Approximately a quarter of those polled express support for the institution of Islamic Sharia law in Muslim-heavy pockets of sovereign Britain, while a large plurality believe that women must "always obey" their husbands. Far more British Muslims believe that a man should be permitted to "keep more than one wife" than say homosexual conduct should remain legal. A majority of respondents favor the criminalization of same-sex relations. (For some imperfect but relevant perspective, a slim majority of regular US churchgoers embraced a similar public policy stance as recently as 2003).
This is terrifying, and it's a reminder of what could happen here if we fail to assimilate and control the number of Muslims entering the United States.
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Source: AAN
And I bet there is 10xs that who support killing those who do support Sharia law.
As the muslims infiltrate all counties we will find an eventual civil war in these countries. It's the muslim way ! They have been doing it for thousands of years ! Don't you just love this religion!
There should be NO laws based around ANY religion's laws in this country.
Just a note : last week my wife and I were having lunch at a local restaurant when a black couple walked in . The lady was dressed in a black garment that reached the floor and the only thing visible was a small horizontal slot so she could see. Her entire body was covered and they were laughing so load it was disturbing . WTF is happening folks?
Islam is not a religion , it is and has been a cult for thousands of years. Cult definition : an UNUSUAL religious group
Definition of unusual : Weird , not usual or pertaining to usual
SO where are the so called moderate Muslims? There isn't any otherwise we would see millions of Muslims out denouncing Radial Islam but all I hear is Crickets.
8:05 AM - I think that you're confused. Sharia Law requires strict behavior by females, just the opposite of what feminist liberals see as acceptable roles in society.
Get is right clown, there is no part of Sharia law that is good for this country period. You want Sharia, move to the middle east or some other sand pit of your choice. But don't condemn my freedom to suit your own inadequacies. Members of my family died defending freedom for this country and I'll be damned before I'll sit back and listen to some kook telling people "Sharia has good parts."
Thank you 1:42.
Straight up truth!
Exactly! If you find even one tiny part of Sharia law acceptable you are a disgrace to this country and all the freedoms true American patriots hold dear. Feel free to move to any of the countries that think like you.
This was a god fearing country that thrived for centuries. Once the government got involved in all aspects of a persons life including taking God out ifbschiiks and government what has happened? A 30 yr regression to where we are at. Our country needs God in all aspects of life. Bring the Lord back and watch how fast we flourish again.
Sharia will NEVER be in America. The American people will stop it and YOU.
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