DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, April 17, 2016
A Viewer Writes: Baseball Update
Joe, there was an outpouring back in 2012 about the Bennett high school baseball situation and how so many of our kids were flat out embarrassed while participants on the team. There was an uproar on how Two gentlemen pretty much ran the program from the sidelines and thought this was okay to leave kids out. Well as it turns out now in 2016 baseball season the scenario has done a complete 180' to one of the gentlemen calling the shots and his son. He was a big fish in a little pond here in bayside conference and now a little fish trying to compete in SEC baseball conference. He has struggled to say the least and so far this season has been a bust when given opportunities to play. He's basically gone first to last. To any of us that we're forced to endure this type of treatment from this guy while our family members suffered humiliation during their developmental years and now he's being forced to endure the pain he dealt out give us your thoughts!!!
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Sounds like your a hater. Anyone who plays in the SEC must have some talent.
Bennett sports ain't what it used to be, They built a brand new football field and varsity isn't allowed to play on it because the county is afraid it might compete with the old stadium...Dumb.
Ol" Rev. Bill Cropper getting that Karma card returned I see. This could not have happened to anyone better. Well deserved.
Tee ball, little league, travel ball , HS at the end of the day just love the game. If by chance you are that 1 in 100,000. No one can hold you back. JUST HAVE FUN!
Try having your children study more and worry about playing games less. They might have a future that way.
confusing to read, in fact I don't know what I read - except baseball at Bennett
757 what are you talking about? The new field is not done being constructed you moron.
9:38 PM, I agree. When I got done reading this post, I sat here and said huh? what did I just read except something about Bennett baseball. Very confusing.
I'm with 938, whaaaaaa? who? 2 men? I got the baseball at Bennett, but nothing else.
I have two sons who played baseball across the bridge .they both played for state finalist programs one at Hammond the other at Atholton.Both boys were gifted with the skills for the next level .The oldest stopped ball after high school .The younger went on to play college at a D1 school .He was recruited because he excelled in the summers on his American Legion teams .Not because of his public school days .Our daughter played four years of varsity softball.She was not the most talented, she worked hard as did our sons .I say this knowing how as parents we want the best for kids .our kids were taught by my wife and I to have Fun Fun . So I say to you folks Atop the Hating and let your kid live on Without regrets, and appreciate that he was one of the 15 best players at Bennett .Who is Carrying the past hurts ?? I'm Guessing you
Man Up lol
Baseball is a stupid boring game where two people play catch while the other seven watch.
Why even post this? This should go on the top pointless posts of the day!
8:00 PM , sounds like sour grapes to me. Did your little "partner" sit on the bench all those years? Maybe you better attend Rev. Cropper's church and learn scripture about judging yourself before judging others. You never know what battles others are fighting so get a life.
Is this what Salisbury News is all about? Someone that is jealous writing a letter about someone's son making it to the SEC and then not doing well. Get a life! Maybe your son just doesn't have the talent and your just trying to relieve the pain somehow!!!
I bet you think your son deserves a trophy because he showed up. I'm heavily involved in the youth baseball community around here and I truly despise all but one of the guys that run Bennett's baseball program, but you know what?? THEY WIN so what is the problem? You play to win the game, not to make your son happy by coddling him or giving him playing time that he didn't earn. Keep complaining and see where that gets your son later in life...
Am I right to say that someone called the shots from the sideline had a privilege child(rich)and wasn't good and now all know just how good they were,no good.Sounds like the american way at every turn,like hiring your stupid relative to run business he knows nothing about.
Agree, Jocko should have spent more time in his classes, less time in the locker room.
sour grapes, and the kid is doing fine at SCU, they have the best pitching staff in the country!!!
Geez, this sounds like the movie Mean Girls. I guess the guys are no more mature.
Scholarship at D1 school? Sounds like winning to me.
All of your congregation needs to learn how to read speed limit sings and respect them. Your kids coming and going to youth group think the roads they use to get in the parking lot are drag strips. Neighbors are a little over it.
NO SOUR GRAPES people I think it's pretty much the lack of respect for bill cropper and his arrogance and his mockery of religion but you'll see the true side of him with athletics. The irony of his drive to obtain recognition with Bennett baseball and his son and not allowing other kids to participate was the problem. He know has to endure HIS sons frustration and not being considered good enough to see more playing time
Best pitching staff in country that's a joke!!! Two top starters and one reliever that's it. Coaches quote can't find any effective mid relievers ( just ask UNC TARGEELS)
I still don't comprehend the point of this post but I will say this,sounds like jealousy.
This cropper guy is a real ASS!! He cares about nothing but himself and his inner circle. As far as the Carolina team their pretty good as long as their top 3 starters and reliever are playing after that they have no pitching!! the KID has pitched a total of 7 innings all year with over 5 ERA. To all that had to stomach cropper at Bennett all that was to get the kid a scholarship(3/4 scholarship not full ride)
I think it all boils down to someone using their position or influence for personal gain and benefit
Careful who you step on while on your way up their the same people you'll see on the way down!! Karma is a bitch!!!
I think such emphasis on athletics is ridiculous. It seems as though with today's culture having such role models that some of these athletes and the current music choices are a BAD choice. It seems that the top athletes are the ones coddled and treated like oremadonnas tgen when their used up by their teams just pushed to the side
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