain when investigations are complete! You don't need or shoyld expect to know everything! You follow the government!
Of you're not happy, find another school! It obviously doesn't bother you that much if all you is complain but keep your kids there!
Find another school if you have mo trust/faith in the Board! It's your choice!
So lesson is ..shut up.. Do as we say...Write a check and have no opinion...so because we are not happy we need to leave the school??? How arrogant is that of the poster..why not consider the issues the parents have and try to improve the quality of the school? No just do as we say?? That is a dangerous attitude for a non profit
It was an [Oral transgression] is what another teacher told me.
Oh for pete's sake. I can almost pinpoint the instigator of this post along with all the shallow whining and crying parents/teachers. Yes, I am a parent but I know first hand there are just some at SCS who love starting things. This is business people. Sometimes it just doesn't fit! Expectations are not met and visions are not the same. When that happens, usually ties are broken immediately and confidentiality should be at the top of the list. Those on this post that want to know all the dirt are the same gossipers talking amongst themselves and complaining every chance without a mere knowledge of a true account of biblical guidelines in a situation like this. Most of you need to recheck the mission of the school. Ask yourself (honestly) if you are putting Christ first in all things? Most of you know you are not. It's apparent the way you are handling yourselves. I'm sure this was a difficult decision and was not taken lightly. Put your big boy and girl pants on and support the Board of governors until you see different.
Why don't all the negative commenting parents of the children that attend SCS take a moment to realize how embarrasing your statements are for the rest of your SCS family including the students. Perhaps instead of starting a gossip weed we should start a prayer meet at the school to seek God's clarity in what is in His plans for our children. Furthermore, perhaps we all need to take another look at the foundational scripture of SCS "In all things…Christ Pre-Eminent." Colossians 1:18. I can't find any scripture in any public school. That is why we are different.
4:41, not sure how many you THINK you speak for but there are many who liked Dr. Burris. It was nice to see someone with a spine and social skills at the helm. Now Be prepared to regress even further back than before.
This is NOT true and you are being irresponsible for reporting it.
949 Agree. He did have a spine and didnt mind shaking things up from "the old way". I viewed that as a positive as well. Now it will take a new person more time to evaluate and make changes, only if they have the spine to do it. Had heard how good the new headmaster was and how he was improving the school, before we enrolled. I am concerned now about the future and think we deserve some answers.
Thank you 9:18 and 9:30! Parents, please, you are embarrassing yourselves with your mouths and actions!
This was our first year and we liked Dr. Burris and I understand something happened and am disappointed he is gone , that being said Over the year I was more disappointed at the school and some parents that seemed to think that their thoughts and opinions were the only ones that mattered. I realize it is a small school in a small area but the limited vision and exposure to other thoughts and ideas is embarassing. Yes we are a family that prays but sometimes you must do more than pray about things, sometimes you must act. We may have a difference of opinion but that does not mean my opinion is stupid or nonchristian, its just different than yours. Teach our children to look beyond their limited views here on the Eastern shore. To question authority as JESUS did when he saw something he thought was wrong. God gave us voices, minds, personalities, eyes and ears for a reason. People expressing themseves in a polite way in a correct forum is not embarassing, it is how it should be and a way the we as people can learn to do things better and perhaps the school can learn as well.
Exactly 7:29 couldn't said it better!
7:29 ! Thats how progress is made.. Seek what's wrong and correct it. Don't turn a blind eye to it.. people are far more forgiving if you look like you are trying! Not ignoring!
If anyone puts any reliability on being voted "best of anything" in these stupid things, they are more moronic than I thought. "Best of" anything is just based on how many votes you can conjur up. It is certainly not an un-biased opinion from an outside party. It has no bearing except on someone's ego! Frankly there is enough arrogance and ego among certain staff to go around. We are NOT Worcester Prep or Salisbury School! We should most definitely have a higher power that we are answering to, not the shallowness of outside looks and materialism.
I am a teacher at SCS. Yesterday all faculty and staff met with the entire Board of Governors for official announcement, discussion and prayer. While we were not given "details", it was apparent that a great deal of thought, prayer, and soul-searching went into this decision. The decision was reached unanimously by all 12 board members and was reached after several weeks of trying to wade through rumors and facts. No one on the board took this lightly or acted in an totalitarian manner. It was obvious that their hearts were broken and they were genuinely hurting over the decision. There was an opportunity for us to ask questions and express opinions. This board of governors is a wonderful group of people who serve without pay, most of whom have or have had children in the school. Yes, there is a spouse of a faculty member, but this does not bother me because, in a way, that makes me feel more represented. The board members are on the school website. If you are truly concerned as a parent, they are accessible. There are confidentiality laws that protect both the Burris family and the school in these situations. We left the meeting united in going forward to educate your children In the best way possible. We covet your prayers and support, not the gossip and attacking here.
June 23, 2106
Dear SCS Family,
We have become aware that misinformation has circulated regarding Dr. Burris’s resignation. In an effort to correct possible misconceptions, we write this letter as a supplement to the letter that was sent earlier this week.
Although the Board is not at liberty to provide details regarding the specific circumstances of Dr. Burris’s recent decision to resign, we do want you to know that no gross moral failure or criminal activity was alleged or involved. The separation occurred due to administrative differences between the Headmaster and the Board. We ask you to respect the privacy of the parties involved and avoid rumors, speculation, and gossip in this regard.
May God bless and protect Salisbury Christian School.
In Christ,
The Salisbury Christian School Board of Governors
You are not listing an important paragraph as part of the letter stating that the new Chair will serve as Interim headmaster. The new chair is the spouse of an employee.
so what 1107? hes probably serving without pay. let it go already!
1113 Conflict of int. Get some business sense. Are these Board positions paid or unpaid? I dont know.
I do know. They are unpaid. Interim appointment. No conflict. you seem terribly distressed. chill. it will be alright.
Nice that they had a long meeting with the teachers but WHAT ABOUT THE PARENTS who fund this school??????????
The fact that the interim chairman's wife works at the school means nothing. I'm not sure if some of you are viewing the chairperson of these boards as some sort of "executive" or "CEO-type" that makes the decisions and can override the rest of the committee and force the rest of the board into submission or something, but for boards such as this (not structured in a corporate manner), the chairperson's "authority" is largely limited to scheduling meetings, setting the agenda, and ensuring that mandatory reports, decisions, discussions, etc. are completed in a timely manner. The only true authority that a chairperson has for a structure such as this is that they have one vote......on a committee of 12 (a share of 8.33% of the "power" if you will). To try to insinuate that he and his wife (who has the respect of a very large number of individuals by the way, both parents and fellow staff) would somehow use his "authoritative position" (or whatever you think it is) to benefit themselves in whatever way possible (the insinuation seems to be "financial") is extraordinarily unfair. It's like saying parents of children who attend the school should not serve on this board, since they can make decisions on tuition amounts that would directly "benefit" them if the costs were lower. Throwing around the term "conflict of interest" to try to call into question someone's integrity just because you may like Dr. Burris (frankly, I personally liked him as well) and you disagree with a decision that was made....is hurtful to these individuals who have expressed a willingness to serve our school, and it crosses the line of prematurely passing judgement on someone's character in a major way. Unless of course, you are going to be fair and balanced here and also insinuate that the former Headmaster operated with a direct financial conflict of interest as well.....since his wife was a teacher at the school (I'm not insinuating there was a COI from him in that scenario either, I'm just trying to make a point here).
Here is the problem.
My son is going to be old enough to go to school soon, and I am actively looking at private schools. The lack of transparency here immediately removes CSC from the list.
It makes me wonder what else would they be willing to hide or keep hushed. I don't think it is a very good move on their part, and if I currently had a child enrolled I would demand an explanation.
Removed by a police officer? This whole thing stinks.
I love this response so much!
I don't know the details, but I do know it was not a rash decision.
2 letters came out
They received a letter by email today regarding the most details that are allowed to be revealed legally.
1:20, did you read the comments or are you of the ignorance that got this post started. He WAS not removed via police, nothing unethical happened, and this is fairly common in workplace to not breach confidentiality.
Best comment.
I didn't hear 1:04 saying that writing a check was enough. I understood that he was paying for and expecting the good education promised- and that there were steps to be taken if that did not happen. The check does not include the promise to be told the details of HR matters.
Excuse me everyone. I am the person who posted the original thread. I must apologize for my rashness. I can see now that I was wrong to post this information publicly. I hope you will each forgive me. SCS is a wonderful place and should not be condemned for what has happened. It is unfortunate and I apologize for the misinformation.
Liar liar pants on fire.., I was the person that emailed joe with this information and I do not regret it.. I can prove I was the one who sent joe the email.. Can you??? Yeah didnt think so..,
This is what I understand from all these posts...It looks to me that the parents just wanted some answers concerning the security of the education of their children and people apparently in the schoo or representating the school wanted not to be questioned .. told parents to shut up and leave the school. (Said by numerous postings on this site)
Why get so angry when others question what your board is doing when causing a surprising upheaval of the school? this is why we live in america.. So we can question, have an opinion, seek a way to make things better without being told to leave or go home. Is your school so perfect that no improvements are needed? That no one but your board or a few parents knows whats best for ALL of your school? Is this what you are teaching your students? Just accept your lot in life and not seek improvements or accepting or listening to others opinions?
This is a school that has your children 8 plus hours a day.. Never stop asking! Demanding excellence and accountability from your board, teachers and administrators!!! Schools can close.. They can lose funding from their parents and not have the money to operate. Thats why, I am assuming, you pay for a private school and not take your chances on a public one . In a public school no matter how they spend, what transgressions occur or how unhappy the parents or students are.. Will always remain open. A private school is paid for by the parents and they should be able to expect some
respect, transparancy and understanding when they question what the school is doing. As a prarent of a child in any school it is your responsibility to not skulk away from issues but to inquire and then to expect answers! Good luck to your school.. It appears there are a lot of unhappy parents and I hope for your children and the school's longevity it starts to
Listen and respects it's parents concerns and opinions not told to just sit down and shut up.
Hear hear!!!
Transparency should not mean divulging every detail of this situation - for the sake of the Burris family. Let's remember they have children who may be affected as well as future employment possibilities for themselves. We have been assured that the situation was neither illegal or immoral, but apparently was a big enough area of concern that the choice for resignation needed to made. Parents can be assured that their children will continue to get a high quality of education, spiritually grounded. They don't claim to be perfect, but do try to operate with scriptural principles - and that includes not spreading information that could be hurtful to those involved.
I'm not disputing who reported it, although it's possible that more than one person sent Joe a "report". Did you see the police escorting Dr. Burris off of campus?
I commend the school for the long meeting with the teachers that conveyed that sentiments of the board and its process and how heartbroken they felt ...what the boards plans were etc.. Good for them .. but as a parent I have received 2 short emails.. How about an opportunity for parents who actually pay to attend this school to HEAR this in a meeting? why doesnt the board meet with parents to discuss and explain these issues. I would recommend to the board that they encourage an open forum to discuss with parents the plan of finding a new headmaster.. Cost..the board in general ( there are not educators or pastors on the board) and what the parents think that we all can do together to improve the school... They want the rumors and incorrect information to stop being circulated so have an arena that (yes within legal constraints) will allow parents to know what the truthful information is and what is the plan in finding a new headmaster.
Thats what I would recommend
I want free school for my child to attend! Hey the county did it for wor-wic.
Sorry to be the one to tell you but EVERY school, public or private, has instances like this one. There is NO transparency in ANY entity on this planet. Especially with personnel issues. Private schools in particular value their "community reputation" above all else because it drives enrollment which equals money. While SCS may be a religion-based school, it is still guided by getting and keeping enrollment numbers. By not disclosing information, they retain the ability to call it rumor. Business (and personal life!) Rule #1: say nothing, know nothing.
Hey if you cry babies don't like how the School handled the situation which is really between the school and the headmaster then you can always take your kids out and put them in a different school.
Plenty of Christian and private schools in Salisbury.
Yeah dont ask to improve the school.. Just run away.. Maybe we all should and the school will implode without funds...soo sad that you 10:36 are so complacent...what a sad way to live.. Never want more for your children.. Just accept what it is good or bad... Who ever taught you that others should be told to leave and notnlistened to instead of listening and then perhaps improving? that they may have good ideas or opinions... Sad really .. But with that small minded closed attitude
Perhaps YOU should
Find a different school.!!!!!!!
I personally want more
For my children
1:02 your kid doesn't even go there
If it didn't involve a student and if students were not at risk than it's a private matter.
People pay for gym memberships, art classes, golf lessons etc etc. Should they be entitled to know details if why someone quit or got fired? If your child isn't being harmed or put in danger then its non if your business.
The specifics are a private matter what NOT is the amount of severance to Burris taken out of schools budget.. The money that will be spent searching for a new headmastwr taken out of the schools budget..the financial ramifications of changing all letter head, brochures etc taken out of the budget ..the school is a non profit and the money spent is paid by the parents so that is NOT a private matter!!!!!!
He was fired because his ideas for generating revenue were not approved by the board, and because he was not liked by most people that knew him.
Anon2:07 nobody here is trying improve the school they are just trying to stick their nose in the headmasters private business. You just want something to gossip about. You either accept the fact you can't know and control everything or go somewhere else.
Don't look for trouble where there isn't any the problem evidently weighed heavily on the ones who had to make the decision, and it was done. Some explanation needs to be given to the parents as they pay for this education, doesn't have to be elaborate detail, if there were infringements state so, if it was a moral, or personality issue just say so simple, done over.
He converted to Islam!?
Lets bring back Dan Thompson
Burris lasted 3 years at MBCA here in GA before he was fired. After that it was probably 2-3 at Fellowship Academy just down the road before he was cut loose. He does what he wants until the board says no more. Personal experience is that he is full of himself and is a liar. And that keeps following him wherever he goes. Which I call Karma.
Bob Burris has no place teaching students or leading a school. This man has serious issues. I was a parent that led the crusade to get him out of Fellowship in Roswell Ga. What I don't understand is that people keep giving him the opportunity to resign and not be fired and passing him onto the next vulnerable school this man has no place in education !! He is not a good man. When we had our altercation, I told him he had stepped on the toes of the wrong person. This arrogant egotistical out for himself only, has no place in the education of children. My question posed to a board member was, "would you want your sons influenced by this man or would you want them to model after Bob Burris. We sat silently. Question answered. Heck NO!
October 1 Anonymous: You say more about yourself in your post than you do about the former headmaster. When you proudly announce that you "told him he had stepped on the toes of the wrong person" you clearly identify yourself as the root of the problem, not him. I don't know either of you, but when you accuse him of being "arrogant" and "egotistical" it actually sounds like a reflection of your own character. If you are a parent "leading a crusade" against a person, and you describe it as such, you give away what kind of person you are. Clearly you butted heads, clearly you are both strong personalities, and clearly you viewed this as a personal vendetta drawn from some sort of personal offense. I will refrain from drawing any conclusions about Burris from your post.
The temptation is to argue this on the merits of parental or board rights -- and that's what most of the discussion here has been about. However, the better question is not whether parents had a right to know why (they do not -- anymore than a customer at Walmart has a right to know why the manager was fired), but the question should be asked, "is this good governance or not?" Unless this was a case of moral or ethical failure (which all indications seem to say it is not), then clearly this is poor governance on the part of the board. A functional board should be transparent, should engage in due process, and should treat the headmaster with respect. A sudden ouster, ushering him out under a cloud of suspicion is not good for the school and reeks of a power struggle, not functional board management.
Dr. Burris was well respected in our school and community. His leadership brought much-needed change and inspiration. He had broad support and is still missed on our campus EVERY day. The school is lost and without direction without him. There is no vision and the leadership is floundering and unable to move forward.
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