Trump called for a new election to be held and for Tuesday's votes for Cruz to be "nullified."
Ben Carson's campaign slammed Cruz after the caucus, accusing them of spreading a false rumor to caucus-goers that Carson would be dropping out of the race.
Carson said on Fox and Friends yesterday that his wife was at a caucus precinct where this went on.
Trump might be able to run the country but he has no morals. I can't vote for someone like him.
The whole thing sounded a little fishy to me, how about Clinton conveniently winning by .2% and Rubio, the establishment pick who was in single digits, mysteriously comes in a close third after votes were counted by pro-Rubio people.
Not only does he take his toys and go home....he is also a cry baby when things don't go his way. Look for the fruit people. If you are Christian.....you KNOW there is no fruit.
@1:32 PM, I do NOT feel as though your comment was fair to Mr. Trump! I think that he has displayed good morals to the voters! When he conceded the other day to Mr. Cruz, he said that he was "honored". Quite a few people, I'm sure, were "EXPECTING" him to rant and rave and go on and on about it. Yet, he displayed the very opposite! Regarding his tweets, he must have an inside tip regarding what he stated Mr. Cruz had done i.e. sending out "Voter Violation" letters...Mr. Trump IS and ALWAYS BE a hard-nosed BUSINESSMAN! PERIOD!!
We should vote him in and see what he can offer to FIX the U.S.A.!
OUR Vets NEED to be taken care of FIRST..."Refugees" or "Illegal's" should NOT be given preferential treatment!!! WE SHOULD CLOSE OUR BORDERS!!!
Sweden and another country HAS ALREADY CLOSED THEIR BORDERS!!!
There are TOO many that are after us!
Also, the previous vote SHOULD BE NULLIFIED! It's a FORM of CHEATING and should NOT be allowed...There should be another vote in Des Moines, IA!!!! Just sayin'...
He is such a poor loser. Is this really what we have to vote for? A bunch of turds?
I really get the vibe that Trump doesn't really want the presidency, only to stir the political pot. Good for him!
Trump would say, it is our election to lose.
With all his money, I guess he's going to sue Cruz and Iowa, now that he didn't win. Once it becomes clear he can't buy the presidency, he will cut his losses and get out of the race. He's NOTHING but a billionaire businessman. Once there is NO return on his INVESTMENT, he will quit throwing his money away, like any good businessman would do. One can only wonder how he intends to line his pockets if he was to obtain the presidency. Again, he is all about "the Donald" and nobody else. Always has been, always will be.
Look right is right and what Cruz said was wrong and only Trump had the balls to call him out. I want someone who is willing to call it like it is then someone that sits back and does nothing.map
Trump is correct.
132 so who you voting for?
Cruz campaign circulated an untrue rumor from CNN about Ben Carson returning to Florida and dropping out of the race. It was not a true story, Carson did go home to Fla to await the caucus results. Mrs. Carson was still attending events and Iowa campaigning for her husband Ben. With the untrue information given to the voters it absolutely could have skewed the voting. This is how I understand the situation. Cruz did apologize for his campaign workers; but the damage was already done. I hope someone holds CNN and campaign promoters who do not fact check before releasing information of such importance accountable. Fat chance.
317. To funny. You used billionaire and nothing in the same sentence... Let me guess you want Bernie because he is going to raise your taxes.
So, all the people who are bashing Trump think it is okay for the Cruz campaign to send out an announcement to the various caucus locations that Carson was dropping out and they should now vote for Cruz? And some of you want to say Trump has low morals?
What I find most offensive is someone who hides behind his supposed "Christian values" and then will do anything, tell any LIE, to win.
Now Cruz and his cronies are trying to blame CNN saying they got the info from CNN. I know the media is bad, but I watched CNN the entire evening. CNN NEVER said that Carson was dropping out. They said he was taking a short break and going home for a few days and mulled over the fact that his campaign said he needed to get "new clothes". At NO TIME was dropping out of the campaign mentioned.
This doesn't even touch on the bogus letter generated by the Cruz campaign that was sent to shame or scare voters. It was so outrageous that the Attorney General of Iowa had to let voters know it was not an official document but a campaign ploy.
As one of the previous comments said, RIGHT IS RIGHT AND WRONG IS WRONG. Ted Cruz used underhanded tactics. His win was not earned on merit, but on lies and dirty tricks.
He should be called out for this behavior. This is what needs to be changed in America. Good for Carson and Trump for not letting it slide.
"Trump is correct."
Yeah - I can just imagine your candidate in the White House now:
"Waaah - Mr. Putin fibbed to me!"
"Waaah - those ISIS guys were mean to me."
Sorry, but I want a president with some backbone. Cruz is smart, capable, and pisses-off the party establishment. If he plays a little rough, all the better. And please don't act like Trump is some damaged innocent victim, either.
Bernie = young college liberal had out lovers. = Bribery.
ditch all these fools and get Mitt back on the bandwagon. He is the only alternative compromise compared to these idiots.
Politians never hold themselves accountable to the same standards. Trump says he is not a Politian. Trump standards is you don't perform / under preform "You are Fired". Proves he is a Politian because he is blaming others. Reminds me of a song in the 50's / 60's. "Cry Baby Cry Baby". This comment will probably end up in the trash bin.
Hell no.
I just Can't see Cruz walking off of AF1 that nose is HUGE.
Hey 7:12-If AF1 can tote hussien obama's ears, Ted Cruz's nose will be a piece of cake.
Con retiree. Bernie is going to burn through your little pension. Get back to work.
Cruz is from Canada.
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