DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 24, 2016
First I want to thank all of the people who welcomed me while waiting so patiently in what seemed like a forever long line.
This event was flat out incredible. It was such an honor to have Mr. Trump visit the Eastern Shore and excite and unite TEN THOUSAND PEOPLE. I know many people who decided not to wait and instead followed our live stream link of the event.
So let's hear what you thought of the event. I'm still in awe.
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I was there. Front row baby!!!
Almost made it in, Got there right at 4 and the end of the line was in the cornfield behind the old Harley dealership. Protestors seemed to behave, weather was nice and all in all, it was still ok to not get in, at least us folks took the risk and tried. Sorry didn't see ya Joe!
He's going to be an incredible president!
Upset I didn't make it in after waiting 3 hrs
Don't watch WBOC's coverage your good moods will go right down the dumper.....all I can say is SAD
Would have been nice if SU had bothered to let Trump use their shiny new stadium that taxpayers also contributed to building for the rally. Everyone would've been able to get in! But of course, with SU politics are more important than historic moments. And the kids, well, they want to mold them into little Socialist robots for the NWO. SU sucks, too.
Surprised about that, 948, too. Usually the SU president sucks up to rich people.
you need to blast WBOC Tomorrow.
I was in the ROOM! What a great dialog he presented! Clear, concise, and goal well set! Anyone who listened to this man tonight and won't vote for his Presidency is a fool!
was SU asked? who made the sd decision?
Was there 1st row also! It ws a nice and enthusiastic crowd. Protesters or not a problem at all. So glad I could attend an event like this!
Police presence could not have been better, they won't polite and very helpful ; also watchful. I'm very proud of them and thank them for their service .
Why didn't the college step up to the plate ?
Trump and his team did not want it in Salisbury. Too close to large numbers of potential protesters that otherwise could not travel to a remote location. The college students would not be friendly either as most are Clinton/Sanders supporters. Also from a security perspective, SU stadium is not close to major highways and significant resources would be needed to shut down roadways between SU and the airport.
Waited for a couple hours but was too late to get in. So close but so far away!
1022 Disorderlies not protesters.
SU has a nasty nasty Secretary to the VP!
originally wanted Wicomico Civic Center but booked with DPI dinner
Thanks for the video of the rally, Joe. Awesome event! I'm pumped!! Best thing that's happened on the Eastern Shore. Only wish it had been at a much larger building (like the O.C. Convention Center).
There were Decatur students on the floor next to us. They had no business being there. All they did was talk about doing heroin and cocaine. When Trump finally got in the building they were taking selfies while flipping him off on the podium. Sad actually. Not all of the Decatur students were dumba$$es though. I met a couple that were really interested in the whole experience. Aside from the lame students, Im glad I was a part of it.
3 arrests
Did anyone else think that the people behind Trump, top row, were rude and classless? Too much juking around and talking and posturing!
Not a fan of WBOC at all, but at least they aired it.
WBOC put out the most inaccurate news this year when the broadcast protesters out numbered supporters. They are the worst their 4 o'clock edition Steve Hammond stated protesters lined Rt 50. He later apologized at the end of the telecast for the misinformation. With Paul Butler on one channel and Hammond on thither we cant get a break.
Thanks Joes for putting the truth out there.
I noticed the two clowns behind him as well. Payed more attention to their phones than they did The Donald.
We got in the line around 4 and I believe we were the last group to get in the gymnasium. Standing in line was great because we met some great young people from the area and 2 wonderful guys who drove down from Baltimore City. The rally itself was a lot of fun. We left the building with so much hope for this country. Upon leaving and walking back to our car we were called f-ing retards and other crude and vulgar words by the protesters. We did not provoke this and didn't even so much as look at them to get these words thrown at us. Of course we just kept walking and not say anything. You can only pity these young protesters because it is so obvious they were raised by garbage. So no matter how much they try and lie that they were peaceful it is not true.
I watched WBOC news only because I knew that they were going to air the rally of our NEXT President of the U.S. I did enjoy the arrival of Mr. Trump's 757 and the Motorcade was really cool to see. (Hey, at least Chopper 16 is good for "something" WELL WORTH covering!) Haha But much to all of our dismay, the airing of Survivor was more important than running the WHOLE rally segment.
I was truly DISGUSTED with WBOC!!! All I can say is Thank God for YouTube!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mr. Trump and what he STANDS for!! He will "Make America Great Again"! VOTE Trump on Tuesday!!!
I noticed them too, annoying as heck!
Nice stuff Joe. Please call S.U. and tell the kids it is all right to come out from under their beds the Big Bad Trump has headed to Pa. lol My ribs hurt laughing about the chalking post you put up. That is our future. They did not want this rally in Da Bury because Lewis and company would have cracked some skulls. Peaceful protest fine act a fool shame on you. The Libtards should fear this movement people are passionate. Good people will no longer stand for the abuse and threats from thugs and illegals. If Trump were President when all the illegals marched on D.C. R.F.K. stadium would become a holding facility. Live by our laws or get the hell out. America belongs to Americans do it the legal way I will embrace you as my brother. Stand as a criminal and threaten the American way of life I am happy to kick you ass to Tijuana or Africa for that matter.
Care to elucidate? We didn't observe the slightest problemn.
At Decatur HS because one of Trumps campaign advisors is an alumni
I was in protesters faces yesterday then a reporter came up to me to ask questions told her to F OFF....WBOC.
" Anonymous said...
At Decatur HS because one of Trumps campaign advisors is an alumni
April 21, 2016 at 3:55 AM"
Did any of the media interview this campaign advisor? I hope so but probably not. They were too smitten with the protesters who are never going to reach anywhere near the level of success this young man has. The protests are going to amount to nothing more than losers crawling around looking for government handouts. The young people who are going to be successful and able to provide for their families without being slaves to the system are the ones who are now doing something positive like NOT protesting politically rallies.
The "protesters" that were out there before the buses came were a handful of high school students. There was no trouble, they were good kids doing what they have every right to do. One young lady held the American flag and I paid close attention to how she handled the flag. She did so with respect, never let it droop or hit the ground. Everything was fine until those buses arrived. When those buses unloaded I don't think those protestors were prepared for what they encountered. Maryland state police, Worcester county sheriff dept and Berlin town police silently let them know they were not in Baltimore any longer and their shenanigans would not be tolerated. My hat is off to all the police agencies involved. They were polite, kind, considerate and most of all they were very well organized.
Not an alumni.
Alumnus if a man.
Alumna if a woman.
Alumni if more than one man or a mixed group.
Alumnae if more than one woman.
Don't believe everything that you read on license plate holders.
For the protestor with a sign stating Trump is not a uniter but a divider, take a look at our sitting president. Obama, who promised to unite the races, both aisles of Congress, etc., has been the greatest divider of not only this country, but the world! Obama and his cronies are the reason so many, Democrats and Republicans, are fed up with career politicians and turning to someone totally different than the norm in DC. Go, Trump!!!
You noticed he didn't come to Salisbury. Don't blame him.
Makes you wonder if the Franks gal is one that depends on the government hand outs? If so, she may
be in fear of losing those soon!
To 11:27pm,11:43pm &12:18am
The two behind Mr Trump are Worcester Co. Board of Education employees. One is a supervisor and the other is a teacher. Great examples for kids to follow. Embarrassing to all of us . Their behavior was shown on CNN.
MD Antifa are your out of town protesters
Steve Price and his daughters, disgraceful!!!!
Steve Price and his daughters, disgraceful!!!!
WTH??? How did the Prices get the prime spots and then behave like morons?
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