DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 10, 2016
City Of Salisbury Representatives Have Not Delivered Evidence To Wicomico County
As we had reported last week, NO DOCUMENTS of evidence proving the City had received MULTIPLE letters of complaints on chicken houses, as the City publicly represented they had.
Salisbury News has contacted multiple County representatives this week, all of which have stated they have not received any evidence.
Do people really get into politics these days to LIE? Also, is this acceptable to ALL OF YOU?
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One look at the over achieving, narcissistic Day tells me he's in it for his own ambitions and like Liarton before him sees the 'Bury as a means to a political dream!
Look at that "I love me" Selfie Jake Day posted. That alone should be enough to not vote for that clown. How embarrassing is that.
Barry Tilghman, Jim Ireton, Jake Day...... All made from the same cloth.
I see that Claude Holland goof has become active on Facebook against the Chicken Houses. Didn't he get fired from the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office for having serious mental problems? Did anyone eventually hire that mental case?
Hey Joe your girl Debbie Campbell is getting active in this fight against the chicken houses. She should have left well enough alone when she got spanked in the election.
That Gabby Cammarata little girl came knocking on my door with her scare tactics and left a flyer. I looked it up and there were nothing but lies in that flyer. If Jake Day and Jack Heath fall for that crap he doesn't deserve to be an elected official! They better look and see who her boyfriend works for.
Some of his ideas are stupid like spending $120,000 for a study regarding beautifying Route 13 with trees and placing for people to sit, evidently for the hookers who hang out there.
Ok Ladies and Gentlemen it's time to play connect the Dots.
Jack Heath claims he has received all these letters so let's think about this. One connection he has is Gabby Cammarata(who goes by Gabby Marie) is the mouth piece for the Facebook Page Concerned Citizens Against Industrial CAFOs. This Mouth Piece is from Pennsylvania and she only went to Salisbury University to get a degree in Environmental Studies. Imagine that! So she gets connected with Kathy Phillips, the Butch from Assateague Coastkeepers and they start knocking on doors with scare tactics. Gabby Cammarata, a Come Here, doesn't care about the chickens, she just doesn't want the chicken houses built near her so she takes those scare tactics and runs with it.
No more Dots to connect. Gabby Cammarata and her fiance Landon Ross live together near one of those planned chicken houses. So what does that matter you ask?
Well Gabby's fiance Landon Ross is working behind the scenes with Gabby Cammarata to help put Perdue out of business. Yes Perdue Farms, the same business that Jake Day and his Daddy are employed. So if Perdue Farms fail then Mayor Jake Day and Daddy lose their livelihood.
So who is Landon Ross who has been working behind the scenes? Landon Ross works for Mayor Jake Day as a paid fireman and the Salisbury Fire Department. Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you.
Landon Ross has been quiet because he has been secretly helping his fiance Gabby Marie put Mayor Jake Day and Daddy out of a job.
Aren't we getting sick and tired of the problem children at the Salisbury Fire Department yet!
Mayor Jake Day if you were smart you would take care of that problem at the Salisbury Fire Department!
I say that Jake Day should reach down and find some balls and take care of that situation. After all neither Gabby Marie or Landon Ross live in the City Limits to vote for him or even have a say.
Hey Jack Heath as the city council president you should be more concerned about why we are paying the paid firemen to sleep every single night while they work their gravy 24 hours on and 72 hours off shift. Not bad working 9 days a month and getting paid to sleep while on those shifts. We pay those people to much. I have an idea after midnight they don't get paid unless they get a call.
You need to do your job and recruit more volunteer firemen to cover the night shifts so these paid firemen can sleep in their own beds not ours.
You need to stop the paid firemen from self dispatching on ambulance calls in order to run their call volume up.
You need to stop letting the paid firemen decide what kind of calls they will respond to. We don't need paid firemen responding on calls that are not fires. We do not need paid assistant chiefs responding to Princess Anne, Fruitland, Delmar, Parsonsburg, Hebron, Allan, etc. in a city chiefs car. They have their own command staff. If Salisbury's paid assistant Chiefs are so important then how can Salisbury use their "Importance" in Princess Anne or Fruitland.
Jack Heath you and Jake Day need to worry about the way you and your council and department heads are spending our tax dollars and keep your noses out of the county's business.
What's funny is one of the trouble makers that keeps getting interviewed is Monica Brooks. She is nothing but a trouble maker and should be banned from the Council Chambers. She has many run ins with the law and this one is most disturbing. She has been involved in Domestic Violence cases.
Case Information
Defendant Name:BROOKS, MONICA
Hearing Date: 04/10/2014Hearing Time:3:28 PMRoom:X3
Hearing Location: 201 BAPTIST ST,SALISBURY,MD 21801
Served Date: 04/12/2014
Hearing Location: 201 BAPTIST ST,SALISBURY,MD 21801
Monica Brooks keeps getting interviews on TV and she keeps attending the CAFO meeting because she doesn't want a chicken house near her. Check this out.
"Now we're in a position where our property values could go down another 15 percent just being in close proximity to a CAFO," said Brooks, who moved to Salisbury from Los Angeles for a quiet country lifestyle.
This Bimbo moved here from Los Angeles for a quiet country lifestyle. Well guess what Ms. Brooks this is the quiet country lifestyle that we have here. If you don't like it then carry your ass back to Los Angeles because we didn't want your ghetto self here and we didn't invite you!
Lies are trash in and trash out, never changes.
God bless each and every one of the commenters here. You are doing everyone a big favor with your input!
Albero, please just go into a secluded forest and die. You are such a friggin cry baby. Do you not get sick of yourself?
The fact is....you can not produce what does not exist!!
Steve said...
God bless each and every one of the commenters here. You are doing everyone a big favor with your input!
April 3, 2016 at 5:25 PM
I agree with Steve!!
Joe you should have waited till Monday to post the creepy Jake Day is the new Captain article. No one even noticed this Jack Heath post on the chicken Houses.
Maybe you should repost the Jack and Jake post to keep as the top post all day Monday.
Joe I was looking at the Daily Litterbox Liner's Facebook page and there is an article in it titled "Should Wicomico dispensaries close?"
Guess who is sticking their nose in Wicomico County's business again. "I'm the new Captain Bitches" Jake Day is the first one to post a "Like" on that article.
I recognize Fake Day, but who is that other goofy looking guy?
My stars you actually think Day is going to do the job as mayor of Salisbury? He's too busy posting on Facebook, creating powerpoints and rebranding the downtown area to be be fooling with such mundane things as chicken house complaints should they exist. Our celebrity mayor is just too busy for the common folks' issues. Haven't we learned at least that since last November?
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