I recently had someone inquire about the stores in the old Salisbury Mall. It seems as if a lot of people grew up in the old Mall and have fond memories of it. They just can’t remember all the stores that were there. The stores were numbered according to a map of the entire Mall. The following may just bring back a memory or two. Some are still with us in other locations, some have faded into history. How many do you remember?
(Information from the1974 Salisbury City Directory and the old map)
1. Hecht Co. 31.
2. Sears Roebuck & Co. 32. Radio Shack
32A. Crafts International
3. Pantry Pride 33. Hooks Pastry Shop
4. McCrory Variety Stores 34. Chester Uniforms
5. Read Drug & Chemical Co. 35. Buddy Dale Shops
6. Lerner Shops 36. Mall Barber Shop
7. Sherwin-Williams 37.
8. English’s Cafeteria 38. Cinecom Mall Cinema
9. Dannemann’s 39. Cinecom Mall Cinema
10. Ralph & Gaskill’s 40. Brooks Co.
40A. General Nutrition Center
11. First National Bank 41. Salisbury Book Store
12. Kinney Shoes 42. Richards Hair Fashions
13. Singer Co. 43.
14. 44. Wig Haus of Maryland
15. 45. Wig Haus of Maryland
16. Holiday Shoes 46.
17. 47.
18. Hanover Shoes 48.
19. Barett Shoes 49. W. J. Ahtes Real Estate
20. Carousel Shop 50. Aetna Life & Casualty Co.
21. 51. Weight Watchers of Delmarva
22. Russell Stover Candies 52.
23. Parklane Hosiery 53.
24. Barclay’s Jewelers 54. J. R. Freeny II (insurance)
25. Card Mart 55. Orange Julius
26. Phillipsborn 56. Bresler’s 33 Flavors Ice Cream
27. Household Finance, Inc.
30. Buck’s Buster Brown no # Bavarian Soft Pretzels
(kiosk in aisle)
The candy store was right next to Weight Watchers? Priceless!
I actually worked at a few of those places. Thanks for the memories.
And what a nice town it was then. jackkcharl@aol.com
Camelot Music
Friendly's Ice Cream
Arcade Down by Grocery Store
The Connection
there was a men's clothing store called Webster's , too.
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Friendly Ice Cream
Webster's Men Shop
I worked at the Singer Co. in 1970 and I remember a Mall Birthday sale when the Mall association gave FREE 2inch square pieces of birthday cake and people lined up from center mall all the way out the front door just to get a free piece of cake.
I worked at Boulevard Esso in 1968 and probably 1/3 of the cars that came in asked directions to the Mall or to Second Best Outlets downtown.
I remember when Connection brought Tony Hawk to town
Miss those Orange Julius hot-dogs.
La Salon
Aladdin's Castle was the arcade, Tony's Pizza by Sears, and Lee Outdoor's, Hutzler's, Leon's Deli, don't forget Salisbury Optical.
As a teenager I used to love to hang around the mall because teenagers from as far as away as Dover,Easton and Exmore used to hang ther also. Lots of girls(yum)little crime,no gangs,guns etc. Only had 2 bathrooms in mall however.
Tony's Pizza
I missed Webster's. They were #21. Thank you 10:36 and 10:37. Your additions mean a lot to me and the continued history of Salisbury. Any corrections or additions are greatly appreciated. The other stores mentioned were either in business before or after 1974.
Jack's Religious Gift Shop
Kinney Shoe Store
Food Depot
Sam Goody
The US Post Office
Brooks, for junior clothing. Bought most of my clothes there.
Casual Corner
Something Xtra Special
Benjamins, Hess Apparel, Hickory House, Things Remembered, Vernon Powell, also there was a store across from Hickory House that sold brief cases and luggage...Turkes? or some such
OMG--those Orange Julius hot dogs were to die for. I remember when my mother used to go grocery shopping there and everytime we would get one of those hot dogs--I can almost taste one now.
Hooks' Pasrty...what memories. Any recipes left for their wonderful pasteries. Now there's a cookbook that I would buy. Fundraiser, anyone?
Circus World (toy store)
Electronics Boutique
Hutzler's with the talking reindeer that one Christmas. Castleburgs, B. Dalton Books.
Kim Groves
Didn't Hess Apparel move there too?
Wow, I had forgotten a few of the names. As always, it's been a wonderful trip down memory lane.
Webster's Men Shop
O.C. Rags - the most popular teenage girls clothing.
Did anyone say Orange Julius that used to have the big orange hanging over their kiosk?? They were the best before they partnered with Dairy Queen.
1st National Bank.
langrells furniture, first shore federal, benjamins, watson's smoke house, marianne's, fashion bug, barclay's jewelry, and the double image. don't forget those too.
all those places bring back some cool memories. thanks.
And there was a place called Deli Express where alot of shoppers went to eat,and McCrory had a cafeteria.And 1st National Bank was there
Thanks to George and all the contributors for sharing those memories. I lived on Calvin Dr during that era and spent many hours at the Mall. Guess, as they say, "You can't go home again". But Salisbury was a really neat place back then. jackkcharl@aol.com
We were living in Cambridge back when they had the two lane bridge coming into Wicomico County. My dad would gather us up my mom and me and we would make a day of it. God for times of ole...THe mall was a place that you actually went there to shop and have a true family outing.But now if you venture to any malls in this great nation you are taking your life into your own hands.
As a kid I remember Lad & Lassie (kids clothing and the only store to buy girl scout attire) and Friendly's across from the movie theatre.
Yes, Salisbury USED to be a nice place.
Not any more.
Wharehouse (grocery store)
connection, jones craft and the wharehouse food market peebles aunt cindys cookies sam goody B Dalton,lad n lassy
the place where you buy dance and gymnastic clothes fashion bug camelot music
There was a card store later on that had the funniest cards. Aaah's maybe?
Swiss Colony, Danneman's (fabrics & sewing/crafts)
For those mentioning Orange Julius hot dogs - not sure how today's are compared to the past ones, but you can get them today in the new mall on the corner right in front of Boscov's
Anybody know what happened to the old (ORIGINAL!) Salisbury Mall sign from the Civic Avenue side right across from the Civic Center?
There was a really neat (for the time) video game across from the barber shop where we shot jets down.One of the barbers held the record score.
Bacharach raisen sporting goods late 60s early 70s bought my first bb glove there at 10 yrs old. A Brooks Robinson model. Rawlings. GO OOOsssss
Green stamp store
Sundancer Skate and Surf shop
I am 24. Sadly, both my mother and brother have passed away so I have no one to answer these questions. I remember a circular fountain, and a grocery store. What was the name of the store? I would go a few times a month, very faint memories I am trying to recall here. My brother would go to the connection. This was the very early 90s
In the later years Subway.
We Petite, wasn't Hecht Co. there? I loved meeting my friends at Friendly's. Yes, The Mall was the place to go. It was fun, the stores were great and I really don't remember any crime there. The Connection was the place to purchase drugs, but not too many people realized that...was so sorry that Mall closed.
Does anybody have pictures of the Swiss colony?
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