Despite Claims From Clinton and Sanders, Free College Isn’t Possible

First of all, if you offered this to each and every graduating student in Wicomico County, (all of them) it would only cost around $500,000.00. I want you to keep that in mind for starters.
Clearly not every student is going to choose to go to WorWic.
That being said, the numbers you have been told are completely inflated. Some media sources stated it would cost around $900,000.00 and they are absolutely clueless.
All that being said, MANY local businesses and organizations have stepped up to the plate to make donations towards the $300,000.00 expense, a far more realistic number. In fact yesterday one business donated $50,000.00 towards this program.
I would think businesses like Pohanka would allow their customers to donate $100.00 per sold vehicle towards this program. Other dealers could start doing the same. You have Perdue and all the other chicken companies I'm sure would love to participate in a program most of these companies firmly believe in.
So in the end it more than likely will NOT cost the taxpayers a single penny. Bob Culver created an incredible idea with this program and should get the credit for doing something so incredible.
That being said, IT WILL BUILD OUR ECONOMY!!! Rather then shipping young adults OUT of the area, they will instead remain for at least 2 to 3 more years.
Mind you, I am not at all pleased with the minimum grade point average but like every program I have ever encountered, I'm not going to agree with a hundred percent of it, nor are you.
So let's give credit where credit is due. All Republicans and Democrats should get on board with it.
If you have ANY questions about the program, feel free to do so in comments and I will answer them all.