DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 31, 2016
BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump: "I Won't Be Doing The Debate."
Donald Trump says he will not participate in the Fox News debate on Thursday.
Speaking at a campaign rally in Iowa on Tuesday, Trump said, “I’m not a fan of Megyn Kelly [one of the moderators]. I think she’s a third-rate reporter. I think she frankly is not good at what she does and I think they could do a lot better than Megyn Kelly and so I’m going to be making a decision with Fox but I probably won’t bother doing the debate.”
According to The Washington Post, Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said Trump is “definitely not participating in the Fox News debate… His word is his bond.”
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I like that trump isn't afraid to speak his mind. I respect his obvious talent for making money but is this juvenile behavior really what we want in our commander in chief? If there's not a suitable presidential candidate, shouldn't we the people be able to say no. Start over and widen the search for a qualified candidate. Seriously, a real estate mogul, a brain surgeon...what qualifies either of these people to be the leader of the most power country in the world?
Vote Bernie Sanders and he'll spend the next 8 years trying to get himself and Marty McFly back to the future. Come on people. This person works for us. For the people by the people ....?
320 million people in this country and these fools are the very best we can come up with?
I Was a fan of Fox but not now they are Backstabbers.
I wish Donald would not do it this way. I really like him as a candidate, but I think he is making a mistake here.
Glad to hear it Donald. You don't need the bs of biased megin kelly.
Fox news are Backstabbers and are probably being used by the RNC to hit trump, boycotting Fox news done with it.
Dems won't do a Fox debate but republicans do CNN and msnbc? Ryan phebous is killing the Rnc.
Who works and who is a puppet for Rodger Alies who hates trump,guess I have to find another republican news channel it won't be Fox.
He's a baby, it's true, it's true
This is being done by The Rnc Ryan phebous.
The candidates will spend all the debate talking about him! He will go on All the network news shows the next day and say that he wasn't there to defend himself and the other candidates had nothing of substance to talk about but him and declare himself the big winner. And he will win the day! Smart man.
Afraid of Megan, what a wimp.
9:26, you nailed it. I was going to say that Kelly and Fox have proven themselves not worthy of Trump's presence in any capacity, but you "Trumped"that!
No she and Fox news are traitors to the REPUBLICAN PARTY.
Why isn't the RNC blasting FOX NEWS.
He'll face Putin and the leaders of terrorist states but is afraid of Megan Kelly. How Presidential.
I bet Hannity throws Trump under the Fox bus?.
If he can't handle Megan he is not fit for the job.
Reince proebus*
10:12 Think of it this way--The man has standards and for that I am glad. Mr. Trump does not get told what to do. There is room for negotiating here and FOX isn't negotiating. Should our future President start bending and breaking already? He will face both Putin and the leaders of terrorist states under conditions that are both fair and beneficial to America. FOX and Megyn Kelly need him much more than Mr. Trump needs them.
Donald Trump has now shown he is very Punk Rock. He just flipped Fox and the pseudo-conservative Establishment the bird much like the NYD front page had the Statue of Liberty flip Cruz the bird for his remarks.
He's playing a three-dimensional chess game, while Fox is wallowing in tic-tac-toe or checkers at best.
What he did is brilliant because on their shows tonight, nothing else is being covered or talked about but who? Trump! They are all whining and saying he's a brat, a baby, afraid. Absolutely genius. They're talking about Trump instead of pontificating their own stances.
Love it. Trump - I never would have thunk it but you're very Punk Rock. This is going to be an election of a lifetime.
By the way, when Reagan walked out on Gorbachev during the Reykjavik (Reagan-Gorbachev) Summit, no one thought Reagan was a baby, brat or spoiled. That's the day he became infamous, galvanizing his place into global history. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall..." Of course, to Gorbachev personally he told him, "Call when you're serious..." before he abruptly left the room. A real leader knows when to retreat. Very Sun Tzu and also very Punk Rock!
He is much smart then that just watch.
Donald Trump is a shrewd businessman and he surrounds himself with brilliance. This performance was an orchestrated effort to tap into the liberal voter base that hates Fox News more than it hates Donald Trump. Plus he's right. Enough is enough. You've seen one "debate" you have seen enough. They are more Q & A's and you can learn more in less time by just going to the candidates websites.
8:08 Please please please read the founders' papers. Brain surgeons and business people were intended to be politicians. Politics was not supposed to be someone's career. The problem with you people is that you've been programmed and brainwashed into thinking someone needs political experience to be president. The main task of being president is picking a cabinet. Both Carson and Trump have vast experience of picking winning teams.
Secondly Trumps behavior is far from juvenile. A juvenile sits back and takes it, and is afraid to stand their ground. Trump has taken a stand, is standing by it in taking a position. The candidates are wasting valuable time and resources with these nonsense debates. We hear the same thing over and over and the moderators are more interested in gotcha questions then anything else.
8:08 @thorntoncrow nailed it.
"A real leader knows when to retreat."
Donald Trump is not letting anyone control him, he's not going to be led around by the nose by the media. The fact that he is standing up to the media, which during an election can be very powerful, he is showing all he won't take BS from anyone.
Right. Trump's figured it out. It's all about ratings which equates to money for Fox. Fox calls the shots and the RNC jumps, so Fox is kind to them. Trump jumps for no one and that no matter how anyone tries and spins it, is the sign of a real leader.
Trump is a coward! So you want that as President. Clinton is a certified Liar.
Both such a disgrace.
Smart move, makes the liberal media irrelevant, which they are. Time for the lapdog of the Democratic Party to get lost. Liking Trump more and more.
Don't fall for it he lives on attention good or bad, he will not miss his chance to go for someone's juggler, his style is throw it all out there no chance at truth some of it will stick to the walls.
Good for him Reagan did the same thing. The media needs to be put in it's place.
" Anonymous said...
Trump is a coward! So you want that as President. Clinton is a certified Liar.
Both such a disgrace.
January 27, 2016 at 9:36 AM"
Your definition of coward is completely wrong. Please go and look up the definition and study it. A coward sits back and takes what they view as nonsense being thrown their way. Trump doesn't take it and he acts. All of them complain about the debates including the democrat candidates but the rest are all cowards and still participate instead of taking a firm stand. That's the problem with you people. You hear something on the news like Trump's a coward and instead of thinking about it logically you jump on the bandwagon and repeat it like it's gospel or something. This is indicative of a public school "education." No forward thinking skills.
"Anonymous said...
Trump is a coward! So you want that as President. Clinton is a certified Liar.
Both such a disgrace.
January 27, 2016 at 9:36 AM"
You need to get off the eastern shore and see how it is in the real world. A "coward" does not take a couple of million dollar inheritance and turn it into billions--- Not by anyone's stretch of the imagination. It does not happen. As a matter of fact most heirs left small fortunes end up squandering it, unless it's left in a trust. And if you think someone who has provided so many with their livelihoods as Donald Trump has is a disgrace then you are a sick sick person! How dare you! Donald Trump's empire has enabled families to survive and the pay and benefits are good so they don't have to rely on the government for supplements like Walmart or those gross stinking chicken slaughter houses where almost everyone who works in them is on welfare of some sort.
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