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Sunday, December 06, 2015
Cardin Statement on the Mass Shooting In San Bernardino
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) released the following statement:
“I send my most heartfelt thoughts and prayers to families who have been impacted by this latest scourge of gun violence. I thank the first responders who are tending the wounded and placing their lives on the line to bring the perpetrators to justice. Once again, America is reeling after reports of another mass shooting. Once again, we will learn the names and stories of victims who were killed or injured for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Once again, I ask why? Not only why did this happen, but why do the most common sense solutions seem out of reach despite the growing bloodshed?
“We must be outraged by these shootings. We cannot allow such violence to become merged into the background of daily life as we know it. There has been a mass shooting in this country at a rate of nearly one a day for almost a year. Now is precisely the time to get serious about taking steps to reduce the frequency of these horrible attacks.”
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Mr. Carson is an honorable man, he is one who thinks before he speaks. I believe he has missed this time however, it is not " gun violence" that should be our concern here about what steps to take. It is " human violence " that should be the concern. It is the failure of all of all our so-called leaders to speak the truth,to identify that which is wrong and the unwillingness to state publicly and call out those whose ideology prevents them from speaking the truth or political expediency.
"We need to get serious about taking steps to reduce the frequency of these horrible attacks." We need to start arming more citizens, eliminating geun free zones and secure our borders - especially from "women and children" Muslim jihadists,
According to the liberals--God will not solve this--and of course they have to politicize and ask for Gun control--where California has the most strict gun control laws already... True hypocrisy--How can anyone vote Democrat is beyond me
"Human violence".
You nailed it.
We need Muslim control not gun control. They have been at war with the United States for 230 years. Remember reading about the Barbary Pirates and Jefferson's war with Tripoli?
11:48 - you got the wrong guy - Carson didn't say this - Cardin did....it's in the headline!
Another politician more concerned with the left's agenda than the people that were assaulted!
Poser Cardin have anything to say about the largest city in the State he supposedly represents?
Baltimore has about 320 murders to date for 2015 for an average
of almost one per day. So the 20 killings in California is no big
deal when you compare the two over time. It appears the only difference is that they "Flock" shoot in Ca. but pick them off
by ones and twos in Charm City.
"...There has been a mass shooting in this country at a rate of nearly one a day for almost a year..."
Completely false. Based on vastly inflated figures from one leftist website.
In a free country the government does not try to PREVENT crime.
It responds only after the crime has taken place.
Do you want to be free?
why is no one talking about the isis training camps we have in this country, one 31 miles away from this event?
I wonder where he gets his tats? 365 ? WoW !
Any Maryland Democrat is FOS!! Another 30 yr tenure for what??? NOTHING. Another one who went in at a modest income and will leave a millionaire.
This wasn't stated by Ben Carson, it is our Democrat Senator Ben CARDIN
I think Mr Cardin is somewhat on the right track here. I agree that something must be done about this violence. We and several other countries have already tried to limit gun access. Look at Paris, France (very strong gun control) and San Bern CA (also fairly strong gun control) and it seems to me that this only makes them a target for morons who want to take someone's life. Instead of decreasing firearm access, how about we try the opposite. Open up concealed carry a lot more, especially in states like CA and MD. Put handguns into the hands of law abiding citizens. Allow open carry. This worked very well in the past so lets try it again. Let legal American Citizens who have no criminal background or mental defects open carry a weapon. Long barrel or short, it makes no difference. Yes, there are still going to be the morons like what just happened in CA, but I believe they will at least think twice about the citizens being armed instead of sitting sheep. If it does happen, I guarantee that 14 people would not be killed. Once they brandished their guns in a menacing way, I believe most AMERICANS would solve the problem right then and there at a minimum cost to the tax payer (bullets are fairly cheap vs. American lives)
Right On Dogg.
Refer to the above Letter To The Editor. Concealed and open carry of handguns is a natural human right not to be taken away by our government in any way.
Wait. He is not being ridiculed for sending prayers?
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