DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, December 20, 2015
A Viewer Writes: Debilitating Migraines
I am a 40 year old female that has suffered from debilitating migraines for over twenty years. I have sought all kinds of treatment ( CT scans, MRI, Chiropractic care and hormone therapy) no cause has been pin pointed and nothing has helped. I take a daily drug to prevent them and also a quick dissolve fast acting drug when I feel one coming on. I follow a proposed diet plan in which I stay away from high sodium and sulfates. It has taken over my life due to their unpredictability. I no longer can hold a full time job. I was dismissed over a year ago due to missing to many days. This has put a stress on helping my husband with the bills. I have applied for disability and for the past 6 months I have been seeing doctors they have recommended and still have yet to be approved. No one else in my family gets them. A lot of people cannot identify that a migraine is not just a headache. My migraines range to at least three a month for one to three days with no other pattern. I have tunnel vision, sensitivity to light and sound, horrible throbbing pain in my head and vomiting and I obviously cannot drive. If I am lucky enough to take my meds when I feel one coming on....my symptoms are far less but they make me sleep an entire day. If not, I will end up in the ER to get a cocktail via IV. I am exhausted. I have missed many important moments in my children's and other family members lives. Is there anyone that has any advice or can relate? I want my life back. I want to work and enjoy the many offering of a normal life.
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God bless you I know your migraine pain. Thankfully mine are not as severe, but I get 3 or more a month. I watch my diet, and take excedrin migraine when one starts, and a little herb for the nausea.
Try smoking some really good weed.
I started taking magnesium daily. I was having 6-8 migraines a month. Now down to 3-4 a month. Maxalt is my lifesaver when one hits
Simple (really). First, you need to STOP making your being something a pill will stop. Further, you need to STOP thinking that your being is abnormal and curable only through others. it's called a "bad hair day" and everyone has them. Only people themselves can affect their well being. Stop listening to the Hope, Change, ... bullshit from Obama. You have given in to your own weaknesses.
How you ever tried a whole food plant based diet? Check out NutrutionFacts.org and type in migraines. There is a lot of information there!
I too had cronic migraines went to a neurologist here in Salisbury he treated me for over 25 years, he tried 3-4 prescriptions in that time the last 15 or so years he prescribed liquid Demerol 100 mgr injections. I was still having 3-5 migraines per week and only lost work one day in over 45 years to a migraine. I did not want to be labeled as trying to get out of work or as a drugy. At the time Michael Jackson & Anna Nicol Smith died my neurologist all of asudden in front of a drug rep I knew called me Michael Jackson and said I was addicted, I informed him there on the spot he is the one that prescribed the medication not me, and took my records and left. I then went crying to my primary Dr. Vel Natesan who said I was indeed no junky and he could not get me to take medicine when I needed it. He gave me a prescription for Nortriptyline 25mg I take one pill before bed and have had approximately 4 headaches in 4 years! He took the time to find the right medication, and did a better job then the neurologist who treated me for over 25 yrs. The prescription I take also is excellent for people who have seizures. I will give my phone number and address to Joe Albero and please call me with any questions. God Bless you.
Obama has nothing to do with this woman's migraines. Idiot.
A friend of mine went through the same thing back in her 30's she's now 54. She's in Baltimore and even participated in numerous migraine studies. She thought she had exhausted all theories etc then she started keeping a food diary and charted the headaches. Turns out it was dairy products esp cheese. She could sometimes ward off with meds with some dairy products caused it but cheese she couldn't. When she stopped dairy migraines stopped. She can now eat some dairy but not cheese.
I have suffered with these horrible headaches all my life so I understand how you feel. I found Maxalt to be effective if taken as soon as I feel a headache coming on. I also try to take it easy eating chocolate, nuts, dairy products, and no alcohol. I have medicine I take when I get too sick to my stomach and that helps. I keep ice packs at the ready in my freezer for my head.
I sincerely hope you find relief soon. GOD bless.
I agree with 6:34 about Dr. Vel Natesan. He is an excellent doctor. I also think you need to be watching more than sulfites and sodium in your diet. I would be eliminating as much processed food (esp. Wheat products like bread, pasta, chips and crackers) as you can along with sugar and dairy. Stick with veggies, fruit, lean meats, fish and eggs.
Totally agreemail 6:26 pm. She has talked herself into being sick! Go see Psyche!
Noryriptyline is used for psyche-depression! Go figure!
"Obama has nothing to do with this woman's migraines. Idiot."
Obama has caused more headaches and heartaches than anyone since Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Cretin.
My daughter has these. She has been to every doctor from Balt. to Nashville. Tried everything, done everything. Only thing that seems to help her, and over after she gets one, nothing to prevent them is Toradol. People in Salis. area, if that's where you are, don't know crap about treating diseases. Good luck to you
I never had migraines thank goodness but I did have depression.One day at least a month ago someone posted here that when they began taking 1000mg of Vitamin C per day their depression went away.I tried it and it worked for me as well.
You beat me to it.
The importance of magnesium in the pathogenesis of migraine headaches is clearly established by a large number of clinical and experimental studies.
Calcium/Magnesium, B6, B12 and folic acid, and 1000-2000mg vitamin c/day. I regularly see articles from MD's that clearly demonstrate the relationship between nutritional deficiencies and migraines.
Have a blood check for CD-57 rating. That is an evaluation on your immune system. You may have Lyme disease that the "western block" may not show.
that just makes expensive pee
It's all in your head.
I have had migraines all my life and I am currently 55 years old. About 6-7 years ago I was also diagnosed with occipital neuralgia headaches. For several years I was told these headaches were also migraines. They were not. I would wake up every morning with a headache so bad my first move was to vomit. I also have been MRI'd from head to toe multiple times as they were looking for brain tumors, etc. I have cervical disc problems which compress the occipital nerve at some point and the mere act of lying on the side of my head produces these headaches.
To make a long, long story short I am currently taking two seizure medicines, one to prevent the migraines, one to calm down the occipital nerve. I also get Botox shots across the very top of my forehead and in the back of my head in the occipital nerve. These shots have ALMOST made my migraines disappear. I also get nerve block shots for the occipital nerve and facet injections for the cervical discs. I still suffer horribly from the occipital headaches and wake up many morning vomiting or just on the verge of, and have to immediately take seizure medicine with hot coffee to melt the pill for faster effect and just try to hold on and not vomit. This can take from 1-4 hours to get over and this happens every morning of life almost. But I do not suffer much with migraines, with the vomiting and having to be in a totally dark room and can feel the air move if someone walks through the room. I don't have them hardly ever anymore and I believe it is from the botox shots.
Yes I know some people don't like the idea of injecting poison in themselves but if you live like I do every day, you will reconsider that decision. It comes down to quality of life in my opinion and I'll take the poison. Many times I have considered a different route and I credit the botox with saving my life. Don't know if this will help but this is my experience.
This might sound a little odd but my wife started getting botox injections for her migraines this past year. She's had crippling migraines a couple times a week her whole life and has tried everything possible without going to pain killers. We moved to PA last year and her new doctor suggested the botox treatments. We were skeptical at first but they work! She goes once every 3 months and gets 32 small injections all around the back of her head. The first 2 months after a treatment she's a totally different person, lots of energy, very chipper and no migraines. Then into the 3rd month the migraines start coming back slowly, she'll get 2 or 3 a week until the next round of injections which is next week and i know she's looking forward to it.
3:45 AM
yes I have heard of botox being used. people who have bad migraines will try anything. when you are forced to lie in bed in a dark and quiet room with your eyes covered and a puke bucket nearby, there is not much quality of life there.
I have been with Natsen group for over 5 yrs. Not a better group in Salisbury.
Thank you to everyone who have commented with their own experiences with migraines. I will definitely consider your recommendations. To those who have had ignorant negative remarks......I expect nothing less ......you obviously have never suffered from migraines.
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