A white student at a predominantly Hispanic and black Long Island high school says he was targeted for punishment over his race — punched, hit with a chair and repeatedly called “cracker” and “white boy” — while administrators did nothing to protect him.
Lawyers for Giovanni Micheli, now 23, aim to convince a federal jury that their client was singled out as a “minority” in Brentwood High School and then told by school officials, most of them white, to either “project more self-confidence” in order to stem the beating and berating — or leave.
Micheli sued the Brentwood School District in 2010, and the trial opened Monday in Brooklyn federal court.
“Giovanni was a minority because he was Caucasian,” attorney Wayne Schaefer said in his opening statement. “This case is about discrimination against a minority student . . . Our claim is that there was deliberate indifference because he was a Caucasian student complaining in a district where Caucasians are a minority.”
Black Lives Matter frequently assails critics for pointing out that "all lives matter," yet that statement is nothing more than a restatement of the radical principle that's made America one of the most tolerant, prosperous nations in the history of the world. The notion that, regardless of skin color, we all have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is written into our Declaration of Independence, and has provided the justification for every civil rights victory African Americans have ever had in this country. By asserting that only "black lives" matter, the radical identitarians on the left set the stage for the sort of bigoted race based attacks they claim to abhor.

Source: AAN
Bring on the race war already.
BLM are uneducated thugs
1:51 That comment is racist, not related to the article, and not a workable solution.
151 why do you say those things? You have never been in combat! You have never carried a loaded gun for a living and had to use it! So shut the up with race baiting bs.
It's like that in every public school. Black kids are taught at home to hate.
This man is just trying to get a settlement. Loser looking for a payday
Thugs lives don't matter.
It's coming 1:51. The establishment needs it and will make it happen before November. Keep your powder dry.
BLM are racists,Fool.
Says who U ? The race baiters r in the Whitehouse X 7 yrs.
6% of the AA are in prison why do you think Obama is releasing them.? ?
349 keep it dry for me to take from you. Race baiter.
There will be no such thing as a "race war" in America. If something like that occurs, it won't be a "war", it will be an extermination.
They DO know they are outnumbered by MILLIONS, and outgunned by MILLIONS, right?
White people unite.
One more time. BLM is not about saving the lives of black Americans. If it was they would never leave Chicago. BLM is about Marxist revolution. Period.
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