Taylor, Brent
Date of Incident: 7 April 2016
Location: Wicomico County, MD
Suspect: Brent Morgan Taylor Jr., 44, Eden, MD
Narrative: On 7 April 2016 at 2:10 PM deputy arrested Brent Morgan Taylor on a Circuit Court Indictment that charged Taylor with Homicide by Motor Vehicle. The indictment followed the investigation of a motor vehicle collision that Taylor was involved in back on 16 October 2015 that claimed the life of Robert T. Schultheis. The collision was investigated by the Wicomico Sheriff’s Office Collision Reconstruction Unit and that included an investigation into the possible impairment of Taylor.
Taylor was transported to the Detention Center where he was detained without bond pending an appearance in front of a Circuit Court Judge.
Charges: Homicide by Motor Vehicle – Drugs, Homicide by Motor Vehicle – CDS, Driving Vehicle While Impaired by CDS and Driving Vehicle While Impaired by Drugs

Holbrook, Kizzy
Date of Incident: 7 April 2016
Location: 200 block of E. Vine Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Kizzy M. Holbrook, 36, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 7 April 2016 a deputy arrested Kizzy Holbrook at a residence in the 200 block of E. Vine Street in Salisbury. Holbrook was wanted on two Circuit Court Bench Warrants that were issued after Holbrook violated the terms of her probation in two CDS Possession cases.
The deputy transported Holbrook to the Detention Center where she was detained on a total bond of $20,000.00 bond.
Charges: Violation of Probation

Sherwood, Jason
Date of Incident: 7 April 2016
Location: North Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jason Paul Sherwood, 35, Bridgeville, DE
Narrative: On 7 April 2016 a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Jason Sherwood after observing Sherwood driving on N. Salisbury Boulevard without any headlights on at 10:42 PM. Upon speaking to Sherwood, the deputy detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage and was told by Sherwood that he did not have a license. Based on other observed indicators, the deputy began sobriety testing which culminated in Sherwood’s arrest.
Location: North Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jason Paul Sherwood, 35, Bridgeville, DE
Narrative: On 7 April 2016 a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Jason Sherwood after observing Sherwood driving on N. Salisbury Boulevard without any headlights on at 10:42 PM. Upon speaking to Sherwood, the deputy detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage and was told by Sherwood that he did not have a license. Based on other observed indicators, the deputy began sobriety testing which culminated in Sherwood’s arrest.
During subsequent processing the deputy ascertained that Sherwood’s Maryland driver’s license had been both suspended and revoked. The deputy transported Sherwood to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. Following an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Sherwood in the Detention Center in lieu of $7,500.00 bond.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Driving While Revoked and Driving While Suspended
I am confused, because by the wording, it appears that they do not know if Mr Taylor was impaired.
I am confused too. Arresting him 6 months later?
Sherwood stopped in front of Sherwood. ironic no?
Yes he was. Rob was the nicest, most caring guy you can imagine.
So he was impaired because he was a nice guy? Still confused...
He was not impaired. It was just a horrible accident
He was not impaired. It was just a horrible accident. Mr. Taylor has terminal cancer and took all medications properly. Nothing illegal. He was having a good day on his way to meet his family for dinner with his son. This could have been avoided if the jogger was dressed properly. That's why its an accident a horrible horrible accident
Read. He was not impaired. He's a good guy with probably not long to live. It was an accident.
So is this going to bring Rob back? No never. You will unlikely most never meet a guy like him. The guy that made every single person feel important. A man who posted a picture on national bosses day of his children. A man at 37 years of age had 1000 people at his funeral. I could go on and on there is no point in this forum to paint the picture of the person he was or the family he left behind. I just miss him.
He was not impaired???? He tested positive for two substances... One being methadone, which is NOT a cancer drug. He crossed the center line, struck and killed a man running on the opposite side of the road. OPPOSITE side of the road. He has a history of driving under the influence and also admitted in court records to a history of drug abuse. How in the hell can anyone suggest it was the runner's fault??? He was a "nice man going to meet family for dinner"... Seriously?? A true "nice man" will never have dinner with his family again thanks to this repeat offender.
The only way this could have been avoided was if the driver wasn't impaired!!!! He hit someone running on the opposite side of the road for christ's sake! Then, lied to police about what drugs he was taking and why he drifted across the center line. Absolutely disgusting to blame the runner!!! Taylor had more than one chance to right his life, multiple offenses show that didn't happen. Instead, he's taken a good man from this earth and left a widow with an infant and 5 year old to raise on her own. Shame on you for even suggesting it was Rob's fault!!
I'm sure he was a great man and my heart hurts for family. You people were not at the scene you didn't see it.
I'm not blaming one or the other just simply saying it could have been avoided.
Those two substances stay in your blood for a long time. He could have had them days before the incident. He was in the hospital a few days before where they administered the morphine, I know for a fact. Kalso, knowing how methadone works with recovering addicts, I'm sure he was at the clinic first thing in the morning, so this happened over 14 hours after it wore off. No one is blaming the jogger, just saying we need to reserve judgement on Mr. Taylor until all of the facts come out.
Thank you you said it better then I could...
Still, you shouldn't be driving on that stuff. That's why they use the word "impairment".
So it's ok to be on the opposite side of the road ? Your saying it could have been avoided. Yes stay in your lane. Whatever he was or wasn't on he crossed the line. There is fault in this no matter what the circumstances. I have been at the scene plenty of times . So don't throw that you weren't there thing out there. As well if he had on reflective wear Taylor wouldn't cross the line? Seriously very low class to imply this was Robs fault.
Say what you want. Brent has children also and he is terminally ill. Putting him in jail isn't going to make anything better, won't bring anyone back.
Were you there when it happened? No. Did you speak to Mr. Taylor? See the look on his sons face? Let the state have their field day. Its still doesn't help anyone involved its only hurting both families more.
I saw it. "You people" can stop trying to justify inexusible actions.
We're you there when a wife found out she was a widow? When she had to tell her son he would never see his father again? Or explain to her daughter why she will never, ever get to know her dad? There's nothing else you can do to hurt this family. Oh yeah... except for what you suggest- letting the person whose decisions are responsible for this tragedy not be held accountable because he's a "nice guy."
We're you there when a wife found out she was a widow? When she had to tell her son he would never see his father again? Or explain to her daughter why she will never, ever get to know her dad? There's nothing else you can do to hurt this family. Oh yeah... except for what you suggest- letting the person whose decisions are responsible for this tragedy not be held accountable because he's a "nice guy."
It is a perfectly STRAIGHT stretch of road. There is no "accidental" way to drift across the road and hit someone on the other shoulder without being impaired, distracted, or both. Don't blame his illness for his poor decision to drive without regard for his son or anyone else's life. He has multiple drug and DUI offenses, this was not a simple mistake. He should be held accountable for his repeated poor life decisions.
Why did a person with multiple DUI convictions and subsequent CDS conviction still have the PRIVILEGE to operate a motor vehicle on 10/16/15? An employer owned vehicle no less! Mr. Taylor will serve very little time under current law but what should anger us all more is that our system lets these 3,4,5 time loser heroin zombies endanger lives and terrorize our communities. Wake up Maryland!!
He is not some monster.
Nonetheleas, he is accountable for his actions and the consequences others have had to deal with because of his decisions.
the ones taking up for mr. taylor are probably some of his drug buddies who continue to live the same lie. lying to their families and friends about how they are clean and do no wrong. these weak minded fools need to be locked away for a long time
Whether he is a monster or not, whether he worked or not, whether he made a good life for his family or not is all completely irrelevant here. His actions caused someone else's father, husband, son, and brother to lose his life and there are consequences for those actions. The court documents are pretty clear. He failed field sobriety tests and subsequently was proven to have drugs in his system via a blood test. Argue all you want about whether or not he has cleaned up his life. He should not have been driving that night, plain and simple. Thanks to him choosing to get behind the wheel someone else's father will never come home.
Methadone is legal and so is morphine it was a accident and if it was you, you wouldn't want people to call you names like loser, and etc. And both them two legal drugs where takin hours ahead of time
Legal drugs can cause impairment, just like alcohol which is also legal. Bottom line, you are responsible for not driving while impaired on ANYTHING.
But he wasn't impaired its not hia fault that he can't see dark blue and black clothing in thw middle of the night. Why was he in the middle of the road. Eveyone knows to get over on the side of the road or in the grass when a car is coming. Why didn't he get over or even attempted to don't plaim it on impairment wjich was not the cause. It was a bad accident he didnt mean for it to happen. Dont blame it all on the driver look at the things the jogger did wrong and what the jogger could of done to avoid this. They both made mistakes consider both sides before putting it all one person.
Also sorry not everyone is perfect everyone makes mistakes
The jogger did nothing wrong. The jogger was jogging on the proper side of the road (against the flow of traffic) and was less than 2 feet from the edge of the road (read the accident report!). The driver crossed the yellow line into oncoming traffic and struck the jogger from BEHIND! The driver is 100% wrong here and to place any blame on the jogger is pure ignorance and a feeble attempt at changing the narrative after the fact.
The cops weren't there and neither were you I know what happened
Yes he is
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