DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Here Come The Protesters: "Shut Trump down!"
Trump has announced that he will hold a rally in Berlin, Maryland far away from any major Maryland population center. But we say Trump you can't hide. We will be there to say shut his message of racist, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, anti-woman hate down. Please post this and invite friends and get out the word so everyone is ready to mobilize. We will be gathering and leaving from the Harriet Tubman Solidarity Center, 2011 N. Charles St. @ 1:00 p.m. If you can drive and provide seats for other participants -- let us know.
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I do not know who you are but you realize you are talking about next President of the United States
These people are Idiots. They only believe in free speech or assembly if it is their views.
Free speech is dead to these BLM's
I'd like to know what efforts and precautions our local LE is making for public safety when attending Mr. Trump's rally.
Are they [LE] going to allow these protestors to stop their vehicles in the middle of RT50, do they have bulldozers ready to push them out of our way? What say you LE?
People unite shut the bigot down. Stand up for dignity in the whitehouse vote for Casich.
awesome jimbo can lead the way
Sorry busy at the Trump rally
What about his Constitutional Right to Free Speech and our Right to Assemble? Just another example of the left trampling on peoples Rights. And I'm not even a Trump supporter.
Stupid people no doubt products of the dumbed down US "education" system. Plus liars. Trump isn't anti immigration. He's pledged to stop illegal immigration which if these protesters weren't such liars and dopes they would know is a crime. If you ask me immigration should be halted altogether. This isn't 1900 anymore. We don't need to build our nation. We have too many people suffering that were born on US soil. All immigration accomplishes is, it allows businesses to keep wages low. Not that I expect any of these protesters to understand this because they have shown time and time again they are pathetically ignorant.
I say to all those planning to attend the Trump rally to ignore these nasty people. Remember we are better then they are. Don't lower yourself and waddle in their cess pool of filth. We are better then they are so don't open your mouth to respond to them. You don't want to gulp in their putrid air.
YES please bring your ignorant city attitudes down here where we normal have to bust our buts to pay for you to sit on your buts! City meets country at Trump rally should be interesting!
State Police and County Sheriff, are you listening? You will be the first and last line of responsibility for maintaining order. It's probably a good idea to put your heads together and make sure that your plan is well coordinated. Secret Service will be there, but not in the numbers to safely control a large and/or unruly crowd or maintain traffic flow on the roadways.
because only THEIR First Amendment rights matter, right?
Bring your liberal asses to the Eastern Shore lol This is not the dung hole called Baltimore. You come here and disrespect anyone of any color we will teach you some manners. The Shore does not play ball with terrorist of any sort.
Any of these turds have jobs. Funny they cant walk and look for work.
10:45 really dude you been watching Madam Secretary lol
Trust me it will be dealt with.
That's just swell. A busload of Baltimore rabblerousers bringing their own rabble to tell us what they think and what we should think.
We're going, and our neighbors.
This will just strengthen our resolve.
If they drive their own vehicles half will not make it to Berlin. Unregistered Uninsured suspended and revoked. Over half I guarantee.
The buses need to be stopped by Commercial Vehicle Division. I am sure they need all kinds repairs.
Barricade the bay bridge! LOL!! :-)
I don't know where they are going to protest. SD is out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by private property. It's not like a city where there are sidewalks. The county reps (if not already in place) need to hold an emergency meeting and pass an ordinance effective immediately permits are required for protests expected to bring in more than 10 people.
They want a ride I have a old school bus here in Willards. I should volunteer to pick a load up hehe. Burnt Swamp Berlin they wont know the difference.
I wish that were true 10:52 but you know the overwhelming majority of them are no strangers to the criminal justice system and will just steal a vehicle or car jack one. Baltimore area is going to have a wave of vehicle thefts and car jackings in the next 2 days. I hope the police there are prepared and are warning residents to take precautions.
10:49 AM - No, I've never seen the tv show.
Trump should ask Christie to see if his buddy Hogan can close down the Bay Bridge for a couple of hours.
10:10 AM Just who is Casish anyway?
stay where you belong in Baltimore!!
Obama millennial welfare idiots.
10:10 True supporter, nice spelling job , and they let these idiots breed.
Please close SDHS for the day.
These people are paid protesters what else do you expect, they can protest this guy who wants to make our country great, but they won't protest our current govt who is taxing us to death and taking our rights away...
Again that proves these people are paid!!!!!
I'm a big-time liberal when it comes to social issues, but it's disgusting when supposed 'tolerant liberals' get going against someone just because they disagree with him.
leaving at 1pm? sorry i have a job. no time to take off need to earn a living
Will these be the same people that burned their own neighborhoods down?
the road trip caravan must be delayed/halted via the Bay Bridge or Route 13 (DEL) or Route 113 (DEL) for perceived illegal contraband out of Charm City!!
Salisbury may have its issues, but they're ours! We don't need others bringing their issues on our shore!! Stay away haters, we have plenty who we love each in our own way!!!! Baltimore TVers stay away too - we may have the least likable stations via BOC/MDT - BUT THEY"RE OURS to love/hate!!!!!!!
Now that's funny. A Kasich supporter fails to spell his name correctly.
10:10 You are supporting a candidate and you don't know how to spell their name? Casich is not correct. I already have my tickets to the Trump event and would suggest to any protesters to stay on the sidewalks, I will be driving on the roads and will only slow but not stop for your stupid A§§'s.
There is NO where for them to protest. Contrary to what they think they can not stand in the old McD's/Harley Davidson parking lot without permission of the owner and if they do it goes to show the type of people they are. The only place would be the side of the road and that is against the law. Their lack of any forward thinking skills is one of their major difficulties. They should take a good listen to Donald Trump instead of buying into the lies that he is a racist and all the other nonsense. But you know most are democrats and their isn't a democrat alive with one moral decent bone in their bodies. Democrats are nasty people and their show of Hilary and Obama the liars goes to show what putrid people they are.
Sorry, can't be there to join your bus trip at 1pm, I have a job! Perhaps you should get one.
I hope they close the bridge down so they can't get across or their cars/buses break down before they get to the bridge. Funny how they can afford to come here and show us how loud their nasty mouths can get but they can't get up every morning and go to work and do something worth while. I will vote for Trump no matter what these worthless POS say and/or do.
They are just so ignorant. All their little hissy fits they call protests do is strengthen people's resolve and make Trump supporters more energetic. This equates to getting Trump more votes. I work with 2 Mexican ladies who have been citizens for years. After much back and forth they decided that Trump is the best candidate for them because they have come to realize that immigration in and of itself is decimating the middle class. They said legal Mexicans feel like they are in servitude because of the low pay they make with no chance of ever getting more so long as the immigrants keep on coming. Both ladies ordered tickets and received them so at least 4 Mexican Trump supporters will be in attendance.
I don't think they really care about rules or laws or manners for that manner.
Here's what Einstein's these protester are:
"Gabrielle Franks
30 mins · Salisbury, MD, United States ·
Alright guys, I updated the event details after receiving word from a couple of students at SDHS who talked to administration about what we can and cannot do.
-Meet in the Harley Davidson parking lot ACROSS from SDHS at 5pm.
-Discourage anyone and everyone involved in the protests from talking to the media! There are NATIONAL news services at this event and they're known for twisting the words of students to make us the bad guys. Plead the 5th.
-Any students currently attending SDHS who are participating in this protest are encouraged to wear ALL BLACK CLOTHING on Wednesday April 20th in silent protest of Trump's visit to the school.
let me know if you have any questions or info that i may not be aware of!"
They are relying on 3rd hand info instead of talking to school admims themselves. They plan on meeting in the PRIVATE PROPERTY parking lot across the street. This goes to show how ignorant they are. That is someone's private property. When the ignoramuses are asked and then made to leave they will feign outrage. I guess this Gabrielle Franks is the self professed organizer of the protest. She's like some kind of simpleton or something.
They have an event page set up. Look at those who are offering up their opinions and all. One is named Elizabeth Graisbery Dale Morningdove. It "stands with planned parenthood" even after a PP admin was caught on tape saying "we have to keep it alive until we get it's organs." What a filty nasty poor excuse for a human being this Elizabeth Graisbery Dale Morningdove is. Anyone who can still stand by that organization after what they said isn't worth a damn.
There is no where for them to protest legally. There are no sidewalks, parks, a plaza. They can't infringe of the private property across the street no more than you can protest in a mall parking lot or a restaurant's. Just because it is a public school doesn't mean they have the right to be on the property of the school. Not all government owned property is a public forum and schools fall into that category.
My brother a huge democrat who voted both times for Obama and OMalley but didn't vote for Brown and is now disgusted w/Obama is voting for Sanders in the primary. He's voting for Trump in the general because of the Black Lives Matter crowd and the way they acted like savages just off a boat from some uncivilized lawless country in Ferguson and Baltimore. So he's going rogue because of the protesters. There comes a time when semi reasonable democrats are saying enough is enough and take your protests and shove them where the sun don't shine and are going to vote for Trump. I know of another huge Obama supporter from Lancaster PA who is all about Trump and there is a silent majority of Sanders primary voters who just voted for Sanders as an anti Clinton vote and are pledged to vote for Trump.
No they can not protest on the Harley Davidson/old McDonald's parking lot without owner written permission. I've been through this when we owned a strip shopping center on the Western Shore and people wanted to protest a car dealer across the street. They contacted me and I turned them over to talk to my lawyer. My lawyer told them they needed get a liability insurance policy naming me as additionally insured and after he told them that we never heard another word from them.
SDHS is public property; I am curious how Trump will 'remove' any protesters.
Just a question to all the Trumpites out there:
When Donald Trump proclaims that the families of terrorists should be killed; What if one of the relatives is pregnant? Does Donald Trump support abortion? Does this policy apply to domestic terrorists as well (including non-muslim terrorists)?
Try again dummy, private groups of citizens by definition can't infringe upon free speech rights by exercising their own rights. Maybe next time try something besides your Fox News education.
didn't pete Richardson or one of them auctioneers buy the old Harley Davidson building??? wonder if he knows whats going on?
Our leos anrent competent enough. But the men here on the shore sure as hell won't stand for it. Lol I've been waiting for the chance to drive my truck thru one of these crowds.
Guaranteed, they'll claim they have a "right" to be in school property. Yet they don't believe Trump or his supporters have a right to be there, for a lawful, paid for event.
Look at this!
"After, you are all invited to cool off at headquarters live with us and let LITZ wash all of that sticky Trumpness off ya with the power of funk."
This is Headquarters Live! Don't anyone ever again step foot in that horrid place! The air won't be fit to breath if all those anti Trump losers go there.
"SDHS is public property; I am curious how Trump will 'remove' any protesters."
Protesting is allowed in public places considered public forums such as parks, sidewalks, plazas. Schools which are public (but not really--- try going into a school if you have no business being there or hanging out on school property) are not considered public forums.
One thing is certain. Unless protesters have written permission to be on the parking lot across the street they are breaking the law and can be arrested for trespassing. So you are being forewarned 2:20 so if you go there and you are arrested don't you dare cry foul. Don't you dare. Do you understand.
2:20 Remember Donald Trump is a brilliant man and he surrounds himself with brilliance. There isn't a protester alive nor doubtful anyone else, who can match wits w/him or his organization. He's probably gone ahead and "rented" the whole school and it's grounds. He does broadcast on large screen TV's his rallies outside to overflow crowds. Protesters will not be allowed in those areas.
"Gabrielle Franks
30 mins · Salisbury, MD, United States ·
Alright guys, I updated the event details after receiving word from a couple of students at SDHS who talked to administration about what we can and cannot do."
LOL-I heard some students were acting as if they are all for the protest and are giving bad info so the protesters run afoul of the law. I agree this bimbo should be talking to admins herself instead of relying on others for her info. Her lack of thinking skills could cause others to be arrested. Franks no doubt is a product of the dumbed down US "education" system. Her parents should be so proud of the bimbo they raised-LOL and if they actually are proud then it's obvious she got their stupid gene.
Gabrielle Franks here!! Lol thanks for getting the word out about our protest. I'm glad we're causing a stir in the community. For those who are curious, we won't be entering the building at all--we are to remain outside on the public property of the school, in areas where we won't interrupt traffic or pedestrians. We HAVE, in fact, spoken to administration at SDHS about what we can and cannot do, and will remain peaceful and informative. Come join us tomorrow at 5pm!
Parking lots (unless government owned) are considered public accommodations and are off limits to protesters unless given expressed written permission by the owners. I agree if the owner does allow them make them get an insurance policy. These protesters aren't good people. They are the worst of the worst. The worst society has to offer in humanity. They are nothing but useless eaters looking for more handouts so they would sue in a heartbeat if they so much as stub their toe. I am making note of who they are and are investigating where they work etc so we can boycott where they are employed. If they can protest so can we in our own way. A lot have criminal records and owe people/businesses money which should not come as a surprise to anyone.
Let them protest. I'm glad they are. They need and must see decent American people who care about the future of this country. They need to and must see parents who actually care about their own children and other peoples. I say protesters be there. It's about time they surrounded themselves with decent people instead of the malcontents they are used to being around. I think all democrats should be forced to be there and forced to look at real Americans and not Americans in name only. I will pity any I see. Pity them for being born to parents who failed miserably in their upbringing.
Bring pepper spray in case you need to defend yourself against these zealots trying to deny citizens of their right to free speech.
Hey women for Hillary how do you like men in your bathrooms?
Let these idiots come down here and pull their city bullcrap on the shore. They must not know anything about Reggie Mason and Mike Lewis. They will be getting an education fast if they cross the line in their counties. Bring it on a$$holes, our sheriffs will show you how its done.
(Hope the ignorant brain-dead protestors get their a$$e$ arrested and thrown in jail!)
Protesters are mad because Their freebies as in housing, food stamps and whatever else they get for free will soon be cut off..get a job and drug dealing and stealing doesn't qualify.. losers
"Anonymous said...
Gabrielle Franks here!! Lol thanks for getting the word out about our protest. I'm glad we're causing a stir in the community. For those who are curious, we won't be entering the building at all--we are to remain outside on the public property of the school, in areas where we won't interrupt traffic or pedestrians. We HAVE, in fact, spoken to administration at SDHS about what we can and cannot do, and will remain peaceful and informative. Come join us tomorrow at 5pm!
April 19, 2016 at 4:34 PM"
Hey Bimbo! You are wrong. You are NOT allowed on school property as per the Worcester Co Sheriff's dept. Go to their FB page for info.
It would benefit you greatly if you had your facts down before posting inaccurate information. Your wrong information only proves what a half wit you are.
"Gabrielle Franks here!! Lol thanks for getting the word out about our protest. I'm glad we're causing a stir in the community. For those who are curious, we won't be entering the building at all--we are to remain outside on the public property of the school, in areas where we won't interrupt traffic or pedestrians. We HAVE, in fact, spoken to administration at SDHS about what we can and cannot do, and will remain peaceful and informative. Come join us tomorrow at 5pm!
April 19, 2016 at 4:34 PM"
A Much Smarter Person Then Gabrielle Franks here!! Lol thanks for giving out false information. I'm glad you do as it only goes to prove how uninformed you fools are.
"Worcester County Sheriff's Office
54 mins ·
The property of SDHS and SDMS are NOT allowed to have protesters. The right of way no longer exists on the school side of Seahawk Rd as it was used when the roadway was widened."
You are NOT allowed on the property of SDHS or SDMS. Do you now understand-YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED ON THE PROPERTY OF EITHER SCHOOL. You have been told this over and over and over on this blog. Next time when someone tells you something on this blog listen. Do you understand! You can LOL until you are blue in the face but people who frequent this blog are intelligent well informed people, and most are Donald Trump supporters. When someone is obviously way smarter than yourself you should listen to them and this includes Donald Trump.
Message for Franks- You are not going to have 100's protesting so stop saying that on your hate site. You are going to have only a handful-maybe 10 or 12 other pathetic individuals like yourself. Just like this blog informed you that you won't be allowed on school property it is now saying your protest is going to fizzle.
What will be remembered is that Trump visited.
Funny at just how overpowering the protesters were...that speaks volumes when confronted with reality
If you don't "secede" try again! Didn't we try to secede from the rest of Maryland once or twice. Well read my first sentence. Maybe join Delaware or form a new state called Delmarva. We need to do something and soon.
Well, it looks like that bus never showed up!
They were intimidated by the number of supporters, One guy sprayed people with pepper spray and got slapped around by a supporter and arrested.
The FAIL must still burn, Miss Franks. You aren't even old enough to vote, are you?
Clearly Miss Franks has been co opted by astroturfing commies. I hope she will soon wake up to the game she has assigned up for. Ms.Franks, I know you want to feel the bern, but you and anynother Bern outs now know how the Ron Paul people feel, BUT, the fundamental difference between a Paul yard and a burn out is, YOU wantnto steal from that which I produce, and you wantnto use the government as your thief in chief, we Paul tards on the other hand just want to be left alone. Noe you know, and as G.I. Joe always said, knowing is half the battle.
Joe i was ahppy to hear there were protesters. It means Trump has struck a nerve. People need to wake up free means free to work lol. Lazy entitled people of all colors are in for an awakening. If you came to America to start a new life legally then I say more power to you. If you are a criminal then you need to go to jail or be deported. If that is racist so sorry. Oh well abide by the laws of the land. Trump will make this country great again.
TRUMP is coming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hide liberals lol
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