DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 24, 2016
A Concerned Citizen Writes...
I figured out how to send the screen shot of the Vice President of Fruitland little league, Fruitland park and Rec council member and county employee what a sicko. My concern is does he have an alternative motive to be around children? I don't think so but he should not be posting such inappropriate comments and tagging a place children go and can see. He should be asked to step down, we tried to stand up to FLL once before about this and we were removed from the board. I hope this can remain anonymous but at the same time let concerned parents know what the FLL tolerates without reprimanding their board member thanks for all you do for the community.
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Hi Joe, It's Jay. I'm sorry that during our off season while I'm volunteering my time to get things ready for the upcoming season I like to poke fun at what I'm doing. Anyone that really knows me knows I enjoy laughing and having fun. And unlike like the person that posted this I will let everyone know who I am. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
This is a screen shot of his personal FB page....not the ball field, concession stand or school. And, most importantly, it's not said around the kids! It's a shame you want to cherry-pick the post that suits your agenda instead of speaking of the many many hours he spends cooking or fixing things at the field, how he attends every single WCBOE meeting, or how much he loves his kids. Jay was, is, and always will be the guy that tries to make you chuckle to lighten whatever load you're carrying. Sounds like this is more personal than professional on your part. Shame on you. Are you above reproach?
This "concerned citizen" is nothing but an uninformed trouble maker and should be disregarded. This screen shot is of the FLL VP doing the floors on his own time, making jokes to lighten the work. Anyone who sees it any other way is the real sicko!
You guys need to get a grip. He is a stand up guy and the problem with this country is that there is no sense of humor anymore. Get a life people. Complain, complain, complain.
Talk about taking a comment out of context. Too bad that this "concerned citizen" did not include any other posts that showed this was a joke in reference to stripping a floor at a building at the little league complex. Grow up ... and no this is not Mr. Disharoon.
It's a joke you fool. I know Jay this guy puts his Hart and soul into fruitland LL. What do you give back to the community?
Vince, baby or your wife, REALLY?? Stick to your day job, prescribing or maybe find something different that doesn't involve mgs. Jay, you are great for FLL. You work your butt off for those kids.
Why weren't you there helping to strip...the floor instead of complaining about a play on words?
It's a joke. Considering this dude must weigh 900 pounds, the humor is in the absurdity. Regardless of how funny it was and for goodness sake, get a grip. Your precious Aiden\Caiden\Braiden\Jaiden is going to bat .125 and pick his nose in right field until he misses an easy pop fly and then proceed to chuck the ball past the cut off man. Fundamentals. Be concerned about fundamentals.
leave the guy alone--that is why this blog is not respected as so called real news--just gossip Salisbury
This is crazy. Get a life, whoever wrote this! Or at the very least, get a sense of humor. Jay is a great person who gives of his OWN TIME to do so much for FLL. More than I do, that's for sure, and more than you too I bet! This absolutely infuriates me, seeing a good and decent man besmirched with innuendo like this. I agree with whoever above said that the person who wrote this is the real sicko! I am so sorry you have to deal with this crap, Jay.
Jay, I'm proud to call you my friend. You have always dropped whatever you were doing to come help out. FLL and Fruitland Recreation are proud to have someone like you giving of your personal time.
As for the "concerned citizen", what kind of volunteer work do you donate to your community?
When I originally saw Jay's post on his Facebook page it had me laughing. I know Jay, this is how he is. The comments were great. No one took it the wrong way. Jay, don't ever change!!
Jay D., So I have heard. Well, you can't blame a parent for being concerned after reading what you placed on social media. I think it's great you came on here and defended your sense of humor.
2:47, Not respected? Yeah, tens of millions of hits and yet YOU are even here, LMAO.
As for your RUMOR statement, what about this Post is a RUMOR?
Must be the same knucklehead that complained about fruit land force and Bill. In the end little league cleared him. People need to stop face book stalking and be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Jay is definitely a good guy that is funny as can be. Trust me, he's not a public menace or threat to society, LOL
I guess he didn't take Billy down so how he is going after others
Mr. Disharoon is a friend and co-worker. He spends countless volunteer hours to improve the organizations he's involved in. The comment is silly and petty and the source should be considered.
Jay, don't let this dude bother you!! He must just be upset! We all love you and what you do for our kids. If he had half as many friends as you do he would not have time to be up in every one else's business :)
Yours truly ,
The chick that took your spot :)
We need to find out what sicko sent this in. It's clear the guy was joking but whoever sent it was stalking and slandering.
it's not stalking and slandering if it was posted on the internet. my god. yes I think we all know it was a joke but an inappropriate one. especially in today's world
9:07 - if the reader was offended, they had the choice to delete Jay from their friends list and therefore never see any more of his posts. (but that defeats their agenda, doesn't it?) They do NOT have the right to dictate what he posts on his OWN PERSONAL PAGE.
Jay is a good dude, a little awkward, but I still love him as a friend and I always tease Jay about the flip flops and thong. That has been an inside joke between several of us for at least 5 years. Everyone on the Board at FLL know exactly what we are talking about.
Speaking of the Board, we just had some serious issues with two brothers named Vince and Bobby. They came in and tried to make change for the better. While they were at it they sent anonymous emails to the Little League international Board, but didn't have enough sense to hide their email address. They were found out and ultimately kicked out of the board.
In both cases this incident and their trouble making was anonymous so we know who it is.
Back off Vince, you are going after the wrong guy!
Ahahaha this is so funny how quickly you guys forget I can't let the young buck take the credit for this, but it sure is fun to watch. This one is a blast from the past. Watching everything unfold over last several months I could not sit back and let it dye down you know I had to say something. But seriously I can't let you bash Vince or his family they had nothing to do with this one, stretch your mind and think who else went above your heads
Doesn't matter who the Concerned Citizen is. Whatever scam he/she/it was up to, didn't pan out here. It is obvious that Jay is a well-respected member of the Fruitland Community and the baseball community. I have a child who plays baseball and I am totally impressed with the improvements made to Fruitland Little League over the past several years and they probably wouldn't have happened without the efforts of people like Mr. Disharoon, Billy Atkinson and Mr. Underwood.
Going against better judgement I wanted to write in and defend jay and my family. I really don't know jay only what I have seen and heard, that is that he puts a lot of time and effort into his kids and little league. He is a good role model and raises his kids alone. However my family is being attacked here as well I can assure you Vince and Bobby had nothing to do with this. What they had a problem with was billy Atkinson not jay. Their issues didn't pan out like someone said and that have accepted that. They to had the best interests of little league, but it didn't work out no big deal. But I can tell you they would never attack jay like this, they have know this man all their lives and would never stoop to defaming him or his reputation. Trust me if they had a problem with him they would take it to the board after learning from their prior experience. These guys just want to coach their kids and move on. Som one is not letting that happen and is willing to defame jay and everyone else, at their personal gain. I promise Vince and Bobby or any member of their family had nothing to do with this I feel this is someone else's personal addenda. Sorry jay had to be thrown out there and targeted but jay you should feel good knowing you have so many friends out there. Everyone else should be glad Vince and bobby do have little league as a priority and we're will to stand up to what they felt was right. This is not right and they would not do this it is just not in their character. Apologies for spelling and grammar
Agreed wholeheartedly!
Really?!! Well its not funny and you are a shame. So big and bad but need to be anonymous huh? You're the joke here jerk!
Why would I put my family out there so you can target them, like Vince and Bobby? No way no how, but I have a feeling board members know who I am, as I was once one of them. However I wanted people to see what was on ththe little LeagueFacebook posts as jay tagged them it's on their site. I just wanted to stir the pot a little I figured now is as good a time as any. I heard what Vince and Bobby did and admire their courage to stand up to what they felt was right. However they are easy targets and have nothing to do with this
What we need are people who know about the improper way kids are selected to play in All Star games and such around here. Most of those who get picked are related to business owners, friends of Little League coaches, children of people who hold high positions in Salisbury, etc,etc. A lot of kids who deserve to play are not picked because their parents are not important. I know of a coach on a Little League team who was at the meeting where they chose the All Stars and he walked out because of how unfair it was. He questioned what they were doing and they literally told him to mind his own business. He said he would never coach another team because of that. He said it was unbelievable what they were doing. All in who you are. If your kid is very good at playing ball and was not picked, I would question the heck out of those people. Crooks in Little League. Shameful.
Anonymous said...
Doesn't matter who the Concerned Citizen is. Whatever scam he/she/it was up to, didn't pan out here. It is obvious that Jay is a well-respected member of the Fruitland Community and the baseball community. I have a child who plays baseball and I am totally impressed with the improvements made to Fruitland Little League over the past several years and they probably wouldn't have happened without the efforts of people like Mr. Disharoon, Billy Atkinson and Mr. Underwood.
January 19, 2016 at 8:43 AM
You have got to be kidding? Billy Attkinson and Scott Underwood? They are still making a profit off of Little League and Fruitland Force and I am going to report them again. They got away with it the first time and I won't let them get away with it a second time. You can bet Billy is still using Little League equipment to supply Fruitland Force travel baseball so Billy can get money to pay his bills. Scott Underwood is defending him so he is guilty as well. You didn't want me to be the president so you came up with a scheme to get me voted out. I will be back.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's a joke. Considering this dude must weigh 900 pounds, the humor is in the absurdity. Regardless of how funny it was and for goodness sake, get a grip. Your precious Aiden\Caiden\Braiden\Jaiden is going to bat .125 and pick his nose in right field until he misses an easy pop fly and then proceed to chuck the ball past the cut off man. Fundamentals. Be concerned about fundamentals.
January 18, 2016 at 2:44 PM
LMAO!! Are you saying daddy coaches baseball just so his kid will get some playing time. That is exactly why most parents coach sports.
Does anyone else think this is Vince Lewis, PA-C or his brother posting this pic of Jay?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Must be the same knucklehead that complained about fruit land force and Bill. In the end little league cleared him. People need to stop face book stalking and be part of the solution not part of the problem.
January 18, 2016 at 3:22 PM
Yeah, to bad you don't know what you are talking about. Fruitland Little League lost their charter immediately and Scott Underwear told all kinds of lies to get their provisional status back. Bill Atkinson used Fruitland Little League fieds, their equipment, their lime, their clay, shoves, tractor, you name it. They also took a massive profit from the concession stand and he is demanding a lot more. Bill Atkinson started Fruitland Force with kids from Fruitland Little League and charges them a fortune. The "F" in Force is supposed to be "F"ree for the kids to play. He lied to everyone of them. When the parents finally catch on they hate the guy. He is a con artist. Yeah buddy, coming from the Heart!!
Billy Atkinson and Scott Underwear are the biggest thiefs at Fruitland Little League and they need to resign!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jay is a good dude, a little awkward, but I still love him as a friend and I always tease Jay about the flip flops and thong. That has been an inside joke between several of us for at least 5 years. Everyone on the Board at FLL know exactly what we are talking about.
Speaking of the Board, we just had some serious issues with two brothers named Vince and Bobby. They came in and tried to make change for the better. While they were at it they sent anonymous emails to the Little League international Board, but didn't have enough sense to hide their email address. They were found out and ultimately kicked out of the board.
In both cases this incident and their trouble making was anonymous so we know who it is.
Back off Vince, you are going after the wrong guy!
January 19, 2016 at 1:56 AM
I agree. Scott Underwear is the guy that gave you and your brother the problems. Scott started everything so he is your guy!!
Anonymous said...
Going against better judgement I wanted to write in and defend jay and my family. I really don't know jay only what I have seen and heard, that is that he puts a lot of time and effort into his kids and little league. He is a good role model and raises his kids alone. However my family is being attacked here as well I can assure you Vince and Bobby had nothing to do with this. What they had a problem with was billy Atkinson not jay. Their issues didn't pan out like someone said and that have accepted that. They to had the best interests of little league, but it didn't work out no big deal. But I can tell you they would never attack jay like this, they have know this man all their lives and would never stoop to defaming him or his reputation. Trust me if they had a problem with him they would take it to the board after learning from their prior experience. These guys just want to coach their kids and move on. Som one is not letting that happen and is willing to defame jay and everyone else, at their personal gain. I promise Vince and Bobby or any member of their family had nothing to do with this I feel this is someone else's personal addenda. Sorry jay had to be thrown out there and targeted but jay you should feel good knowing you have so many friends out there. Everyone else should be glad Vince and bobby do have little league as a priority and we're will to stand up to what they felt was right. This is not right and they would not do this it is just not in their character. Apologies for spelling and grammar
January 19, 2016 at 9:29 AM
You can not promise or "assure" anyone that someone you know didn't write this. You were not with them 24 hours a day. Just because you "assured" us doesn't mean that we should believe you.
Take a hike!!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Doesn't matter who the Concerned Citizen is. Whatever scam he/she/it was up to, didn't pan out here. It is obvious that Jay is a well-respected member of the Fruitland Community and the baseball community. I have a child who plays baseball and I am totally impressed with the improvements made to Fruitland Little League over the past several years and they probably wouldn't have happened without the efforts of people like Mr. Disharoon, Billy Atkinson and Mr. Underwood.
January 19, 2016 at 8:43 AM
You have got to be kidding? Billy Attkinson and Scott Underwood? They are still making a profit off of Little League and Fruitland Force and I am going to report them again. They got away with it the first time and I won't let them get away with it a second time. You can bet Billy is still using Little League equipment to supply Fruitland Force travel baseball so Billy can get money to pay his bills. Scott Underwood is defending him so he is guilty as well. You didn't want me to be the president so you came up with a scheme to get me voted out. I will be back.
January 28, 2016 at 5:08 AM
You can bet your life on it that Billy Adkinson is using Fruitland Little League to make a profit to pay his bills. He is doing it and Scott Underwood is defending him. Someone should please report this to Little League International. While you are at it please demand an audit of the last 10 years that Billy and Scott have been involved in Fruitland Little League. You might find that both of them have made money off the League. Every single game they also go in the concession stand and eat free food while I have to pay $6 for a hamburger. Scott Underwood feeds his entire family in there. They eat crab cakes, cheese burgers, scrapple and egg sandwiches, french fries, corn dogs, Pulled pork. That Underwood family eats pretty good at Fruitland Little League.
Blogger bayman said...
What we need are people who know about the improper way kids are selected to play in All Star games and such around here. Most of those who get picked are related to business owners, friends of Little League coaches, children of people who hold high positions in Salisbury, etc,etc. A lot of kids who deserve to play are not picked because their parents are not important. I know of a coach on a Little League team who was at the meeting where they chose the All Stars and he walked out because of how unfair it was. He questioned what they were doing and they literally told him to mind his own business. He said he would never coach another team because of that. He said it was unbelievable what they were doing. All in who you are. If your kid is very good at playing ball and was not picked, I would question the heck out of those people. Crooks in Little League. Shameful.
January 25, 2016 at 4:15 PM
That's not how it is. I know there are politics in selecting all stars, but the coaches truly want to pick a winning team.
I've got a feeling you are the "coach that walked out" because your boy didn't get picked and got your feelings hurt. Kevin, I hope your boy practiced harder this winter, but I doubt it. Sorry Bud!
What is everyone's problem? These are kids that love to play ball and it takes A LOT of time from these people to put everything together! Are we really pissing and complaining about a cheeseburger? Do you spend hours at the field doing things that need to be done or do you show up watch your child and leave? Adults really do ruin sports for kids! At the end of the day the child's stats and attitude decides All-stars. Everyone who has a problem with the way FLL is ran should go find another sport or shut up! I share my family with FLL and I would not do that if it was not full of good people that are there for the right reasons!
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