DNR was taking its time getting there and they actually felt as if they actually weren't going to arrive, so they called Jennifer and I to see if we could somehow help out. We immediately got in the truck and took off for the location they last saw it and by the time we had arrived DNR was in fact there.
However, they were not willing to go into this field and start looking for it as it was starting to turn dark. I didn't think of bringing my flashlight so I started across this field using the flash from my camera to help me see better. The next thing I knew the DNR Agent started across the field after me some 5 minutes later.
We looked for as long as we could and then I decided it would be best to come back in the morning. The DNR Agent assured me he would be out early the next morning to look himself but when I arrived the next morning I was told by the owners of the property no one had been out that morning besides me. I then called to try and reach this Agent and was informed this was his day off. Go Figure!
I couldn't find a trace after looking for a couple of hours and I decided to leave and I pretty much had forgotten about it. The next thing I knew I received a phone call from my friend again telling me his brother had just seen it again some 2 or 3 miles away from the original location so Jennifer and I took off once again, this time we were very prepared though.
We arrived at the location and he informed us that it had been up by the road but had headed back some 200 yards away and went into the woods. I thought, uh oh, not again. He escorted us back to where he had seen it last and we had to get through a couple of streams to go any further and I was the only one with boots on for just that, so I went in.
Within a few minutes I could hear some rattling and movement and low and behold I saw something moving. I called back to Jennifer to come forward in the direction I had come and the next thing I knew, there he was! He had an obvious injury to one of his wings and for what it's worth Folks, he almost looked as if he was saying, I need help.
Jennifer arrived with a blanket and once she saw him she took off running after him just like a professional. I was so impressed it wasn't funny! She jumped out towards him and threw the blanket on top on him and the next thing I knew he was on his back looking up at her. She reached under the blanket and gently took hold of his legs so he couldn't crush her hands/fingers and got a good grip around his neck and it was amazing just how relaxed he instantly became.
At that point I had to head all the way back to the truck to get the box we had for him while Jennifer sat down with this Bald Eagle and relaxed for a few. We brought him home and placed some hay in one of the stalls, placed a few logs inside and he seems to be very content. The guy who owns the farm we caught him on butchers deer for hunters and he immediately gave us a backbone of a deer for the Eagle to munch on.
He said that he thought he had seen this Eagle bouncing around for about two week, so this guy was hungry! Within minutes he was ripping away and the meat off the bones and filling himself up to no end.
I have a series of pictures almost like a diary of the entire event but I'll not bore you with so many shots. I'll simply provide what I think you'll enjoy most and go from there. Boy is Sally gonna love these shots too!
In closing, I'm VERY proud of Jennifer! She didn't hesitate when the second call came in and she used her 18 years experience with the Salisbury Zoo and put it to good work saving this animal. He/She will head off tomorrow to a professional bird rehab group and hopefully his injuries aren't too severe? Time will tell. I truly hope you enjoy these photos.
Well, I'll be an ole dog! Ya both done good, 'specially that beautiful lady.
Let me just add how content this bird was when I visited last night. Its true what they say about some animals having a "sixth sense" when their in need of help. Look how calm this beautiful creature is, it knew it was in the right hands with Jennifer and Joe. Great job!
It never ceases to amaze me just how jealous the Zoo Staff, (TOWNIE) continue to act.
If only they could rescue and save an animal. Do tell everyone reading this Blog TOWNIE, what good has the Salisbury Zoo done in the past 2 years, (other than to suck the taxpayers dry financially)?
The answer, NOTHING! Do tell everyone how many animals the Zoo has saved in the past 2 years? If there were any, do expose how many animals died in the Zoo in the past 2 years! Oh, this should get really good!
Jennifer and I keep rescuing animals and saving their lives, (37 of them in the past year alone) while the Zoo continues to allow animals to die.
Looks to me like you people have some explaining to do.
Excellent point Iyeska!
We refused to let just anyone get their hands on this animal as we also refused to allow it to end up at the Salisbury Zoo.
The Bald Eagle is in Wilmington, DE. where he will be professionally cared for.
If you EVER want to save an animals life, call Jennifer and I first before you ever consider the Salisbury Zoo!!!!! We'll help you in any way possible and steer you in the right direction.
Obviously we have a very respected reputation locally and medical care is immediate, not every two weeks for a few hours like the Salisbury Zoo's Veterinarian. Do also note, the medical expenses come out of our pockets and not out of the taxpayers!!!!!
What an amazing story! How lucky for the bird that someone with Jennifer's skills and knowledge was close by. Look at the way she handles that bird! Like it's no big deal, just a normal part of the day! OUTSTANDING! GOOD WORK!
To anonymous poster: What is your problem?? Of course I have never handled a bird like that! Yes I am stupid, I would think a bird like that could be dangerous and weigh more. Joe if you don't want me on your blog, just block me. But don't bother I won't come back.
I loved reading this story! It really is amazing how relaxed the eagle looks with your wife. I think it's a gift to be able to handle animals like that. I for one would be scared. You guys saved that birds life.
This is all news to me. I didn't know that we have an
"Animal Whisperer" in this area! How wonderful!!!!
Whatever it is, she can calm an animal perhaps the animals sense that she is there to help.
One of those photos should be your new head bar!
Could you tell if it was male or female? It almost looks like it could be a young female to me, but I could be deceived by the pictures a little.
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