Fogel is currently in prison serving out a 16 year sentence for his crimes, which include the sexual molestation of 14 (known) victims, an engagement with a child prostitute, and the possession of over 400 images that are considered child pornography. Those who considered this sentence way too light got a bit of good news this month, as another inmate delivered Fogel a knuckle sandwich. As Fox news reports:
Pedophile sandwich pitchman Jared Fogle was pummeled by a fellow inmate in a prison smackdown, according to a report.
The former Subway hawker, who is serving a 16-year sentence at Colorado’s Englewood FCI, was tackled and punched in the face by a 60-year-old armed robber, TMZ reported.
Steven Nigg, 60, who is serving time on gun charges, left Fogle with a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck after the recreation yard beatdown on Jan. 29, the site reported.
Nigg, who suffered a small cut on his hand, unleashed his barrage after reaching his boiling point over the number of child sex predators housed in the low-security facility, his relatives told TMZ.
He was punished for his vigilante vengeance with a stint in solitary.
We don't know anything about Mr. Nigg, but it seems like for once in his life he did the right thing.

Source: AAN
Okay, so beatings -- in your mind -- are "the right thing"?
Why not amend the law then? Why wait and hope that some prisoner (who then will be punished) beats, tortures or kills whichever fellow prisoner he thinks deserves it? Why not just codify corporal punishment?
Why not sharia law?
Public caning?
BTW, what makes you think the "armed robber" who administered this "vengeance" has gotten enough of what he deserves? Maybe he needs to be punched in the face too.
And yet, they want to allow transgenders to use any bathroom they want. All a child predator has to say is that he is transgender and walk into a ladies restroom. God help us!
AS a registered sex offender, I am going to claim I feel like a woman to get into the ladies bathroom and be close to the girls. I might even wear a dress if I have too.
9:19 your way: All a child predator has to say is that he was born a female and walk into a ladies restroom. Not protected anyone from anything.
8:43 It's obvious you have never been to prison.
Here is a little fact a lot folks don't know.
Incarcerated criminals convicted of any type of crime absolutely despise child molesters. Some will make their disgust known to said child molesters and some will commit acts of violence on child molesters.
Sand Box John
1:12 Sadly, I have been to prison.
The issue isn't whether prisoners behave in this way, it is whether -- as the author of the piece claims -- this is a good thing.
Now 2:20 has seen behind them walls
They don't like animal abusers either.
I have no issue with sticker laws the systems is not working. Child molesters are repeat offenders. There is not fixing their kind. So yes hang them.
8:43 maybe you are a pedophile or related to one. Get some help before it is to late. Would you let Jared baby sit your child. I did not think so lol Liberal idiots abound
It was an observation related many times by G. Gorden Liddy when he did talk radio.
Sand Box John
5:06 Yeah sadly I have been to prison too and 6:24 not a molester or pedophile but if you touched,molested or raped a kid or woman then you going to get your head cracked,understand? Coming out of your mouth like you did in your comment I would crack your head open and you could make the news
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