DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Carroll County Sheriff's letter to President Obama
A Letter from me to our president:
Dear President Obama:
In case you haven’t heard, eight American police officers over the past eight days have been killed in the line of duty. Two of these police officers were Harford County Sheriff’s Deputies that were gunned down at a Panera Restaurant just 50 miles from where you live. I’ve watched and listened intently for words of encouragement and sorrow to come from you, but haven’t heard or seen anything.
Conversely, just two weeks ago my governor, Larry Hogan, spent the better part of a week placing a call each day to one of my deputies that was involved in a severe traffic collision in Carroll County. He wasn’t satisfied with speaking to me in order to send his prayers and regards; he called every day after the collision until he spoke with my deputy’s wife. Governor Hogan also drove to Harford County the day after two deputies were slain to meet Sheriff Gahler and the men & women of his office to grieve with them. The governor is in the middle of the 2016 Legislative Session and is pretty busy, yet found time to call, visit and pay his respects to me & my deputy, and the men & women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
I understand that you are a busy man and are being pulled in multiple directions every day of the week. But, when my president doesn’t take the time to openly recognize the sacrifices that brave men & women of law enforcement make each day to keep domestic peace, I’m disappointed! I suspect that if these same deputies walked in to a restaurant, and without provocation shot and killed an innocent man, you and your staff would quickly whisk their family away to Washington for a future speech to make an example of police officers nationwide.
For me Mr. President, it has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat; black or white, male or female; but, it has everything to do with leading or following. I’m not shocked that you haven’t openly reached out or acknowledged publically the recent rash of deaths in law enforcement, but I’m tremendously disappointed!
Mr. President, your silence about these events SPEAKS VOLUMES!!!!
PS: I'll be standing outside in the cold next week with my deputies for the funerals of the Harford Co deputies; I'll save you a spot next to me!
James T. DeWees
Carroll County Maryland
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Good luck with filling the spot beside you !
Good letter. I just don't think it means anything to Obama. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. BTW, where is Biden? Oh that's right. He wasn't told to do anything.
Why would Obama change horses now?
Well Said. We grieve with you.
Spot on. Our prayers are with you and all who serve this way for us.
We agree with your thoughts and well written letter. Can't wait until o is no long our president.
I am sorry for anyone that is killed, including the ones that LEO's kill EVERY YEAR. You were told repeatedly this type of thing was coming, years ago. And now it is here. I told you then I did not want to hear you whining then, and it still applies today.
You would not change your tune nor your actions then, will you now? You cared little for the lives you took and ruined. I don't see any real change from the LEO community.
You want to cry there is a 'war on cops' and other such nonsense when in reality the war has been directed at the people in general for decades. You get a little payback and cry the blues.
Now you have a taste of what other families have been dealing with from your hands. Except for true exceptions, your own heavy-handedness is the cause for your recent suffering.
But it's not really YOUR suffering. It is the families of the slain who are suffering. Not your policies. Not the decision makers. Nor the ones who will double down and continue the very same acts that have led us to where we are today.
The police and government officials are required to follow the law just as those under their thumb are forced to follow the law, or else.
But time after time we don't see that. They are given free passes and "professional courtesies" to get away with what others would be thrown into prison for.
Pardon my bluntness and lack of political correctness. I know I will be attacked and called obscene names IF this gets published, but it needs to be said.
Until these types of words and feelings are heeded, even in a minimalist manner, and some kind of changes made, these killings will not stop. In fact, look for them to become more frequent.
Don't take what I say as calling for more killings, it is not. But until the powers that be realize that the people are fed up and frustrated with the current actions and attitudes of the law enforcement community, and the justice system in general, things will only continue to get worse.
Whether you want to hear it or not, or whether I have said it in the nicest possible way is irrelevant. What I say will come to pass, just as the other things I have stated have come into being.
You cannot legislate morality just as you cannot keep you boot on the necks of the people indefinitely without them eventually rising up. This is what is happening now.
to 6:21 I will be glad to buy a one way ticket for you, if you are so unhappy why not just leave and make this country a little bit better in the bargain.
Dear Sheriff DeWees,
Sorry, but I've got a tee time reserved for that day.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
to 6:21 I will be glad to buy a one way ticket for you, if you are so unhappy why not just leave and make this country a little bit better in the bargain.
February 13, 2016 at 7:56 PM
and so it begins.....my leaving would not make a difference either way. and the ones who don't want the oppression to end is...the oppressors. so we know who you are.
To 6:21. Your type will never win and will always loose. You have a lot to say but what you say will never change the way it should be. Good riddance.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
to 6:21 I will be glad to buy a one way ticket for you, if you are so unhappy why not just leave and make this country a little bit better in the bargain.
February 13, 2016 at 7:56 PM
I doubt you could afford a ticket to Hawaii much less to a different country. But if you happen to hit the lottery, drop the ticket off to Joe. I would be happy to accept it.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
To 6:21. Your type will never win and will always loose. You have a lot to say but what you say will never change the way it should be. Good riddance.
February 13, 2016 at 8:15 PM
Oh things will change all right. That is the only constant. The question is will change happen before or after you are targeted.
6:21 - Thank you for taking the time to write a well reasoned and thoughtful comment.
I say you leave and 6:21 stays
You must understand the black culture , they don't like cops , they don't like laws , hell they don't even like themselves.
There is a huge difference between a confrontational situation, where either a criminal or a bullying cop ends up making a wrong move and ends up dead, and an outright execution where there was no rational excuse or "justification" possible.
Cops don't just walk up to some random person, and shoot him dead on the spot.
But there have been too many instances where the opposite has occurred.
"Cops don't just walk up to some random person, and shoot him dead on the spot."
Haven't watched the news lately, huh?
6:58 AM - Let me guess: You're not black, are you? Your understanding of "black culture" comes from where, exactly?
621, You and all the other BLM people are idiots. I watch the news daily. When has a cop walked up to a random person and intentionally executed him? I missed that story. Would you rather have this killer in your home or an officer? Typical criminal. Only criminals fear and hate cops. And guess what, just because all 10 of you cop hating idiots are loud, doesn't make your opinion the most popular. The vast majority of American's support their Law Enforcement 100%. You are part of the loud, evil, minority. You would not last very long in anarchy, so please stop hoping for it.
11:24 AM
Let me see if I understand you correctly. People who challenge the BLM, fight for their rights and property rights are idiots, along with their supporters.
You watch the news daily, therefore making you informed of all the events in the world. ( I sure hope you watch something besides wboc and wmdt)
Cops execute a lot of people in this country yearly, I guess you missed that newscast.
I wouldn't want a killer OR a cop in my home. But sometimes they are one and same.
If by 'hating' cops you mean people don't get on their knees and lick cops boots, then yes, I and most people would fit that category. ( you guys really seem to have an image and self-esteem problem)
The vast majority of americans do support law enforcement when they do their jobs PROPERLY. (which I suspect you have no clue how to)
If you cannot see the swelling numbers of people voicing their disapproval of leo actions and tactics you have not been paying attention, or maybe need to watch more newscasts.
Anarchy? I don't think you know the correct definition of the word. But that is the typical thinking of your ilk. You want and need the people to think they could not survive without being in a police state, a nanny state with an overbearing government that is not constitutional.
When you people return to behaving like the public servants you are, maybe you could regain some of the respect you have lost. It is not your jobs to order people around and tell them how to live, nor to shut down little girls lemonade stands for example. (or to shoot someone in the back while they are lying facedown on a subway platform.
I guess you support those great Obama thugs and I am sure you will be a hypocrite when YOU need 911 on day.
No, 12:44, you are the BLM movement are the same. Making up story's to fit your agenda. You did not get it right.
I'm still waiting for the example of a cop walking to a random person and executing him. It wasn't on the latest newscast. Are you talking about the criminal that was shot in the back, by accident 3000 miles away in CA 7 years ago? Great example from the latest newscast. BTW, he was arrested and sentenced for his idiotic mistake. In a police state, the troops would have shot all the witnesses too, and then ate lunch.
The cops are the ones protecting your rights. Once again, your keyboard skills wouldn't help you if we lived in anarchy. You would not last. Thank God there are cops protecting our personal rights and property rights.
How are people voting against local cops actions? Let's see, how are the local Sheriff's doing? Want to wager if all the lower shore Sheriff's will all be reelected in their next election?
This is a police state? Please educate yourself. There have been some police state's in history. Some still exist in the middle east and Asia. This country is nowhere near a police state, which explains your right to criticize police and politicians as you feel fit. If this was a "police state", like North Korea, the army would kick down your door and execute you just for your ignorant words. I am grateful I live in the best country in the history of the world.
Get back to your BLM rally. Remember, "hands up don't shoot" really happened! OK
Are you talking about the criminal that was shot in the back, by accident 3000 miles away in CA 7 years ago? Great example from the latest newscast. BTW, he was arrested and sentenced for his idiotic mistake 3:12 PM
Yes, that's the one. It happened in Ca. so it's ok with you? Tell me, what has changed in 7 years? Not much from where I sit. You people still justify these things.
Yes, the 'officer' was prosecuted and found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. ( he pled not guilty to 2nd-degree murder) He was sentenced to TWO YEARS with double credit for time served he got away with killing someone after serving only ELEVEN MONTHS.
Some mistake. And another 2.8 million payout courtesy of taxpayers.
BTW, this is just one example. I chose it because I felt it would be one most remembered, which you have demonstrated was correct.
Then there is James Boyd who was killed by cops for nothing more than camping.
Then there is Kelly Thomas who was BEATEN TO DEATH by cops.
Then Luis Rodriguez.
The names go on forever. In every state. Even good old Maryland if you like something closer to home.
The FBI’s 2012 data on “justifiable homicides” by law enforcement (which does not include all deaths at the hands of police) lists Maryland as having the 6th highest number of homicides by police out of the 39 states reporting, according to today’s report.
I could smack you in the face all week long with facts and figures, videos, court cases, etc. I already know it would do no good. Cops are trained to justify everything and never admit wrong doing and are even allowed to lie and instructed how to lie.
Most hard heads have to learn the hard way. So be it. Just stop whining and do not expect empathy when reality visits you.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I guess you support those great Obama thugs and I am sure you will be a hypocrite when YOU need 911 on day.
February 14, 2016 at 1:43 PM
We know your code words when you try to hide your racism.
And calling 911 for someone to do their job is hypocritical how? You seem to be saying you should be allowed to do whatever you want with no questions asked or any consequences since we MIGHT need you one day.
Maybe I've been lucky or know how to carry myself but aside from medical emergencies or reporting something, I have never had the need to call 911. And have even less desire to do it nowadays. I can usually take care of any problems that may arise without killing anyone. That is, and always should be a last resort. Not the game plan.
Making up stories to fit agendas? You mean when cops lie on police reports to justify their actions? And those are just the cases caught on video. How many more cases are there when no camera was around, or when police confiscated and deleted the videos?
You're riding in a sinking ship.
Typical cop tool! So what? Our Governor should be calling the cops in his state! The President is federal! Should he call every wounded soldier every day to check on them? This guy is another Mike Lewis. Lime light extraordinaire.
Still waiting for one example of a cop walking up to a random person and executing him? Not people resisting arrest, refusing to drop a knife, fighting cops. Please give me the example. You said it happens all the time!
Be careful, this is a police state, the cops are outside your door now! Look out!
Classless using the death of two cops to bash cops. Save it for another time.
February 14, 2016 at 4:19 PM
You just don't get it and probably never will. There will always be some type of justification in your mind no matter the facts or outcome. They choked to death a man on a city street for selling cigarettes with a choke hold that was against policy. But if he wasn't selling loose cigarettes or could tolerate harassment better he would still be alive right?
If the man didn't point a water hose nozzle at the cops they wouldn't have blasted him off his own back steps would they?
If the man holding his hands up in the air behind his screen door had not have....breathed?...they would not have shot and killed him right?
Comply or die. Do not scare us or we will kill you. Yeah you're right. There is no police state here. Just move along in an orderly fashion and don't question anything.
Hard heads.....
Glad you posted this Mr Albero
Sheriff Dewees is right on time with his letter.
Also i am proud to have Gov Larry Hogan on at the helm for the state of maryland.
does obama call every family of the soldiers killed in these illegal wars? or the 21 families that lose a loved one from these illegal wars, EACH DAY? does obama have a beer with all the ones exonerated each year from being wrongfully prosecuted and imprisoned? I wonder if he called the family whose baby was almost killed by a flash bang thrown in his crib while he slept, and the police chief who laughed about it? surely he takes his cell phone with him while on the golf course. he has a few minutes while going to the next hole and waiting for his shot.
"What I say will come to pass, just as the other things I have stated have come into being." You're not funny anymore, 6:21. Your obsession is getting weird and creepy. Seriously - you need to seek help.
You're not funny anymore, 6:21. Your obsession is getting weird and creepy. Seriously - you need to seek help.
February 14, 2016 at 9:32 PM
It was never meant to be funny. I am not obsessing over anything. You, however, will justify til your last breath. I am not the one obsessing over whether anyone likes or hates me. But whatever, if it helps you sleep at night....
"It was never meant to be funny."
The best comedy is usually unintentional. Get help. Seriously.
Most local departments are looking for help. Please apply, and make a difference. See what the world looks like away from your computer.
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