DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, March 04, 2016
In My Opinion...
I find it so very interesting how so many news organizations, (including FOX) are going after Donald Trump.
In my opinion it clearly shows how scared the media has become, knowing their future is in complete jeopardy. Why, because guys like me and guys like Donald Trump see the MSM as a special interest.
This is a very slippery slope because IF Trump wins, the media will no longer have a hold on government like they have enjoyed for hundreds of years.
Someone will call out Trump and disagree, even perhaps lie and Trump will say, you can't trust these people any more, cut them off.
Just think back throughout. Was ANY President worth a crap? Come on now, there have always been skeptics towards every President. Trump is nothing like any of them. He is a successful businessman who knows and understands what it takes to MANAGE people. This scares EVERYONE in politics, hence the GOP candidates attempting to eat one of their own.
Personally, I believe Americans should give Trump a shot. He's the most qualified to LEAD our Country. No scams, no mysterious deaths, no milti billion dollar favors. Just a guy who wants to bring America back to what we used to be so respected for. You screw with us, we'll screw you back a hundred fold. No more soft on crime, illegals, drugs, murders. Remember, we have a Congress, so Trump isn't going to do anything radical.
Let me just ask you this question on a local level. After the election I was involved in and Ireton allegedly won, is Salisbury in a better place after Ireton served another term? We've experienced enough of the professional politician in all forms of government. Imagine just once what it would be like to actually give a business person a chance to lead us back to prosperity.
For once, IF we went to war it would actually be for the right reason, TO PROTECT AMERICA. We go to Afghanistan where the largest stock of heroine is at your fingertips and guess what, the United States of America is overwhelmed across the entire nation with heroine addiction and ultimately crime. There's always a CATCH and SOMEONE is getting very rich. We get to hear about El Chapo in another country but when do you EVER hear about the KINGPINS being arrested in America?
Yet we go to war with countries loaded with oil and instead of gas being twenty cents a gallon, the price goes through the roof.
Open your eyes America. Vote and support Donald Trump for President. Just my opinion.
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Yes trump is a successful businessman. He might make a good president but he has no morals. I can't cast a vote for a person that I would not associate with in my everyday life. He has been married three times due to his adultery and seeking younger women. There isn't a bigger liar than a cheater. His family deserved a good husband and father but he went on to the "next best thing". He admittedly slept with married women. Part owner in a strip club. Gross, just gross.
I was originally for Rubio because polls showed he was the best one to beat Hillary. But his recent bashing of Trump has caused me to switch to supporting Trump. At least Trump will say what he thinks and not what others tell him to say. If he changes his mind after learning more, he says so. No harm in that. He just needs to surround himself with good qualified officials, not friends and lobbyists' picks, which is apparent he would.
8:46, REALLY? John F, kennedy screwed around in office. Bill Clinton screwed around while in office. Shall I go on? My Wife is older than me, are you suggesting she has no morals? I can't tell you just how many women I know that screwed around on their husbands. I'm guessing you agree with Jim Ireton's MORALS.
I agree that Trump is the better choice at this point. Far better than Hillary. I just wish, now that he seems the sure nominee, that he'd stop the low brow comments. They are not worthy of the American people or a President. It is time he starts showing how smart he is by sharing detailed plans and naming some of his advisers. Obviously he didn't get where he is by being dumb, but last night's debate was disgusting. Time for him to show his brilliant businessman/negotiator side. I'm concerned we are at a tipping point where he will start losing support because his act is getting old. John Kasich really seemed like a grown-up compared to the others.
As far as his morals, plenty of people have been married multiple times and that doesn't make them bad people. Don't know about the circumstances. He's done something right with his children, because Ivanka, Eric and Don, jr. are more impressive than he is!!!
I respect trump because he will stand his ground. Yes, he may be a little rough around the edges but most of us are tired of the political correctness bull. We haven't had true leadership in either party in the last 8 years. It's time Americans once again have a voice in Congress. Remember, 74% of Americans were not in favor of Obamacare and our representatives turned turned their backs on us because of personal gain interests. This must stop now.
9:02 Joe, you missed the point. The problem is not that he likes younger women but that he cheated on his families with them. Yes, men and women cheaters are the same. Adulterous sex is the same sin as homosexual sex. Both are sexual sin. Just because a lot of people do it doesn't make it ok. A lot of people get drunk but that doesn't make it ok. It just says a lot about a person when they choose their sin over their family.
Blogger JoeAlbero said...
8:46, REALLY? John F, kennedy screwed around in office. Bill Clinton screwed around while in office. Shall I go on? My Wife is older than me, are you suggesting she has no morals? I can't tell you just how many women I know that screwed around on their husbands. I'm guessing you agree with Jim Ireton's MORALS.
March 4, 2016 at 9:02 AM
bwahahaha you tell em Joe.
Some people want 'morals' from our supposed leaders, but do they have any themselves?
They are fine with screwing over other countries, bombing them, killing civilians including children, as long as they benefit in some way?
America is going the way of Rome in the old days. We have military bases scattered all over the world. We are an occupying empire. We are a war-mongering nation. We are an imperialistic country. ( well maybe not US but our government)
It doesn't matter which party is in power if you still are getting the same results. Professional politicians will say and do whatever they think the people want to hear, and do whatever they wish anyway.
Even with all the bluster from the Donald, like you say we have a congress, for what they're worth, so he can't just do ANYTHING he claims he will do.
But, he is saying what others haven't in a long time and that is resonating with the people. And the politicians are wetting their pants. I think they realize the people are finally beginning to wake up.
We are not fully awake yet but it has started.
And I say thank God.
9:42, Well, I'm curious. What does this make Hillary Clinton. Her husband constantly screwed around on her and she continues to take him back. That means Bill could possibly once again be in the White House.
Now, if I have the choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, according you what YOU are saying I can count on your vote for Trump. All is good.
A persons morals have absolutely zero to do with running the country. This is the problem, people don't look at what really counts in running the country. All this other stuff is just a distraction.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A persons morals have absolutely zero to do with running the country. This is the problem, people don't look at what really counts in running the country. All this other stuff is just a distraction.
March 4, 2016 at 11:19 AM
like kim jong maybe?
so are you saying we should disqualify a person from running because their spouse has issues? Maybe she honors her own wedding vows and doesn't believe in divorce. I think it's a lousy way to look at people - to judge their morals on the actions of their spouse.
9:22, the topic was based around "morals". I also never said anything about disqualifying anyone. The point is, what kind of person, (like you) would support such a LEADER? She's a criminal and this country has fallen so deep into a hole that they are avoiding charging her for these crimes because democrats are that desperate.
Finally, Trump will win simply because far too many democrats refuse to vote for that piece of crap woman and another big portion do not want to see the Clinton's in the White House ever again.
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