DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 13, 2015
BREAKING: Russia's Huge Announcement That Will Change The War
If I have to put this at the top for a month, I will. You people need to see this video! Take the time to watch it and let it sink in DEEP. The United States is in deep trouble, especially with Russia. Don't ever come back here and say we did not warn you and shame on the rest of the Main Stream Media for not publicizing this information.
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Obama will invite him over for a beer and maybe talk about clocks.
Obama promised "Change" to America, he is going to destroy us all to praise Allah!
I'm amazed at the lack of comments on this. It appears that no one is understanding the gravity of this. The implications here are staggering. Connect the dots here people. There is no way in hell all of this American equipment was "taken" from Iraqi soldiers. We and our allies have been equipping them. Think people. Why have we been avoiding the bombing of their oil convoys? Because we're paying nicey nice? Hell no! Someone is getting paid for NOT bombing them! That is Chicago politics/organized crime - paying for protection. Either in money or oil that is converted to money. Stop being naive. Russia has outed Obama. And Turkey is benefitting from it. When Turkey makes another stupid move on Russia and Russia starts to bomb them into the next century we will be obligated by treaty to defend them. This is a very bad situation. What would Obama do to stop Russia from bringing all these things to light? How far will he go? Looks like we may very well find out. You Obama lovers are so in denial. I pity you and us for what you've done.
The duplicity and stupidity inherent in America's foreign policy is frightening.
Yell conspiracy theorist all you want, head in sand. We are being pushed in front of an oncoming train and that train's name is WWIII.
And it is all being done at the pleasure of the bankers and the military industrial complex.
Welcome to Amerika.
He can no longer defer this to the next president.
this is what Obama wants, to finish off America. You think he cares? He will just take his money, move somewhere nice were he and Moochelle can laugh at what they created. You think Congress cares, sure some of them "may" be affected, but most will follow what the Obamations will do, run and hide with their wealth.
We are being sold out by our own Government in the name of equality and racism. Sheep go bah, bah, bah...
Proof that democrats everywhere are on Isis payroll. Wake up people, dems gotta go, every one of them start at the local level and work up from there
This is what Rush was talking about from the very beginning of the regime.
459 what are you going to do about it? What is YOUR plan of action.
We are witnessing the start of World War III and the vast majority of Americans are too stupid to realize it. If Russia starts dropping bombs on ISIS targets in Turkey, as a NATO partner, the a United States is obligated to come to the aid and defend Turkey. If the Untied States balks on that obligation, then NATO no longer exists.
This makes me f ing furious!! Our nations turns it's lonely eyes to a memory of Ronald Reagan. THIS is why people are turning to Trump. He is the only one I feel confident will not roll over to any political party whose only goal is to make themselves richer. But it really doesn't matter at this point. Obama has blatantly sold us collectively down the river and lies to our faces about it. Before the next president could ever fix it we will have to pay for it. More of our soldiers will die. More of our civilians will be killed at home and abroad. The dems pushed it and the repubs stood by and watched it happen!
abolish NATO, UN & IRS!
The president should be tried and convicted of treason against America. What is this congress waiting for? Are they collectively waiting for the bombs dropping from the sky before they will act upon getting him completely and totally removed from office????
He has proven for the last seven years just how much he hates America and its' value system. He time and time again has mandated protection to muslims but will let real not fake Americans die and he won't lift a finger to help stem the tide.
He wants to bring thousands of muslim Syrians here so they can slaughter us. He has the nerve to stand up before the world and tell Americans not to act or say anything bad to or about muslims. What about the millions of people these savages have killed, beheaded that means CUT OFF THEIR HEADS, and tells us not to fear them. BS.
He is protecting them because he is one of them. He is a radical muslim just a great deal more sinister. His goal was to win the presidency no matter how just win it so he could systematically destroy each branch of government so that total destruction will occur. He has destroyed healthcare, finance systems, education systems, military systems, infra-structure systems, he has corrupted the supreme court, he has caused such racial tensions that have set the country back years, he has upturn Christian religion and refuses to allow prayer. This president needs to be charged and convicted of treason now. This corrupt, terrorist president needs to be convicted of treason and congress needs to get this done before WWIII starts and millions more people will die. WE CAN NO LONGER TRUST THIS PRESIDENT FOR ANY REASON.
Supprised Anyone? All of the remaining sheep, please read Obama's book - Audacity of Hope, page 261, in his own words, by his own admission - he is Muslim. He has sided with Muslims from Day 1, remember Arab Spring in Egypt? So, where do we go from here? I say same fate as President of Turkey - demand resignation or impeachment, starting now!
Turkey is no friend of it's NATO partners and should be kicked out of NATO. The people of turkey support isis, a good example of their feelings about the west was when there was supposed to be a moment of silence at a soccer stadium to honor those killed in Paris the people booed and hollered what ever the hell it is allah ackbar. The turkes are real pieces of s#@!. There is no way we should get into a war with Russia for those pieces of crap.Obama is as big a pos as the Turkes so he will never get the NATO mambers togather to kick Turkey out. It's not looking good for anyone except Putin.
This is exactly why the United States policy towards Syria, Isis, and the greater Middle East makes absolutely no sense. Instead of antagonizing Putin and Russia, Obama should be seeking his alliance and partnership. This is a perfect opportunity to "reset" the Russian/American relationship that has been systematically dismantled by Obama and Clinton over the last seven years. We have a common interest to not only remove the threat posed by Isis, but to also ensure Assad remains in power. Only our president would ally with "rebel forces" in Syria and an authoritarian Islamic regime in Turkey with a shared policy to see Assad overthrown instead of European powers like France and Russia. Why would Turkey, a nation that borders Syria, want to see Assad overthrown and a power vacuum left to be filled by even more threatening forces? This video seems to answer that question. Further, there were reports that came out that the Obama administration intentionally downplayed the growth of Isis in order to allow them to grow and develop into a threat to the Assad regime. Some even believe the U.S. intentionally armed Isis early on, as opposed to stories of them "seizing" American weapons and equipment from Iraqi forces. Even the 75% income tax supporting, Socialist President of France sees Russia as an ally and can identify the true enemy in this conflict.
this is nothing new for those of us who have been paying attention and following these things. but thanks for posting it and continue to remind people just what is going on in the world. and, this is NOT the time for any more gun controls laws, measures, suggestions or whatever. even several sheriffs in different states have been calling for 'legal' gun owners to start carrying.
I would go one more step and say EVERYBODY start carrying.
Total overreaction
NATO is as useless as the UN, the treaty countries will not back each other as agreed upon at the time NATO was formed. This president is setting us all up to become supreme ruler by hook or crook. If he can't start a race war here he will start a world war in the east and with the flood of Muslims use them as his excuse for martial law. Only we the people can stop this but we must be united in either getting our reps to do as we ask or kick them out!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Total overreaction
December 7, 2015 at 9:04 PM
as opposed to inaction?
Joe please keep this posted at the top for at least a month! This is no surprise and Russia has only verified what anyone who is awake has realized. This is bigger than Obama, but he is guilty of treason at the very least. Criminal elements within our government and a handful of globalist scum like George Soros are funding and profiting from radical regime change in all of these countries. Infowars , drudge report, and SBYNews have been reporting on this corruption for years. We had to create and proliferate a boogey man to fight. Isis , isil, al queda, Arab spring in Egypt, Libya. What about the trial Egypt had proving Obama's Kenyan cousin was funneling money to terrorists. The truth is being exposed and it looks like Putin is the leader of the free world. Our current administration are the threat to our country and constitution. The real domestic terrorists and our mainstream media whores they control.
The rocks are crowded , can't find one to crawl under
Total overreaction? That's laughable. Assuming the information in the video is accurate, you have the President of the United States allying with an authoritative Muslim nation to support rebel fores in Syria, at the very least indirectly including parts of Isis. This same nation has been accused for years of doing oil deals with Isis and now this report appears to confirm those accusations. Further, the President of the U.S. is on the opposite side of France and Russia and has intentionally dismantled the U.S.-Russia relationship since taking office.
I think were are in the beginnings of WW 3 and this time were are on the wrong side of history. Obama needs to go!!!! Worst president in history!!! Makes Jimmy Carter look good!
U.S. should have U.N. to drop turkey from it's roster. Sanctions until they withdraw. That's the only way. That or flat out refuse to defend them should Russia attack them Yes, I mean renig.
Obama lets 5 terrorists back in the fight. He needs to be Fn arrested for TREASON.
REMEMBER how obama bowed to the Saudi king ?
No surprises there for me.
I plan to do a Write in for Putin next year.
At least the world has one good solid leader.
No one has any idea what our own Muslim president is doing.
Really wish he would just go out of sight play golf for a year, then go retire in Yemen or somewhere he's appreciated.
Obviously not much brain power or knowledge of how the world or the Middle East works. It is amusing though seeing all the hillbilly logic and idiocy at work here.
Putin never does remember which finger to use when dissing the USA.
Thank the hopefuls and easily led who voted for this excuse.
When the truth about Benghazi comes out you will see that Obama was sending arms to the ISIS.
Obamas plan, period.
Are you for real? Good grief. Would you end of days people go back into your bomb shelters please.
No interest in publishing a balanced view on this on clearly.
Well 10:52 I think that was the point Russian was making here. ISIS is using American parachutes, tanks, APC's, etc. I believe they got some of this from retreating sissy Iragi forces and some from Iraqi forces that were never loyal to Iraq in the first place. But I believe that much of what they are using against us is being air dropped to them intentionally. Obama is a muslim. He said so in his books. He stated that when times got tough he would side with the muslims. He said it and his actions prove it. What more does anyone need? An email received by Hillary Clinton shows that the military was ready to respond to Benghazi and were was waitinng for a green light from the state dept. to protect our people from a muslim attack. That green light never came. What troubles me most is that congress isn't taking steps to have this POS removed from office. Soon he will sign executive orders to remove our guns from us. Look for another muslim attack on US soil which he will use to justify the order. We will be effectively divided as a nation along ideological lines. Martial law will be likely and a suspension of the constitution much like what is currently taking place in France. They are entering houses without warrants and the entire country remains in a state of emergency. Get your 80% lowers now and finish them out as everything else will be subject to the great confiscation.
Nope...I just think it's a load of crap.
I don't know who is talking about NATO on here, but Putin already shut that down when he circled Europe with his bombers backing up them French boys
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