DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 20, 2015
William Hall, Brad Gillis, Matt Holloway, It's not who you know, it's what you blow
Salisbury News can report that the three gentlemen above have not only traveled out of the country to inspect other growing facilities, they are very interested as partners in building a facility here in Wicomico County to grow medical marijuana.
I think it's important that the public become aware that yet another elected official is using his weight to garnish special interest in the hope of becoming a front runner.
Senator Jim Mathias has also shown his interest in helping his boss Odachowski in becoming a front runner in Worcester County.
Wow, to be politically connected, you are now looking at possible future multi millionaires because of who you know.
It has been reported that IF they do in fact get their license to grow marijuana, Matt Holloway will resign from the County Council. It was also reported that they expect to profit anywhere between $15,000,000.00 to $20,000,000.00 annually.
On another note, what most people are not aware of is that these grow farms will hire between 30 to 50 employees, most will be security guards. One facility was recently raided by what some claim could be cartels and or gangs. Everyone that was present, (employees) were killed. Do we really want that kind of trouble here on the Eastern Shore?
Another thought. Why can't we just buy our medical marijuana from Colorado?
You should also know that NONE of the Counties in the state of Maryland will receive a DIME from the sale of this industry. The state will receive $50.00 an ounce but the counties get NOTHING.
So a select few will instantly become multimillionaires, the residents of these communities will possibly be subjected to cartel or gang murders and the communities take all the risk.
Finally, homelessness will increase, crime will go UP, auto insurance will rise, more clinics will be required, (at taxpayers expense) welfare, ebt and other government subsidies will go up and here's the kicker, ALL of this has happened in Colorado. Funny how the Main Stream Media has swept this under the rug.
I say, cut a deal with other states or counties and buy direct from them instead. Especially since this doesn't benefit us in the least. This is throwing good money after bad money.
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Time for you to relocate Joe.
The more medicine the better. It's a plant and all evidence is pointing toward it's medical benefits. The war on pot is finally ending. It took 50 years but people are finally starting to wise up.
I looked at that application when they were advertising. Seems as if you better have a lot of up front money, be in with politicians and have a good lawyer to get all this processed.
Wicomico seems just as good ole boy system as somerset
You might as well change the name of Salisbury and Wicomico to Gillisville or Hollowayville, and let's not forget that obnoxious, self-entitled Joey Gilkerson. The abuse of power is rampant in this county. Unfortunately, Culver has no help in trying to clean this mess up. He is surrounded by sharks, including in his own office. Bob - please take back this county. You know they are targeting you for defeat at the next election. You need to act now BEFORE it is too late. You were elected to clean things up. The council is of no help. Step it up!
Why does homelessness go up and auto insurance increase because of growing medical marijuana?
Palmer, Brad, Joey, Tony, Matt.....its a shame that all of you are so deceptive. Its a shame that you preach "community", yet you want to be involved in a federally illegal endeavour?
12:46, That is what Colorado has experienced ever since they legalized it. Yes, even auto insurance companies, (which I personally think is complete BS) are claiming accidents have gone up because of pot. Nevertheless, this is what is coming out of Colorado.
This sounds just like Renewable Energy. A few fat cats at the top reap the benefits while everyone else pays the price.
Looks like the Wicomico Good Ole Boys are following the Simpkins/Boston/Laird blueprint we have going on in Somerset.
That would be a dumb move since federally its still illegal and the feds could come in a seize assets. You can not even deposit the money you make in a bank. Since all the mentioned have legit assets I would be very careful with this. Just like in Colorado it must be grown locally and none imported. Did I mention that Colorado has a 27% tax on it. Once the feds wake up to this I see a national rollout coming soon. If you are a resident you only pay the sales tax of the state.The best buds are grown in doors and use special lights and co2.The royal plus guy has the best facility to do this and a senator on his payroll.
this is not as big of a home run as you think. Maryland is medical only not recreational. That's how Colorodo is killing it as they tax recreational 27%. That's where all the money is not off of a hand full of sick people for medical. Also there will be a lot of competition from people who know how to grow and also are already doing it in other states as Maryland does not have the being local requirement that other states have. That's why they got swamped with applications from all over. And finally what do those 3 know about growing quality herb?
Every time I see or hear the words Gillis Gilkerson I cringe. Their obvious corruption is deplorable, and even more astonishing that NOTHING is done about it. When will the sheeple of this area say enough is enough???
So you would rather send dollars out of our community to Colorado instead of having them spent and taxed locally. Envy and jealousy prevail. This was an offering open to the public. Any one who wanted to could have responded to the public offering. So because these guys did, does that make it wrong?
Colorado hasn't made nearly the money they predicted would be forth coming from the sales of marijuana. This because all the illegal dealers came in and are undercutting the price. There also has been a notable spike in crime in Colorado. Just google the number of shops that have been robbed. The states that legalized it for medical purposes only are experiences spikes in crime as the dispensary employees and delivery persons are being robbed.
Why anyone would want to be involved in this business is a mystery. The proof is no matter how anyone tries to spin it this leads to crime.
1:09, If you are directing your statement towards me, there's no envy or jealousy on my behalf. My post is about political incorrectness. Let's break this down. A County Councilman with political influence is one of the applicants. He has admitted that if he gets the license he will immediately resign a multimillionaire. Now some have suggested it is his Wife on the application, I disagree. Nevertheless, Matt traveled with the other partners. I believe residents are sick and tired of politicians using their influence to get rich.
As for the other commenter who tried to say I was jealous because they'll make so much money. Let's not forget, I owe NO ONE. ALL of my properties are paid for, as well as every single vehicle and everything else I own. I also retired at 40 years old. IF you think I have ANY issue with other people legitimately making money, you are warped. I made my share and everyone is welcome to make theirs as well.
Oh, I never made a dime off of politicians. In fact, it's the other way around. I financially supported many candidates and you can ask ANY of them, I've never asked for a favor in return. I simply paid it forward in the hopes of a better America.
There has ALWAYS BEEN MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOLKS! It is prescribed by your Physician....Called "Marinol". yOU GET a prescription and go pick it up at your pharmacy. This is nothing new.
So why do we need the smoking or inhalation "Medical Marijuana"??!! WE DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!! Medical Marijuana through Prescription has been around for YEARS!!! OUR country doesn't need this!!!!
This is just greedy politicians using their influence and contacts!! Total corruption. Joe is exactly CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!
Ive Said it once if you or your project doesn't have .....Becker, Hanna, Gills, Davis, or Rinner on the applications...and all the "Winners" or Wieners.....have that pedigree behind you....You're not doing anything in this town
1:20 is exactly correct AND Marinol doesn't have the negative health related concerns. The method of inhalation marijuana smokers use puts them on the fast track for every single kind of pulmonary disease and condition under the sun. This is why in Colorado Medicaid claims have gone through the roof too.
"I say, cut a deal with other states or counties and buy direct from them instead. Especially since this doesn't benefit us in the least. This is throwing good money after bad money."
This is the best idea because it would cut down drastically on the bureaucracy created to "oversee" this bad idea. Let some other state have the pleasure of the increased bureaucracy, the spike in crime, etc.
Total Corruption!!!!!!!!!!! Wicomico County doesn't need more drugs and more crime!!!!! We all are exhausted with Heroin Epidemic!!!!!!!!!!!
What doctor is going to prescribe "Medical Marijuana--Inhalation" when you can get it PAID FOR through you prescription called "MARINOL"!!!
guess what Matt Holloway, this will blow your plan out of the water! Let's educate Wicomico County about "Marinol" and physicians NOT WRITE "Inhalation" kind!!!
Pie in your face to the dirty politicians of Wicomico County!! hahah
Have a friend who moved to Denver years ago and while I don't think he smokes pot he says that the rate for legal stuff is twice the price of what's on the street corner.This also does not include the taxes you have to pay.Maybe O Bama will allow it to be bought with an EBT card or something similar.
To the guy talking about Marinol. That's a man made synthetic version and is not the same as THC not even close. Go do both then come back and lets talk about it. Drives me crazy to have people who know nothing spewing out half truths.
Agriculture is the Eastern Shore, a perfect fit for us. We should be growing it for Colorado not the other way around.
bottom line. this will NOT be good for our county. period. just look at what has happened in Colorado...duh
Very good point 1:39 pm!!! Inhalation marijuana is HORRIFIC FOR PULMONARY STATUS INCLUDING hardening of CARDIAC arteries VS pill for of marijuana which is once again called "MARINOL".
FDA approved for years and your doctor can prescribe it and paid for through your prescription PLAN! And as 1:39 pm said, it is EXTREMELY SAFE FOR YOU THAT IS why it is FDA approved!
Thank you Joe for letting us educate this community. Blows the greedy, corrupt politicians out of the water. If you need Medical Marijuana, go to your physician, or other providers and inquire about it.
Get it through your pharmacy which is MUCH SAFER and WAY CHEAPER than inhalation kind!
Buncha bums shoulda went to 411 with the Men
being billie hall is an attorney, I'm surprised he's advocating for conspiring against federal laws.
1:40 pm. hahaha....Nice try! This must be Matt, Gillis, or another investor worried to death that I am educating this community and your hopes of being a "millionaire" is crumbling...
Actually, I am hard-working, professional in the medical field and is very well educated on Marinol.
Marinol is synthetic made marijuana which includes Delta 9 THC that is found naturally in inhalation marijuana.
Talk with my patients, including War Vets... Marinol is their lifesaver and 100% paid by their insurance company. No out of pocket expenses for already financial stricken Veterans!
If they are using their political influence for FINANCIAL contracts/gains, etc it should be reported.
Call Governor Hogan's office at 1-800-811-8336. They are people friendly and love to hear about this!
Nobody likes a tattle tale - learnt that in kindergarten. All politicians use political influence for financial gains. When is the last time you saw a broke former president or congress person?
Deals CAN NOT be made or political influence while "IN" office.
What you do after working "FOR" the people ..meaning you are no longer employed for government, then it is perfectly legal.
Not legal while working/employed for the Government!!
Call Hogan's office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be leary of enter into ANY deal with those guys....well the majority of them anyway. If you cheat on your wife, you will CHEAT anyone at anytime. Sailsbury's finest....
Anybody that wants it grow up to 20 plants each, harvest, dry, smoke, repeat.
Any other choice is dancing around the "How do we tax this" thing.
Aw come on. It will create jobs and put munchies on the table.
Marinol is synthetic THC, only one cannabinoid out of at least 85 other cannabinoids that are found in marijuana. While THC does have plenty of benefits by itself, ie. helping with PTSD, it is not the only cannabinoid that has medicinal benefits. One example of a cannabinoid that is not in marinol and has probably the most medicinal benefit out of the 85 found in marijuana is CBD. So untill marinol contains all of the cannabinoids found in marijuana they are nothing alike and marinol will not have as many medicinal benefits.
And for everybody saying smoking it is bad for you? No duh smoking anything is bad for you, but you do realize you can ingest it and get the same benefits
Didn't that attorney Hall have a big fund raising party for Pollitt just before the last election?
I heard that Matt Holloway was there, but what about Gillis?
This reeks of foulness.
6:51pm. Not true!! As a matter of fact Marinol been working great! In addition to pill form, there is no worry about lung disorders or 2nd hand smoke that children most certainly be affected by! Go to Colorado and there is literally stinch in the air!
6:51pm. Not true!! As a matter of fact Marinol been working great! In addition to pill form, there is no worry about lung disorders or 2nd hand smoke that children most certainly be affected by! Go to Colorado and there is literally stinch in the air!
All the uninformed anti medical marijuana people here are too funny. I smoked green mainly from bongs and bowls for the past 10 years until I discovered edibles and vaporizing through a buddy of mine out in seattle. I haven't smoked in over a year now, only "vape" and eat chocolate bars. I drive out every couple of months and stock up.
The majority of users in Seattle, both medical and recreational have made the switch to alternate forms on ingestion. Vaping is the rage I have to spend a couple days hitting up the shops trying to find the canisters because they fly off the shelves. All the people griping about pulmonary disease thanks for your concern but conscientious, responsible medical users arent going to have to worry about that asthe tech and culinary industry evolves these next couple of years.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
I can remember my parents saying our country is going to pot. Little did they know that it is literally.
It's farming and we must always protect the farmers' rights here on the Eastern Shore. If you don't like it, leave.
The same politicians who have allowed hundreds of people to go to prison for growing/distributing marijuana SHOULD NOT now be able to set their friends up to profit from it!
I believe marijuana should be legal, but I'd rather keep buying it from my local street vendor than give these losers a dime of my money.
The supporters of Hall/Gillis/Holloway talk about how they are such savy entrepreneurs. I guess you are guaranteed to be successful if its illegal to compete with you.
I do support medicinal marijuana and would not be surprised to see Maryland legalize non-medicinal use within the next decade. Don't know anything about the proposal of this group. The decision on the growers will me made by an impartial board based on some difficult requirements and not just money and local influence. There is an excellent proposal for a facility in Somerset by a group with commercial growing experience and capital with significant broad based county government local community and institutional support. I would be shocked if the Wicomico group could match them. More power to them if they are awarded a license.
Definitely, the environment on the eastern shore is not optimal for cannabis production.
what 8:40 pm? What does that mean??? "farmer's rights".... Are you saying Farmer's Rights to grow produce, grain, poultry and beef industry? Or Farmer's rights to grow pot? Is this why you positioned yourself with green houses and trying to buy up land? Your father (Bob) was one of board members of Hebron Savings bank that is now being investigated by the Federal Government?
I think Greg Johnson was suppose to announce land auctions to public as required by law BUT DIDN'T...., then LET BOARD MEMBERS like Bob HOLLOWAY would buy it up for cheap, next to nothing.
So Marylanders,,,,,lets give him and Matt license to grow pot on a illegally obtained land purchase.
Is this Matt Holloway on the blog...I think so!
You are a lousy human!
VAPING definitely causes lung disease, cancers, etc. AS a matter of fact, Vaping Vanilla flavors has been scientifically proven to cause carcinogens. It has been recently published in the British Journal of Medicine. We need clean air, clean environment, not POT smoking, rather it be vape smoke or not it is still chemicals and it is still polluting our Eastern Shore of Maryland.
End of Story!!!!!! WE DO NOT WANT IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:31 P M. THAT'S a mute point! There is already medical marijuana in a pill form the you can get with a prescription, FDA approved, insurance approved, "Ingested pill" form already exists!
No need for Medical Marijuana growers, etc to come here! We already have it!
It's not farming in the traditional sense of the word. Holloway's family are farmers, they're the ones cutting all the sod, stripping away all the topsoil and their aquaponics lettuce. This will be grown in the old Matech building in Hebron under tight security. They advertised for a head of security at $120k per year. Holloway is a greedy, self serving POS. Hall and Gillis are unspeakable character.
Pot is legal for medicinal use and is objectively far less harmful than cigarettes or alcohol. If you have an issue with medicinal marijuana you had your turn at bat and you lost. Now, instead of squandering billions in taxpayer dollars and million of LEO man hours chasing pot smokers we can collect taxes off it the same way they do off of alcohol.
In days long passed, I may have smoked a lot pot, may have sold a lot of pot, may have distributed a lot of pot. I no longer partake in any of those activities. I have no problem with those that chose to use pot. It should be legal and like other regulated drugs (tobacco/alcohol) not be sold to minors which means they will still get it somewhere if they want it. We did and they do today as well. Too many futures have been ruined by making criminals of people with under an ounce of weed for personal use. It has been 50 years since the 60's and many of our politicians have smoked pot or even done cocaine and other hard drugs. I've been to Colorado and Washington since it was legalized and didn't see zombies stoned out of their minds roam the streets. Some people smoked pot and others did not. Tobacco kills far more people than pot ever will since it can be taken in many forms other than smoking it.
Will hall defended a person in court 10 minutes later Dan Powell let him prosecute a case.
10:27 just another way for Americans to pollute themselves. Isn't there crap out there. There is a pill for everything. We have enough dope to escape reality already. I say no. When is enough, enough. This is the problem with this greedy, half baked world we live in.
These asshats are arrogant money grubbers.
Bob Culver stand tall on this one or I know a large population of conservatives that might second guess your loyalty and ability to lead this county. The minority that wants it is far outweighed by those who don't want it here.
Baltimore is a prime example that people are sick of this self indulgent bunch of politicians trying to do anything they can for self wealth and the votes of Libtards.
America will slowly rise out of this liberal agenda killing this great nation.
50 jobs sounds great for the county....
But alcohol is probably OK in your book.
"It was also reported that they expect to profit anywhere between $15,000,000.00 to $20,000,000.00 annually."
Do you know how much pot would have to be sold to PROFIT $20 million a year? Let's use the rough # of $500 per ounce. That's 40,000 ounces, divided by 16 ounces to a pound. 2500 lbs. How many medical marijuana cards do you think are going to be given out lol. After all business expenses are paid the owners will be lucky to make a couple hundred grand to split between them.
Liberal moron alert! Oh wait..that's redundant isn't it......Liberal Alert!
The smoke will be from the fire of the fields and building burning to the ground. Don't bring this crap to the shore. We won't tolerate it.
Another idiot. Who let's these people off their leash?
If that were true, they wouldn't do it. Moron
Matt Holloway should resign immediately for attempting to use his position in office to influence his application process! The citizen should demand it.
Joe, please keep this and Mike Dumb's story up at the top all day. The left column is not as effective as you think. I never go back and I know many who don't either so we don't get to see the comments.
I agree that Matt Holloway should not be on the County Council at this time. Looks bad in my eyes to have someone representing the county that I live in and pay taxes dearly to be even involved in the medical marijuana business. Resign now!
Yup, drive more jobs and business out of town. If they are smart, they would take the operation to Dorchester county.
7:49, (and others) Why are some of you so worried about sending jobs elsewhere. Are we so desperate that we'd considering bringing a business like this to the Shore that has the risk of gangs and cartels ambushing this facility? Come on now, THINK. The majority of people employed there will be security guards. Heck, one of the other groups trying to open one in Wicomico County stated they'd be hiring ALL retired NAVY SEALS to protect them.
What truly bothers me the most is, WHY haven't ALL of you become extremely angry at your elected officials for NOT doing their jobs? Each and every one of these people ran on a platform promising JOBS. It was the number one topic of every debate.
When I ran, I not only talked about it, I provided answers and ways it can be done. It wasn't just talk. I have also provided a small amount of posts stating how I would actually bring businesses to the City/County.
We do not need to take such risks. We just need Governor Hogan, Executive Culver, Jake Day, SWED, the Chamber, Greater Salisbury and our other elected officials to create a summit, join forces and get it done.
HOWEVER, when you bring LIBERAL negativity like Mike Dunn to the table, positive GROWTH is NOT what they want. They want YOU to be DEPENDENT. They want YOU to believe they are doing everything they can to save Salisbury. Well, ARE/HAVE THEY? NO!
You have a newly proposed Economic Development Department for Wicomico County, yet they can't find the right person to be their Director. So what will happen, they'll settle for less and that is NOT good. I think Culver is doing it smart, DON'T hire anyone at all if you can't find the right person. Be patient, keep marketing the position until the right person comes along.
I would say the worst part about all of this is that every one of these groups wants to take credit or be in charge and that goes for EVERYTHING they do. The City wants MILLIONS from the County for the Fire Department. It's a blame game on every single topic because special interests actually run the politics. When we get good leadership, (and I do believe Day and Culver could be awesome leaders) and they are allowed to do their job without negativity from each Council, you'd be amazed at how quick things can turn around.
HOWEVER, the LIBERALS have had long enough to make things right and guess what, NOTHING is working at all. You people need to get out and VOTE. You people need to join the Republican or Democrat Clubs. I can say the Republican Club is about the most classless organization I've ever seen. I even have friends who want to join but refuse to do so because they do NOT want their name associated with the people currently there. Very sad. Put more pressure on your elected officials and demand good paying JOBS.
Honestly, I really don't give a flying F anymore. I've moved on. No longer pay MD state taxes, my business is incorporated in another state and just waiting to unload some waterfront properties to be completely done with Wicomico county other than keeping a couple rentals and a personal residence to enjoy a few months of late spring/early fall weather.
How about instead of name calling you use your brain and a little sensibility. Its going to be kind of hard for a patient to get approved for medical marijuana. Even being nice giving them some leeway maybe a couple million profit once the operation is in full swing and producing with clones. But no way they make $20 million profit. They would have to sell $30 million worth of product annually to cover their expenses. If it was 100% legalized, yeah they could probably do it. But its going to be a small, regulated clientele.
I'm a staunch conservative and I agree. Thanks for putting the truth out there.
SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!! Idiot. You can't even spell stench correctly
3:31 getting a medical marijuana isn't hard at all in fact I know several people that have there's in California and live here in Salisbury. Hop on plane go there purchase @5800 a pound, ship it
back then sell for believe me more than your quoting. Welcome to the underworld, now we won't have to travel
Why will the homelessness rate increase due to this?
False, very easy to get a medical marijuana card just wait and see. California cost about 500 to get from a doctor and don't even have to live there
Thank you for posting this Joe. I (and am sure Many others) was unaware of this. This unscrupulous trio have always been selfish and Greedy shysters who possess no morals or principles. They are a waste of space on Earth.
I think all those who are opposed to this should call their offices to let them know and if you see them out in public, confront them with your opinion as well.
As 8:35 stated, the love of money is the root of all evil and these Greedy 3 Stooges are a prime example. Their only goal in life is to make as much money as they can in life while living it with no morals, purpose, or meaning. These Greedy and Hedonistic Stooges probably have it written in their wills to have all their money buried with them in their caskets.
Keep us updated on Mathias with any new details Joe so we can contact his office.
8:51, the homeless rate in Colorado went up after they legalized it. Of course you're not going to read or hear about it from the Main Stream Media. Perhaps it has been too long since you bought your last bag of pot but I can tell you the price is unbelievable, compared to when we were kids.
That being said, pot is completely different today vs. back in the 60's and 70's. It is far more potent and some say addictive. One thing everyone must understand is that there are some human beings with addictive behavior and there are others who are not. For example, I have a Brother who can buy a pack of cigarets a month. He simply enjoys one with a beer. I have another Brother who can nurse one beer throughout an entire evening, yuk. Other people can't stop smoking a few packs a day and or drink all night until the bar closes. There are gamblers who are addicted to the game. There are sex addicts that can't get enough.
IF you have an addictive personality and spend all of your money on drugs, homelessness will rise. Crime will rise. Very few people have the expendable cash they used to have and if you deny that, well, you're delusional.
There will be some who read this article and think, this is no big deal. There are others who will think, this is a serious problem. The article is here so that all of you can debate it on either side.
We just don't need this here in Wicomico County!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I say we start an organization and writing letters to the Maryland Cannabis Commission TO VOICE OUR OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Alberto...YOU ARE ON IT!!!!!!!! lOVE IT THAT YOU ARE USING THIS BLOG to educate Wicomico County.
You are definitely great for this community!!!
The Drug Enforcement Administration lists marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance, a category reserved for drugs with high potential for abuse and "no currently accepted medical use." This means the possession of marijuana is illegal at the federal level. The government, however, allows states to choose their own laws regarding marijuana legalization for both medical and recreational purposes.
Source: Journal of Medicine
9:08, There are a select group of people, (special interests) who are loving every minute of this. Why, because they take advantage of the uneducated. No, I'm not saying you, (or anyone else) is uneducated in general. Here's my problem and here is why I created Salisbury News.
It is your MAIN STREAM MEDIA who cover all of these things up. Oh sure, there are times when they are pressured into exposing certain things because it went viral HERE. However, when they do finally come around to exposing it, they do so in a completely different light, like making it sound like this is an over the top great idea and how or why YOU should support it.
So why does this happen. Because MOST of these special interests ADVERTISE with the local MSM. Hence why Joe Albero is the Anti Christ of the Eastern Shore. So why isn't anyone else out there doing what I do. Well, for starters you need a bank roll to fight these special interests when they sue you, (and they LOSE) However, you still need the money to fight them. Then again, when you are broke, sucking off the taxpayers dole you can also start a Blog and you couldn't care less if someone sues you because you have absolutely nothing anyway.
We are not here to purposely defame anyone. We are here to educate, expose and debate many important issues. You are given an opportunity to comment anonymously without fear of retaliation, UNLIKE the rest of the local media who force you to use your registered Facebook account. WHY, because they want you to SHUT UP. They do NOT want ANY of you to disagree or debate anything. Look at the amount of comment on this article alone. How many of them are positive and or support this proposal???
When you come to Salisbury News you not only get the real facts, the TRUTH, you ultimately get the HONEST pulse of what the community thinks or feels. I can assure you, on January 1'st when we expose our traffic you will instantly and firmly agree that Salisbury News is by far the #1 news source on the entire Shore, if not the state.
So true Joe. And this blog (after reading everyone's comments) has been VERY educational and informative to the public and taxpayers of Wicomico County. People are just expressing views and opinions which they have every right to do so.
I wish people understood how so important their voices are in their community where they choose to live their life and raise children, grandchildren, etc.
Allowing this, in my opinion, would make only a handful of people "money richer" but the environment that we live in, will be "Poorer" and increase in crime rates (and we all know we don't need anymore crime here).
Thank you for allowing the people who are vested here to have an input! Otherwise, we would be living under a rock.
9:08 here Joe. No offense to the "uneducated" remark, but a better description as to what us Eastern Shore residents are is - "uninformed."
After residing on the Eastern Shore for 8+ years while observing the media, it is obvious that they cautiously pick and choose what to inform its residents while withholding scandalous news of the area's Oligarchs in order to protect them. This rarely occurs on the Western Shore.
This area's media is a propaganda machine designed to keep its residents misinformed, hence brainwashing them.
While I am not fooled and not included among the brainwashees, unfortunately most Eastern Shore residents are naive and fall victim to their brainwashing scheme.
10:34, Thank you for your comment. I will say that I did explain in my comment earlier, "We are not here to purposely defame anyone. We are here to educate, expose and debate many important issues."
I believe we are the only news source out there that does educate the public. I love how WBOC cherry picks who they interview. I mean, think about it. IF they wanted an opposing view, why wouldn't they come to me and ask me the same questions. Especially if they think I'm a fool. They do NOT contact me because I will always tell the TRUTH and they do NOT want their viewers knowing the truth.
I should follow them around in interviews and after they are done ask that same person if they support Hillary's proposed legislation on free college education for everyone if she becomes President. I'm sure they'd all say, hell yeah.
That time has come and gone. It's time for some eastern shore justice. Burn baby burn
The homeless went up in Colorado because once they legalized it real estate went through the roof and they had over 500,000 people migrate to the state. They also have had 1/2 the DWI related accidents once they legalized it.
To our community and the people that live in it!
If you don't want it here, call Hogan's office and/or Maryland Cannabis Commission.
You can most certainly send both parties an email.
It is popping up all over.
All of a sudden it is becoming acceptable to smoke it.
The reason why is the hopes of keeping the American public high
so we don't care what they are doing to us.
Why do you think the feds have not raided any state yet?
Oh no, the stoners are coming and they are almost as scary as the muslims, err cartels or rich people. You folks are scared of everything and a bunch of negative nancys.
You are an extremist 1:45pm! No one is scared of "stoners".
Ridiculous and educated comment. We just don't want that type of environment here!
1:03 pm.... You are saying when they legalized Marijuana, it was in such demand....that people crowded Colorado and even became homeless cause real-estate increased majorly.
first of all, that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. They became homeless because they couldn't afford their home, yet instead of deciding to sell when supposively real estate was sooooo goood....They decided to go homeless!!?? WTF! So homeless was a better choice so they could still smoke it all!
hahahahaha! Wow...just wow.... As far as DWI, driving under influence of any substance is illegal and classified as "DUI" or "DWI".
Law officers have no way to test for it....Duh!
I'm not 1:03 but it made sense to me. Rent probably went up. Simple supply and demand logic. Once the rent increased some could not afford the increase. However people moving into the state could afford the rent. It left the lower income people out in the cold. Literally!
These people have no vision for Salisbury,only take all they can get from corrupt people.
Gillis also wants to turn that downtown firehouse farce (Headquarters) into a bar for kids, so I guess it will be booze and bongs.
Would you rather have Monsanto operate grow farms across the country?
How many people want to fight after smoking a little weed. Half of the morons that are against it probably know alcoholics and people who have committed drunken assaults. Most educated people that I know have smoked and the only reason they don't partake now is because someone says you are a criminal if you smoke weed although it is OK to drink to excess everyday and still go to work without fear of a test for alcohol. I think we need more weed smokers and the world would be a more peaceful and better place. Don't condemn it unless you have been stoned. You'll like it.
Alcoholism and alcohol is a drug too and is UNHEALTHY! No one should stay drunk or stoned.... What kind of life is that?
This community is trying to make healthy choice for OUR children and our children's future. It is NOT ACCEPTABLE to stay stoned, drunk, drugs, etc.
This type of thinking is dangerous!
How about his Wicomico County...choose healthy lifestyle for you and your kids.... Let's work out getting jobs here, and improving our community including reducing the Massive Heroin problem that is already here!
Let's put this energy and this blog to good use.
I applaud Joe to bring this topic to light and allow us to discuss this in an open forum!
All friends of Jake Day and Jim Ireton's. Nuff Said!!
Let the Cartels handle the production. Why give this over to the crooks in the County?
Joe your Dec 17@9:30 post sums it all up for the area.Some non profits,banks,politicians,couple developers and businesses,msm in cohoots with each other not for the common good but to line their pockets and keep this area just the way it is.
Anonymous said...
Didn't that attorney Hall have a big fund raising party for Pollitt just before the last election?
I heard that Matt Holloway was there, but what about Gillis?
This reeks of foulness.
December 16, 2015 at 7:05 PM
That's correct. John Hall was there also. I am trying to think what other RINO's were there?
Help me out guys was it Stevie Prettyman or even John Cannon?
Anonymous said...
Gillis also wants to turn that downtown firehouse farce (Headquarters) into a bar for kids, so I guess it will be booze and bongs.
December 17, 2015 at 6:26 PM
Gillis/Gilkerson also want the County Council support their request to get the law changed for them and them only so they can sell liquor in the old firehouse(that they got for free, by the way) because they are whining about losing money and this is the only way to help them get ahead. Aw poor pitiful Gillis and Gilkerson trying to scratch Matt Holloway's back so he can scratch theirs.
Matt Holloway and John Cannon should resign immediately from the County Council.
Maybe some of you folks should remember the quip that rolled of the tongue of P.J. O'Rourke who said, "If you think healthcare is overpriced now, wait 'till the government gets into it." This proved true and in a nutshell all but verifies the point Joe makes about cartels getting into it. They are scumbags, but are businessmen too and understand that if they can deliver a product to the end user at a cheaper price than their competitor, it makes sense do so. It is worth any risk. It's just a scumbag's take on free enterprise. The local politicians who are seeking a piece of the pie are scumbags too. They are little more than whores who will drop their drawers to the highest bidders. Oh, and you folks who voted them in office are screwed too. The only thing of value that you possess that they want is a vote. Votes and money, not necessarily in that order control ALL politics. Your votes are only important to them because once they're in office they get to swim in cleaner water away from common people like you. They get to go to all the right events and parties where they can rub elbows and make deals and money you only dream of. As for the cartels, they'll be employing armed people too. Is there a difference then between them and the people running a state sanctioned operation? Not really. In many cases they go the same parties. Birds of a feather.
Jim Mathis already made his boss many big bucks able to pass lines like hurricane sandy to promote Royal Plus and having the sprinkler systems mandatory in single family homes in Md. . Its saves lives B.S. Why don't they have them in their homes??? I guess they don't care about their family's. NO they know it's B.S. only big bucks cleaning up from frozen pipes every winter. FACT. Wait for the next ice storm when elec is out. Crooks.
Conflict of interests... yet, nothing will be done. Politics at its finest.
do not worry. These 3 have no clue on cannabis production and there are hundreds of applications that do. I do not think theses 3 have a change. The one that does is royal plus in berlin. He has a senator fighting for him.
I was at the gathering at Black Diamond Caters when they had a meeting about a couple that wanted to build a grow facility in Hebron, this was a couple of months ago. Henry Hanna was there taking notes also. I didn't see Brad, Matt or any of the others that are mentioned here. In my opinion, the cannabis industry will be the biggest industry since personal computers were made affordable for home use. The people that take the risk will be the ones that harvest the fruit, then everyone will dislike them because they got in at the start and it made them rich/richer. Looks to me like it's a good place to invest money right now.
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