GO HERE to view more PUPPY MILL dogs up for adoption.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Dogs from puppy mill are up for adoption!
Alaska (F) is one of several dogs recently rescued from a puppy mill in MD who have never been outside. They will need an abundance of patience, love and guidance from their new parents as many of them have not been socialized or cared for. They have received their vaccinations, spay/neuter etc at the Center but vet care etc post-adoption will be the responsibility of their adopters. Please come see them if you have some love for these sweethearts who are not accustomed to receiving it.
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They are darling. Some had 3 pounds of mats and feces removed from them by the groomers. They were so matted they couldn't even wag their tails or lie down completely. So happy for them.
Those poor dogs. I liked that they named them by states....cute idea.
Thanks for posting this. Hope they receive good, loving homes.
Wonderful job!
Why are they selling them instead of giving them away.
They pay for vaccines and spay/neuter. These are very expensive. They need to get money back so they can continue to help other dogs that are put up for adoption. Additionally, paying for a dog at the humane society is much more reasonable than buying from a breeder.
It covers the cost of grooming and vaccinations that they provide while they are there before they get adopted.
Once again in response to the posters stating that vets are charging. They shouldn't in situations such as this one. They get meds at cost and let's face it, they get tons of money from local pet owners. So the least they can do is do philanthropic work for the human society. It's sinful they don't. The Veteraniary Association should made donated service as a part of required service to communities like lawyers doing a certain amount of pro bono work as part of keeping their bar licenses current. The vets in this area are so greedy it's pathetic.
Many of the vets are probably donating services, but the vaccines and supplies cost money. There will never be enough donations from the community to cover the care of over 300 dogs. Also, charging something for these dogs ensures that people take them for the right reason. Like in any animal situation, if you offer to give an animal away to strangers, you never know what kind of people will respond. If people are willing to pay for a pet, hopefully they have good intentions. These prices are much lower than breeders prices, and are for spayed and neutered pets.
8:34 Thats how adoptions work these days. Most rescue agencies charge almost as much as a breeder for some breeds and want the right to inspect your home. Everything is about money and don't think for a second it's about those cute lil dogs.
This has got to be the dumbest comment of the day.
Have you ever heard of the 13th Constitutional Amendment, which makes "involuntary servitude" and slavery illegal?
How about if YOU were forced to not only work for free, but pay for the materials needed to perform the job?
Nothing in life is free!!!! The cost to get these dogs the proper care adds up and any good dog lover would be more than happy to donate!! Thanks to all the donations and volunteers that helped these dogs have a second chance
Were can you adopt them at?
Well, we have another strong contender for the dumbest comment of the day.
1. Reputable breeders have a huge investment in their animals. Backyard breeders and puppy mills do not. If the animal is being sold for not much more than a rescue's adoption fee, that is a backyard breeder or a puppy mill. A real breeder cannot break even at that price!
2. If it's a cash and carry deal, and no inquiry is made regarding the home it is going to, that is a PUPPY MILL or backyard breeder. If you are adopting a child, you expect a home inspection, don't you?
3. If you think "everything is about money" then YOU aren't thinking about "those cute lil dogs".
Which means YOU are part of the problem!
11:38 That is crazy. No one should have to "volunteer" free hours as part of their JOB.
No doubt, someone on SS who thinks everything should be free for them.
7:35 Dogs are animals, not children! Get a grip on reality. Rescues make money of rehoming dogs.
Again because of failed government bureaucracy the tax payers are left with the bill for these dogs. Those who should be paying are those who allowed this to happen by ignoring the warning from animal control officers in Dorchester Co. Animal control, the humane society and former Co Ex Pollitt are just as responsible for the abuse and neglect of these dogs as the former owners are.
How many times have they been forewarned that an unscrupulous dog breeder has moved into their jurisdiction? It's probably never happened before and they failed miserably in their duties.
Unless they are all held to some level of responsibility you can have all the laws in the world but when officials don't enforce them this is what happens. The residents of Wicomico Co should be demanding that the incompetent director of animal control David Fitzgerald be fired immediately. He has proven beyond any doubts that he is incompetent.
I've gone back and forth with shelters charging adoption fees but the reality is this fee is nothing compared to what a dog is going to cost you long term. There's flea/tick and heartworm preventative that you purchase. Vet check ups and diagnostics. The unexpected illness or injury. With a Pom like these dogs grooming can be an expense. It's unfortunate but if you don't have a hundred dollars that you aren't going to miss to hand the shelter over for the dog then chances are you probably can't afford one.
The Humane Society of the United States is assisting with the veterinary bills.
I would like to pass on a warning and some information that's not related to this post but does concern pets. I saw on my Live Stock Guardian Dog Yahoo group about fox warnings and in light of the recent dog attack by a suspected rabid fox in Ocean Pines this is important to know.
Foxes are extra bold this time of year because they have hungry kits to feed. Keep small dogs, cats and of course chickens and other small animals confined if possible this time of year. Attacks are most likely to occur at night of course but also an hour before sundown and an hour after sunrise but keep in mind they can occur at any time.
If your pet is attack assume the fox (or any other wild animal) is rabid. Since rabies is always fatal this is very important. DO NOT touch an attacked pet without gloving up. If the pet is okay confine them without touching for at least 2 hours. Call the health department immediately and report the attack no matter how minor it seems.
Most importantly make sure all your pets including cats are current on rabies vaccination.
What I want to know is why it took so long for anyone to acknowledge this happened? The raid happened on Wed Apr 6th and it wasn't until Mon Apr 11 anyone of authority informed the public via press release. It seems some may have wanted this covered up probably due to the ineptitude of that county department that has zero business calling themselves animal control. If there was ever a more useless bunch of losers employed by the county government it is that group. It wasn't as if they were not warned about the Murphy's.
I'm pretty sure Wicomico humane society, Somerset county animal control or Woercester county animal control are the three places these little doggies can be adopted. I commend them , the vets and all who given their time to get these babies adoptable .
They won't acknowledge the Humane Society of the US because there isn't one decent person who sits on that Board. They are as responsible for those dogs suffering as much as animal control.
Not Worcester, Momma. They didn't get any. So far there's been no word that any others are available except for those at First State.
This blog as well as many commenters to it, have a long history of pointing out the incompetency of animal control and the humane society. When reviewing these past posts several names are mentioned multiple times:Fitzgerald, Gordy, Molnar, Littleton. This ragtag list of losers are not friends to animals. They are an animals worst nightmare. A quick Google search shows this to be one of the largest puppy mill raids in the country, not county but country. It's nauseating that the 4 mentioned above and possibly others allowed these people to operate under the radar for so long after getting a warning by a neighboring county agency. Because of their complacency they now find themselves begging the kind hearted community to pay for what they caused and the community stepped up. Shame on them. Shame on them. They all belong in a cage shoved in a dark cold outbuilding! Show them as much mercy as they showed to these dogs.
Home inspections are necessary in today's day and age. They also do background checks for previous animal abuse charges. They want to ensure the dog will have a good life. So clearly your comment about it being about money is incorrect. They wouldn't take the time to do home inspections and background checks if they didn't care.
There are many people who don't have children who love their dogs like they are their children. They don't need to "get a grip", you do.
Rescues are non-profits. They do not make a profit off the adoption fees. Those costs pay for the expenses incurred in its rescue, such as veterinary care, shots, tests, treatments, spay or neuter, as well as feeding and caring for the animal until it is adopted.
If you cannot afford the adoption fee, what do you think you'll do if it gets hurt or sick? One trip to the Pets' ER may save its life, but I can assure you, it will probably cost much more than the adoption fee was.
Those who should be paying, are the greedy lowlifes who were keeping the dogs in this condition.
And I have been personally assured, that they will, in good time.
Let's put the primary blame where it belongs: on the greedy, ignorant oldsters that were running a puppy mill.
6:52 & 6:54, I agree but also think the county AC and the HS bears a good bit of responsibility. They were forewarned by the Dorchester officials and those people and their address should have been red flagged. This very much could have been prevented if some people did the jobs they are paid to do.
Blame for " lack of rescue" belongs solely to the H.S. for not
"pushing" to get the animals help when they had been forewarned
of the conditions and Animal Control for not taking the Rescue
to task.
This fact is tryig to be squelched from the public & emphasis
put towards the wonderful job of just now Rescing the dogs.
I hope the public will not let the matter die-----those
who should have been responsible should have to pay , but
most likely you won't see anything done. I do hope this opens
everyone's eyes in the future when they have a complaint!
Do let the News Media & this Blogg Site know if you report abuse and
make sure you have a reoord of your complaint !!!!!!
The NFL is a non-profit too. 501c3 nonprofits are exempt from paying federal income tax only, The term non-profit does not mean they do not make a profit, simply that they don't pay federal tax.
It doesn't sound like the older couple that had these animals were actively engaged in a puppy mill or sales activity. Appears that they did not have enough money to pay their bills or care for themselves let alone the animals. Sad situation for all involved.
I have to agree with you 10:11. It wasn't as if they were not warned. So many dogs suffered for all these years because no one cared. They are all about adoption numbers and trying making them selves look good by helping all these unwanted dogs to now have "furever" homes. Now the stupid SOB's have 300 plus more to find homes for because they were neglectful. This could and should have been prevented. And NO they are not heros for getting these dogs out of their hell and now taking care of them. They were in that hell because of them.
Wicomico puppy's are not ready, they got some of the worst ones. I know the groomers and vets that are taking care of them and they needed more special care. However, within the next couple of weeks they will be preparing them for adoption.
Simply enough if you don't have the money, don't get the dogs. No one should feel bad for the couple responsible, no one in their right mind should withhold 300+ dogs in one little barn. It's ridiculous and inhumane.
If you can't afford the adoption fee, you sure can't afford the life of a dog. Food, vets, grooming, etc. Cost way more then a small $100 fee.
I'm generally disgusted. I clicked on this blog to get adoption information to pass along. 300 dogs is a lot of homeless pets. I wanted to help. Then I see all of this bickering and negativity in the many comments. ALL of you have missed the point. Why must people make every single thing an argument or opportunity to condemn another. If you have nothing nice to say..don't say anything. Of you disagree with adoption fees, don't adopt, if you don't like how departments are run, be more active with your local government and make your voice heard there. If you have a problem DO SOMETHING about it instead of attacking each other verbally and if anybody has useful information to pass along about how to adopt one of these dogs please post it so it can be shared without everyone having to endure so much anger and disrespect.
In regards to the couple not having enough money for themselves, let alone the puppies. FYI, they knew exactly what they were doing and did not care about the welfare of the dogs at all. If you do a case search in Maryland, you will see that between them, they have at least 10 or more cases against them for various reasons. Some of the judgements were in the hundreds of thousands so they needed money.
As far as the case of animal cruelty in Dorchester County in 2009, they were not charged. They probably got off as part of a plea deal meaning if they do ABC, they won't be charged. Ironically, one of their relatives was an attorney. Coincidence, I doubt it.
Wicomico County is another issue. They were forewarned by Dorchester County and did nothing about it. Neighbors have stated they complained for years about the dogs and again, nothing was done. Was animal control paid under the table to look th either way? How about the Humane Society? WRDE. Spoke with a woman, who said she tipped them off in October and it took unti April to do something? Seems you have biggest problems than dogs.
I urge everyone to write, call, complain and stay updated on this case. It is important to hold those of those responsible accountable and make changes so that this doesn't happen again.
As part of a cat rescue group, I can assure you that rescues do NOT make money rehoming animals. As stated by another, any fees collected go towards care of the animals, maybe not that animal but for the NEXT one that is rescued. See how that works? And as with everything, rescues do have operating expenses (paper for flyers, announcements, applications for adoptions, etc), things they need for events to raise funds & get animals adopted (tables, chairs, displays, etc)... See how that works? Not to mention that the volunteers in these groups spend a lot of their OWN money simply for the love of & want to help these animals. See how that works?
Tara, the problem is there should NOT be 300+ plus dogs now needing homes IF those who aren't being talked "nice" about weren't such screw ups!
You very much should be disgusted and certainly not at this blog! Be disgusted at AC/HS who couldn't be bothered doing checks on this "kennel" even after they had been warned and even after complaints started coming in on it. Those complaints date as far back as 2011-12. Imagine how much less so many dogs would have suffered had they been on the ball. Bottom Line-This should never have happened. Not only were they forewarned but people had been making complaints now for approx. 6 years.
No one has an y accountability it seems. There
have been ongoing problems with the H.S. here for
years & just think----Thousands of our taxpayers
dollars are being handed out by our County Gov.
to help manage this placed.
It's of upmost importance that the people of the
County KNOW the ONGOING PROBLEMS getting anything
done about stopping this abuse!!! As one reader said,
if this had been stopped yrs ago----all these animals
would not have suffered----AND TO THINK THIS COULD & SHOULD HAVE
BEEN PREVENTED----is disgusting !!!!!!!! Somebody's head should
Roll for certain.
Tara, this Blogg has allowed the TRUTH to come out to the
Public-----that is of major importance for future complaints,
how they will be handled----telling people go to the News Media if
A/C or the H. S . doesn't report concerns.
You can go to the W.Cty H.S. website or on Face Book to find out
when adoptions are available or else call them.
Kent Cty has animals up for adoption now.
This blog and a lot of it's followers have been instrumental in trying to uncover and inform the public of the ineptitude of both the Humane Society and Animal Control for years. Those who very much could have prevented this and those above their heads ignored people "oh because Albero's blog is a bunch of people making stuff up and telling lies about others" is the excuse they use.
TOLD YOU SO!!!!! They are just as much animal abusers as the Murphy's.
It is disgusting how preventable this is and those dogs still aren't safe. People are adopting out of emotion.
Tara, It is a shame it has gotten this far but put the blame where the blame belongs. People have been complaining for many years about the incompetence of the animal control departments and it has fallen on deaf ears.
I hope our Wicomico County Ex. is listening!!!
There is a definite need for ACCOUNTABILITY at A.C. & the H.S.!
Taxpayers money is supporting them. Time to let some
heads roll !!!
Bob Culver, HELP----Things need chaging out there!!
The Public hasn't been able to get help for the animals
when A C & HS both have been given complaints. They none seem
to FOLLOW THROUGH with these past 2 Directors.!!!
A system needs to be set up so that
these people are held accountable ----receipts given for
complaints filed ---time limits for completion----and someone
who WILL LISTEN & FOLLOW THROUGH when things have not been
comducted in the proper manner or time frame!!!
I pray for this New Director----He has stepped into a Real Mess!
Hopefully , in time he will be able to turn the situation
around out there!!!
I agree 5:15. Lugo's long gone but Fitzgerald is still in the mix. He held the position as director of the shelter and now director of animal control. He as well as his staff have shown they aren't capable. When you are in an investigatory position you have to be able to put 2 and 2 together and they were unable to. They have some intellectual retardation going on and that is the reason why the Murphy's were able to fly under the radar for 6 years.
The house needs a spring cleaning and staffed with people who have the ability to connect the dots.
It is a good thing that the Murphys ducked and paid off people to avoid EVER going to court.
And Aaron Balsam (whatever his name was) stole money only giving them more ability to never pay for the serious abuse and PTSD the owners of these dogs have now been managing for three years. They were very sick and very fearful - the Murphys should have both spent years in court. She is still in the home and may even have 100 dogs being abused again. Who checks, right?
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