According to Penn Live, some experts attribute the mass exodus to Donald Trump.
There’s even a title for the movement. It’s called “Ditch and Switch” and calls for lifelong Democrats to abandon the party, register Republican, and help ensure Trump’s place in the general election.
Professor of Public Affairs at Franklin and Marshall College
“With the increase
The numbers are similar in other states as well.
If the Repugnicans take the election away via a brokered convention...the Wig-Man may win as an independent - and that party will be history!
I have to wonder how many of the 46,000 changed over to vote for Trump because they thought Hillary would beat him.. trying to rig the election.
I wonder how many of them will change back to dem after the primary.
My friend in PA. explained this to me, he said it was like this; When puppies are born, their eyes are closed and they are pretty much helpless and can't really do much for themselves, (like democrats), well after a few week, their eyes are opened and the see the real world, and realize that it is a tough place, and they need to fend for themselves, and not live off handouts. So it is with them, they took off the rose colored glasses and saw that the Democratic party only wants to give handout to the lazy, and they want to excel in this country, so once their eyes were opened, they had to do the right thing, and join the Republican party, the party for real hardworking Americans!
We are Romani Americans and I have never seen such excitement for an election in my life which is over 50 years. There are over a million Romani adults in the US and many are registering to vote for the first time in their lives, many being senior citizens. The young Romani people are excited to vote for Trump also and are proud to register to vote. I am facebook friends with over 2000 mostly Romani and most I do not know personally. Donald Trump is very popular among the group who are spread out from coast to coast of the US.
If everyone felt as 1:57 feels the world would be a better place.
I do not think many changed because trump is the one that has the best chance to beat Hillary. If they were trying to gutter ball the election then vote for someone down the ladder that you know has no hope like little Rubio .
Thank You 2:24. We have been a persecuted race for 100's of years. We know discrimination more so than those who complain the loudest about it. Over 500,000 Romani were murdered by the Nazis in concentration camps. We are different in that we don't hold the past in the future. We know it won't help anything. You will never move forward if you dwell on the past. We are a very smart people who only wish to be productive citizens who take care of our families and our own. We don't believe in taking handouts from the government. We are proud and feel it is beneath us. We have family to help if times get tough and our church. We wish everyone to prosper because that means jobs for all. It's a chain reaction. The government has to help with jobs and we only see Donald Trump as being capable. Politicians are almost all failures because they either are indebted to those who fund them or are afraid they will offend. Some need to be offended because shame works wonders or it should. People aren't being held responsible by not just the law but by the people. There is nothing wrong with looking down at and ridiculing somebody who continues to make bad choices.
feel the bern!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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