DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 03, 2016
Police searching for group of dirt bike riders in Prince George’s
WASHINGTON — Motorists on the Capital Beltway were startled this weekend, when a pack of up to 100 dirt bike and ATV riders briefly stopped traffic, harassed drivers and performed stunts.
Police couldn’t catch any of the bikers, but they are looking at video of the incident.
“It was really frightening,” said a motorist, who asked not to be named and who was caught in the disruption. “People were sitting in their cars terrorized.”
Traffic cameras caught the bikers weaving in and out of traffic on Sunday, antagonizing drivers and riding in the opposite direction. Plumes of bluish-gray smoke could be seen rising from the pavement as bikers burned tire rubber.
Others popped wheelies, lifting the front wheel of their bikes to ride on the back wheel only.
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Wow the people hanging out of the window of their own car cheering on the bikers look really terrified.
Notice that they didn't try to screw with any big rigs.
Perfect example of why we should be able to carry firearms. If one of us law abiding citizens challenged these punks, they would gang up on us and use their illegally obtained weapons.
Lets hope todays non-parented out of control youth don't give ideas to the murdering Muzzies.
this happens in the Doverdale area of Salisbury all the time (not as many bikes thought)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Notice that they didn't try to screw with any big rigs.
December 29, 2015 at 8:38 AM
good way to get run over, which they should have been
up to 100 dirt bike and ATV riders?? I saw maybe 4 dirt bikes and ATVs, the rest were sport bikes - all of which should have been tagged. The few license plates that I did see in the video were either obstructed or turned upside down. I would also venture to say that the majority of those bikes were not insured.
This type of of idiotic stuff is completely unacceptable. A bunch of thugs raising a ruckus because they simply can and doing it knowing that they won't ever get caught. And the vast majority of the riders in the video were black from what I can clearly see so that almost guarantees that the police won't go after them. Police fear black mobs not only for due to imminent safety concerns but also for the anticipated public backlash if they were to do something about it. That needs to stop - police need to be able to do their jobs without the fear of being crucified for some twisted politically correct issue.
Look, the video was over 5 minutes long - there is no doubt that during that time the police were called by dozens of motorists in that area. For the police to say that they couldn't stop them is ridiculous. Exits and a section of 495 could have been blocked off in no time - clearly these guys could do it, why couldn't the police?? BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T WANT TO. Maryland needs to change their no pursuit laws in order to stop stuff like this from happening. The only reason that the no pursuit law exists is to protect the criminal being pursued. Why protect somebody with utter disregard for their own life and the lives around them??
Now, I used to ride sport bikes and I was damn good at it. I could do everything you saw these idiots (yes, I too was an idiot) doing in these videos - skitching, riding wheelies for miles, burnouts, donuts, endos, etc. I totally admit that I was one of these IDIOTS in my younger years. Most of the time I would "play" like this on back roads or closed streets so as to not get caught or hurt others around me, but when I did stupid stuff like this in a more visible location and got caught I at least had enough respect to pull over for the police and suffer my consequences. Eventually I had screwed up enough that I couldn't afford my insurance and barely had a drivers license so I hung it up. I look back on what I used to do now and think to myself, "man, I sure was stupid and I'm damn lucky to be alive." Coming from somebody that used to do this stuff (although not to this disruptive magnitude), this is truly ridiculous and need to be stopped before innocent people get hurt or killed. If police simply brush it off then it WILL get worse and further out of control.
SO 100 bikes, and not ONE arrest? Because we dont want to be racist and say moron behavior of blacks is bad.
This racist excuse is spoiling people - what would you do if your kid screamed all day not fair - tell them tough. Everytime we allow these few idiots to pull this crap we are teaching them - they can do it.
So before you say it wasnt all black riders, I am sure it was not ALL black riders just 90%
If I was a of that race, after all the accomplishments, and seeing this Id be pissed.
Go to Baltimore and you can find them! The police in Baltimore were informed NOT TO CHASE THEM - so now every ignorant thug thinks they have the RIGHT to ride a dirt bike or four wheeler on the road!
Herd mentality.
11:27 AM
It's a law up there that police are not allowed to chase these types of vehicles unless they commit a more serious offense.
lmao, didn't the maryland kops shut down a major interstate looking for bank robbers a while back? but can't seem to even get out on the road for these guys! yup I feel so much safer, seeing them kops with radar guns waiting for mom and dad to come along! great job koppers!
I would love to see them deploy spike strips. It won't happen because they would be sued and the criminals would get yet another payout they don't deserve.
It's only going to get worse. They think they can do anything they want.
Don't sewage and septic tanker trucks have remote release valves? Press button, dump turdslick, watch and enjoy.
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