DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Washington High School Students Threatened by Board of Education
Multiple students at Washington High have become extremely upset for numerous reasons recently. Their Principal Sidney Hankerson was abruptly terminated after three years and students want to know why.
A large group of students chose to hold a rally on Friday as a sort of protest in support of their now former Principal on the Football Field. Once the word got out the administration told the students today, if they make any attempt to express their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT there will be a price to pay.
The price, no graduation for ALL students. No prom and absolutely no more sports activities for the rest of the year.
One thing is for certain, parents are quite upset. They are upset that Mr. Hankerson was terminate for starters. However, they are also very upset that the students are being treated like they live in China and not America. "Why should ALL students be punished", was another question they have.
Yeah, leave it to a Liberal controlled Board of Education that leads with do as I say, not as I do. These people can go around picketing for higher wages and yes, even leave students behind with no one to educate them while they stand in picket lines and attack anyone who tries to cross the line.
If liberals were smart they'd let the kids get it out of their system. They could encourage an event after school hours on the Football Field, in a controlled environment. But NO, how dare the students show support for what many have stated as an incredible man who is tough but only because he wants them to succeed. GO FIGURE!
Actions like this administration are showing are more like someone who has something to hide. Embrace their freedom to assemble peacefully for once and see how it turns out. Maybe, just maybe the Administrators will finally LEARN something.
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They're students, let their parents handle the situation. They need to be in class, learning.
Yes, this is a good civil disobedience lesson... 15 minutes are over, go back to class and finish your education.
F them..hold the rally. If boe takes these events from the kids. Rally again and hold it all at the civic center without them. If the kids and parents feel that strongly they will wind a way to raise the money theirs elf. Thats what i would do if it were me
Rally is going to be taking place starting friday morning. If it cares til after school than so be it.
I don't think they can do this legally and get away with it.
I'm sure every lawyer in the area would love to handle this case!
This is just a threat from the BOE. More reason for an elected school board!
They are totally out of control!
Dr. Gattis is showing his true colors. I am sure Hankerson was dismissed so Gattis can put one of his social misfits in the position. If there was a problem, which I do not believe there was, then let it be known. Gattis is quick to post useless information on Facebook or quick to like and comment on his staffs drinking activities. And it has been brought to my attention that there is an 80 year old employee hired last year
to do what? He has to be a liability. Hell all he did in Worcester County was sleep or read his books. I am so glad to see that the board has all that extra money to spend on a made up position when parents have to supply the schools with supplies. Something is wrong within the system and it needs to be fixed. Hankerson is well supported and liked by staff and students. Let's see if this is brushed under the rug like everything else in Somerset County.
Rally on kids! Make your stand for what is right. I like to think they would prevent child from graduating. They want another lawsuit, I see it coming!
2:22 you hit the nail on the head. Amazing what they do keep from the public. I hear the office staff is quite upset by the dismissal of Hankerson. He has done an outstanding job. I like to think that at 80 years old I would have to work. There is no job you love that much. It is called living beyond your means!
The school doesn't answer to the students the students answer to the school administrators.
The students and their parents need to tell the administration and this Gattis nothing to go straight to hell and hold their rally. How dare them threaten the students like that. The students should go ahead and hold the rally and tell the useless admin to shove the prom and graduation where the sun doesn't shine. They need to stand their ground. It shouldn't even have come to this if Somerset had real leadership instead the backward dopes they think are leaders.
The students need to assemble an hour before school or after just off of school property. Or another idea would be to wear shirts or hats to school with protest writing on them. Unfortunately you have to play their games.
I can see a lot of things coming out with all of this. It is a known fact that they hired their buddies. l think if you look at all the hires in the last year or so you will see a pattern. This needs to be looked into.
Mr. Brady a white Gym teacher has been being recruited for a long time for this position by Jim Henderson. Mr. Henderson worked in Somerset County Board of Education for many years in the good ole boy administration before going to the Western Shore for more money. Where Superintendent Gaddis worked under him. Henderson retired and then was recruited to come back to work for Gaddis. Henderson has made many a monthly trip to Deal Island School to have private talks with Brady trying to recruit him into a vice principal position. Brady is just what they are looking for...... A bully. The perfect fit to the Somerset County Ole Boy Society. Good bye Mr. Hankerson... Sorry you you got treated this way. You were great for the school and the kids.
Why would juveniles need to know reasons on firing adult. Look kids if you have to raise your hand to go potting then you don't have constitutional rights. If you live at home you don't have constitutional rights.
If the BOE were liberals the rally would be allowed.
Why in the heck did they hire Jim Henderson? He left this county years ago to go with the money. He has not worried about this county or its students since the 80's. It was good riddance then and now they hire him and he is how old?? 80! Wow! of course look at the family. Bunch of misfits. I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree. Worcester County knew it was time for him to go! FACT!
What? Henderson needs to go. This is not right. I did not see his name in the new hires from the Board minutes. I guess this is just another minor over sight. What is his salary? How many retirements is he collecting on?
These are children! Is there more to this story? From lots of the comments it sounds like the school was in chaos with children running it. Perhaps there are reasons that haven't come out yet. I was told the principal quit. The idea that adults would tell kids to hell with authority and do what they want should scare us all. My child will be in the classroom working where he belongs to be or else!!
I hope Hankerson sues. And bring it all out. Trying to recruit when there was no position at the time. Of course Henderson will lie.
Smh, Somerset County
If they wanted it be all your busy body parents business then they would tell you! You wonder why these kids are acting like they are, look at the parents posting stuff on Facebook! If it's a personnel issue, maybe they can't say for many reasons one to protect Mr. Hankerson or a student! Problem is here the parents going on our the ones who always want to control everything from sports,etc. the JAGS Moms! You all need to get a life and worry about you and your families. TRUST ME YOU ALL HAVE SKELETONS IN YOUR CLOSETS!!! HOW ABOUT THEY GET POSTED ON HERE!!! How about the teacher assistant who chunked the chair at the wall when a special needs student scratched him and did it in the classroom with special needs students! Yes that happened in Somerset County! And they got let in go in December. I bet his mom would not like for that to be all on facebook! Or the parent who does work for people and charge them more and has signs posted on the road saying that he owes people money!
3:28 Maybe years ago, but that's not how it works today.
It's always been like that in Somerset County
When your children get into trouble for acting like animals protesting, don't point the finger at the school system, point it right back at you mom and dad! They need to get their butts in class and learn something so they wont grow up to be like their parents. All in someones else's business! Oh I forgot that is Princess Anne/Somerset Co for you!!!
Everyone has rights you retard.
You are common, you make know since, look at the bill of rights, yeah you sure are educated.
You must 90 years old...
Children do not have rights? Really? Get your head out of the sand because that is obviously where you have been living!
Why don't we all wait and see what comes out. This is a knee jerk society. I do not know the man but when students support the Principal it is a good thing. So I am going to wait and see what Slummerset County is up to now. I feel like I am in the 60's when in that county doing business. The Good Ole Boy system is alive and well there. Joe see if you can get some facts on this one.
Only in Somerset County would a citizen not know how to spell their School Superintendent's name. I assume you must be referring Dr John Gaddis.
Another idiot unaware of who the Superintendent is in Somerset.
First of all these children are young adults who loved and respected Mr Hankerson, he did not quit he was fired by John Gaddis, not the board, Gaddis made this call on his own, I do believe that he has a person from Worcester county he wants to bring to the school next year also. Mr Hankerson was doing and damn good job, he was respected by all students and staff. I as a parent would like an explanation as to why he was fired in the middle of the school year also. These students have a right to know what happened and if they protest peacefully then so be it, we do after all live in the good ole USA! As for Matt Brady hes a gym teacher put in as an assistant principle at a school that he used to coach soccer at and quit. It is a sad, sad day in Somerset County when one man thinks he can play God to give his friends jobs!
Dr John Gaddis' father, Dr Robert Gaddis, worked with Mr James Henderson back in the 80s.
All the higher ups want to do is have they're picture taken so it can be posted on the SCPS web site. Start posting pictures of students!! Nobody wants to see you Gaddis Bartmey or Tom davis
Plain and simple, there are ways to make your feelings known. Take it all to the Board of Education next Tuesday evening at 6 pm in Westover and sign up to speak during public participation. Let them know exactly how you feel about Hankerson's departure. This goes for students and parents.
we want hank back hankerson we going fight tell you come back
Dam auto correct. But I think that may have been a pun. That shows you how much of an impression
he makes on people. Takes one of his cronies to point that out.
Somerset should have known better than to hire Gaddis in the first place. His own county, in which he had a legacy and had been groomed for the superintendent job since the beginning of his teaching career, ended up not hiring him for the open superintendent job. They couldn't because of his unethical behaviors. Somerset shouldn't have even touched him! Now they are paying the price as he throws his power around.
Everyone forgets that Hankerson got that job the same way he was fired. Everyone was upset about that too. I am not a fan of Hankersons, but the secrecy around this has as much stank on it as the last time WHS changed principals. The students should be able to have their "peaceful protest " as long as it doesn't disrupt the students who do not particpate. Give them an unexcused absence and have them make up their work. It would be the closest thing to learning about Constitutional rights they will ever get in that school .
And we wonder why Somerset County teachers and other staff are taking their children out of our schools and putting them in private schools. And it is NOT for religious reasons.
The administrators answer to the parents, so go ahead and cross the line!
5:50 nice spelling. If your ability is what Hankerson's school taught you then he needed firing.
To those of you sending in nasty messages personally attacking others ANONYMOUSLY, bite me. I'm not going to publish your crap without you using your name.
Thank you 5:52. Finally a person who actually knows what they are talking about. All true facts. Somerset will pay for this power trip.
Why doesn't Dr. Gaddis live in Somerset County? Maybe we could save some tax payer money on his new $50,000 car and all that gas going back and forth from Worcester County!
Board of education has elections don't they!!???
Good question. Why doesn't he live in the county, oh wait he has his boat at Somers Cove so I guess that is his residence. He is good at manipulating the system. Amazing!
Release the reason on why he was fired and let the kids decide if he can return.
Amen. There is one out of the three who thinks she is the poster child for Somerset County. Put the faces of the kids not the administration.
Since when is it the students right to choose who works in a school
What you all don't seem to understand is prom, graduation, and sports are a PRIVILEGE!!!!! not a right. Your going to act like a bunch of animals to support the man that let the kids take control of the school. As for Mr. Brady he's not only a gym teacher at deal island he's in administration also. He's a very kind hearted man and yes he's tough. But from what I've heard Washington needs someone with a back bone who is going to wipe the school into shape. If the kids and PARENTS put this much time and effort into education Somerset wouldn't have low test scores. Guess what?.... Mr. Brady comes from a blue ribbon school and he has his Masters!!!!! So before you talk about Brady being just a gym teacher, educate yourself. There's a reason a principle is gone in the middle of the year and it isn't because they're picking favorites.
658 it's not but seems to be.
Gaddis has brainwashed you good. Apparently administration is not doing a very good job if the scores are that bad. It's because they are too busy promoting their extra curricula activities than focusing on the students. I have never seen so much moving around of staff in one county. If it happens it is not paraded all over facebook. Really are their lives that fricking important. And when they go out of town to "seminars" do we really need to know what and where they are eating. My tax dollars are paying for their lavish meals. That really burns the crap out of me. I do not see any other county promoting such ridiculous foolishness. Somerset County should have a policy implemented on social media etiquette. Maybe that will be a new position. They seriously need one.
You notice auto correct changes gaddis to gattis right
Auto? You mean "ought to"? and you didn't notice that?
Please, continue to text while driving...
8:01 I think it was a pun towards Gaddis. Duh 😊
Ok one....saying a white gym teacher is absolutely pointless this isn't a race thing so don't make it one. Two.....Mr. Brady is not a bully at all he too is a stand up guy whom is just as strict and fair as Hankerson was and is. I would know I was a student athlete at whs under Hankerson and brady for 5 years. Three....with that being said, mr.Hankerson is a stand up guy and great for that school and the students. He too stands for what's right and has improved that school since being the Dean of students.
7:14 pm - You are exactly right, prom, graduation and sports are a privilege; however, there are many students at WHS that earn this privilege. They are entitled to their opinion regarding the removal of their principal, so quit bullying and intimidating the students in attempt to keep them quiet about the issue at hand. Mr. Hankerson did have control of WHS and he could do so and still maintain a good rapport with the students and parents.
FYI: Deal Island School's Blue Ribbon Status was long before Mr. Brady's tenure at Deal Island Elementary School.
Dr. Gaddis didn't purchase a resident in Somerset County because the area where he wanted to live was slated for wind turbines.
Ok to say that the students don't have a right to free speech must mean someone's just as liberal as the boe. To bring race into by including that Matt Brady is a WHITE gym teacher is just pointless and childish. Lets let the truth come out a little. Hankerson did receive his administration job as dean of students just like he lost it. They had a great lady by the name of miss Dean. She was doing great things to improve the schools environment that O'Neal was pretty much letting slide because the violence and igorance was out of control. With that being said Hankerson was also a great dean of students (strict but that was neccesary) but a true stand up guy. All the 5 years I was at that school Hankerson helped clean up the mess that Collins and the board let slide. These are facts. As far as the "Jag Mom's" ordeal goes. This has and always will be a subject in a school that has 700 or less kids. In a town that has hardly anyone in it. These parents have to fork out a ton of money to the poor ass school and board. These are facts as well do some research. I personally ally know Brady has what it takes to help that school because he doesn't take crap from anyone. That school needs some discipline. The uniforms did nothing but allow the kids to start pointing out even more cruel flaws of other children and it took away the factor of individual personality. The test scores in that school were not bad at all from '06-'10. Middleton, Tina Taylor, Ward, Parker, Carson and a few others were amazing teachers and staff members that got the job done through a combination of great teaching and GREAT discipline. Something that school is continuing to lack. Kids are allowed to have their phones out without any serious repercussions. They can use profanity without serious repercussions. They act like they don't have rules these days. None of that crap would fly when I attended the school. With that being said noone can blame Hankerson for that because he was doing his job fine for my 5 years. (8-12) the board hires scared and under qualified fresh teachers that can't discipline the side of a wall nevertheless a teenager. Get Tina Taylor some help in that school. Get Hankerson some help in that school and stop making excuses. Parents also need to start the heavier discipline at home. The Somerset County BOE needs to be vote based. This is and has been well known. So let the children handle their protest as long as they can do so in a civilized manner. Maybe it'll teach them and the board a little bit about real life.
This happened when I was a senior in high school back in 1979. We stood up (and our parents stood up also) for what we believed in. Because you are never too young to stand up for what is right...
As a former educator, students should be allowed to have a voice and ask why. We want them to have a voice, but in a controlled environment, they should be given answers too.
Well from what I've been hearing they have given Mr. Hankerson several warnings about cracking down on the students dress code and their behavior. Since he was unable to do his job they got rid of him. Now Mrs. Richardson is from the old school students are mad because they have walked around Washington High doing what they've wanted for a long time now and they know Mrs. Richardson isn't the one to play with so now they want Hanker son back. It's time for Washington High to get in order because it's been in disarray for way to long now. So I support Dr. Gaddis and the BOE decision on what they did
Amen. I agree with you 110%. People do not understand that Hankerson didn't have any type of control over that school what so ever he allowed those kids to do whatever they wanted to do. Fights this year have been at a record high this year. And it's time for kids to get an education.
meanwhile your worried about the students that deserve prom, graduation, and sports. but what about the students that deserve an uninterrupted day of school because of disrespectful students. if Hankerson had a handle on the students they would act like civilized young people and attend the board meeting where they could voice their opinion to the people making the decision. but no you'd rather have them disrupt school and act like they have no home training. what about respect for a new staff member? makes me sick seeing this stuff about Brady and trying to cut him down when DIS families are heartbroken to see him leave. Get real and teach students respect and the proper way to do things, that may actually generate an outcome.
They won't stop them from graduating they just wouldn't hold the ceremony. Diplomas would be mailed out
Somerset County Board of Ed is out of control.Everyone complained about Dr.Miles but she is gone so who will they blame their problems on now?
Well they held a meeting and Hankerson was going to get demoted he didn't want that so he had a major outburst so Gaddis let him go. I mean if he was doing his job correctly it wouldn't have been a problem, but you have a person that let kids do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. Would you rather your child have and education or walk around the halls not caring what they did? I stand for education. It's not that hard to go to school and listen and be respectful. Now I just wanna know why it seems as if hankerson is being praised like he is some type of god, but Mr. Johnson was thrown in the dirt for controlling the school and not letting the students tell him what to do. I can wait to see the change at this school
you can do this legally as long as it's peaceful, first ammendment.
first of all, children do have just as many rights as adults. second, if we can't get hankerson back we would like to know why he had to leave, but no one knows. as students they still deserve an answer especially since many kids look up to hankerson as a father figure and hankerson has been there for the students through multiple deaths of students and staff.
There is definitely a pattern in their hiring practices. Are they hiring the most qualified candidates? Are their hiring practices unethical? Do they post all positions that are available within the system? We all know the answers to these questions! By the way, you must have wagging tongues within your circle because there is a lot of personnel matters being aired and some of them are far from the truth! Also, it is violation of your staff's code of conduct! Please get your act together and quit embarrassing yourself and the county.
ECI is right down the road, future residents. Anyone want to take that bet?
Guess what chillins.......... shut your traps and listen, you might make out better.
I don't think local lawyers will get involved. There is a big buddy buddy system in Somerset County. I saw how the system worked when my son was attacked and called racial names. He was treated as if he started it and suspended. The sheriff department and the boe,just brushed us off.So glad my son finished school elsewhere.
There is only one administrative position at Deal Island Elementary School. Mr. Ted Gibson is the principal. Quit trying to build Matt Brady's resume. Also, Matt Brady was not part of Deal Island School's recognition. Matter of fact, there is only one staff member remaining, who was teaching at that time, Mrs. Polk.
How can an impoverished county afford so many luxuries since Dr. Gaddis has been at the helm. Newly created positions, a new Tahoe, flying staff all over the country and travels to surrounding areas and they can't meet the needs of the students!? Isn't it all about the students? Wait, we are talking about Somerset County. The county where the good ole boy system is alive and well. Wait up taxpayers and residents of Somerset, search for a leader that will be fair, firm and impartial. Talking about skeletons in closets, don't get me started when a lot of you have bones coming from under the door because your closet is so full!
Hankerson is a good man. The BOE hired Gattus- and it should be him that answers to all this under his watch. He should be responsible for his organization...but I hear horrible stories in that bored of education office..things that just ain't right...
8:08 am You are exactly on point with your statement.
What alot of you do not understand is Maryland is an AT WILL STATE! You can be terminated at anytime for any reason! The reason does not have to be made public! If the students want to demonstrate in support of someone, they should be allowed to do it, but if they decide to disrupt the school day, therefore infringing on other students right to an education, they need to be prepared to face the consequences!
This article does not produce the facts! Hankerson was NOT terminated but placed on paid administrative leave! For three years the kids have gotten away with more than what should have been allowed so... Now the kids are upset that they are having to respect the teachers and conform to the rules Hankerson didn't enforce. There is a time and place to protest but NOT during school hours - weekend or evening - but I honestly don't think it will be a peaceful protest - nothing at Washington High has been peaceful for a long time.
To be effective as a Superintendent,Principal or Vice Principal, an individual must be honest, respected and be a man/woman of their word. My son was falsely accused of saying something on the soccer field. Mr. Brady made him run many extra laps in the heat of the day after practice. When I picked him up from practice he had to be taken to Prmc for heat exhaustion with IV fluids, 6 hours later we were released and of course billed. Another student came forward and admitted to making the comment. At a meeting with Brady and the Principal he gave a forced apology and stated he would apologize to my son. He never did and I don't believe ever intended too. I really don't think we need him as Vice Principal. The students should be allowed a peaceful demonstration without being threatened by the school to be silent as a whole or everyone loses privileges. The parents deserve answers. The kids deserve answers
Wrong answer. He was terminated and now the tables have changed. They are running scared because they have made a big mistake! Mr. Hankerson is waiting for a letter to explain the reasons behind the change himself. This has turned into a three ring circus. I am so glad it has because this administration certainly have brought their inconsistencies and unethical practices to light!
The uniform policy is a joke in this county. The policy was put into effect to decrease bullying and to place more focus on learning instead of the latest styles and fashions. Do our surrounding counties have uniform policies? Has the policy met the goal for which is was implemented? Have bullying statistics decreased? The answers are no. Please do away with the uniform policy and worry about the serious issues at hand! Hire teachers that have the ability to teach AP classes, which prepare students for college, and also provides the possibility of earning college credits. Lower class sizes and separate the high achievers from those who could care less about learning. Ooops! That is offensive and we shouldn't do that...right! This is life people. There were always be those that are successful and those that are not! Life is what you make it. Grab the bull by the horns and make the best of it or squander your life away. The choice is up to the individual not the teachers, parents or administrators. How you succeed in life is totally up to you. I wish each and every child at WHS the best because they certainly do need a lot of support right now!
The students need to start fires, tip over police cars, steal electronics, and burn drug stores, "Give them room to protest and destroy", that is how you protest now days.
No what top level employee uses the phrase "chillins" frequently out and about? Ooops! I guess you identified yourself here lady bug!
To be a well respected leader in your local high school and to be abruptly terminated is a tough pill to swallow. The students do not intend to act like you described, they just want Mr. Hankerson to know that care and would like to show their support in a small way. Also, this is an extremely tough time for him and his family, so please show some respect to the man. Remember we are none perfect and karma does have a way of coming back around and taking a bite out of you! So please be careful what you have to say about others!
First off, I'd like to give students credit for coming together bc of something/someone they believe in. They should be told why. Secondly, at least the protest isn't vilent. How dare the board threaten when they have a right to speak their mind. I'm proud that the students come together for an equal reason being it. Let them go as long as it ain't violent.
So very true. I would think some of the ones involved in this fiasco should know that. Tragedy and legal matters have hit several of them. How quickly they have forgotten heartache and ridicule of their loved ones. What goes around comes around. Karma knows their address.
Nicely said 6:56 without pointing out certain individuals. We know who they are and they should be showing compassion and ethics in this dreadful time for Mr.Hankerson. We all seem to forget the trials and tribulations we all have endured at one time in our lives. We are none perfect and we are all human and have faults. What is wrong is sitting with your friends and publicly devulgeing information that is confidential. Certain members of the administration have told lies so often that they actually believe their own lies. It does not matter how much education and what title you hold if you have an ugly heart you are ugly. You can fool a lot of people but eventually it all comes out.
8:34 Thank you for your post. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and that is what people need to understand. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't mean they should bring up issues regarding your loved ones. We all have experienced heartache, but life goes on. Quit bringing up dead issues. They are over and to be honest the issues are not your concern. Remember, everyone has been affected by negativity, so please let other express their support for Mr. Hankerson without being personally attacked and ridiculed.
Well put 8:34. Those with the ugliness need to sit back and reflect on their own lives. Do they ever admit to themselves their errors? We will all be held accountable. How quick we are to play the blame game. The past is the past and you can't move forward looking in your rear view mirror. Just be honest with yourself and accept your flaws and be considerate of others. If everyone would live by the wonderful godly and inspirational messages that they continually post on Facebook it would be a wonderful world. Don't be such a hypocrite and live what you preach.
What a great turn out in support of Mr. Hankerson. Done in good taste and respectful. School staff would love to participate but we would be on the unemployment line. Dr . Gaddis needs to go along with Henderson, and Lawson. Disgrace to the real educators in our county who actually care about the students. The ones you don't see plastered all over social media.
Awesome job Washington High. You are doing it right. GADDIS should be ashamed! Go back to Worcester County, oh wait they did not want you either.
It was good the see the students standing in unity for the return of Mr. Hankerson. So many more students would have been out there but were threatened to be removed from the National Honor Society, threatened to be removed from sports programs, etc. You talk about division and chaos. Just step back and take a look of the mess you have created.
I was just with some parents supporting the students at Washington High School. Among the discussion was why Mr. Henderson approached several staff at Washington High to inquire about Mr. Hankerson demeanor after his meeting with Dr. Gaddis. This just shows how sneaky and manipulative this administration can be. Shame on you Dr. GADDIS and Mr. HENDERSON.
Again this is why Holly Grove has to keep building on more room for the new students they get every year.Two thirds of the public school teachers in SCPS send their kids there.Talk about your hypocrites.It's a good enough system for them to work for,but not good enough to educate their own kids there? Yeah that tells me all I need to know about this crooked corrupt system in Somerset County.They need to fire every damn one of the ones who are always on FB with their excessive drinking out in the open for anyone to see.
There were people and parents foaming at the mouth to have Dr.Miles fired,and some of them were very nasty about it too.In return we get an entire BOE that consists of drinking buddies.
No child should EVER be threatened, especially at their school. How very sad. I wish those students and their parents would come forward. A place where a child goes for knowledge is being taught all things we find deplorable, bullying being the main act. Pure act of bullying.
Same goes for Davis and Lawson. Trying to intimidate staff to say things that are not true. And I still want to know why Henderson at his age is even employed in a position that was made up. Why do we even have Davis? I cannot believe we are paying for this position. Too many chiefs at the BOE.
AMEN! Holly Grove is thriving and anyone that can, I strongly suggest that you consider sending your child there. Amazing school and kids actually learn and are respected. Teachers are respected and are professional. This public school system is a big joke.
Inquiry minds would like to have answers to these justifiable questions. Now will we get them, no. But I still think we should continue to ask. If there is nothing to hide than there should be no problem in just answering these questions. So Dr. Gaddis what will it be?
Holly Grive is a great school. Teachers act and dress professional. Take a look at how the teachers dress in the Somerset County School system. They either dress like a bunch of slobs or they look like hookers on the job or they are dressing like they are trying to regain their youth. No professionalism at all. You do not see Holly Grove teachers posting trash on Facebook. They have morals and self respect. Something that is lacking in the Somerset County Board of Education. Clean it to be taken seriously and to be respected!
First off he didn't just quit he left the program he coached at for many years to take care of his family with three young children. Once he received his masters he tested for the administration position. It's like any job you move up in the company it was his time and he deserves a chance and will be a good asset to the whs admin
Dallas? How did you go to school 8-12 with Hankerson working when you're twice his age?
It is refreshing to see that there are some parents out there that recognize the lack of discipline in schools. The lack of student discipline has created such a toxic environment it is a wonder anyone learns anything. But if you did a little research you would see that the lack of discipline is not just limited to Washington High School. Disruptive behavior is running rampant all over Wicomico County Schools, every county school across the state of Maryland, and all over the United States of America. Please understand that no administrator or school principal has the power anymore to control their own school. Blaming principals seems like the ideal solution, however, you are pointing fingers in the wrong place. Government is the true culprit.
In Maryland, state legislators passed laws that limit a school system's ability to suspend over a certain percentage of students who are identified as special education, English language learners, minorities ( black and Hispanic), and free and reduced lunch participants. Unfortunately, it is these same groups that are repeatedly disrupting our children's learning environments. If a school system exceeds the limited, they may be reprimanded through such actions as the withholding of state and federal dollars. So why did Maryland do this? Why would other states pass similar laws? The answer is simple. It is all a result of these federal education mandates and programs created by democrats and liberal state governments that have supported Obama's ( democratic) educational policies. These policies, even if they had good intentions, have destroyed our country's education system. School systems were offered federal dollars to implement these policies so of course local school systems across the country took the money without even considering the effect of such policies on our schools. All about the money.
This is just one example of why this next presidential election is so important. I am a registered democrat, but I cannot vote for someone like Hillary Clinton who said, "we have to continue the progressive agenda of President Obama." And what I can't understand are the teachers. They complain about the terrible discipline, but they keep electing presidents and representatives who keep these policies going! And they keep supporting the teacher's union who also supports these policies. Please teachers explain, why is the teacher's union ignoring the fact that discipline is out of control? The union is doing nothing about it! Isn't student discipline one of the main obstacles in your ability to teach your class? Isn't it the lack of discipline one of the main reasons you hate going to school where you are cussed out and abused and helpless? So why isn't protecting you and changing this a high publicized priority for the state and local teachers union? Teachers please wake up!! The union is useless and all they want is your money and your vote for Hillary Clinton, the candidate who was endorsed so early on by the NEA and MSEA along with your local association. They tell you to "vote for what's best for your job". Well it doesn't seem like the issues that are going on daily in your job is really helping you right now. It is beyond me why teachers keep hanging on to unions who seem to actually be just an extension of government and they play off the ignorance of teachers.
Maybe you aren't concerned about no discipline in schools, but it is all connected. Children who have no behavioral consequences grow up to be adults with no behavioral consequences and that creates a scary society in the very near future.
Did anyone even remember that Gaddis' father Bob was fired as Superintendent of Worcester County Public Schools??
Gaddis is power hungry. He needs to go! Bringing down the county even more than it already is.
I think the Board should ask politely for Dr. Gaddis to resign.
Somerset is a beautiful name, but it belies the nature of a county that continually kicks itself in the ass.
As to Dr. Gaddis...he is doing you a favor. How can you not give him the professional benefit of any doubt you may have on this issue? Are you really that ignorant?
When the students start paying property taxes, then, by all means, let us give them their seat at the taxpayers table. Until then, your simply the beneficiary of our collective benevolence.
If Dr. Gaddis took the extraordinary measure of relieving a principal at a school before the conclusion of a school year, he has an excellent reason.
If you knew the reason, there would be 100 posts in favor...and a few who continue to make Somerset synonymous with "arm pit".
I missed this post , the only thing I will say is Somerset County is nothing more than an Eastern Shore P.G. County , your figure it out.
Not going to mention no name, but has anyone else noticed the facebook post from the 80 year old man. Wow, maybe the board should scruntize what is posted by their staff. Disgusting!
Agreed. 11:40 you totally lost me with your comment. Somerset is the poorest county in the State of Maryland but yet we have the money to pay for wannabe's who are put in unnecessary positions. Love to have explanations on this. You got a superintendent and an assistant superintendent so why do we have someone who supposedly helps the superintendent??????
Yes I saw it. Instant unfriended. Don't need that kind of ugly humor especially by a BOE "mentor." Did not find it amusing at all.
Certainly need a control over what they post. I really do think they should be held accountable for the trash they put out there for parents and students to see. I feel they are held to a higher level and what has happened to professionalism? They want to be regarded as a pillar in the community, church and in the education world. Well you are not!!
Stupid sense of humor. No common sense.
I just saw it. Who wants to see that crap. I just shake my head. I really don't understand what was so interesting to want to share it. Childress and immature. And this is what is running our schools. Boy oh boy. We are in trouble.
Thanks for the post 3:53. I looked at it and happy to see he has NO likes. Glad I got to copy it before it is removed.
Every "Board" in this ass backwards county consists of "good ole boys" and their cronies.Coincidence? I wonder how many of these bigshots around here,especially in the school system,could make it anywhere else in the world without their pals greasing the wheel for them?
It will be a happy day when school vouchers are approved and those of us with kids who actually want to learn can all afford to opt out of public schools!
And we wonder why their kids turn out so dysfunctional. Parents need to realize that their children are a product of their behavior. Their children are and will be a clone of their behavior. These parents are the ones who always wants to blame someone else for the childs behavior and not the real culprit, THE PARENTS.
I have just about chocked on my coffee when I read an article about Washington Highs support Friday of Mr. Hankerson abd that Dr. Gaddis supported it. Bullcrap! What a bunch of lies. This man is a symbol of ignorance. So why were students suspended or placed in ISS? The Board needs to get rid of the whole dysfunctional bunch.
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